How to apply for the European Health Card in Spain

How to apply for the European Health Card in Spain

How to apply for the European Health Card in Spain

Although in recent months the Administration has suffered serious collapses due to cyberattacks, leaving around 90,000 people without receiving unemployment benefits, there is no doubt that it has evolved quite a bit in recent years. Just a couple of decades ago it was unthinkable that citizens could manage this type of procedure through the Internet.

On the other hand, thanks to the large number of people vaccinated in our country, the number of Spanish citizens who will travel abroad will increase considerably. Although they will need the vaccination certificate for this, it is also convenient, in the event that we need health care, to have the European Health Card.

What is the European Health Card?

As explained by the Social Security itself, the European Health Card (TSE) is the personal and non-transferable document that certifies the right to receive the health benefits that are necessary, from a medical point of view, during a temporary stay in the territory of the Economic Space. European or Swiss, taking into account the nature of the benefits and the duration of the planned stay, in accordance with the legislation of the country of stay, regardless of whether the purpose of the stay is tourism, a professional activity or studies.

Although it must be taken into account that the TSE is not valid when the displacement is for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, in which case it is necessary that the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), or the Social Institute of the Navy (ISM) , issue the corresponding form, after a favorable report from the Health Service. It is also not valid if you transfer your residence to the territory of another Member State. On the other hand, in some Member States, you must assume a fixed amount or a percentage of the expenses derived from health care, to be on equal terms with the insured of the State to which you travel. In addition, these amounts are not refundable.

Where is it requested?

Cómo solicitar la Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea en España

The European Health Card may be requested by all those who meet the requirements of Spanish law and the Community Social Security Regulations.

Whether we want to request it or if we want to renew the one we already have, we will have different means to achieve it:

The TSE is valid for two years, indicating the expiration date on the card itself. If the European Health Card is used outside its validity period, it may mean that we are asked for the expenses that originate from undue benefits, in accordance with the provisions of article 76 of Regulation (EC) 883/04.

How to apply online

To apply for the European Health Card online, all we have to do is:

When we have an electronic Certificate, as the Social Security has all our data, it will not be necessary to incorporate any additional information. That is, we will only have to click on request Card. And this will be sent to the address they have in their database, although if necessary, it can be changed.

In the event that they do not have access to our data, they will show us a form that we must fill in with different data such as the type of request we make, the personal data of the holder entitled to the card and the address of the applicant.

In case of not obtaining the TSE or for other cases, you can obtain the Provisional Substitute Certificate of the card and, for this, you have to go to "Application for European Health Card", click on "Download Provisional Substitute Certificate" and indicate the validity period of the certificate (maximum 90 days). However, in these cases, if the reason for moving to another State is to study in official programs of the European Union or in educational centers to obtain an official public degree, you can access the TSE by providing supporting documentation of the studies to realize.

In a period not exceeding 5 days, the card will be received at the address that has been indicated or in which the Social Security has in its database. Being operational from that very moment.

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