INE, waiting for the Treasury to resolve the budget and the Court to define the question for revocation

INE, waiting for the Treasury to resolve the budget and the Court to define the question for revocation

INE, waiting for the Treasury to resolve the budget and the Court to define the question for revocation

Five days before the expiration of the deadline, the National Electoral Institute (INE) is still waiting for the Ministry of Finance to formally respond to the budget request for the revocation of mandateor, and also , asked the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to expedite the resolution on the constitutionality of the question to advance in the printing of ballots.

President Counselor Lorenzo Córdova highlighted that the consultation for the revocation of president Andrés Manuel López Obrador's mandate is no longer a future event of uncertain realization, but "an imminent realization event", for which reason will take place on April 10, but the question is how.

We recommend:

Ensure ballot to vote abroad

INE, waiting for the Treasury to resolve Budget and Court define question for revocation

In a session of the General Council of the INE, several projects were approved to continue with the organization of the consultation for the revocation of the mandate of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, although uncertainty persists as to what dimensions should be carried out.

They approved the design of the ballot for Mexicans to vote from abroad and that this participation will only be electronic voting, since times do not allow applying the protocol for the postal method.

At this point, the counselor Claudia Zavala, president of this commission, pointed out that although internet voting does not have an impact, it is "urgent and relevant" that the constitutionality of the question be defined for that the printing of the ballots advances, for which reason he asked Lorenzo Córdova to seek an institutional rapprochement.

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