DIEGO ARCHERO APART NEW DISC: "I am not an artist to repeat formulas"

DIEGO ARCHERO APART NEW DISC: "I am not an artist to repeat formulas"

DIEGO ARCHERO APART NEW DISC: "I am not an artist to repeat formulas"

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—The 2022 comes with a big project for your career. —Sí, tengo para lanzar mi nuevo disco que se llama El mundo aparte: es el álbum más ambicioso que hice hasta el momento.In etchofiestas, a 2018 album to which it went very well.I was clear about what I was going to cover.It was my first album and I conceived it as a letter of introduction, a mapping of what I can do and cover more or less.Now it is different.With the world apart I went to experience.I am not an artist who likes to repeat formulas.I think the artist who is not surprising perhaps has a good acceptance, but does not last in time.

"How the creation process?"-It was difficult.I spent a lot of time knowing what to say.Pandemia killed us: every month we went to Argentina, we were climbing and from one day to the next, everything cut.For me, I am a show of shows and not so much of digital entertainment, it was a shake.But I used that time in search of something to say.In the end, the album leaves me with a good taste in the mouth, although I do not know if it will like it as much as the previous.But what I am convinced is that the world separate is a much better album and that it was this or nothing.Because it's about doing your process, your search and when you fall for you to decide to do it.It is so much what is dedicated to time, energy and silver to start to do a work that you really have to do it to do it.

—¿Cuándo sale?—En marzo.What is missing is the art of the album.Musically it is soon.We already did two video clips (Kumbia and four days) with songs that are part of the album.So in that aspect I am calm.

—¿Cómo fue el proceso de producción?—En el primer disco, por ejemplo, el tema audio no me interesaba tanto.It was a flatter album as the important thing was the lyrics, but the instruments or the sound was not the best.Now, music is the protagonist, looking for a balance with the lyrics.We spent a thousand hours with Luis Angelero, with bread and a Spanish artist named Zorra, who are the producers of the album.If something characterizes the world apart, it is the search and reinvention: not repeating formulas and risk.In comfort we do not believe, but rather in chaos.

Diego Arquero apronta nuevo disco:

—¿Toma riesgos desde el punto de vista de la música o desde la letras? —Del género y del tono.

—¿Lo enmarcarías como “música urbana”? —El término “música urbana” es un poco ingenuo, más allá de que se entiende.Many things come in there: in principle everything that is not exit from the countryside, would be urban music.This album I don't know what is.Its music.And that is what matters to me: to flee from the labels.I am a guy who risks doing things that I like.I feel this and what I identify with.It has rap, a genre that identifies me but not totally.We are many more complex than a genus humans.

"Two songs have come out with the videos. ¿qué primeras reacciones encontraste?—Que es un disco más maduro y consecuente a donde estoy parado en este momento y lo que me pasa.I opened a lot in these songs.It is a slightly more depressive album than the first, which has logic because at that time I was going very well.He was a guacho wanting to eat the world and with a blind faith that he was going well.Once they asked Charly García what was the secret of his success and said he never had a plan B.I feel that happened to me on the first album.I never thought that this was not what had to be done.In the separate world the faith begins to wobble.Sell uncertainty rather than certainties.That's why I like it, because I see it very human.I feel good that I have traveled that slippery terrain that at one time you think that you are a Crick because you touch in the back room or in Buenos Aires and you are "the new artist".In fact, I won the new artist graffiti in 2019 but that is already.

—Ya no sos más nuevo…—No.But besides being "new" is little solid.It's like the Bojack Horseman series;that guy who makes a series of boy and hit it.But then it became a former life, with a lot of money and a lot of depression.Without getting to cartoon or tragedy, I experienced a little of that.I also take it with humor and irony.

—En cuanto a shows, ¿has podido agendar tras la vuelta de los recitales?—Con Los buenos modales volvimos: tuvimos cuatro fechas seguidas en diciembre.We returned from nothing because we hadn't had much contact.I have some other touches in summer.I am more with my head on the album: I want to take it out and put together a band for this album.

—¿Considerás que el género ha crecido? —Siempre fue muy de nicho.In a moment we become something a bit more popular but without reaching the super massive.Now we are at a point where I feel that the rappers are falsely.What is happening is that people who come from the genre are massive but are not making rap.This is what Bizarap does, for example, summons artists but end up doing something else.Pop maybe.So, in that case the known is not the genre.The dough continues to impose on the artist what he wants to hear.Anyway, there were growth.

—Sos de Sevilla (Spain), of Uruguayan Father and since 2010 I live in Uruguay. ¿Has pensado irte en algún momento?—Si me voy es porque me fue muy bien con la música o me fue muy mal.But I'm very comfortable in Uruguay.I like it a lot.I play for the Uruguayan National Team.I am not a Spanish rapper.I am a Spanish person, but a Uruguayan musician.While rapper since the age of 12, much of my career was done here.I am not patriotic that I am with Spain, I am with Uruguay.

—That binationality of yours gave you a very particular accent...—Yes, it is an accent that is rare in Spain and here too.Musically I am also in the middle.I feel foreigner as a person and as an artist.What does this musician do?Is he rap or he is singing?I am always in search by means.

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