What are the 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi -Fi from the router of your house and what we recommend connecting each one

What are the 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi -Fi from the router of your house and what we recommend connecting each one

What are the 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi -Fi from the router of your house and what we recommend connecting each one

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If you have a wifi connection at home, something highly probable given the penetration of broadband in our country, the most normal thing is that you have a router that offers at least two connection bands, the 2.4GHz and 5GHz.Although the Wi -Fi 6 begins to arrive strongTV or your smart speakers.

Having two active frequency bands in your home's wifi, or your office, means that you can indistinctly connect each of them, but for this they should know what they contribute individually.Here we tell you what differences exist between both bands and what benefits it gives you to connect your devices to one or the other.

What are the 2.4GHz wifi and 5GHz wifi

As we have already said, the most common is that the router of your home or your office offers you the two connection options.You will know because you will have two possible open channels under the same wifi.Here the nomenclature is not too complicated and the name of the network is usually used plus the frequency to identify each of the networks.For example, mycasa24g and mycasa5g, being the g the abbreviated for gigahemercio, nothing to do with the 5g of mobile networks.

And although both connections work under the same router, and allow you all connected devices to communicate with each other (for example, when creating connected speakers networks), they differ in more things than it seems in a first glance.Mainly, in the speed of access that they offer us and in the coverage they provide.We will try to explain it in a clear way.

The 2.4GHz wifi

We can start talking about the 2.4GHz wifi, the oldest in terms of the evolution of these networks, but which is still aboard our routers, whether these wifi 4, wifi 5 or wifi 6.This wifi has a lower number of available channels, a total of 14.We have already spoken on several occasions what the channels are, they are like lanes of a highway.By having fewer channels, they are more likely to have a lot of traffic (it can be checked) and, therefore, that traffic jams are generated.Here we tell you what advantages your wifi channel has to change to improve the connection.

The 2.4GHz wifi ofrece más cobertura a costa de tener más interferencias y menos velocidad

En qué se diferencian las WiFi de 2,4GHz y 5GHz del router de tu casa y qué recomendamos conectar a cada una

The 2.4GHZ Wi -Fi is also more prone to interference, mainly because it is the band that supports the largest number of connected devices (not only in your home, but also in the homes that surround you since they all share frequencies with you).Another negative point of the 2.4GHZ band is that it offers a lower connection speed, usually around 50 or 60MBPS maximum.In his favor, however, he has coverage.The 2.4GHz wifi will be the one that allows you to connect to a greater distance from the router.

The 5GHz wifi

On the opposite side (although rather it is complementary) we have the 5GHz wifi.In it we find the most modern protocol of both and also sensitive improvements in speed.Not surprisingly, using this band we can get up to 867Mbps speed for our WiFi, about 15 times more than the speed offered by the 2.4GHZ Wi -Fi.In addition, the 5GHz Wi -Fi has up to 25 non -supposed channels, which among other things significantly reduces the possible interference with other devices.At the moment, we do not know what will happen in the future, it is a less saturated wifi.

Con la WiFi de 5GHz tienes menos cobertura pero la velocidad máxima se dispara

On the negative side, however, we encounter that the 5GHz wifi fails where the 2.4GHz is right: in coverage.While it seems that in the 5GHz wifi everything is positive, here we have a lower coverage which means that we cannot connect the router to so much distance, and also that the efficiency and speed of the network falls faster as we move away from theRouter.Depending on the distribution of our house, having 5GHz WiFi in each corner can assume that we need to use MESH systems or PLC facilities.

For what device is each wifi ideal?

Here we reach the key point because we will surely have a device at home, for seniority or by manufacture, that does not let us access the 5GHz network and offer us only the 2.4GHz network, but it is usual to allow us to connect both.Therefore, we indicate which network is most suitable for each of them.Let's see.

If the coverage of our 5GHz wifi allows us, here the ideal thing is to connect our personal computers, our video consoles or even our TV, if this is a smart TV that has direct Internet connection.And if this is not the case, we may be interested.The reason is that it is the wifi that offers the most speed and, therefore, the ideal is to connect the devices that need the most speed or bandwidth.

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The 2.4GHZ network we can leave it for connected devices such as bulbs, alarms, etc., and also smart speakers (they do not need too much bandwidth when playing only audio).Especially if they are far from the router, of course, for coverage reasons.Unless our multimedia use of mobile at home is intensive, the 2.4GHz network is also ideal for smartphones since it is the most coverage and we will have wifi in almost the entire house.

We trust that these recommendations are helpful to manage the wifi of your home or your office and can optimize it by dedicating each wifi network to the most appropriate devices.We repeat, provided that the devices give you the option to connect to both, of course.

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