How to start safe mode in Windows 11

How to start safe mode in Windows 11

How to start safe mode in Windows 11

If you have come this far, it is very likely that you are wondering how to start the safe mode in Windows 11. In this article we will give you all the answers in reference to this mode of starting the operating system.

In addition to explaining how to start safe mode in Windows 11, in the following sections we will also tell you what exactly it is and what it is for. Finally, we explain how to get out of safe mode after starting it.

Index of contents

What is safe mode in Windows 11 and what is it for?

Safe Mode is a diagnostic tool that runs Windows with the basic software for it to work. In this way, you disable all third-party applications and hardware drivers that are not strictly necessary. Therefore, expendable components stop working and others do it in a basic way, such as the graphics card.

The main function of safe mode is to help detect what is going wrong during the boot and execution of the operating system. It is also frequently used to remove malicious files or viruses from the computer. Since Windows is running on its lowest version, it's very easy to determine if the problem is coming from third-party software or if there's something really wrong with the system itself.

Safe mode has different variants. They are the following:

How to start safe mode in Windows 11

Safe mode in Windows 11 can be started in a variety of ways. Here we leave you two that are really simple.

Start safe mode with restart button

Cómo iniciar el modo seguro en Windows 11

The easiest way to enter safe mode is with the Restart button in the start menu. But, hey! It is not enough to click on it. You need to press it at the same time you press the Shift key.

The result of doing so is that the computer will display the advanced startup options. Use the keyboard or mouse to select Troubleshoot.

Next, open Advanced Options to see all the tools to repair your computer.

Among them, you should choose Startup Settings. Click on it to continue.

Finally, click on Restart. The computer will start again, although not in the usual way.

During startup, the Startup Settings will appear. Here you must select the option that best suits your needs. Safe mode is activated by pressing the F4, F5 or F6 keys. If you want to know more about each variant, check the explanation we have given at the beginning of this article. In most cases, selecting the Safe Mode with Networking option will be more than enough.

It then waits for the computer to boot with most system components disabled.

Start safe mode with system settings

Another way to start safe mode is with Windows 11 settings. Do it as follows:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Access the System section to see the options related to Windows.
  3. Go into Recovery.
  4. In the Advanced Startup section use the Restart Now button.

These steps will achieve the same effect as Shift + Restart. Follow the instructions that we have given you in the previous section to get to the safe mode in Windows 11.

What does safe mode look like in Windows 11?

The appearance of safe mode in Windows 11 is very similar to what it had in previous versions. The wallpaper is completely removed and replaced with a plain black one. In addition, the phrase Safe mode appears in the corners of the screen. And if you look at the top, you'll see the build number and Windows version listed.

In general terms, the behavior of the computer is very similar to the usual one. However, if you use tools that start with the system, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, or Discord, they won't launch when you turn on your computer. But, that doesn't mean these tools don't work. Rather, you will have to run them manually. Some components built into Windows 11 are also not available. For example, during our tests we were unable to use search to locate files and applications.

Finally, you should know that there are many other aspects of the system that do work. Window animations are enabled. You can also take screenshots with the shortcut Windows + Print Screen. It is even possible to use most keyboard combinations.

How to get out of safe mode in Windows 11?

If you have managed to detect what was wrong with your computer thanks to the safe mode in Windows 11, we are happy! One of the objectives of this article was precisely that. However, once it has served its purpose, safe mode is no longer necessary. Do you want to know how to get out of it?

To get out of safe mode in Windows 11, all you have to do is restart your computer. You can use the method that you like the most or that you use most often. Whether you use the Restart button in the start menu or opt for the Alt + F4 option, the next time Windows starts, safe mode will be gone.

And you, have you ever been forced to use the safe mode? If so, tell us why by leaving us your comment. We read you!

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