La Nación Private schools will start classes following last year's health protocol

La Nación Private schools will start classes following last year's health protocol

La Nación Private schools will start classes following last year's health protocol

Several schools and colleges in the private sector made the decision to start classes this school year in person, even before the official start of classes on the school calendar of the Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEC), which is set for February 21. .

This was announced by Cristian Lozano, president of the Federation of Associations of Parents of Students of Educational Institutions of Paraguay (Fedapar), in an interview with 1000 AM, despite the fact that a significant group of children have not yet received the vaccine against COVID-19 .

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“Private institutions start earlier than scheduled by the Ministry of Education. The criterion that these institutions have is to continue with the health protocol implemented last year, in which there was success where there was no vaccination, not even in the list of teachers and there were also no infections in schools, ”said the head of the aforementioned union. .

La Nación Colegios privados iniciarán clases siguiendo el protocolo sanitario del año pasado

According to Lozano, the health protocol implemented last year was successfully carried out in private schools, with the application of the "bubble" system as a mechanism to prevent massive infections. So they intend to use the same mechanism again so that classes are face-to-face from the beginning of the school year.

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"We sent a note to the MEC supporting the start of classes and we want to start with the same criteria as last year and we hope that this does not change, that it follows the same health protocol used that was shown to be a safe protocol," added Lozano.

Lozano recalled that this method was a success, since there were practically no infections in the different protection spaces. He also mentioned that some institutions chose to start school activities with the hybrid system (half face-to-face and half virtual) for a purely question related to social distancing and avoiding crowds in small spaces.

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