The labor market is reactivated! Discover the most demanded and best quoted professional profiles in 2022

 The labor market is reactivated!  Discover the most demanded and best quoted professional profiles in 2022

The labor market is reactivated! Discover the most demanded and best quoted professional profiles in 2022

That the labor market in general and companies and workers in particular must learn to quickly adapt to the environment in which we live, we already learned it in 2020 and we consolidate it as a practice in 2021.

That many profiles have had to go through a process of upskilling and reskilling, often against the clock, and prioritize certain skills and competencies over others, such as resilience, adaptation to change and also digital skills over others that are less prioritized in the new environment, is also we have learned in the last two years.

That now companies must find new formulas to attract and retain talent to avoid situations like the well-known great resignation that the United States is suffering is the next step after the turmoil in the labor market. Professionals with more demands on how and where they want to work, more open to not giving up portions of their personal well-being and with a renewed perspective of what the balance between work and private life should be, companies are having to update their policies and packages of continuous social benefits.

Where there seems to be “less news”, is in the demand for certain profiles that are essential: healthcare and research workers, technological profiles or profiles increasingly focused on digital, commercial and engineering areas will be the protagonists of the year that we have just launched.

That is why Spring Professional, the Adecco Group's mid-level management and executive selection consultancy, presents its employment forecasts on which will be the most demanded and most sought-after profiles in the Spanish labor market in 2022, in its XVII Report Los + Wanted.

It is a selection of strategic profiles for their sectors and that have in common their high digital potential or degree of specialization without neglecting humanistic skills such as empathy, communication skills or resilience. A combination that is increasingly sought after in successful professionals.

And these will be the 13 most sought after profiles and the 13 most sought after in our country for this 2022:



Within companies in the industrial sector, one of the most demanded profiles that will be key throughout this 2022 is the profile of Technical Engineer, also known as Field Engineer. This professional will be in charge of guaranteeing the repair and maintenance of installations and equipment, both at the plant and machinery in the field.

Its main functions are:

The + Quoted: HSQE MANAGER

Today, the engineering and industry market is increasingly demanding and therefore it is of vital importance to maintain the safety and quality of the entire plant and processes. For this, it is necessary that all the functions and regulations fall on a figure that coordinates it, in this case the HSQE Manager, in charge of managing the policies on Health, Occupational Safety and the Environment in the organization.

This profile must ensure the health and safety of all team members, as well as compliance with laws and regulations that affect the environment.

The main functions that an HSQE performs are:

The most common requirements for this position are:


The + Wanted: NURSE

Since 2020 -with special force since the outbreak of the pandemic derived from COVID-19-, the Nursing profession has continued to be one of the most demanded needs within the health sector. Its function is one of the most important in public, private or concerted companies. However, mutual labor nurses and work specialists for External Prevention Services have also played a very important role in 2021 and will continue to do so in 2022.

Occupational Nursing, Mutual Care Nursing, Intensive Care (ICU), Operating Room, Geriatrics and Hospitalization are examples of the fields of work within which nursing profiles are most in demand. Likewise, management and coordination positions have also been and are necessary, since they are profiles that also require experience and soft skills in addition to the technical profile.

The main mission of nursing positions varies depending on the specialty required, the area or type of specialized hospital, as well as whether it is a healthcare or coordination/management profile. Within all possible branches of work, the work of nurses and nurses is very varied. Together with doctors and other health personnel, they take care of the care and well-being of patients.

Among its functions, we could highlight the following:

The characteristics that are required in the vacancies addressed to a Nursing professional are:


More and more private clinics are being created and with this, the figure of the Dermatologist is positioning itself each year as one of the most valued within the health sector. This professional can work both in a private clinic and in a public hospital. In Spain, unlike in other countries, it is a clinical-surgical specialty and this makes it impossible to facilitate specialty approvals. This generates that each time it becomes a more sought-after profession.

The Doctor Specialist in Dermatology, in addition to knowing how to diagnose and treat skin diseases, has knowledge of surgery and other medical specialties, including rheumatology, immunology, neurology, infectious diseases and endocrinology.

The most common requirements for this position are:



The star profile in 2022 within the technology sector will be the Cloud Architect. One of its main tasks is to design, coordinate and manage the companies' cloud computing infrastructure.

There are three cloud models depending on the needs of the company: public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. It is the Cloud Architect who makes the decision of which is the type of cloud that best fits and will be optimal for the company in which he works.

The role of this profile is highly complex, since they must have experience and coordinate with both the operations and applications, software, integrations and security areas.

Its specificities are:

  • Aptitudes

    The Engineering Manager is a figure that is created in digital product development companies and whose name comes from digital companies in the United States. This profile is responsible for managing production processes and product development teams.

    In addition, he/she must be the reference for the people who make up the work groups. Among her main functions, the management of the engineering team stands out, centralizing her efforts in motivating the team and in getting its maximum performance and the selection of new members of the group.

    She must anticipate the risks and manage the resolution of conflicts that may arise. It is also responsible for the analysis and implementation of processes within its team(s) to allow cost savings and improvement and/or automation of activities that facilitate and/or optimize the daily work of the software engineering team.

    Being a key figure in the development and creation of the digital product, he is in direct contact with the rest of the business units, such as Marketing or Product.

    The characteristics related to this profile are:



    The arrival of the digital age and the amount of data that circulates through the network has transformed the marketing industry in recent years. All companies in the world want to grow and, strange as it may seem, not all of them know how to do it. To do this, Growth Marketing uses a set of techniques where we find creativity, analysis, metrics and social networks, with the aim of achieving greater exposure.

    In this way, the figure of the Growth Marketing Director becomes indispensable, who is in charge of promoting a product or service to a target audience and through different digital channels, thus acting as an intermediate point between the marketing and development areas. of the product. His work focuses on the result of small actions that are carried out daily and that are always oriented towards growth.

    The main functions performed by this profile are:

    The characteristics that are often repeated in vacancies for a Growth Marketing Director are:

    The + Quoted: DIGITAL MANAGER

    The digitization of companies is a global process, in which all companies have to adapt their own business model to the new habits of consumers, while optimizing processes and making their productivity more efficient. Which, in turn, translates into an increase in business volume and, therefore, an increase in income.

    In this aspect, the figure of the Digital Manager is essential, since it will be the person responsible for transforming the analog model to the digital model, taking into account the strategy and operations. This position requires technical skills and a business vision for the direction and management of projects.

    The most common requirements for this position are:



    The environment of pharmaceutical laboratories is characterized by its high technical demands in terms of procedures, this world being guided by a series of regulations, protocols and necessary documentation.

    That is why in every company in the pharmaceutical industry we will find the Quality Assurance department, with a technical team that is capable of reviewing, verifying, solving incidents and preparing protocols for the processes necessary for the manufacture of a product. This figure will be in charge of managing the documentary system, writing the technical information and making sure to comply with the regulations of the industry.

    The Quality Assurance Technician is a necessary role in each laboratory, which is why we find a fairly high level of rotation and this is the reason why, for the second consecutive year, it is the most sought-after profile in the sector. Likewise, within the department, internal growth options are very common, requiring the teams to expand according to these movements.

    The requirements for this position are:


    Also known as Director of Business Development, is the person who is in charge of looking for opportunities for expansion and growth of the pharmaceutical company in which he operates and of designing, implementing and directing the strategy to achieve it.

    His objective is eminently commercial, but he has a higher technical qualification than the commercials, more knowledge of the product and a more global vision of the company he represents. Let's say that he has a more strategic point of view and his role is key to expanding the company's market share, following a strategic plan and providing pharmaceutical know-how to the market.

    Among its main functions are preparing, together with the commercial team, a strategic sales plan for the territory it coordinates, knowing the purchasing procedures in each autonomous community, participating in the preparation of the company's product dossier, negotiating with hospital managers and directors doctors, manage purchasing procedures in public tenders and achieve profitable agreements with purchasing managers. Likewise, provide new action plans and analyze their results.

    The most requested requirements for this position are:


    The + Wanted: DEMAND PLANNER

    This profile is highly demanded within companies in the logistics sector and in 2022 it is called to be the most sought after. This is the professional in charge of executing the S&OP process (sales and operations planning in its translation) analyzing the demand, and evaluating risks and opportunities in the company's agreements.

    Its main functions are related to stock monitoring and forecast control, being essential to be in permanent contact with the markets in which the company in which the Demand Planner works operates.

    The most common requirements for this figure are:


    In an increasingly changing environment, where issues such as consumption habits have resulted in a notable increase in logistics operations, profiles such as the Innovation Project Manager have become the most sought after.

    The increase in competitiveness and the decrease in the margin of operations have determined that companies in the logistics sector have had to face the implementation of a large number of innovations so that their day-to-day activities are much more efficient.

    That is why a large number of organizations are looking for this profile, whose main functions are:

    The most common requirements for this position are:

  • Plaintiffs


    The position with a high demand within the retail sector this year is that of Trade Marketing Manager. The main mission of this profile is to improve the rotation and sale of products located at the points of sale, as well as plan and coordinate promotions to boost consumption by generating more consumer traffic at the points of sale.

    It must be a profile with creative capacity, strategist, who generates a long-term vision and focused on the customer experience. He is responsible for building solid business relationships, generating consumer confidence, analyzing new sales channels and applying the concepts established by the marketing team for each of the distribution or sales channels.

    The main functions that this role performs are:

    The most sought after requirements among these people are:

    The + Quoted: E-COMMERCE MANAGER

    Currently, electronic commerce has emerged as a great way of doing business for those who know how to take advantage of its possibilities. Consumers are now fully accustomed to making their purchases online and payment procedures are becoming more secure. In this way, one of the most sought-after profiles in the retail sector is that of E-Commerce Manager.

    The responsibilities of this professional are:

    The characteristics that we repeatedly find in the vacancies addressed to the E-commerce Manager are:


    The + Wanted: SENIOR M&A ANALYST

    For the consulting firm Spring Professional, the profile most in demand this year in the banking sector will be that of Senior M&A Analyst within Corporate Finance.

    This professional prepares and supervises financial and sector analyzes and makes financial assessments of companies and entities, with the aim of identifying business opportunities. He provides financial advice to all the companies that are clients of the bank, from large corporations to family businesses, and offers them support in negotiating merger and acquisition processes.

    The most common requirements for this position are:

  • Plaintiffs

    Within the Investment Banking or Boutique structures, the MD is the figure with the highest hierarchical rank and, therefore, salary. And this is the main reason why she repeats for the third year as the most sought-after profile in the banking sector. MDs usually have more than 10 years of experience and deep knowledge due to their track record in large-scale operations.

    This professional is responsible for setting the strategy and making investment decisions, evaluating the different opportunities, with the aim of providing the bank with future agreements between different types of industries and sectors around the world.

    The most requested requirements for this position are:


    The + Wanted: SALES MANAGER

    The position with the highest demand within the commercial sector both nationally and internationally in this 2022 is that of Sales Manager. The main mission of this profile is to be the link or nexus between the strategy and commercial execution, being able to manage a team or a sales channel.

    Companies rely on this figure as a key piece in the specialization of the channel to which it is directed and the knowledge of the product/market, managing a national or international market depending on the type of company.

    He is responsible for building solid business relationships, generating trust in internal and external customers, analyzing new sales channels and applying the concepts established by the marketing team for each of the distribution or sales channels.

    Being the interlocutor between the client and the company, it has the necessary knowledge to anticipate the needs that may arise on both sides, offering the best solutions, with the aim of sizing up existing accounts and opening new avenues of development for the group.

    The main functions that this role performs are:

    The most sought after requirements among these people are:


    Today, the market is increasingly demanding and therefore, it is of vital importance to position yourself and adapt to the client. The commercial department occupies a key position within companies and within this team, the figure of the Commercial Engineer is crucial to gain market share versus competition and build customer loyalty using the technical language of the product.

    Within the company structure, this professional is positioned as a key figure that brings together skills in strategic, commercial, operational and product management at the engineering level.

    The main functions that a Commercial Engineer must perform are:

    The most common requirements for this position are:



    Due to the current situation derived from the pandemic caused by COVID and the continuous adaptation of production processes in all sectors, the opportunity has been created for companies to reduce costs and increase their effectiveness and efficiency. That is why the most demanded profile in 2022 for the Finance area is that of FP&A Analyst. This is a professional oriented to control finances, to carry out planning and budgeting, performance reports and management and forecasting, among other functions.

    It is important to note that, although the main objective of the FP&A Analyst is to ensure the financial strategy of the company, its functions also include the creation of financial forecasts and the analysis of the actual financial results (operating income, net income and cash flow). cash on hand).

    The usual requirements for a position of these characteristics are:

    The + Listed: FINANCE MANAGER

    The most sought-after profile in the financial area is the Finance Manager. This professional is in charge of preparing accounting and financial statements and pays special attention to adjustments to international accounting standards, reporting directly to the Financial Director. In addition, he is in charge of supervising the company's management control and fiscal policy. He is in charge of the relationship with third parties (audits or administrations) and leads the creation of feasibility reports and projects.

    The Finance Manager is responsible for supervising and managing financial reports, investment portfolios, accounting and all types of financial analysis of the company. In addition, he must supervise the cash management strategies as well as the regulatory area of ​​the enterprise.

    He is committed to wisely managing an organization's cash flow by overseeing balance sheets, profit and loss, and cost and revenue modeling.

    Responsibilities also include the development of an efficient financial strategy. It must clarify all the financial aspects of the organization, fulfilling the objective of minimizing costs and maximizing benefits. Likewise, he is in charge of making budgetary decisions and developing the financial planning of the operation.

    What are you looking for in these profiles?:

    - Previous experience of between 5 and 8 years is required to carry out these responsibilities.



    We are experiencing a new boom in renewable energies thanks to the fact that the European Commission identified the ecological transition as one of the keys to economic recovery. In 2020, a reconstruction fund was approved and Spain will receive 72,000 million euros, of which 37% will go to the ecological transition. Thanks to this great green pact, renewable energies will experience a strong push and this will be felt in the demand for professionals.

    Of the renewable technologies, photovoltaic is the one that is experiencing the greatest demand for professionals due to the number of projects and here the hiring of Development and Promotion Engineers is a key element.

    Among the functions of these profiles is managing the development of projects, including planning, processing of permits, licenses and authorizations, negotiation with other promoters and coordination with Engineering and Legal under the supervision of the territorial director, with the aim of achieving compliance of the milestones marked in time and form until the RtB.

    Its specificities are:


    As explained in the most sought after profile, photovoltaic energy is called to be the protagonist in the coming years. Hence, the most sought-after profile is also linked to that branch of energy.

    The main functions that an Electrical Engineer performs are:

    The requirements for this profile are:



    With the COVID-19 crisis, from which we have not yet been able to finish getting out, business operations were paralyzed. However, last year 2021, the reactivation of the economy with the well-known "return to normality", brought with it a reactivation of this type of operation. For this reason, the lawyer specialized in structural modifications, Mergers & Acquisitions, in Anglo-Saxon terms (M & A), resumes "his reign of him", and is at the head of the most sought-after profiles within the legal sector .

    In addition, operations in this sense of the real estate sector (Real Estate) have taken a lot of strength, so this profile has also been placed in one of the first positions, coinciding on many occasions that the professional himself is an expert in mergers or structural modifications. In this sector. Both profiles are sometimes combined within the legal departments, although normally their competencies are usually separate.

    This profile has a strategic vision and is very focused on business with a clear vocation for customer service. It has to be the partner that advises the client in the different operations that he is going to carry out, with a very high technical knowledge.

    It has to be the professional in charge of orchestrating and executing the operations from a legal point of view. The characteristics demanded of these professionals are:


    One more year in the legal sector, the most valued profile will continue to be the Partner or professional with their own client portfolio.

    The ability of a professional to provide business and billing to the firm or company means that, once again, the profile on which consulting firms and firms are most committed is that of the professional who provides an interesting client portfolio.

    There are multiple options: from smaller firms that find interesting billings that range between €150,000 and €300,000, to international firms in which the partners must contribute a portfolio never less than €500,000 and, in some cases, even require that the turnover is never less than €1,000,000.

    For the professional, the more portfolio he contributes, the higher his income will be and the more attractive his profile will be in the market. For the firm, the larger the portfolio, the greater the growth possibilities, both in profits and in clients (cross-selling) and market positioning.

    The remuneration part of the partner is usually made up of a fixed salary based on the portfolio, and a variable salary, with remuneration objectives based on sales, which is usually very attractive for both parties. Signing up a good professional with a client portfolio is, as is also said in Anglo-Saxon terms, a full-fledged “win-win”.

    These professionals, in addition, usually provide absolutely first-rate knowledge in their areas of specialization, management skills (manage teams) and business vision.

    The requirements for this profile are:



    The HR Business Partner is the figure in charge of the management, coordination and control of one of the company's lines of business. She is the link between HR and the different operational or business support areas and collaborates with the central HR team in the definition and implementation of new initiatives.

    In addition, she participates in the implementation of the HR strategic plan and ensures compliance. It is also in charge of the selection, development of talent and career plans, provides support in Labor Administration and Labor Relations, manages the company's social benefits, participates in internal communication and in work climate and satisfaction surveys and detects and collects organizational needs.

    What are you looking for in these profiles?

  • Experience
  • The + Quoted: HR MANAGER

    The HR Manager or director of Human Resources is in charge of designing and/or implementing the policies and procedures of the different HR areas (selection, training, development, internal mobility, remuneration and compensation, payroll, occupational health and communication). In addition, she carries out an analysis of the business objectives with the General Management and studies the business culture and the different corporate procedures. The HR Manager is categorized as the top HR expert in companies, being in charge of the analysis and management of the HR scorecard.

    Increasingly, the profile must anticipate and propose changes to the implemented policies to adapt to market trends and business needs and manage the resources available for the area, the department team and the allocated budget. In addition, he must ensure compliance with the regulations applicable to the labor management of the workforce at all levels.

    The requirements for these positions are:

  • Experience
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