Work life: how to request by SMS or internet to request aid and unemployment benefit Work life: how to request by SMS or internet to request aid and unemployment benefit Work life: how to request by SMS or internet to request aid and unemployment benefit


The work life report is an official document that contains all the periods of employment and Social Security contribution of a worker.


The work life report is the official document issued by the General Treasury of the Social Security in which the work activity of a person is collected, that is, the moments in which they have been contributing to the Social Security System, either as an employee or self-employed. It collects the dates of joining and leaving an activity, the companies he has worked for, the professional activities he has carried out or the total time he has been quoted.

This is an important document, since it may be required when we are going to request some type of aid or unemployment benefit. Fortunately, it can be obtained very easily online.


To request the work life document, we must enter the section authorized by the Social Security for it. There, we must fill in the identification data: DNI, NIE, Social Security number, mobile phone and date of birth. Once these fields have been completed, we click on "accept" and a box will appear with the following message: "The code has been sent to your mobile phone. Please enter it in the box indicated below.” Work life: how to order by SMS or internet to request aid and unemployment benefit

As explained, we will receive an SMS on our mobile phone with a password, valid for a short period of time and for a single use. We will enter the password in the indicated space and a message will appear to indicate that the report is being registered. Then, we will click on “continue”. Finally, after a few seconds, a PDF document is automatically generated with the employment certificate that can be downloaded or printed.


Another option to request the report is online. Here, it can be done in two ways: with or without a digital certificate. If we have it, we will select "With digital certificate" and a window will appear so that we can identify ourselves with it. Once inside, on the next screen the option to open the employment history report will appear directly and we can download it, save it on the computer or print it.

If we do not have a digital certificate, we can also request the certificate of working life, only that, instead of having it at the moment, we will receive it after a few days at the address that appears in the database of the General Treasury of Social Security. In the Social Security link, in this case we will click on "Without certificate" and we will have to fill out a form with our personal data: name and surname, email address, DNI or NIE number (identity document), Social Security affiliation and address. On the next screen, a reference number will appear, which we should write down in case we want to check the status of the request later.

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