Bankinter sings a lullaby in its new advertising campaign

Bankinter sings a lullaby in its new advertising campaign

Bankinter sings a lullaby in its new advertising campaign

Bankinter has launched a new advertising campaign since the beginning of this month of May which, taking up the trail of the previous one, highlights the challenges of the sector and echoes the areas for improvement in banking.

With the title "Nana so that your money does not fall asleep", the new advertising proposal uses a narrative that maintains the approach of previous campaigns of "The bank that sees money as you see it", as well as the use of banknotes from different countries as a common thread.

“Your bank wrote you a letter. Money talks about money. A small change in conditions, or writes the wolf in sheep's clothing? Cantaor Miguel Poveda brings his personal voice to this film that adds the concept of illusionism as part of the narration, which gives the spot an innovative and highly visual character. Thus, Bankinter, just as it did with the singer ELE in its previous campaign with the theme "Volverán esos momentos", once again gives prominence to music in its spot, in this case that of one of the most renowned voices on the Spanish music scene , National Music Award in 2007.

The film shows the international champion of illusionism, Pere Rafart, performing certain magic tricks that are parallel to the narration itself and with which Bankinter wants to show the value of transparency in banking practice, as a formula to build a relationship of trust with customers. In addition, on this occasion the entity has had the singer Miguel Poveda to provide the music with a song specially produced for the campaign.

Bankinter sings a lullaby in its new campaign advertising

As explained by Bankinter, the entity demonstrates this commitment and the consistency of its commercial proposal, highlighting some products, such as its Salary Accounts, which have kept all their economic conditions unchanged since their launch, among others, the exemption of commissions and a remuneration for account balances of up to 340 euros gross in the first two years. This product has reached record results at the end of the first quarter of 2021, with a portfolio of 13,500 million euros, 25% more than a year ago.

With the collaboration once again of the Sioux meet Cyrano agency, as creative agency, Havas Media as media agency, and APPLE TREE as PR agency, the campaign began this Sunday, May 2, in its first phase, with a 140-second television spot. In addition, the campaign has its version for the digital and outdoor environment.

Teaser phase

Prior to its launch, last March Bankinter carried out a campaign teaser phase, with the display of a large canvas in the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid under the title : “Keeping promises nine years in a row? Something within reach of very few”. Making a comparison with the present, the entity took the campaign in this first phase to three cities in whose autonomous communities possible changes of government were elucidated: Madrid, Murcia and Burgos.

At the same time, the entity completed its presence abroad with visuals that highlighted the benefits of its accounts, with messages such as “There are early elections… and elections that have been postponed for too long. Switch now to the bank that gives you more.” or "In times of banking coalitions, choose a bank that prefers to add customers in another way."

In short, with this new campaign, once again focused on a general public, Bankinter hopes to convey a message of solidity, commitment to its customers and trust at a particularly troubled time like the present.


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This news item talks about: Apple Tree Communications/Bankinter/Havas Media/Sioux Meet Cyranos

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