How to start your virtual store in Shopify? Know your metrics. How to increase traffic? What do you need to create your online store? RELATED POST Economic Innovation

How to start your virtual store in Shopify? Know your metrics. How to increase traffic? What do you need to create your online store? RELATED POST Economic Innovation

How to start your virtual store in Shopify? Know your metrics. How to increase traffic? What do you need to create your online store? RELATED POST Economic Innovation

Within the second cycle of conference on foreign trade practices that the Ministry of Economic Development is promoting as part of the economic reactivation plan and Aguascalientes exporter (AGX), the webinar "Shopify: How to make your online store" was held ? ”

Taught by Pancho Mendiola, a Shopify expert with more than 10 years of experience in e-commerce.

During the webinar, advice was given so that small and medium-sized companies can venture into e-commerce effectively, remembering that Shopify is one of the ideal platforms since it brings great benefits for brand positioning through customer management. contents that allow you to design a personalized online store, a flexible interface, customer statistics, automatic tax systems and a network of consultants and agencies specialized in electronic commerce.

Here are the main points of the webinar:

The Shopify expert clarified that an online store should be given the same importance as a physical branch, it should never be treated as a plus or an extra, but as a whole.

In a digital business, the metrics are given automatically, unlike a physical business, and in Shopify it is quite easy to visualize and monitor them. Normally, the metric that people pay the most attention to is sales, however, it is It deals with the least important, since it cannot be modified directly. To increase sales, you must previously modify other indicators, such as traffic.

When you open your virtual store as opposed to a physical one, no one will know you are there unless you start to generate traffic, keep in mind that there are two ways to measure it, visit and sessions. A visit refers to the number of people who enter your store for the first time and sessions, to the people who return.

How to start your online store on Shopify Know your metrics How to increase traffic What do you need to create your online store RELATED POST Economic Innovation

It can take up to 20 sessions for a person to make an online purchase, so don't despair, it is totally unusual for a person to buy immediately upon learning about your brand.

The first thing you must do to bring traffic to your store is define who you are selling to, that is the first indicator, since before starting to advertise you need to define what you want to say to your target audience and what it is what they want to hear. Develop an avatar, that is, a character with the characteristics of your potential audience to carry out more specific advertising.

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A common mistake is that many of the brands only focus on making posts and not ads (paid advertising), however the posts, organically only reach 2% of your followers, unless you have a great engagement maybe 5 %, but normally all this type of publication reaches a very small percentage. It is for this reason that the expert recommends using ads, as well as customizing advertising for people who meet certain segments that you develop.

For the creation of ads and content, keep in mind that there are three concepts of traffic: cold, warm and hot, which refers to attracting potential customers to visit and learn about your store, warm to learn more about your brand and keep it in the minds of your potential consumers and hot who already make the purchase. It is for this reason that your advertising should not only focus on getting more people to enter your store, but also on keeping your audience already immersed, captive (retarget).

The expert comments that in his experience Shopify is the best platform to sell and scale, since it gives you the necessary infrastructure and tools to control your online business.

In this sense, to start your online store, you must take into account the "e-commerce best practices" which refers to the rules that will guarantee success with your online store. Here are some of them: -Create your own domain to generate greater confidence. -You need your page to be responsive, to adapt to different devices and to have a good loading speed, since every second is decisive when browsing. It is also for this reason that Shopify does not allow very heavy images or very large formats.-Set your policies, terms and conditions, remember that payment, return and shipping policies will be very personal processes for each brand.-Photographs will be key To make a sale, these must not only show the product but scenarios of how to use it, who it is for, benefits and the lifestyle you want to convey.-The more information you give in your descriptions, the more likely people will make the purchase. buy, try to be punctual and answer possible questions in each of them.-Do not forget to include screenshots of reviews, this will generate validation and trust. Watch the full webinar here

Or if you require more information or support, do not hesitate to contact the foreign trade department of the SEDEC by email:

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