Incredible Salamanca prototypes to make everyday life easier

Incredible Salamanca prototypes to make everyday life easier

Incredible Salamanca prototypes to make everyday life easier

A system to detect and avoid the attack of predators in livestock farms.That is the idea that Miguel Hernández Corral has developed within the framework of the call of “Prototypes oriented to the market for the university-business knowledge transfer plan (TCUE)” corresponding to the 2020-21 course.

The result is "Caththewolf", a video surveillance system that applies image processing techniques and allows the farmer to be communicated in real time through an application that will allow it to be aware of what happened in its plot, with the possibility of visualizingsecurity recordings and control the different ahuyentative devices installed in the place.

En la última edición del programa TCUE se han presentado 23 proyectos, liderados por alumnos de 7 facultades y escuelas de la Universidad de Salamanca, que destacan por su variedad, originalidad y cercanía con los problemas actuales.Good example is “Stockomid.In addition, the prototype aims to use social networks to introduce digital marketing in these companies.

Muy práctica es también la solución que plantea Mario Varona con su sistema de pago móvil para autobuses.The "Busplus" solution covers payments on board with any type of mobile or with physical card, as well as the loyalty of the user through comfortable processes that motivate you to use public transport more frequently.

Increíbles prototipos salmantinos para hacer más fácil el día a día

En esta línea, Carlos Manjón ha diseñado un sistema automático para la gestión de los parkings de manera automática, sin necesidad de tickets.The project includes a mobile application from which users will be able to perform the necessary efforts.

Part of the video surveillance idea The proposal of Jorge de Huerta to analyze the traffic flow through image recognition.In addition, the developed system allows the estimated calculation of the speed at which vehicles move.

Lentil muffins is the idea developed by José Adrián Izquierdo.From different varieties of lentil, the student has managed to prepare a typical pastry product, but without wheat flour, which has passed the analysis of both product acceptability by the consumer, and other parameters to find the best prototype.

Y ahora que están tan de moda las impresoras 3D, Borja Gómez Colmenar ha diseñado una innovadora máquina con la que unifica el lavado y curado de las piezas, resolviendo un problema que se da siempre que se hace uso de este tipo de impresoras.

In addition, the projects in the field of social sciences have not lac social media.The system is based on surface and deep learning algorithms.

In the economic field, “Fintechmas” stands out, a title of the initiative of Víctor de Dios Domínguez, a multiagente system that, using the latest technology, generates personalized banking recommendations efficiently.

These are just some examples of the creativity of the university students and they will be added in the coming months many more because, announced by the Vice Minister of Universities, Pilar Garcés, the TCUE program will continue with a new plan until 2023 to continue tending bridges between the universityand the company.In this sense, Óscar González Benito, director-manager of the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, stressed that the TCUE Plan is “essential” for the transfer of knowledge as the data demonstrates, because after 12 editions, almost have been presented200 prototypes and 59 of them gave rise to property records, 4 to patents, 2 to utility models and in another 3 cases they translated into rights exploitation contracts.

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