5 key dates of the 2021 income statement that you must know

5 key dates of the 2021 income statement that you must know

5 key dates of the 2021 income statement that you must know

The Tax Agency has announced the calendar for the declaration of income 2020, which is the one that must be submitted in 2021.

Taxpayers must know the key dates of the 2021 rental campaign, as well as the novelties that are associated with it, otherwise they can commit delays that end in a farm sanction.

Not only do you have to know when the campaign starts, but it is also important.

Guide to submit the Declaration of Income 2021

Next, 5 key dates of the 2021 Income Declaration that you should know are reviewed:

April 7: The campaign for telematic presentations begins


Much of the taxpayers prefer to complete the draft of the Internet Income Declaration, through the Tax Agency website, since it is a comfortable management that can be done from home.

On Wednesday, April 7, you can submit the income statement with the Income Web Program.Sign it well on your agenda, since doing this procedure with the maximum possible in advance is a good idea to avoid errors or be able to correct them in time.

May 6: The telephone income statement begins

5 fechas clave de la declaración de la renta 2021 que debes conocer

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Other taxpayers prefer to make the income statement by phone, either because they find this method more comfortable or because they do not manage well with the telematics route.

If this is your case you should know that this modality starts on May 6, a month after telematic statements.The appointment can be requested since May 4.You have to have all the documentation for when the farm agents call you.

To request the appointment you must call one of the following numbers:

Once you are concerted, you will only have to wait for the agents to call you on the date chosen.

June 2: The Face -to -Income Declaration begins


Another option is to go to an office of the Tax Agency to make the income statement in person.

This route will be available from Wednesday, June 2, although you can make an appointment from May 27 through the usual telephone numbers.

Remember to bring all the necessary documentation, as well as your ID to be able to identify you.

June 25: Deadline for the statements to be paid with Domiciliation


Not everyone has this date in the head, but it is not less important.If the statement has come to pay and want to make the fertilizer through banking domicile, perhaps the most comfortable method, you have as a limit until June 25 to present the draft.

Remember that you can fractionate the payment of the income statement, paying 60% when you present it and 40% in November.

June 30: The rental campaign ends


Eye at this key date: You have until Wednesday, June 30 to present the income statement in any of its modalities.Do not leave it for the last day, because they remedy possible mistakes will be more complicated.

In addition, if you present the income statement outside or directly you do not do it when you are obliged to do so, you can face the important sanctions of the Treasury.The fines range from a surcharge of 5% to one of 150% of the amount you had to pay, in case the Tax Agency considers that there has been fraud.

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