Procolombia is looking for Colombian companies to export via Ebay and Amazon

Procolombia is looking for Colombian companies to export via Ebay and Amazon

Procolombia is looking for Colombian companies to export via Ebay and Amazon

Procolombia is in the search for Colombian companies that want to export their products via e-commerce, call that will be open until January 20, 2021.

The entity's objective is to support companies that want to sell their products through Amazon or Ebay platforms and obtain advice on their path of internationalization through electronic commerce.

Due to the contingency, the product of the pandemic, electronic commerce has had a new impulse: only in the United States, according to a Nielsen study, online sales of packaged consumer goods increased more than 90 %;And the Statista firm projected that by 2025 the e-commerce would move 30 % of world trade, with an annual growth rate of 17 %.

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By taking into account these figures, Procolombia opened a new call so that 120 companies from all regions of the country receive custom advice and can upload their assets to Amazon or EBAY platforms, through their Colombian program to aClick.

The duration of the program for beneficiary and/or selected companies within the framework of this call will be up to a period of three months from the first opening meeting of the program, which does not apply to perishable products that require acold chain, or alcoholic beverages.

Procolombia busca empresas colombianas para exportar vía eBay y Amazon

The program is aimed at agrifood, industries 4.0, metalworking and other industries, chemicals and life sciences and fashion system, with goods or services with export potential, to sell through a global marketplace.

Interested companies must complete the following survey through this link.Then they will have to send the RUT documents, the certificate of existence and legal representation not exceeding 60 days, ID of the Legal Representative, Catalog of Products and a letter signed by the legal representative where the person of the company that will be in charge is specifiedof the development of the program.

The maximum period to send this information is on January 20, 2021 to the following emails: [Email Protected] and [Email Protected]

Of all the companies that are registered, the 120 that the greatest score will be selected in criteria as export experience, personnel dedicated to e-commerce issues, compensation accounts or BMI account (intermediaries of the exchange market), website, bar codes, codesand FOB price list.

“It is undoubtedly a marketing channel that Colombia can take advantage of much more to boost non -mining energy exports, and it is already a key lever in economic reactivation.At 2022, our goal is to generate US $ 12 million in exports with 400 national companies, ”said Flavia Santoro, president of Procolombia.

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The official stressed that, through Colombia at a click, more than 2,000 entrepreneurs from ten departments of the country have been trained with training sessions on how to export through digital platforms, consulting in closing gaps, design of the digital strategyTo generate traffic, and business monitoring.

Also, since the Colombian service line began to a click, in April 2019, 100 Colombian companies have a seller account within Amazon and/or Ebay, of which 65 have already managed to make sales.Among them are fashion companies such as Blessed Water, Off Corss, Cueros Velez, Didetexco, special coffees such as Café San Alberto, Café Quindío, Juan Valdez, Café Hacienda Venice, Café Mesa de los Santos, among others.



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