Everything that changes in the guarantee of products from January 1 in Spain

Everything that changes in the guarantee of products from January 1 in Spain

Everything that changes in the guarantee of products from January 1 in Spain


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Enrique Pérez@Lyzanor

Good news for all consumers as of January 1, 2022. After the approval last April of the new consumer regulations, the two years of legal guarantee will become three years, for products purchased precisely as of this day. .

Here we tell you what was approved and what changes with the new consumption regulations, beyond the increase from two to three years. A change that will undoubtedly be very beneficial for all, by increasing the guarantee of our purchases. Spain will thus offer an additional year to the minimum required by the European Union. An increase that some countries already offer and where from 2022, Spaniards will also be able to enjoy this expanded guarantee.

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3 years of legal guarantee and other changes from 2022

All information on the new consumer regulations can be found in the BOE, in Royal Decree-Law 7/2021. If we go to the section on consumer and user rights, we will see that in article 120 the term for the manifestation of the lack of conformity is defined:

Todo lo que cambia en la garantía de los productos a partir del 1 de enero en España

In addition to the three years, the new regulations also establish that companies must have spare parts for products they no longer sell for at least 10 years, doubling the period compared to the current 5 years. This is intended to improve the useful life of the products, by facilitating repair.

In the case of digital products, the rule also provides for the first time that a guarantee is applied. Both content and digital services must offer a two-year guarantee. This includes "computer programs, applications, video files, audio files, music files, digital games, electronic books, or other electronic publications."

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Other terms that have changed are when a customer will have the right to choose between repair or replacement of the product. The term of non-conformity is extended from 3 to 5 years and the term to prove that you are not satisfied with the purchased product is increased from 6 months to one or two years, depending on the product.

It will be necessary to see how the market reacts and if the extension of the guarantee affects the prices of the products. A three-year warranty for both mobile phones and household appliances, including televisions and other electronic products.

Image | Greg Rosenke

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