New functions are added to the point of sale with bitcoin that operates without internet connection

New functions are added to the point of sale with bitcoin that operates without internet connection

New functions are added to the point of sale with bitcoin that operates without internet connection

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The developer Ben Arc updated this week the point of sale that uses the Bitcoin Lightning Net.

Last September, Arc had already announced the launch.It is a synchronized device, through the private key, to a lightning server (LN), where a QR code is generated, which is the equivalent of a payment invoice.

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But this delivery has two new functions.As he said in a video posted on Twitter, in addition to working with and without the Internet, the point of sale now has an on-chain option (that is, in the main network of Bitcoin), with which a new address can be generatedo Link for each payment, using an extended public key (XPUB).


This, according to the developer, is useful "for large purchases".Also, a QR code is included.Space, so that payments can be verified once they have been executed.

Nuevas funciones se añaden a punto de venta con bitcoin que opera sin conexión a Internet

Meanwhile, an ATM option was added, which allows to generate retirement links after entering a certain amount.As he said, this function uses the Lnurl-Withdraw protocol.Therefore, withdrawals can be made while without connection to the network.

"This is great for El Salvador stores who are working with Bitcoin," says the specialist, who clarifies that merchants can establish a "small profit" of benefit for their shops, using this point of sale.


As reported in cryptootics, the point is synchronized with the LNURL server, which allows you to generate non -static payment bills and without being connected to the Internet.

This means that, with the device, the merchant can introduce the amount to be received, so that the payer scan the QR code from its purse, compatible with LN, and cancel its purchase.

Something that the developer stands out is that this device has the peculiarity that it can be built by anyone, in addition to the open source, so anyone can collaborate.There is no previous product, but it can be used and modified by whoever, so that it adapts to your needs.


Three versions of points of sale

Ben Arc reported that his project can be executed in several devices.These, as he said, can be acquired on the web.

The first, whose cost is eight US dollars (USD), is the most economical version.This is limited to a small board and a medium resolution screen, where the QR code that the buyer must scan to pay is shown.

The following, from USD 15, is a bit more stylized.The device is from the Lilygo technology company.It has a small screen and the device can be connected to a keyboard membrane or use the connection plate that is made, precisely, for a configurable point of sale and with light -connected Network Lightning support.


And the last device, the M5stack, is based on ESP32 and has a load base.This has an average price of USD 70.With him several tests have already been done and, according to Arc, he was operating in the famous Rom77 bar, located in Berlin, Germany, "and worked very well".

Etiquetas: Bitcoin (BTC)DesarrolladoresLightning Network (LN)Lo último

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