Full text: Xi Jinping's speech at the ceremony on the occasion of the centenary of the PCCH

Full text: Xi Jinping's speech at the ceremony on the occasion of the centenary of the PCCH

Full text: Xi Jinping's speech at the ceremony on the occasion of the centenary of the PCCH

XINHUA2021: 07: 01.20:19

Beijing, Jul 1 (Xinhua) - Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (PCCH), president of China and president of the Central Military Commission, delivered a speech today Thursday in Beijing during the ceremony on the occasion of theCentenary of the PCCH Foundation.

In the following you will find the Spanish translation of the full text of speech.

Comrades and friends:

Today is a very important and dignified day both in the history of the Communist Party of China (PCCH) and in the Chinese nation.We met here solemnly to celebrate the centenary of the PCCH Foundation, review its brilliant trajectory of struggle of one hundred years and extend the view to the luminous perspective of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation along with the entire party and the people of all thecountry ethnic groups.

First of all, my jubilant congratulation, on behalf of the central committee of the party, for all PCCH members!

In the name of the party and the people, I declare solemnly here that, through the uninterrupted struggle of the entire party and the people of all the ethnic groups of the country, we have fulfilled the objective of struggle set for the first centenary, culminating the integral construction ofA modestly accommodated society in the extensive Chinese territory, with the question of absolute poverty already historically resolved, and that we are advancing with overflowing vigor towards the objective of struggle set for the second: to culminate the integral construction of a powerful modern socialist country.This is a great glory of the Chinese nation, of the Chinese people and the PCCH!

Comrades and friends!:

The Chinese nation, a great nation of the world, has a history of remote civilization and long career of more than five thousand years and has made indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization.After the Opium War of 1840, with China turned step by step into a semicolonial and semi -feudal society, with the humiliated country, the devastated people and the civilization covered with dust, the Chinese nation suffered an unprecedented misfortune.The materialization of its great revitalization then became the greatest dream of yours and the people.

To save the nation in crisis, that town rose to resistance;People of high ideals pilgrimage awareness of the popular masses;The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the 1898 Reform Movement, the Yihetuan movement and the 1911 Revolution emerged after each other, and all kinds of national salvation projects, but all this ended up failing, came to light, but all this ended up failing.China urgently needed a new ideology to guide the movement of national salvation and a new organization to agglutinate revolutionary forces.

The savings of the cannons of the October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China.In response to the needs of the times, the PCCH was born in the process of both the great awakening of Chinese people and the nation and the close integration of Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese movement.The birth of the Communist Party in China, a transcendental event that made a time, deeply changed the course and process of the development carried by the Chinese nation since modern times, the future and destiny of it and the people, and the trend and configuration of world development.

Once born, the PCCH determined as a founding aspiration and its mission the search for the happiness of the Chinese people and the achievement of the revitalization of the Chinese nation.All struggle, all sacrifice and all creation in whose realization the PCCH has joined and taken to the Chinese people during the last hundred years constitute, in the end, a single main theme: to materialize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.

- To materialize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation, the PCCH united and led to the Chinese people in bloody struggles without giving up or in a hundred setbacks, conquering great successes in the Revolution of New Democracy.Through the North expedition, the War of the Agrarian Revolution, the Chinese People's Resistance War against Japanese aggression and the War of Liberation, and in combating the armed counterrevolution with an armed revolution, we demolished the three great mountains - theImperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism - and we founded the People's Republic of China, in which the people own the country, thus realizing national independence and popular liberation.With the victory in the New Democracy Revolution, the history of the semicolonial and semi -feudal society of the old China and its situation similar to that of a lot of loose sand was definitively ended, and the unequal treaties were completely abolishedChina for the powers, as well as all the prerogatives that imperialism had enjoyed in our country, which created the fundamental social conditions to realize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.The PCCH and the Chinese people, with a heroic and tenacious struggle, solemnly declared the world that the Chinese people had standing up and that the time had left forever when the Chinese nation allowed to run over and subdue all kinds of kinds ofhumiliations!

- To materialize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation, the PCCH united and led to the Chinese people in support in their own efforts and the struggle for the prosperity of the homeland, conquering great successes in the socialist revolution and construction.We undertook the socialist revolution, we eliminated the feudal exploitation and oppression system, which had endured millennia in China, we established basic socialism systems, we carry out socialist construction and we imposed on subversion, sabotage and armed provocations of imperialism and hegemonism, with which we gave top to the broader and deeper social transformation carried out from the historical beginnings of the Chinese nation and made the great leap through which a poor, backward and populous great country of the East advanced by leaps and bounds towards socialist society, socialist society,thus sitting the fundamental political premise and institutional foundations for the materialization of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.The PCCH and the Chinese people, with heroic and tenacious struggle, solemnly declared the world that this people knew not only to destroy an old world, but also build a new one, and that only socialism could save China and only socialism could develop it!

- To materialize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation, the PCCH united and led to the Chinese people in the emancipation of the mind and the advance with a thriving spirit, conquering great successes in the reform, the opening and socialist modernization.We culminate a great turn with transcendental and long -term sense in the history of the party elapsed from the foundation of the New China, we set the fundamental line of the party for the primary stage of socialism, we invariably boost reform and opening, we exceed the risks and challenges from the various parts and we were able as well as the closing or semi -state state to an omnidirectional opening; A historical advance of the situation with productive forces relatively backward to the second worldwide in terms of global volume of the economy, and a historical jump of food insufficiency and shelter of the people at a modestly accommodated standard of living as a whole, marching towards One modestly accommodated in all aspects, with all of which we provide to the materialization of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation both a guarantee in the matter of new vigor regimes and material conditions for a rapid development for a rapid development.The PCCH and the Chinese people, with heroic and tenacious struggle, solemnly declared the world that reform and openness constituted a key means, decision -making of the future and destiny of contemporary China, and that the country had been put, in great steps, at the height of the times!

- To materialize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation, the PCCH has joined and taken to the Chinese people to maintain self -confidence and self -assumption, to preserve the principles and make innovation, and to integrately dominate the great struggle, the great work, the great causeAnd the great dream, conquering great successes of socialism with Chinese peculiarities of the new era.From the 18th National Congress of the Party, with the entry of socialism with Chinese peculiarities in the new era, maintaining firmly and reinforcing the integral leadership of the party, we have promoted the general disposition based on a whole composed of five elements composed of five elements composed of five elements , we have coordinatedly promoted the strategic disposition of the "four integralities" and, with firm maintenance and improvement of the socialism system with Chinese peculiarities, with the impulse of the modernization of the systems and capacities to govern the country, and with persistence in the administration of the administration of the administration of the Party in accordance with the relevant regulations and in the formation of a relatively complete internal decrees system, we have managed achievement of the objective of set for the second , so that the cause of the party and the State has reaped historical successes and experienced historical transformations, having provided to the materialization of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material base and a more active spiritual force.In heroic and tenacious struggle, the PCCH and the Chinese people solemnity declarGreat revitalization of the Chinese nation has entered into an irreversible historical process!

Throughout the last century, the PCCH has joined and taken to the Chinese people to which, with the intrepid spirit that “from the sacrifice the heroic decision born, to dare to create a new sky for the sun and the moon”,Write the brightest epic of the several times ancient history of the Chinese nation.The great open path, the great cause created and the great successes achieved in this century are worthy of appearing in the annals of the development of the Chinese nation and human civilization.

Texto íntegro: Discurso de Xi Jinping en la ceremonia con motivo del centenario del PCCh

Comrades and friends!:

One hundred years ago, at the time of founding the PCCH, its precursors adapted a great founding spirit of attention to truth, of defense of ideals, of compliance with the foundational aspirations, of Asunción de la Mission, of not fearing the sacrifice, heroic struggle, loyalty to the party and not to disappoint the people, here is the spiritual source of the PCCH.

Throughout these hundred years, enhancing this great spirit, the PCCH has structured in the dilated struggle a spiritual genealogy of the Chinese communists and has forged well -defined political qualities.History flows incessantly and the spirit is inherited from generation to generation.We must continue to develop the glorious traditions and transmit the revolutionary blood, continue and always display this great spirit.

Comrades and friends!:

All the successes that we have achieved over these hundred years are the result of the united struggle of the Chinese people and the nation.The Chinese communists, with the comrades Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao as main exponents, have undertaken for the great revitalization of the Chinese nation colossal feats that shine in the annals of history.High esteem to them!

At this moment, we pay deep tribute to the comrades Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu de, Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun and other revolutionaries of the old generation that made important contributions to the revolution, construction and reform of China and theFoundation, consolidation and development of the PCCH;deep tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who fell heroically by the foundation, defense and construction of the New China;deep tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who gave their life heroically for the reform, openness and socialist modernization, and deep tribute to all personalities of high ideal that tenaciously fought for national independence and popular liberation since modern time.His great feats for the good of the homeland and the nation will always appear in the annals of history!Your noble spirit will always be always recorded in the heart of the people!

The people are the creator of history, the true hero.In the name of the central committee of the party, here a sense of tax to the numerous workers, peasants and intellectuals throughout the country, to democratic parties and personalities without partisan affiliation, popular organizations and patriotic personalities of the various social circles, to The controls and combatants of the Popular Liberation Army, the officers and soldiers of the Armed Police, the Public Security Police and the controls and combatants of the anti -capital and rescue ranks, to the set of socialist workers and the numerous members of the single front; A sincere greeting to the compatriots of the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao, those of Taiwan and the great mass of those who reside abroad, and a cordial thanks to all the peoples and friends of different countries that live friendly with the Chinese people and that provide their interest and support for the revolution, construction and reform of China.

Comrades and friends!:

Easy as it is to be established, an original aspiration is difficult to keep from beginning to end.With history as a mirror, one can know the causes of historical flowering and decline.We have to resort to it to reflect reality and look from the future, and, therefore, through the centenary struggle of the PCCH, clearly see the reason for our past triumphs and find out how we can support them in the future, so that, withgreater firmness and awareness, in the new expedition we are well present the foundational aspirations of the party and our mission, and we open beautiful perspectives.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror requires the maintenance of the firm direction of the PCCH.The key to the fulfillment of China's affairs is in our party.The history of more than 180 years of the Chinese nation since the modern era, the centenary from the establishment of the PCCH and the one of more than 70 years since the Foundation of the People's Republic of China have fully evidenced that without the PCCH there would not have been theNew China could not be a great revitalization of the Chinese nation.Both the story and the people have chosen the PCCH.Its direction constitutes the most essential characteristic of socialism with Chinese peculiarities and the greatest superiority of the system regarding it, as well as the foundation and vital artery of the party and the State, as well as what depend on the interests and destiny of the peopleOf all the ethnic groups of the country.

In the new expedition, we must work with perseverance in the integral leadership of the party, while perfecting it;With the increased of the "four consciences", strengthening in the "four convictions" and compliance with the "two safeguards";with solid awareness of the "fundamental interests of the State" and continuous elevation of the level of the scientific, democratic and legal governorate of the party, and with fullness of this as a leading nucleus that dominates the situation with a joint vision and coordinatesThe various parts.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror demands the union and conduction of the Chinese people in the incessant struggle for a better life.The country is the people, and the people are the country;In the conquest and preservation of a country, what should be done is to preserve the heart of the people.The PCCH has its roots, its vital flow and its strength.The party always represents the fundamental interests of the widest popular masses and shares with them the penalties and joys, life and death, it does not have any particular interest, never represents that of any interest group, or of any power of poweror influence, nor of any privileged stratum.No attempt aimed at separating the PCCH from the Chinese people or contrasting them will get out in any way!They will not allow the more than 95 million Chinese communists!Nor the more than 1.400 million members of the Chinese people!

In the new expedition, we must support ourselves closely in the people in the creation of the history, to persist in the fundamental purpose of service of all the heart to him, to place ourselves firm in his position, implement the mass line of the party, respect the spirit of initiative of the initiative of thepeople, apply the conception of development centered on it, develop popular democracy of every process, defend social equity and justice and strive to solve the problems of imbalance and insufficiency of development, which are pressing and difficult to popular masses,Those who worry them and those whose resolution craves, in order to promote more notable substantial advances regarding the integral development of the human being and the common prosperity of the entire people.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror demands the continuous impulse of chinization of Marxism.This is the fundamental guidance thinking to keep our party and our country, and it is the soul and flag of the organization.Persisting in the fundamentals of Marxism and in the search for truth in fact, based on Chinese reality, observing with clear vision the general tendency of the time and dominating the historical initiative, the PCCH has made arduous explorations to endlessly promote theChinization of Marxism and its adaptation to our time, and have guided the Chinese people to the continuous impulse of the great social revolution.Why is the PCCH competent?Why is socialism with Chinese peculiarities good?Because, ultimately, Marxism is valid.

In the new expedition, we must adhere to Marxism-Leninism, the thought of Mao Zedong, the theory of Deng Xiaoping, the important thinking of the triple representativeness and the scientific conception of development;integrally implement thinking about socialism with Chinese peculiarities of the new era;persistently integrate the foundations of Marxism with the concrete reality of China and with its excellent traditional culture;Observe the time, understand and drive it using Marxism, and continue developing the Marxism of current China and the 21st century.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror requires the maintenance and development of socialism with Chinese peculiarities.Follow our own path constitutes the point of support for all the theories and practices of the party and, even more, the historical conclusion taken by him through one hundred years of struggle.Socialism with Chinese peculiarities is the fundamental success obtained by our party and our people through multiple penalties and a huge price, and it is the right way to materialize the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.With adherence to this socialism, with its development and with the promotion of coordinated development of material, political, spiritual, social and ecological civilization, we have created a new way of modernization of Chinese model and new modalities for human civilization.

In the new expedition, we must persist in the fundamental theory, line and strategy of the party, with the overall vision of the general disposition based on a whole composed of five elements, promote the strategic disposition of the "four integralities" and deepen integrally reform and opening; We must base ourselves on the new stage of development, apply completely, precisely and integrally To the people the status of owner of the country and persist in the governorate of this law, in the system of essential socialist values, in the guarantee and improvement of the living conditions of the people in concomitance with development and in the harmonious coexistence Between man and nature, with a view to synergily boost that the people lead a comfortable life, that the country becomes prosperous and strong, and that a beautiful China is built.

The Chinese nation has a splendorous civilization developed throughout more than five thousand years of historical evolution, and the PCCH, one hundred years of fighting and more than seventy experience of the governance and revigorization of the country.We learn and take as a reference all the beneficial achievements of human civilization dynamically and welcome all the proposals and all criticisms made in good faith, but we do not accept at all imperative sermons such as those dictated by “Master Lords”!Stretch, and with the head erect, the PCCH and the Chinese people we will march along the way chosen by ourselves by firmly maintaining the destiny of China's development and progress in our own hands!

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror requires the acceleration of the modernization of national defense and the army.To make the strong country you have to strengthen the army;With this powerful, the country will be safe.The persistence in which the party sends the rifle and in the construction of our own popular army is an infallible truth to which the party has reached from a blood and fire struggle.Maker of imperishable feats for the party and the people, the popular army is the firm pillar that defends red power and preserves national dignity, as well as a powerful strength for the maintenance of regional and world peace.

In the new expedition, we must fully implement the thought of the party on the strengthening of the Army of the New Age, to put into practice the military strategic guidelOn the way to its strengthening with Chinese peculiarities and fully promote its political construction, its strengthening through reform, science, technology and excellent human resources, and its administration adjusted to law, so that we make it a world -class Army of the worldthat defends the sovereignty, security and development interests of the country with more powerful capacity and more reliable means.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror requires the incessant promotion of the construction of a community of destiny of humanity.Peace, concord and harmony constitute the ideas that the Chinese nation has always sought and developed in its more than five millennia, and in its blood there are not the genes of invading others or teaching.The PCCH cares about the future and destiny of humanity and advances hand in hand with all the progressive forces of the world, and China has always been a construction of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order.

In the new expedition, we must fly the flag of peace, development, cooperation and gain, apply independent and peace foreign policy, follow the path of peaceful development with perseverance and promote the articulation of the new type of international relations, the structuring of a community of destiny of humanity and the high quality development of the joint construction of the Strip and the Route, offering new opportunities to the world with the new development of China.Together with the other countries and people who love peace, the PCCH will continue to display the common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom warm by all humanity, persisting in cooperation before confrontation, in the opening beforethat ankylosing, in mutual benefit and shared gain before the zero sum game, and fighting hegemonism and strength policy, with the purpose of pushing the wheels of history towards a splendorous goal.

The Chinese people are one who venerates justice and does not fear the brute force, and the Chinese nation is a possessor of national strong pride and self -confidence.The Chinese people have never hit, oppressed or enslaved to the peoples of the other countries of the world;We did not do that before or we will do it now or we will do it in the future.At the same time, we do not allow no exterior force to hit us, oppress or enslave;If someone tries, he will stamp his bloody head against the iron great wall of flesh and blood of the more than 1.400 million Chinese.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror demands the entrepreneurship of great struggles with numerous and new historical characteristics.The intrepidity to fight and triumph is a powerful invincible spiritual force of the PCCH.The materialization of a great dream precise tenacious efforts and tireless fight.Today, more than at any other time in history, while we are close to fulfillarduous efforts.

In the new expedition, we must strengthen our awareness about possible adversities and reflect at all times on eventual hazards even in peacetime, implement the general concept of national security, coordinate development and security, have an overview of the set of theGeneral Strategic Situation of the Great Revitalization of the Chinese Nation and the global situation of unique changes for a long time lacking precedents, thoroughly understand both the new characteristics and demands carried by the change of the main contradiction of our society and the new contradictions andChallenges raised by an intricate and complex international environment, be daring and right -handed in the fight, open roads between the mountains and tend bridges on the rivers, and have the value of overcoming all the risks and challenges.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror requires the strengthening of the great union of the children of the Chinese nation.Throughout the trajectory of his centennial fight, with the setting of the single front always in an important place, the PCCH has consolidated and developed incessantly the broader single front, joining all the forces that can be bound and putting into play all thepositive factors that could mobilize, everything to make the forces of the joint fight to the fullest.The Single Patriotic Front has become an important magical weapon with which the PCCH joins all the children of the Chinese nation from within and outside the country to materialize its great revitalization.

In the new expedition, we must persevere in the Great Union and the Great Alliance, and in the integration of uniformity and diversity, reinforce ideological and political conduction, forge a broad consensus, group a large number of talent people throughout the entireworld and try to find the greatest common divisor and draw a concentric circle as large as possible, thus creating a dynamic situation in which all the children of the Chinese nation from within and outside the country increase our wills and energies to agglutinate a overwhelming force capable ofmaterialize the revitalization of our nation.

- The opening of the future with history as a mirror requires the constant impulse of the new and great work of the construction of the party.The courage to carry out an internal revolution constitutes a patent feature that distinguishes the PCCH from the other political parties.One of the very important reasons why our party is full of vitality despite the many experienced fighting and evidence is that, with the permanent maintenance of ensuring its own administration and comprehensive and rigorously, it has not stopped responding wellto the risks and evidence that he faced in the various historical periods, having always assured it at the head of the times in a historical process of profound changes in the world situation and always being the backbone of the people throughout the country in theHistorical process to face all kinds of internal and external risks and challenges.

In the new expedition, we must have a solid awareness of the truth that whoever forges the iron must be well forged, increase the political awareness that we are always on the path of integral and rigorous discipline of the party and, taking as guided its political construction , continuously propel the new and great work of its construction of the new era; make your organizational system more strict; invest efforts in the formation of highly qualified, full and competent pictures; Promote firm and invacilated the construction of the style of the party and the honest governorate, as well as the fight against corruption; Suppress with resolution all the harmful and pure factors of the party, and eliminate from its healthy body all corrosive viruses, all in order to guarantee that it does not degenerate, that it does not change color or flavor and that the firm nucleus is always leader of the historical process of maintaining and developing socialism with Chinese peculiarities in the new era.

Comrades and friends!:

We must apply integrally and rightly the guidelines of "a country with two systems", "administration of Hong Kong for the Hongkoneses", "Macao administration for the Macaenses" and high degree of autonomy;put into practice the general administrative power of the central management on the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao;implement the legal systems and executive mechanisms of them related to the safeguard of national security;safeguard the sovereignty, security and development interests of the country;defend the stability of the general situation of the society of these regions, and maintain its lasting prosperity and stability.

The resolution of the Taiwan question and the materialization of the complete reunification of the homeland constitute an unalterable historical task of the PCCH and a desire shared by all the children of the Chinese nation.We must persist at the beginning of a single China and in the 1992 consensus, and promote the peaceful reunification process of the country.All the children of the Chinese nation, including the compatriots of both shores, must resolutely disrupt all intrigue by the "independence of Taiwan" overcoming the difficulties with our joint effort and moving together in order to open together a beautiful future to revitalizationof our nation.No one can underestimate the firm determination, determined will and powerful capacity of the Chinese people to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country!

Comrades and friends!:

The future belongs to young people, they are deposited La Esperanza.One hundred years ago, in the dark China shuddered by the storm, a batch of new young people were painfully wrapped in the search for a revitalizing future of the nation holding the ideological torch of Marxism;Throughout this century, integrating its youth and struggle in the cause of the party and the people under the flag of the PCCH, the young Chinese of several generations have become the pioneer force for the materialization of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation;The Chinese youth of the new era must assume this materialization as its own mission and intensify the will, spiritual strength and security of its condition as Chinese, without disappointing the time, the flower of life and the vehement desire of the party and thevillage.

Comrades and friends!:

A century ago, at the time of its foundation, the PCCH only had more than fifty members.Today it has become the largest ruling party of important global influence, with more than 95 million militants, and directing a great country of more than 1.400 million inhabitants.

A century ago, the Chinese nation presented the world a languid and decadent scene.Today, he has shown him an upright prosperity panorama, advancing with an irresistible step towards the great revitalization.

In the last century elapsed, the PCCH has delivered an outstanding exam leaf to the people and history.Now, they are joining and directing the Chinese people in the advance for a new way to face the proof of achieving the objective of struggle for the second centenary.

All of the PCCH!: The central committee of the party calls you to keep the fundamental aspirations and mission present, to strengthen ideals and convictions, to put into practice the purpose of the party, to keep the links at all timesof nail and flesh with the popular masses and to always think about what they think and work with them, facing the storm in the same ship and sharing sentences and joys, in continuous and tireless try to give concretion to the aspiration of the people to aBetter life, and in effort to win greater glory for the party and the people.

Comrades and friends!:

The PCCH, which has the determination of carrying out the great lasting cause of the Chinese nation, is exactly in the flower of life when fulfilling its centenary.Putting a retrospective look, and facing the future, with the firm direction of the PCCH and the narrow union of the people of all ethnic groups of the country, we will undoubtedly achieve the objective of completing the integral construction of a powerful modern socialist country and we will undoubtedly realizeThe Chinese dream of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.

Long live the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China!

Long live the great, glorious and heroic Chinese people!

(Web editor: 吴思萱, Zhao Jian)

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