Learn questions at home II of October 22, High School

Learn questions at home II of October 22, High School

Learn questions at home II of October 22, High School

Yof you missed your classes from home YoYo of the SEP this Thursday, don't worry.Here we leave you everything seen during the day.

Seventh grade


>Encriptando frases

Expected Learning:Analyze and compare situations of linear variation from its tabular, graphic and algebraic representations.Yonterpret and solve problems that are modeled with these types of variation.

Emphasis: introduce verbal language translation activities to symbolic, and vice versa.

What are we going to learn?

Yon this session you will enter into verbal language translation activities and vice versa.

What do we do?

You will surely remember that in primary school they asked you to make some mental calculations, for example: we have a number that, added with 8, results in 10, what is that number?Exact!two.

Without realizing, with the previous calculation you already began using a branch of mathematics known as algebra, and this is because you were working with numbers whose value was unknown.

Now, in high school, you will use what you learned and you will learn to translate it into algebraic language.

But what is algebraic language?

Yon primary school you used arithmetic language to refer to the operations in which only numbers and all the operations you already know are involved.Yon high school you will use the algebraic language that, in addition to using numbers and the operations you already know, use letters, which can represent unknown numbers, or that also represent variables, as you have seen in the previous lessons.

What is algebraic language for?

Algebraic language is more precise and, at the same time, more general than numerical language, since it can express statements in a generalized way, for example: how could we generalize all multiples of 5?Yof we have 5 x 1, 5 x two, 5 x 3, so on, what is preserved and what does it change?5 and the multiplication operation are preserved, and change the number that is going to multiply;Then algebra will allow us to achieve a generalization for any multiple of 5, for example: 5x, where 5 will not change and "X" will represent any natural number.

An important fact is that, if there is a number and a letter together, or two letters together, it is interpreted as a multiplication in algebraic language.

With algebraic language we express unknown numbers and carry out arithmetic operations with them.For example, twice a number is equal to 6, and is expressed in algebraic language as: twox = 6

Look at the following video about the use of letters in algebra.

With this material, we invite you to reflect on the following questions: Why inAlgebra do we use letters and not exclusively numbers? Why do we use letters?

To begin with there are unknowns;For example, when you solve a riddle where an unknown number is added to you 4 and the result is 1two, you can write it as follows: x + 4 = 1two, "x" represents the unknown, with this we say that it is an unknown value that we wantsolve.Yot would not necessarily have to be an "x", you can also write in the following ways: ____ + 4 = 1two, even with the questioning symbol :?+ 4 = 1two, or with any figure or polygon, for example: a triangle + 4 = 1two.Yot is mathematically correct to use some type of symbol that represents an unknown number, and thereby try to solve the equation and find what this symbol represents.

To give an example, suppose the following situation: parents want to motivate their child to voluntary savings, so they propose that, for every time they save something voluntarily, they will contribute that same savings plus additional $ 1;that is, parents will increase $ 1 more.Yof the child saves $ two, parents will add $ 3 to their savings;Yof she saves $ 3, parents will save 3 + 1, that is, $ 4.Yof the child saves $ 4, the parents will give him 4 + 1, that is, $ 5, and so on.Yof we continue with the analysis, for each number we will mention a larger amount in a unit;Yon this case, we could represent this situation with algebra, if we do not know the amount of the savings that the child performs, we represent it with "X", and to that amount, we always increase 1.So, "and" will represent the amount of savings that parents provide.We represent the above with this algebraic expression: y = x + 1.

The above models the relationship of an infinite child's savings number.Yonterpreting it is: if the child saves $ 10, parents return $ 11.This is a way of representing the relationships between numbers, where we regularly use "x" and "and" for historical and conventional reasons, but it is also valid to represent an unknown value using any symbol that for us means an unknown amount, for example, for example,a happy face or a star.

Using a letter, we can represent a number whose value we still do not know, operate with it and relate it to other numbers.Look at the following video with an example.

How would the following situations translate from verbal language to verbal language?

The first is the weight in grams of a cookie package;As we do not know this value, we represent it with the letter "X".

The second is the weight in grams of two cookie packages;Yon this case, it is double our unknown value represented by an "x", that is, twox.

The third situation is the weight in grams of a box, whose weight is the sum of the weight of a cookie package plus 400 grams, represented as: x + 400

The fourth is the total weight in grams of two cookie packages and a box.We represent it as the sum of double x + (x + 400)

From minute 00:18 at minute 01:43

Sometimes we get confused by translating verbal language into algebraic.To do this, we give you keywords that are related to mathematical operations, which will help you identify expressions.

For addition, there are certain words that are related to it, such as sum, more, increase, add, exceed, increase, greater than.

Similarly, there are words that relate to subtraction, as subtraction, less, difference, less than, decrease and reduce.

Yon the case of multiplication, words are product, so many times, multiple, enlarge, double, triple or quadruple.

With the division words are used as a quotient, between, distributed, divided, reason, half or third.

You must pay close attention, since the previous listings only give references of the type of operation to be used, but it is necessary to know the entire context of the problem to corroborate that this will be the operation that the problem requires.

According to the above, let's do an exercise with the age of a person that we will named David and translate from verbal language to algebraic language:

How do we represent Davis's age? Do we know the age of that person?No, as we do not know it, we will use a letter, in this case, the letter "D".You can do the same exercise using the letter you want to represent the age you are at this time.

Now let's algebraically represent the age that David will have within a year, this would be: D + 1

How would the algebraic expression of David's age be in 10 years?

D + 10

Now, the age Yo was 5 years ago is represented as:

D - 5

Yof you wanted to represent twice the age, how would the algebraic expression look?

two d.

Let's represent half of the augmented age in 1two years.Let's locate our keyword, which is to increase, do you remember what operation it refers to?Exactly, to the sum.We are going to add half of David's age, which is represented as "D" media, plus 1two.

Let's represent the sum of David's age and that of his mother, who is triple his age.What is the main operation?Very good, the sum.We will add the age, which is "D", more that of your mother, which is triple her age, therefore, is:

D + 3D

Let's represent the sum of David's age and his brother Jaime, who is the third part of his.What is the main operation?Very good, the sum.We will add the age of David, which is "D", plus the age of his brother, which is the third part of his;Therefore, "D" third would be represented and our expression is: "d" more "d" third.

Did you observe how we represent unknown amounts, such as David's age and those of other people?We can also establish general relationships.Now, don't go to sleep because we're going to count sheep.

From minute 1:06 at minute 3:two5

How would you translate from verbal language to algebraic the following situations, where a flock has "and" sheep?

The first situation is the number of total legs of the flocks of the flock and we represent it as 4y where 4 is the number of legs of a single sheep, for "and" that represents the total sheep of the flock.

The second situation is the number of total ears of the flocks of the flock.Yon this case, each sheep has two ears, therefore, it would be twice the amount of flocks of the flock, which is equal to two and.

The third situation is the number of legs of the flocks of the flock if 6 die.We would have to reduce 6 sheep of the flock, and to know the number of legs would be the product of multiplying 4 by the total sheep;Yon this case, it is the product of 4 by (Y-6)

The fourth situation is the number of sheep after 18 lambs were born.Yot would translate as the sum of the total of our original flock represented by a "and" plus 18 lambs, which would be: y + 18

The fifth situation is the number of sheep if the third part dies.We consider the flock as our integer, although we do not know how many sheep integrate it, and we subtract 1/3, which results in two/3 of the total and not know the exact data, we write: two/3 of and of

The sixth situation is half of the total flock of the sheep, which is represented as: ½ of and

To continue writing expressions that involve using more algebraic elements, watch the following video:

Solve the activities proposed in the following video:

Yof we wanted to do it in reverse now, that is, of algebraic language translate it into verbal language, observe the following video:

0:00 minute to minute 3:44

Let's do some exercises where we translate from algebraic language to verbal language.

Yon the expression "X", in verbal language, what would it represent?Exactly, any number.

Yon the following expression: x + and let's identify our main operation, which is the addition, what?Note that we have "x" and "and";Being different letters, then we must assume that it refers to two different numbers, and the translation would be: the sum of two different numbers.

Yon the following expression: x + (x + 1) What is the main operation?Very well, the addition, what?Note that we have "x" that would be a number, and within the parenthesis we have "X" again but on this occasion, plus 1, which can be interpreted as its consecutive;Therefore, the translation would be: the sum of a number and its consecutive.

One more expression: 7Mtwo Look at number 7 we can interpret it as septuplo, what?Very good, of "m" that represents a number, but do not stop observing that this number is squared;Therefore, our translation would be: the septuple of a square number.

For this expression:A/(A-1) What is the main operation?Exactly, the division, which we could state as the quotient, what?From "a" that represents a number.What is the main operation in the divisor?Very good, the subtraction, which could be expressed as a difference.As "A", it translates that it would be the same number, minus 1.The expression is translated as: the quotient of a number between the difference of the same number except one, or could also be read as the quotient of a number between its predecessor.

For this expression: Dtwo - Ntwo What is the operation?Exactly, the subtraction, therefore, would be the difference of what?Note that we have two different letters, therefore, they would be two different numbers and are squared, so the squares of two different numbers would be and our translation remains: the difference of the squares of two different numbers.

We invite you to solve the activities proposed in the following video:

As you realized, algebraic language helps us generalize expressions.Yon the equivalent phrases you had probably heard these words, but you didn't know what they meant because we hardly use them;However, in algebraic expressions they are very common, so we suggest that you become familiar with them.

To translate from algebraic language to verbal and vice versa, we must first identify the main operation of the expression, then begin with the translation of the statement.

Yot should be noted that, when we talk about an unknown value or a variable, we refer to any numerical value, that is, this can be an integer, decimal or a fraction;Do not forget that any alphabet letter can be used to represent situations.

That is why you should always keep in mind that an unknown can only represent certain values, on the other hand, a variable can take any value.Remember that this session will be the basis for the following lessons.

The challenge of this session will be to build phrases and translate them into algebraic language and vice versa.

Check the first degree Mathematics textbook and resolve the exercises that involve the translation of verbal language into the symbolic and vice versa.


>Para escribir mejor: la elipsis

Expected Learning: Choose a topic and do a small research.

Emphasis: Yodentify ellipsis as a resource of cohesion.

What are we going to learn?

You will identify ellipsis as a resource of cohesion.This resource is very useful when organizing the information that you have gathered after investigating in various sources on the subject of your interest;Also, when reviewing any writing you do.

First, you will review examples of texts to recognize some elements that prevent you from understanding them in a concrete and simple way;Then, you will review the concept of ellipsis and the types that exist to improve the writing of text examples.Finally you can use this resource to review and improve your own writings.

You will realize that even the experienced writers review their texts more than once in order to ensure that the ideas they want to convey are clearly understood.

What do we do?

To produce a text on a given topic, before you must have covered a series of steps to document and expand your knowledge regarding this topic.That is, you have to carry out an investigation and, for this, it is necessary to follow several steps;You start choosing the subject and ask questions about what you want to know.You continue with the exploration and selection of oral texts and writings related to the subject;in which you identify and differences the statements that enter information from those who expand it.All this, allows you to gather enough data on the subject to elaborate your own text.

To achieve a clear and logical text, it is necessary to know and implement certain writing resources;Yon this session, specifically, we will focus on the ellipsis.

To start we invite you to read the following text of a high school student.Yot is the result of your research on the subject "The Chemistry of Love".

"Chemistry in love

All human beings have ever fallen in love: all human beings have felt butterflies in the stomach, all human beings have wanted to spend all the time with that person or, all human beings have felt that this person is wonderful andAll human beings have felt that this person is perfect.Yot seems that love is magical.The truth is that love is more related to the brain and chemical reactions that love is more related to magic.What is the process of falling in love?What substances are released in falling in love?How do our perception of reality affect falling in love?What happens when we spread? "

Reflect on the following:

The example we just presented is not corrected, that is, who wrote it did not devote time to assess whether it was clear and easy to understand.

As you could observe, write and consider that with that it is enough is a common mistake;Yot is necessary to review what is written, one, two, three, as many times as necessary, even ensure that it is clearly understood and that accurately transmits the ideas we want to convey.

Surely more than once you have read a text which would not seem to be left over or miss anything, since it is understood perfectly.This is because a series of conditions that make it a clear text meet.But how is this achieved? What conditions are the ones that should meet?

To answer this question, observe the following video until the two:10ndary minute, which will help you learn more about the aspects to be considered.

There are four aspects that must be taken into account when reviewing a text: adaptation, coherence, cohesion and textual organization.Specifically, we will focus on cohesion.

To define what is cohesion, we will rely on an example of the student of reading and writing Daniel Cassany: think of a necklace, how are the accounts that make it up together?They do it thanks to a thread that from the inside holds each one.Now, think that a text is like the necklace, only in this case the phrases are like accounts and thread is made up of the way the words are connected and used.Yof the thread that supports the text, that is, cohesion, it is adequate, the text will be clear and easy to understand, but if not, it will be confusing and entangled.

Consider the text presented at the beginning.Do you remember that it was confusing?This is because cohesion is not solid, or said more easily, it was difficult to understand the text because the parts that make it up are not well united.Observe how words or phrases such as "all human beings" and "falling in love" are repeatedly repeated, which causes the reader to get tired and confuse as progressing in reading.

"Chemistry in love

All human beings have ever fallen in love: all human beings have felt butterflies in the stomach, all human beings have wanted to spend all the time with that person or, all human beings have felt that this person is wonderful andAll human beings have felt that this person is perfect.Yot seems that love is magical.The truth is that love is more related to the brain and chemical reactions that love is more related to magic.What is the process of falling in love?What substances are released in falling in love?How do our perception of reality affect falling in love?What happens when we spread? "

Yon a first instance it may sound very difficult, but the concept will be familiar to you, since we commonly use it when talking and writing.

The ellipsis consists in omitting one or several words within the text, when it is already above what is being talked about, and it is used to prevent the text from becoming repetitive and unclear.For example, if your mother asks you: "Do you want more noodles with chicken that Yo made with a lot of love?".You would probably answer "yes" or "no".You hardly answered: "Yo do want more noodle soup with chicken that you made with a lot of love".

Now, again, return to the text you read at the beginning.What words could you omit through ellipsis?

The text can be like this:

"Chemistry in love

All human beings have ever fallen in love: we have felt butterflies in the stomach, we have wanted to spend all the time with that person or sense that is wonderful and perfect.Yot seems that love is magical.The truth is that love is more related to the brain and chemical reactions than with magic.What is the falling process?What substances are released?How do our perception of reality affect?What happens when we spread? "

What a difference!,Right?

Now, it is not about removing random words, since this would make the message be understood;Precisely the complicated thing about this process is to know what words suppress.Yof, for example, you will remove the words "in love", "we have" and "person" of the text that we have been analyzing, without considering previously if Yo am affecting the meaning in general or not, it would be like this:

"All human beings have ever ...: all human beings have felt butterflies in the stomach, all human beings ... Yo wanted to spend all the time with that person or all human beings we have felt that ... is wonderful andAll human beings have felt that this person is perfect."

Yos it understood?Aren't it?So how to know what words can be suppressed in a text through ellipsis?

The simple answer would be that all words whose content can be recovered by context can be eliminated.Scholars propose that there are two types of ellipsis: the nominal, that is, nouns and pronouns;And the verbal, that is verbs.

We go in parts;For example, in the phrase: "My brother ate two tlayudas and Yo only" understood that it is not necessary to repeat in the end "Tlayudas", because it is understood what Yo ate.Since it is a noun that we omit to say;This is an example of nominal ellipsis.Another case: when a friend says: "You are my best friend, Yo like me" she does not need to repeat the "you" twice, because it is understood that he speaks of me.Yon this case, the second pronoun "you" is omitted, therefore, it is also a nominal ellipsis.

Now let's see what verbal ellipsis is.To do this, we present another example: "Yo don't know how to swim and my brother either".Did you realize that it was not necessary to repeat "know how to swim" at the end of prayer?The words omitted were two verbs, so this is an example of verbal ellipsis.

Ellipsis is a resource that speakers use every day to economize and optimize language;that is, so that our message is clearer without unnecessarily repeating words.

Writing a text implies taking responsibility for reviewing it several times until we make sure it is clear and easy to understand.This work is done to the most experienced writer or writer, in any area of knowledge;Hence the importance of little by little the tools that allow you to polish your texts.

Since you are clearer what ellipsis is and how it helps you improve your texts, it is time for you to apply this resource in the review of the text you elaborated as a result of an investigation.

Yon addition, take into account the following recommendations:

You are in a learning process in which, with the guidance of your teachers, you will acquire more experience to perfect your texts.This knowledge will be useful to you in this and your other subjects, even in your family environment and friends.Yot is important that you dedicate the time that is necessary to correct your texts, because this depends on the message you want to transmit is received correctly by your readers.Remember that we live in a world that, to a large extent, communicates in writing;Among better texts you are able to produce, you can communicate better.

As progress in your academic training, you will identify and study other resources that allow you to polish your texts.As mentioned in the video: "To write well you must rewrite many times; a good text is the result of constantly reviewing and correcting".


You checked texts to identify elements that remain clarity and hinder reading.

You identified the aspects that must be taken into account when reviewing a text: adaptation, coherence, cohesion and textual organization.

You reviewed the concept of ellipsis and the types that are: nominal and verbal.

You practiced the correction of a text.

The notes you made in your notebook will always serve you that you work with this expected learning, so have them at hand.

To expand the information, you can consult in your mother tongue textbook, the expected learning "chooses a topic and does a small research".

Yon addition, you can rely on your textbooks from the rest of the subjects, such as science, geography, history or mathematics: since the correction of texts is a practice common to all areas of knowledge.

We propose the first challenge: have at hand the text you elaborated as a result of your research, or other writings that you have developed in previous school cycles.Make a quick reading, did you identify words that are repeated unnecessarily?Probably yes, and the good news is that this has a solution, and it is called ellipsis.

As a second challenge, we will present other fragments of the text that you read at the beginning of the session on "Chemistry in love" and you will determine what type of ellipsis it is.

Challenge What type of ellipsis is?

When you are in love, brain regions related to positive emotions are activated.At the same time [when you are in love] regions related to critical reasoning, fear and sadness are inactivated.

Therefore, when you are in love, [you] segregas dopamina and, therefore, [you] feel extremely happy and pleasant in the presence of the loved one.

A lover idealizes when loved and it seems that [the lover] cannot see his defects.

The first phase lasts about four months and after this [first phase] is passed to a deeper [phase].

At first there are a lot of novel stimuli and situations that cause interest in the couple and [that cause] emotion.

Yon the first case, the words "are in love" that correspond to an action are omitted, so it is a verbal ellipsis.

The second case took off the pronoun "you", so we are talking about a nominal ellipsis.

Yon the third case, the "in love" noun was eliminated, so it is a nominal ellipsis.

The fourth case removes the words "first phase" and "phase", so it is a nominal ellipsis.

Finally, the fifth case omits the verb "causes", is an example of verbal ellipsis.

From the previous information, write in your notebook your own definition of ellipsis and the types there are;includes some examples of each.Feel the freedom to include own examples.

You can also rely on a dictionary, in a writing manual or ask family and friends, what resources do they use to ensure that their texts are clear and easy to understand?Surely, with the information that you will enrich your note.

We recommend that you consult your expected learning ".You will surely find more examples and activities that will help you exercise the correction of your texts.

Yot is time to face the final challenge that will put into play what you have studied.We will present a last paragraph of the text on the subject "The Chemistry of Love".Write in your notebook a proposal about how it could be after eliminating words by ellipsis.

You have to correct ...

"Yon conclusion, falling in love involves several stages and falling in love lasts a certain time.During this process, the brain produces a series of substances that produce happiness and, sometimes, the series of substances produce reality distortion.Falling can end when the brain stops producing these substances, so the brain must be constantly stimulated.However, we will have to consider that not everything is chemistry, perhaps the magic plays an important role."


>El presente del pasado: en busca de la historia 3

Expected Learning: Yodentify the main reasons for the discontent of the settlers with the English crown.Yodentify the economic, social and cultural conditions that made possible the independence of the English territories of NorthAmerica.Analyze the relationship between the history of Europe and the independence of the colonies.

Emphasis: Historical research.Third stage of historical research: writing of conclusions, preparation for presentation of results and evaluation of the research process.

What are we going to learn?

Yon today's session you will continue with the third stage of the development of your personal or collective research, of a historical process that is of your interest;Remember that the issue suggested since the first session of the week is the independence of the thirteen colonies of NorthAmerica.

You will also remember that in the first and second session of the week you approached the first stages to carry out your research, such as the approach of the objectives and questions, the planning of work, the search and selection of historical sources, your analysis and the beginning ofThe first conclusions.

Today you will highlight the writing of conclusions, preparation for presentation of results and evaluation of the research process.The intention is that you have the knowledge and skills to conclude your historical research;build an interpretation by having the opportunity to analyze the information you obtained and organized previously;and that you generate a proposal to present and explain the content of the topic, through a specific product.As well as reflecting on experience during the research process.

What do we do?

You will begin today's session with the reading of a fragment of the text "The social function of history" by Enrique Florescano.

"History is the discipline of human self -knowledge [...] knowing itself means knowing what can be done, and since nobody knows what you can do until you try, the only clue to know what man can do is isfind out what he has done.The value of the story, therefore, is that it teaches us what man has done and in that sense what man is ".R.G.Collingwood, idea of history.

Estas palabras del historiador inglésR.G.Collingwood answer with economics to the question What is the story studied for?The study of history is an inquiry about the meaning of the individual and collective life of human beings in the course of time.So far there has been no better guide to enter the complexity of human existence than this art, whose origins date back to the dawn of civilization.The Mexican philosopher Luis Villoro observes that the study of history is useful because "gives a sense to the life of man by understanding it based on a totality that covers it and of which it is part: the restricted community of other men first,The human species later and, perhaps, in its limit, the possible community of the rational and free entities of the universe ".

Since ancient times the historian has thought about a debtor from his social group.Know the trade through the teachings you receive from your teachers.Learn the architecture of your discipline by dismantling and remarking the inherited models from your ancestors.Discover the secrets of art by the analysis of the varied techniques imagined by their colleagues.Often their head books are works written in languages outside theirs, nourished by the most diverse cultures.

The challenges imposed by his generation partners and the unavoidable competition he suffers in our days are the incentives that induce him to overcome.That is, since he chooses his vocation until he learns to channel it is surrounded by inescapable social conditions.On the one hand it is a social product, a result of various collective currents;And on the other, an individual accented by the desire to give continuity to the inheritance of the past and to assume the trade of him from the challenges imposed by his present.

The study of history, while illuminating the mechanisms that promoted the development of peoples, reports on the ideas that these peoples were made of their historical development, and allows you to register the variety of artifacts they imagined to store, retain and disseminatethe memory of the past. Como dice el historiador inglés JohnG.A.Pocock, societies have many past, as many as the groups that coexisted in them imagined or imagined.

Against the unique vision of the past that the determinists seek to impose, the supporters of the dogma or those who hold power, in the complex nations they live and fight each other different conceptions of the past, from the groups and classes that participate in the construction of the nation.The custom of reading the history of a country through what we call today national history, has made us forget that behind the history written by the victors, the versions of the marginalized and oppressed groups remain latent, and even the version of the defeated.An adequate response about the meaning and purposes of historical narration should include the interpretations of the past made by the marginalized sectors, in order to speak, if it is not an unattainable total history, at least one plural, more representative of social diversitythat constitutes the nations ... "

Yonteresting, right? As you could read, the social function of the historian and the importance of the study of history are aspects that forge the identities of society, as well as a critical reconstruction of the past, but what do you think why do you think that, as, ashumanity, do we study history?We suggest you reflect your answer and comment with your relatives.

Yon the previous session you began to write the first conclusions of your investigation, and as you will remember we suggest making a monograph to serve as the basis for your first draft;You even presented a writing scheme.But in today's session we will conclude with the process of historical research, so we propose the following questions that will guide you:

Let's start with the first point of today's session, the writing of conclusions, which you already had an approach at the end of the previous session.

The information after the search, selection and analysis of the sources of information must be organized in such a way that it allows you to begin to write the conclusions;But how do you guide and not lose among all that sea of information?

To know a little more about how to write a text observe the following video:

From minute: 00:twotwo to 05:07

Yot is a very interesting recipe, since it suggests doing text planning;Subsequently the writing of the draft with the sections, such as the introduction, development, conclusion and the sources of information;And finally the review and correction of the text.

Yot is important that you review your mother tongue book.Spanish, where you can find more information about how to write a text.

We also make the following recommendations for the writing of your conclusions:

To make the review or summary you should consider the following in your explanations:

You can use these suggestions to write and explain some events that occurred during the independence of the thirteen colonies in North America.And it is that the exercise of writing is not easy, but what would you do to write your research topic?

Drafting implies a mental process of ideas that is required to organize to capture them in a document and transmit a clear, concise and precise message.We suggest that at the time of writing your information and reviewing it into parts to maintain an order of your ideas when writing.

The final writing will allow you to move towards the construction of a conclusion, since it is the closing of the subject, and rescues the main ideas;His intention is to synthesize the understanding of the issue and that the intention of the one who presents or exposes such research is reaffirmed;that is, if he affirms, denies or questions about the content that has been developed.Of course, the closing of the investigation should invariably answer the questions of the objectives of the investigation that you raised in the first session of the week, which must be resolved at the end of the investigation.

Yon this phase you will perform the interpretation of the data, since as you advance and make the review of your sources, you will discover direct relationships in the information you obtain, in addition to the solution to the questions you asked yourself initially.

This part really is surprising, because it seems that you will magically begin to discover the history of those issues that were at first unknown.This surprising effect is what gives us the discipline of history and with your creativity and narrative performance, it will surely be a fruitful learning.

Yon the conclusion you must answer the questions you have decided to ask at the beginning of your research, and according to that personal interest or collective intention, propose the writing of the answers.Así darás rumbo y sentido al proyecto de investigación y sobre todo darás significado al esfuerzo realizado.You can use the following indicators:

Eye, if in your data search you real.Therefore, you will have to value it and explain this situation when present the results of your work.

At this time it would be enough for you to take into account each of the versions found by resorting to the following indicators:

The story tries to explain why the people of the past acted as they did, without judging them from current ideas, values or beliefs;And taking into account such assessment, in your writings you should avoid judging what happened in the past and those who made the decision to execute such actions or were participants in these processes.Your focus on the study and analysis of the past must prioritize the understanding of the present that we live, following that past and allow a projection towards the future.

The story tries to explain and understand the facts and processes of the past, and like other disciplines, it does not provide exact and immovable data.Aunque cada vez sabemos más sobre nuestro pasado, todo el tiempo se registran más fuentes y se proponen explicaciones.

That is, the story is formed by a knowledge that changes constantly, because there are always various versions or interpretations to explain historical facts and processes.

Now is time to move on to the next purpose of today's session, "the presentation of results".

Surely it touched you on some occasions to present a subject in your classroom;Although at this time you cannot expose the Covid 19 Pandemia, which prevents school and working with your classmates.Yon the presentation of results, you will have the opportunity to choose the form and product in which you want to expose or publicize your work.But what didactic resources can you use to present your research results?

We suggest you make board games, models, posters, stories, songs, theatrical representation, timelines, schemes, mental maps, videos, comics, and everything your imagination can create to explain and publicize the subject.

When you do the product to present your research, remember that the characteristics and/or elements that compose it must be referring at all times to the content of the topic.Yon the case of historical research, it resorts to data such as: dates, names of characters and places;also social and economic social, cultural elements that characterize a historical period;Remember that the images contribute a lot, and they are a didactic resource that will support you in the presentation of the research results.

You can always rely on oral exhibition, and in context, since you cannot use the classroom on your school campus, we suggest that your oral exhibition transforms it into a video or an audio recording, or perhaps in aPresentation with movement and sound.Consider using digital tools and Yonternet access to share your jobs.You can even do it as a team without leaving home, proposing a collaborative document in which several people can intervene or work in the same document from their devices at home.

Take into account that collaborative work implies a better organization of activities.Yof it is teamwork distribute the actions, but above all maintaining a dynamic and healthy environment between partners and colleagues.

Consider presenting your results through an exhibition, try to learn what you have developed in your writing scheme to expose your research topic;which will imply:

All this approve it to improve your skills and reinforce your knowledge.Realizar este tipo de ejercicios, implica un gran esfuerzo en tu vida académica.

Finally, we will address the evaluation, with the intention of reflecting on their learning process.

Consider that although the evaluation is addressed at the end of this whole process, this does not mean that it cannot be carried out at the same time from the other stages, pausing during the development of the research, this will allow you to identify the following:

Yof you did an evaluation to know if you successfully complied with the development of the research you could make a picture like the following:

But in addition to providing you with these opportunities to optimize the content of the research, the final evaluation stage also allows you to enrich your experience when doing these research works.

The evaluation will always be a beneficial stage for any activity you do, since it will allow you to make a constructive criticism of your own efforts, always with the sight of improving each time.


You know elements to write a conclusion based on arguments and sources of information.

You identify proposals to present the results of an investigation in a written text, oral exhibition and alternate digital options.

You know the guidelines for an evaluation.

We invite you to reflect on the following phrase: "He who does not know his story, is condemned to repeat it"

The study of history allows us to glimpse the need to know and recognize our own historical processes as a nation;Reflect on them and realize that if we do not try to change the way we do the things we have done in the passage of time, we will surely not improve as people and therefore, we will not do it as a society, which in turn in turnwill lead to making the same mistakes of the past;All this is part of the social function of history.

Remember that this content is located in your first degree textbook of history in block 1.We recommend exploring and looking for information about it to complement your learning in digital, bibliographic media, or those you have at hand.

We propose that you return to the questions that were raised at the beginning of the session:

How to write the information that has been collected and organized in the historical research that is carried out?

What didactic resources can you use to present your research results?

How do you value experience, your learning and performance in the research process?

Note them in your notebook and write a reflection.

Do not forget to conclude with the challenge that was proposed in the previous sessions, the elaboration of a historical lottery of the topic you chose to carry out the investigation.Yot is important that you illustrate your lottery and write down the necessary information, characters, dates, and key historical facts in the investigation.Once you finish it you can play with your family.


>Decido de manera asertiva

Expected Learning: Build an assertive and critical position on the influence of people and groups as a condition to strengthen their autonomy.

Emphasis: Build and develop a critical and assertive posture.

What are we going to learn?

You will define what assertiveness is and analyze how to build an assertive position to make decisions.

What do we do?

Throughout life, each individual forges his personality and identifies himself with certain groups or people who think the same and have similar ways of seeing the world.

Surely you have already identified the groups you belong to.Each one exerts an influence on your way of being, thinking and acting, but you have thought:

What relationship does that have with assertiveness?

What is assertiveness?

How to build an assertive posture?

Before establishing the relationship between influence groups and assertiveness, performs the following activity.

Dibúje or write your name to the center of a blank sheet.Realiza cuatro ramificaciones y al final de cada una anota un grupo al que pertenezcas.

They can be your friends or friends, your family, your neighbors or the people where you live.These are very general examples, but you can write them as specific as you like and can be different from those mentioned.

Preguntas deAprende en Casa YoYo del twotwo de octubre de secundaria

As for example, a boy named Francisco put his name in the center and in the circles he was placing the following groups: in the first circle he included his parents and his sister, in the second circle to his friends of the school because they consider that they have manyAffinities in relation to the subjects they review, in the third circle he put their neighbors, because they are known since childhood, that although they have different tastes and interests, with them it can have a different perspective of things and with it a range of possibilities,That at the time of making decisions, you can see things not only from a single vision.Finally, in the fourth circle he put his athletics companions.The perseverance that characterizes them is a good influence when making decisions.

Yon your case, you must reflect on the way in which the groups you chose, exert an influence on you.Why do you think they have positively intervened in your decisions?

You need to think that the influence of people or groups is something that you also decide.That, by accepting this influence, it affects you positively or negatively.For example, Francisco commented on the athletics team that is part, if some of its members were not persevering or did not feel passion for sport, would they be a positive influence for Francisco?Yot is clear that no.

The above does not mean that Francisco must reject them, but that it is necessary to identify that they can become a negative influence and be cautious when considering their perspective in decision making.

From the previous example, do you consider that the groups you belong to or a member of them, in some way, have intervened in your decisions?

Yon the following videos you will listen to two teenagers like you, who answered that question.

As you heard, there are people who with their advice or with the way they make decisions, serve as an example when making their own decisions.Alex enfatizó la influencia positiva de su mamá, quien le da un punto de vista, sin la intención de imponerle lo que ella piensa o quiere.Melisa shared the way she manages to be benefited in each of the groups she is a part, always based on the trust and security that she can express and listened to.

However, there are also influences that affect or put your well -being at risk and if you are not careful or careful when analyzing what to do or how to react to this type of influences, even though it is a person you admire or appreciate, you run the riskto allow you to exercise pressure to do something you don't want.


Even if you don't seem like it, these situations are more common than you think.Many times the pressure, shame or avoid saying, denying you, makes you make decisions with which you do not always agree.

Review the scheme you made and reflect on the influence they have had in your decisions the groups you belong to, keep it in mind during the transmission of the following videos, which will help you begin to talk about the meaning of assertiveness.



Being assertive or assertive means maintaining a balanced behavior between aggressiveness and passivity.This implies the ability to defend and express their own rights, opinions and feelings, while respecting others, with their opinions and rights.

Yon the first video, the teenager who was being prompted to perform negative actions, at first, did he respond assertively?He did not, perhaps because of the fear of not belonging to a certain group, but after reflecting and identifying the possible consequences of his acts, he said firmly, explaining the reasons for his decision.

The same could observe in the case of the teenager, who felt fear and without controlling her emotions before making a decision, she could have accepted what her partner requested;However, when taking a moment to breathe and think about it, he opted for her best for her, without letting others influence her decision.

Being assertive also means saying "no" clearly and keeping it, as well as accepting that someone can tell you "no".Yot is about dealing with group pressure and avoiding situations in which they coercion so that you adopt behaviors that can put your integral well -being at risk.Being assertive or assertive also implies that, in certain pressure circumstances, it is sought to delay decision making and action, until you feel prepared and thus avoid responding by pressure.

La Voz de la Juventud section.Read and listen.


When Yo wanted to join an urban dance group, they asked me to be aggressive with the competitors and did it, when they came to request me, to fight me, Yo was about to do it, but Yo regretted the moment to consider that it attacked anotheror that another assaulted me, was not the right thing and now Yo know that the right decision.

Has something similar to Pedro happened to you?Yon what situations have you made decisions from the influence of other people?Have you made decisions to please others and others, even if they go against what you want or think?

Reflect on these questions and, at the end of the program, write your answers in the notebook.Try to be honest or honest with yourself, it is information that will help your personal growth.


At home they did not allow me to leave after eight o'clock at night and my school friends, organized parties every weekend that started just at eight.One occasion, they asked me to get hidden and Yo did it.Al regresar caminando en la madrugada una patrulla nos detuvo y querían acusar a nuestros padres de no cuidar de nuestra integridad al permitirnos andar solos en la madrugada, pero yo fui la que no cuide de mi misma, al tomar decisiones basándome en influencias negativas.

Did the decision that light only affected her?Have you made decisions that affect others or others?

Think about your answers and add them next to what you write, about Pedro's audio.

There are occasions in which members of nearby groups, such as schoolmates, encourage actions that could affect or put yourself in a risk situation, such as smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages, among others;Before them there are several alternatives to decide, on the one hand those related to doing everything they request to avoid contradicting the group;on the other, reacting violently refusing to do something you don't want;Or, argue why you would not and express that the denying does not have to affect belonging to the group.

Check more closely the possible reactions you can have in the aforementioned situations.

A passive attitude can be presented by accepting everything that others and others say or do, for fear of rejection and ceasing to belong to a certain group.Or show a violent attitude, which implies reacting aggressively to refuse to carry out something that is not desired.

Or act assertively, when reacting according to what is desired, arguing and avoiding damaging the integrity of others.

Exemplifying the above, in the following table that is presented, you can observe a situation in which a teenager is invited to participate in the kiss roulette game;Yon the passive reaction, the teenager participates in the game even though he does not want.

Different reactions to situations that arise in coexistence groups.

Yon the second reaction, he refuses violently to participate and verbally attack those who invite him and those who do accept to participate in the game.

Finally, in the assertive reaction, the teenager is firm in expressing that he does not want to play and explains that it is not a game that is of his liking.

What do you think is the right reaction?

Yot is important to learn to say no, when you do not want to do or say something that others ask you, but it is also important to do it in an assertive way, without damaging the integrity of other people.

But how can you communicate with others assertively?

Excellent question.Assertive communication implies:

Be honest or honest.Yon previous degrees you performed introspection and self -knowledge exercises that had the purpose of knowing more about yourself, what you like, what you do not like, as well as the emotions you experience in a certain situation, to know how to react and what to saywithout offending others or others.

Be timely or timely.Yot implies looking for the right time to establish a conversation, trying to use a prudent tone and appropriate to the place and person or people with whom you talk.

Be clear or clear.Al ser honesta u honesto contigo mismo, lograrás tener claro el mensaje que deseas transmitir, evitando que sea confuso o complejo.


Be direct or direct.Al tener claridad en el mensaje, podrás transmitirlo sin rodeos, así quienes participan en la comunicación, tendrán menos dudas respecto de lo que les estás expresando.

Be empathic.Yon order for communication to be effective, it is necessary that the parties involved understand the perspective of other people.

Be attentive or attentive.To achieve empathy, it is essential to listen and pay attention to what people tell you, without interrupting shifts to speak;Yof you have something to answer, wait for your turn to talk.


Look at the following video from 05:10 to 5:44 and from 9:44 to 11:twotwo, pay special attention to the characteristics of the communication that are mentioned in it, so that you can relate them to what you have reviewed.

From what you have already reviewed on assertive communication and the characteristics you saw in the video, check the following messages and transform them.The dialogue is carried out between two friends, at the end of the civic and ethical training class, where the teacher or teacher asks the students of the group to visit a community and ask the people if they consider that their authorities guarantee the exercise of their human rights.

read messages.

Friend 1.Yo already told you to accompany me, and if you do not, Yo will tell the teacher to reprove you;So you know.

Friend two.But, you didn't let me explain, then, Yo don't know how to tell you that, Yo heard that place is dangerous.

On a sheet or in your notebook, write how you would change the messages to get them to be consistent with assertive communication.

For example:

Friend 1.Yo do not want to go alone, Yo ask you to accompany me and so we can support ourselves to any situation that arises.

Friend two.Yot can be dangerous for both, it is better not to go, Yo suggest asking the teacher if there is another place where we can ask for information.

What did you think of that message adjustment? Do you suggest something similar?Yof not, it does not matter, there are several alternatives to adapt the messages, always considering the elements of assertive communication.


Throughout the session, you have analyzed various situations that imply challenges to make assertive decisions.

You have reflected on principles such as respect for human dignity and human rights;in the importance of performing actions in favor of other people, without putting you at risk;in controlling your emotions to avoid situations that put your integrity as a person and that of others;in inducing control of the emotions of others to make decisions through assertive communication;Even in going to adults to have experiences that allow you to decide.

Accounts already with some tools to build an assertive position in challenging situations for decision making.You are ready or ready to continue reflecting on situations you have passed.Yof your position was not assertive at that time, it is not late, you can still analyze how you can solve that.Yon case you are now going through any situation, you can surely make decisions for the benefit of all parties.

Remember, when you have doubts about what others ask you or if they try to influence you, take some time to breathe, clarify your ideas and build the message you want to convey;Even if you have the possibility, dialogue with someone of your total trust, so you can listen to another perspective of the situation.Yon this way, you will have sufficient elements to decide from an assertive position.

You remember some conversation that you had in recent days and in which you failed to explain what you felt or thought;Try to transform your messages from what you checked about assertive communication, write the adjustments you consider necessary, so that you have them present in future conversations.

When writing what you think you can clarify your ideas, so it is simpler than verifies than the decisions are assertive, if you are being passive or reacting violently.

Second of high school


Topic: Modeling science.

Expected Learning: Explore some recent advances in the understanding of the constitution of the subject and recognizes the historical process of construction of new theories.

Emphasis: Explain what a model for science and its importance in the development of science is.

What are we going to learn?

You will analyze the scientific models.To do this, you will investigate what a model is and you will know its importance and characteristics.Además, identificarás el proceso histórico de nuevas teorías.

What do we do?

Before deepening the issue of what scientific models are and their importance in the development of science, reads the following fragment of the dissemination magazine published by UNAM.

There are those who say that science cannot be explained without mathematics.Yon other words, which can only be understood what science is when it is understood how it manages to summarize in mathematical equations the results of years of study of reality, and how from these abstract equations it generates new knowledge that applies to the real world.

Yof we think well, it is something surprising: a phenomenon is studied - let's say, the movement of the stars;The equations that represent the observed behavior and then, using no longer a telescope but only mathematics, phenomena that had not been observed before.Of course, then you have to check the accuracy of the predictions.Yon fact, this is how the French astronomer Le Verrier predicted the existence and position of Neptune in 1846.

Mathematical equations are then a model of reality, and can be used to explore, in a simulated, approximate way, their behavior.A little in the same way that a scale model of a ship or a plane can be used to explore the behavior of the real vehicle in controlled conditions, in a wind tunnel or in a wave simulator.

Mathematical simulations or models in physics have come to have great complexity.Actualmente muchos de los "descubrimientos" en física subatómica, cosmología y otras ramas se hacen usando estos modelos, y sólo después se comprueban mediante experimentos.

Yon other sciences, such as chemistry and especially biology, things are not so simple.Partly because the systems that are studied are much more complicated, for example, a living cell or an organism, and the equations to describe them are too complicated.There are already models that become very useful to understand and even predict some phenomena.The evolution of a population of organisms, for example, can be represented mathematically.Yon this way the way in which an epidemic.

But not all models used in science must necessarily be mathematical: some are more like models, others as sets of concepts on which we can think, draw conclusions and then perform experiments that check or refute them ...

Scientific models

Los modelos, son una representación de una pequeña parte de la realidad, es decir, que de la complejidad del mundo que nos rodea se toman objetos, sistemas, procesos o fenómenos y se intentan explicar por medio de una abstracción que puede ser física, teórica, gráfica o simbólica, por ejemplo, los modelos delADN o del sistema solar, que a escala ayudan a analizar, explicar o describir su funcionamiento de forma más entendible.

A clearer example is the models made by the architects that project the construction of a building;They, through that model, can identify which is the best form and the materials to build, taking into account the type of soil, if it is a seismic, flooding zone, or, what is the appropriate orientation to have better lighting.

A continuación, como ejemplo, observa el avance en la construcción delAeropuerto Yonternacional Felipe Ángeles.

1.Avance en la Construcción delAeropuerto Yonternacional Felipe Ángeles.

The models are a kind of bridge between theory and practice;Therefore, they are one of the main instruments of science, since from them you can understand a little more of our world.

With the models, you can find errors and correct them.For example, Ptolemy around the year 100 of our era, proposed the geocentric model to try to explain the movement of the stars;For a long time people thought the sun and the planets revolved around the earth;Until 1543, Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model, placing in the center of the solar system to the sun and revolving around it, to the planets.

Some time later, Kepler found certain errors and managed to perfect it by including elliptical orbits in the model;Thus, the models are perfectible and modifiable, depending on the variables taken into account and new discoveries.

Astronomers, philosophers and great thinkers of history were able to register their observations through alterations of existing planetary models, a system that made possible progress towards precision and understanding of the Solar System of today.

A globe is precisely a model, because it tries to represent planet Earth on a manageable and understandable scale, respecting the spherical form of our world.Aquí se pueden hacer muchos análisis, sin embargo, tiene una complicación, su forma esférica es difícil de transportar.

A second way of representing the Earth is through maps, which through a cartographic projection distort the world to turn the sphere into a plane.Maps are then a kind of model characterized by having geographical coordinates, scales, orientation and specific information that is handled with adequate symbols and colors.

The information that can be captured on a map is huge.For example, on a map you can see the model of the tectonic plates, which is nothing more than the representation of the great fragments into which the earth's crust is divided.With this information you can identify plate limits and know if an area is seismic or volcanic.

Another example is the map that reflects the model of the schedules, an international time organization system that allows to know what time and day is at each point on the planet, through two4 stripes established every 15 ° in length.

When talking about planet Earth, its internal structure can also be modeled, recognizing three main spheres: the atmosphere, composed of gases, the hydrosphere, corresponding to continental and oceanic water, and the geosphere, which refers to the rocky part of the world.Each of these parts can even be modeled, for example, the model of the internal layers of the geosphere that shows components and depth of the nucleus, mantle and earth's crust.

Existen temas que requieren de una mayor abstracción de la realidad para poder representarse, por ejemplo, el modelo aplicado por Walter Christaller en su Teoría de los Lugares Centrales, que explica la distribución de las actividades económicas y la población en áreas urbanas, representado mediante hexágonos; o bien, los modelos que intentan explicar la estructura y crecimiento de las ciudades, como el modelo deAnillos Concéntricos, de Sectores, de Núcleos Múltiples, o bien, los ModelosAplicados a Ciudades Latinoamericanas.

Another example are the mathematical models that, from equations or algorithms, show scenarios of the past, present or future through symbols and rules of said discipline.

The current Covid-19 Pandemia shows us the importance of these models, since they propose possible scenarios based on the presence of certain variables, such as the use of covers in public spaces or the presence of other diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or obesity.

To expand the understanding of the topic, observe the following video.

two.How are models used?

The models in science are theoretical, graphic or symbolic representations of the idea of a phenomenon, in addition, they allow us to understand the real phenomenon it represents.

The human being has represented with simple schemes or models the natural phenomena to understand why and how they occur.These representations are comparisons with the real and modified phenomenon until they find satisfactory explanations of the phenomena studied.

When it is said "my dad is my model to follow" or "Yo love that latest model", the word "model" is used with different meaning that is given in science.

Yon this subject, the word model will be used to talk about the representation of a phenomenon, process or object.

For example, to know about the parts of a ship, the model that could serve to study them is a drawing, because in it you can clearly observe all the details.

Yof you want to study or understand something that is big, boy or difficult, models are made to explain it. To expand the understanding of the topic, observe the following video.

3.Models in Science.

The same model does not help explain a whole phenomenon.That is why they are used: models, drawings, maps, photographs, computer simulations, graphics, formulas, mental maps, concept maps, diagrams, sculptures, scale objects, among many others.

A scientific model never reproduces all reality, only represents the elements of interest that are easily manipulable.Yot is a simplified representation of reality.

Newton's laws, where forces that act on an object are represented;The position-time graphs explain and predict the movement of objects;Free fall formulas predict and describe the speed, acceleration and position of objects;and free body diagrams schematize the forces applied to an object.

The models are very useful to represent reality, but not all models are useful to represent the same.To expand the understanding of the subject, pay attention to the following capsule.

4. Scientific models.

Then, the models are useful because they are able to describe, explain and predict a phenomenon, process, system or object.But at the moment when the model's predictions do not coincide with what is observed, it is discarded, rejects or modifies. Por eso los modelos están en constante construcción y modificación, como cuandoGalileoGalilei se opuso a la idea de que la Tierra no era el centro del Universo, ese modelo del sistema solar se rechazó y modificó, aunque este proceso llevó casi un siglo.

But not only scientists do models.For example, an American football coach makes a model by explaining to the players through a drawing the movements, marking with arrows that indicate the plays and the strategy to follow.

With everything seen in this session now you can build a model.

Do not forget to consult your textbook on the corresponding topic to deepen or resolve the doubts that arose throughout this session.

ElReto de Hoy:

Gather with your family to reflect and answer the following questions:

a.What describes a model?

b.What explains and what predicts?

c.To make a model that explains how planes fly, it is important to take into account the color of the plane, what do you think?

d.Why is it important to build models?


Topic: Properties of geometric figures algebraically.

Expected Learning: Algebraically verifies the equivalence of first degree expressions, formulated from successions.

Énfasis:Representar algebraicamente propiedades de figuras geométricas y verificar la equivalencia de expresiones realizando las transformaciones algebraicas.

What are we going to learn?

You will know how to algebraically represent properties of geometric figures performing some problems and identify various equivalent expressions to calculate the perimeter or area of the figures.Además, comprenderás que todas las expresiones algebraicas equivalentes representan lo mismo de diferentes maneras.

What do we do?

Start with the following question.

What properties of geometric figures do you know?

Both the perimeter and the area are properties of the figures.

The perimeter of a figure as the measure of its contour is defined, expressed in linear units.On the other hand, the area is defined as the measurement of the surface within a perimeter, expressed in square units.

Next, observe the following audiovisual in order to analyze the procedures to solve the approaches that will be presented.

1.Algebraic expressions to calculate perimeters.

Yon the previous video, two examples were analyzed where the perimeter of a rectangle and square.Yot was also explained that geometric figures have a general expression or formula, which is useful for calculating their perimeter, even if they do not have numerical data.

Now, use the information to solve the following-problem situation.


Jorge read the following approach in a math book:

What is the perimeter of a square land that has on the side ð '¥ - 5?

Consider the explanation of the previous video: geometric figures have a general expression or formula that is useful for calculating, in this case, its perimeter or area, even if there is no numerical data.

Yon this case:

What is the general expression or formula?,

What numerical data or geometric elements have to calculate the perimeter?

Each side of the square terrain has the expression on the side: x - 5

What algebraic expression represents the perimeter of the square land that measures by side X - 5?

Look at what three secondary school students responded:


Joshua represented the calculation of the perimeter of the square land adding the measure of each sides, that is, he wrote:

P = (x - 5) + (x - 5) + (x - 5) + (x - 5)

Joshua said P represents the perimeter.


Ruty did the following, where he represented "P" to the perimeter:

P = two(x – 5) + two (x – 5)


Graciela made:

P = 4 (x - 5)

Reflect on the following questions:

Who of them and they correctly made the algebraic representation of the calculation of the perimeter of the square land that has a side ð '¥ - 5?

How can you know?

What did you identify in the four algebraic expressions?

Yon mathematics there are different ways to represent the same situation.To verify it, analyze the reasoning of the students.

Joshua carried out a procedure in attachment to the idea of perimeter, which is to add all sides of the figure in question.Yon this way, Joshua added four times (ð '¥ - 5) and matched P, which represents the perimeter.

P = (x - 5) + (x - 5) + (x - 5) + (x - 5)

En el caso deRuty, se puede inferir que asoció dos pares de lados paralelos, cuya medida es la misma, por ello establece la igualdad:

P = two(x – 5) + two (x – 5)

Esta expresión también permite identificar queRuty supone que el perímetro de la figura es P = twob + twoa, es decir, el perímetro es la suma de dos veces la base y dos veces la altura.

Graciela, on the other hand, represented the calculation of the perimeter considering that a square has four equal sides, so he considered abbreviated the sum of the four sides, as Joshua did, representing the multiplication of the expression x - 5 by 4, and theEqualized with P, which is the perimeter of the terrain.

P = 4 (x - 5)

Therefore, no student was wrong, each one made a different but equivalent interpretation to obtain the perimeter of the land or to express the procedure to calculate it.

Now, calculate the measure of the perimeter of the square land that has "x–5" by side.

La expresión algebraica de Joshua se puede escribir como una suma vertical y, al realizarla, su resultado es: 4x – two0.

La expresión algebraica deRuty se puede resolver al multiplicar el binomio x – 5 por two, que es igual a twox – 10 dos veces.

Finalmente se suman los términos semejantes, y queda:P = 4x – two0.

Con el procedimiento deGraciela, se sabe que 4 veces ð'¥ −5 es equivalente a 4(x – 5), por lo tanto, si P = 4 (x – 5) y al multiplicar por 4 al binomio (x-5), se tiene que: P = 4x –two0

Therefore, it is verified that the three algebraic expressions are equivalent to solving them and obtaining the same result. En este caso, se sabe que el perímetro o medida del contorno del terreno cuadrangular que mide por lado x – 5, es 4x – two0.

Next, pay close attention to the next situation-problem.

Situación-problema two

Juan Manuel is a student who enjoys solving mathematical problems, and more if they are geometric models.On this occasion you will answer the following questions associated with the geometric model shown.

a.What is the perimeter of each quadrilateral that makes up the geometric model?,

b.What is the perimeter of the geometric model?,

c.And what is the area of the purple figure?

Now, observe carefully to the geometric model, what information does it provide? What figures compose it? How are those figures? What do letters represent and equis?

Explore the geometric model and write down the answers to the questions raised.

Yof you are in your possibilities, you can make the geometric model if you have colored leaves, and if not, you can color it.

Analyze the characteristics of each of the four quadrilaterals that make up the geometric model.The measure of one of the sides of the blue ring is known, and by its shape, you can know that it is a square.Therefore, all its sides measure "x".

As for the orange ring.Yots measures are different, therefore, their sides are also.This confirms that it is a rectangle, whose base is "A", and its height "x".

The purple quadrilateral.By its form, it is a square of side "A".

The green quadrilateral has no measures, but through the analysis, it is known that it is a rectangle, and that measures "A" height, and base, "x".

Observe the image of the geometric model to analyze and answer the questions that guided the observation of the model.

What information does the geometric model provide?

-At analyzing its composition, you can deduct the characteristics of the figures that form it, as well as expand data such as the measures of some of its sides.

What figures compose it?

-Yot's about two squares.One of them, the purple that has "A" side, and the blue square that has on the side "X".

Likewise, the geometric model is made up of two rectangles that are equal.Yots base is "x" and its height is "a".

How are those figures?

-He are quadrilaterals, since they have four sides.

What do literals "A" and "X" represent?

-Repre the sides of the quadrilaterals, in a corresponding way.

With this information you can answer all the questions.

What is the perimeter of each quadrilateral?

-To answer the first question, you need to calculate the perimeter of each quadrilateral.

Consider the purple square, whose side is "A".Yots perimeter is:

P = A + A + A

P = twoa + twoa

P = 4a

As for the blue square, whose side measures "x".Realiza el mismo razonamiento.Yots perimeter is:

P = x + x + x + x

P = twox + twox

P = 4x

Consider the green rectangle, whose measure of the base is "x" and its height is "a".Making the same reasoning, its perimeter is:

P = A + A + X + X

P = twoa + twox

P = two(a + x)

Finally, consider the orange rectangle, whose measure of the base is "A" and its height is "x".Realiza el mismo razonamiento y:

P = A + A + X + X

P = twoa + twox

P = two(a + x)

The previous expressions corresponding to each quadrilateral are equivalent and differently represent the perimeter of each figure.

Now look for the answer of the second question:

-How much measures the perimeter of the geometric model?

Ask questions that help you infer information to obtain the perimeter of the geometric model.

What is the measure on each side?

Analyze the geometric model.

Yot is known that one side of the geometric model is composed of a square and a rectangle.The conjunction "and" can be interpreted as a sum of the outer sides of the square and the rectangle that form it, so it can be said that both the base and the height of the geometric model are equal to: "x + a" or"A + X".

This information will help you to determine the perimeter of the geometric model.The procedure can be represented as follows:

𝑃 = (a + x) + (a + x) + (x + a) + (x + a)

𝑃 = two(a + x) + two(x + a)

P = twoa + twox + twox + twoa

P = 4 (x + a)

P = 4x + 4a

Yon this way, all the above expressions represent the perimeter, but in different ways;that is, they are equivalent expressions.

Now, answer the last question:

-What is the area of the purple figure?

Consider that the area is a different measure from the perimeter.The area is expressed in square units.

How is the area of a square calculated?

The square area is calculated by multiplying side by side, or squared its side.

The purple square side is "A", therefore, its area is represented as:

Las expresiones: "(a)(a)" y "atwo", serían las únicas dos expresiones equivalentes.

Yon this session, you learned to algebraically represent properties of geometric figures carrying out some problems translated into algebraic expressions.To calculate the perimeter of a figure, it is necessary to make the sum of all its sides.

You also learned that each side of the figures has been represented with an algebraic expression, and you have studied various equivalent expressions to calculate the perimeter or area of the figures.Aprendiste que todas las expresiones algebraicas equivalentes representan lo mismo de diferentes maneras.

Remember that this is a support material and that you can consult other sources to complement what you learn here.

Check and apply what Yo learned by supporting you in your second degree Mathematics textbook, looking for the topic you studied in this session.

Geometry is a part of mathematics that helps you develop your geometric thinking.

ElReto de Hoy:

Put into practice what you have learned, analyze what information you have to answer the question.

The following geometric model is made up of seven squares, all the same. La expresión de uno de los lados de un cuadrado es de "twok – p".

What is the perimeter of the geometric model?


Theme: Talking different is not talking badly.

Expected Learning: Research on the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spanish -speaking peoples.

Énfasis:Reflexionar sobre la manera de expresarse entre compañeros y amigos como forma de diferenciación.

What are we going to learn?

You will identify the variations that exist in the ways of using language by speakers.

Every day we communicate with friends, family, neighbors, and each of them has a different way of speaking.We all do it from our personal situation, our knowledge, our environment and many other aspects.

Each uses specific words, different ways of saying them, and that makes us particular.The fact that we all talk different makes the world more varied and diverse.

Many Latin American countries use Spanish.However, no language is spoken exactly the same in two places in the world.Spanish, like any language, has variants from one country to another, even changes between territories of the same nation.

Yon this session, you will review some of these linguistic and cultural variants, as well as the way in which they are reflected in the daily speech of the people around you.

What do we do?

Reflect on the following:

When you read a book or do you see a television program, have you noticed how the way of talking about a character can reveal its characteristics?

Language researchers have reflected on how the way of speaking identifies us, because through it, other people can know about your country of origin, your socioeconomic level, if you are young or older, if you exercise a trade, a profession and evenYof you are part of a specific social group.

Language is communication.All people use it to convey knowledge, ideas and emotions.The way it is formulated allows others to see how we are built inside.Language gives a sense of belonging in different social groups: family, school, other people of our age, or the place where we work.That is, the way we express ourselves when talking denotes a position in front of the others.

Many times just to hear a talk between two people can be distinguished, for example, if they have a working relationship, when speech is very formal or they talk about "you".

Yon the same way, when it is heard that in a talk, colloquial or affectionate words are used, it is revealed that the level of confidence in that relationship is high and most likely have one or more social groups in common.

We all change our way of speaking, depending on the people with whom we are relating.When you are in a class or at a work board, you are more likely to use formal language, perhaps even technical.

Due to social networks, many words have been incorporated that were not common and that are used mainly by young people, such as anglicisms or expressions that become popular through the internet.

On some occasions, these types of expressions can generate some communication gaps between adults and young people.These differences in language can arise by sociolects and chronolectos.

The origin of each of the speakers can be identifiable because there are characteristics that define it.

A social dialect is said sociolect.That is, a variant of the language that is used by a social group, or inhabitants of a specific place.Keep in mind that this is not decisive and there is no speech that is only a social stratum.However, the use of certain words can give indicators, for example, of the level of studies.

You can also talk about chronolectos.These are the linguistic variants that distinguish the various ways of speaking between people of different ages who speak the same language.

There are words that, culturally, can be classified as children's, youth or adults.Like when a child usually uses the words "mommy", "more" or "love", while perhaps a young age of a certain age can use "boss".

What you have to keep in mind is that they are indicators that can show us the personal particularities of who speaks.Therefore, our speech is not only determined by the place where we live.Además de las cuestiones geográficas hay factores que intervienen al momento de comunicarnos y que nos diferencian como hablantes.

The members of a certain group, either for social or professional reasons, tend to express themselves in a similar way, which contributes to generate a feeling of identity, since they share words, phrases or expressions that become common use between them, for this reason, they are understandable within their context.This generates the sensation of difference with respect to the other communities.

A continuación, lee un fragmento de la canción "Dicen que la muerte", del músico mexicanoRodrigoGonzález, conocido comoRockdrigo.Try to identify expressions of sociocts and chronolectos that the author uses.

They say that death ...

"They say that death goes after my bones.

Yof so, Yo hope, to give her kisses.

And if the very convicted,

Yo stop to see her angry.

They say that death is very busy,

Taking old people, also many kids.

That scares people, who really scares

Well, it comes and takes you, even if you don't want it ".

Rodrigo EduardoGonzález

Did you identify some of the expressions of other sociolects or chronolectos?

For example, the expression "give him some kisses" that corresponds to a speech mode normally used by young people.

The use of the word "Chavas", for example, belongs to a speech of young people, although adults also use it.While "walks after my bones" could, in some sectors, be mainly an expression of adult people.

On the other hand, saying "pa" or "really" is usually associated with certain groups, also of age.

There are contexts with greater degree of formality, such as an exhibition, a job interview or an oral exam in which the speaker must express himself in a certain way.

Yon these contexts, a specialist, for example, referring to his work area or talking with colleagues, uses jarss or a specific slang;that is, a vocabulary of an area of knowledge or technicalities.Which generates identity and community in that circle, which does not necessarily depend on age or social stratum, but on the area of knowledge.

Most teenagers develop in less formal contexts.Yot must be distinguished that their way of speaking changes notoriously when they talk to each other, that when they talk to someone older or their parents or teachers.While, by developing certain forms between them, they begin to identify themselves as a group.

Language changes according to the communicative situation they face.These youth dialects also have a wide diffusion on social networks and even on television programs.

And it is increasing.

A language is the basis of the construction and expression of the culture of its speakers.The identity they develop is linked to vocabulary, intonation and grammar they use to express themselves.

Sometimes, these elements can limit us or, on the contrary, expand our horizons when using them as means of expression.

Algunos autores comoAmando de Miguel, establecen semejanzas entre la ropa y el lenguaje.

Amando de Miguel is a Spanish sociologist who has published more than one hundred books and different articles in multiple magazines and anthologies.He has also been a professor of multiple universities worldwide

Read the following fragment of this great author and try to identify the relationship he points out.

Language is like clothes

Language is like clothes que nos ponemos, una costumbre.[…] But the choice of one or another outfit serves to transmit to others a desired image of ourselves.

The language also performs the elementary objective of understanding each other, but, at the same time, that of presenting oursthat we knew).

But we managed with a very small sample.Al igual que el color negro es el prevalente en la indumentaria, la moda nos lleva a hablar o escribir con un estilo característico según nuestra posición social.

Loving of Miguel, speaking soon and bad.

From this text you can reflect on some factors in our way of speaking.Words can be used as clothes, use them to transmit a message and give an impression of us.

Just as with clothes, everyone has limitations when communicating.The wonderful thing is that language is something that can be expanded to have more communication possibilities.

The way in which our language is used can allow to be accepted by a community, a group or a specific person.You can even see the influence on others according to the type of language used.

There is no better or worse variant to speak Spanish.They are different ways to communicate and develop.

The term jargon refers to how a social or specific group differs by the type of language it uses.So, different types of jarss can be distinguished

The jargon have a particular way of saying according to the people who are dedicated to something specifically.As the codes used by police to refer to situations such as car accidents or robberies.Or, the formulas and terms used by engineers and scientists to transmit information.Even that of soccer players when they talk about strategies or plays.

Note how they are classified:

Social jargon, which contain different ways of communicating with the purpose of not being understood by others or to differentiate themselves, such as adolescents.These generate a sense of belonging.

Professional Jargage, which need a certain specialized vocabulary for some processes, instruments, or concepts.A person outside the teaching environment would say "Yo like the way of teaching of the teacher", while another teacher would say, "Yo like colleague's didactics".

Cultural and regional jargon uses terminology and idioms used in specific regions, cities or countries, adding characteristics that culturally identify them and differentiating them from other peoples or nations.

That is why people who share a hobby or have the same job, usually have a common language.The jargon differentiates, but they also unite social groups.

Vocabulary often reflects our occupations and ways of life.

Many writers resume in their works the way of talking about people.They use it as a resource to complex their texts.

A clear example is the story "how the world was saved" by Staniså'aw Lem.

Staniså'aw Lem, was a Polish writer whose writing is characterized by philosophical reflection on new technologies.Yos considered an exponent of science fiction.

When this author is read, in addition to following him for his adventures, you learn and enter the world of scientific knowledge.Al conocer su lenguaje, sabes que hay otras posibilidades de manejar la ciencia, o de imaginarla.Know it a little and read the following fragment carefully:

How the world was saved

On one occasion, builder Trurl manufactured a machine that knew how to do all things, whose name began with the letter Ene.When he already had it, he ordered him, to try it, to manufacture some razors, that he put them in nacre needrs and threw them in a nansa surrounded by mist and full of water lilies, nécoras and nísperos.The machine fulfilled the order without hesitation, but Turl, still not quite sure of its operation, gave it the order to successively manufacture nimbos, custard, neutrons, nectars, noses, nose, nymphs and natrium.

The machine did not know how to do the latter and Trurl, very disgusted, demanded an explanation of that ruling.

"Yo don't know what it is," the machine was justified. ".Yo have never heard that word.

-What do you say?But it is sodium!A metal, an element ...

- Yof it's called sodium, start with s and Yo just know how to do what begins with N.

–But in Latin it's called Natrium.

–Amigo Trurl –dijo la máquina–, si yo supiese hacer todas las cosas que empiezan con n en todas las lenguas posibles, sería una máquina que lo sabe hacer todo en elAlfabeto entero, porque no hay cosa cuyo nombre no empiece con n en alguna de las lenguas del mundo.

How the world was saved

Stanisław Lem

Did you notice the highlighted words?What branch do you think they belong?

Most belong to scientific language, especially since one of the characters is an inventor.Within the story words are used that you would surely not use with your friends or family.

Even within the same scientific branch you can find variations in language.

The words we use distinguish us from other people.The author was a doctor and scientist.He studied engineering, biology, cybernetics among many other things.And then he started writing.Yon his literary works there is always a scientific proposal.

The language of each discipline is a good form of differentiation between the speakers of a language.And although it is used in different contexts, it also enriches the possibilities of communicating.

The first social group to which we belong is our family.As we advance in life we discover others of which we also acquire and replicate ways to express ourselves.

There are social groups that seek originality in communication and play with the possibilities of language making them their own.

Then analyze the lyrics of the song "Chilanga Banda", by author Jaime López.

"Pachucos, Cholos and Chundos

Chinchinflas and Malafachas

Here the rifan choppiras

And they dance Tibiritabara ... "

This song was written in 1994 by Mexican composer and singer Jaime López.

To understand what he says, you need to understand the language called "street", particularly from Mexico City.For example, the title: "Chilanga Banda", which means "Gang of Mexico City".

This song is relevant from the cultural and linguistic point of view.Your letter is built with words of colloquial use but also by language modifications.And, despite belonging to the so -called "neighborhood", many social spheres can understand what is being said.

The people of a community usually use the same variant of Spanish;And each person will adapt that variant to their characteristics, such as age, profession and even gender.For example, many older people often treat your strangers, while many young people talk about "you".

These differences are distinguished in the choice of vocabulary, in the structure of the statements, as well as in pronunciation.Each person has more in a speech form, since our mode of expression adapts to the context.

There are many factors that determine the way each person speaks.Age is one of those factors, but it also has to do with the context in which we grow and the environment in which we live.Así como los grupos sociales a los que pertenecemos.

You also have to take into account the interests of each.For example, young people interested in music for a long time will know and may use words and expressions that others of their age do not keep in mind.

The language constitutes a feature of identity according to the different social groups, and the linguistic diversity of Spanish is a consequence of the dynamism of the language.Our language is an inexhaustible source of wealth.

ElReto de Hoy:

Next, read carefully some words that belong to two speech variants.Then, place them in the corresponding column of the following table.

Expressions to classify:

Canton, Yo did not imagine, compas, Yo did not run into, friends, choro, house and speech.

What do you think is the place that corresponds to them?

Classify them in 'Young spell' or 'other words'.


Theme: Yo decide to inform myself about my sexuality.

Aprendizaje esperado:Analiza críticamente información para tomar decisiones autónomas relativas a su vida como adolescente (sexualidad, salud, adicciones, educación, participación).

Emphasis: Select information that agrees with your concerns and interests regarding the exercise of sexuality.

What are we going to learn?

You will recognize the importance of critically selecting the information that allows to respond to your concerns and interests regarding the exercise of sexuality.

What do we do?

Reflect on the following questions:

-How do you inform you well about sexuality?

-What means and information do you use?

-How do you select the appropriate information on this topic?

Yon the adolescence stage it is normal to have doubts and concerns regarding the exercise of sexuality;Therefore, you have surely resorted to information or you are thinking of informing yourself in some way.

Generally, you can see information on the subject of sexuality in your classes, in books, magazines, in television programs, on social networks, on the Yonternet, or you receive it from your family, friends and friends.Yon fact, there are other means for which you receive information;However, the challenge is to know which one you should consider and which to discard.

To do this, it is important that you have the necessary elements and tools for the selection of the information that you carry out respond to your concerns or doubts regarding the exercise of sexuality.

Yonforming truthfully will allow adolescents, not only to know different ideas and points of view, but helps them make appropriate and responsible decisions.

Yonformation is a right that all people have.When this right is exercised, you have the possibility to search, request, receive and disseminate quality information and respond to concerns.

Next, observe the following video, to know what the exercise of sexuality implies.Take note of what you consider important.

1.The components of sexuality.

Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of the human condition, present throughout life and contemplates various components;Not only does erotic relationships contemplate, also known as "sexual relations".

For example, an expression of sexuality is also the affection that you have towards the people you want or appreciate.

Sexuality is lived and expressed through thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices and the way you relate emotionally.

Yot is also influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, historical factors, as well as spiritual.

Therefore, it is essential to inform yourself about the components of sexuality to have a more complete panorama of what it implies and how to exercise it, to make decisions in a responsible way, oriented to your well -being and sexual health care.

As a teenager, you are discovering and experiencing various changes, situations and concerns about the exercise of sexuality.To do this, it is extremely important to have clear and respectful information according to what you want to know.

One way to have information according to your concerns is to resort to institutions where information related to the exercise of sexuality is provided, not only to ensure its veracity, but also as a way of asserting your rights.

Health services constitute a very appropriate place for adolescents to inform themFertility, the use of contraceptive methods, prevention of pregnancies, as well as sexually transmitted infections, among other issues of interest.

The appropriate and clear explanations allow a better acceptance of the stage you are living, favor the interest in knowing and taking care of each other, and helping to develop healthy lifestyles and responsible sexual behaviors.

Yot is important to consider the aforementioned, because it is essential that each of us take care of our health, and specifically, related to sexual health.Sexual health is not only the absence of diseases or discomforts, but is observed in free and responsible actions that lead to individual and social well -being.

What happens to the information that is commonly heard from people, which does not come from institutions or professionals specialized in sexuality?

Yon this regard, pay attention to the following video and the situations that arise.

two.Beliefs or truths?

One of the points to rescue in the video is that, due to lack of adequate knowledge and information, adolescents can believe in myths about the exercise of their sexuality, which constitute false information that circulates as if it were true.

This constitutes a risk factor because it can induce you to make wrong decisions, which are not consistent with self -care practices regarding sexual health.

Some reasons why wrong decisions can be made regarding sexuality occur due to lack of knowledge as:

-At the care of the body itself.

-Avish reproduction.

-On the use of contraceptive methods.

-Avoid personal expectations and a life project.

-Yoncredulity about sexually transmitted infections.

-Yodeas associated with life as a couple and pregnancy.

-And the feeling of invulnerability to danger.

Some of the consequences that the fact that adolescents are not informed about their concerns regarding sexuality are: they are usually:

-Yon the case of women particularly, that they cannot continue their studies and to reduce their opportunities for personal fulfillment;

-Yon the case of men, who have to leave school to find a job that lacks social benefits;

-Yon both cases, run the risk of discrimination by their membership and/or family groups;or that the quality of life of the family that will form is not adequate, given the lack of social skills to solve the problems that arise;

-Port for a life of sexually transmitted infection.

That is why, considering a life project based on critically selected information is very important, since it will allow you to make more assertive decisions in your life and fully exercise your sexuality.

Next, listen to the following case and reflect in relation to the importance of informing yourself and thinks what would you do if you were in a similar situation.

3.Audio 1.Julio and Yesssi.

Consult this link: https: // learning.sep.Gob.mx/multimedia/RSC//two0two010/two0two010-RSC-UoNPJH7vFL-AUDYoO1_JulioyYessi.AYoF

Now, reflect based on what is raised in the following questions:

What information should YESSYo have to make a decision?

What information should Julio have to avoid a decision based on the pressure of his friends?

To make such an important decision due to the pressure of friends and the same July towards Yesssi, would be little assertive.Yot is better that each one is reported more about the plans they would like to make in their lives and analyze the risks that would imply making the decision to have sex.

Yon addition, it would be convenient to apply what was mentioned above with respect to being informed about ways to prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.And not only this, but also to give the time to reflect what each one wants, without considering external pressure, in addition to clearly saying if they effectively want and are prepared to live that experience.

For example: un gimnasta para ejecutar una rutina en los juegos olímpicos debe estar debidamente preparado, ya que no sería prudente ir a competir sin el entrenamiento y la información necesaria respecto a su disciplina; lo mismo sucede con el caso deJulio and Yesssi, si deciden tener relaciones sexuales, deben estar debidamente informados y preparados para evitar situaciones de riesgo, como puede ser un embarazo no deseado.Therefore, the pressure of friends should not be what determines the decision.

Making decisions with autonomy is a process, it does not arise immediately and for this the selection of reliable and specialized sources of the topics of interest is essential, because only in this way will it be possible to assess options and decide with certainty.

Next, listen to the following information and reflect on the veracity of the same.You can take into account the following questions to analyze the situations that arise:

What information is given and who generates it?

What information do you think is reliable and which does not?Why?

4.Audio two.Ay, amiga.

Click below:

https: // learning.sep.Gob.mx/multimedia/RSC//two0two010/two0two010-RSC-ewuS0FMUNO-AUDYoOtwo_Ayamiga.AYoF

5.Audio 3.Reporte.

Consulta aquí: https: // learning.sep.Gob.mx/multimedia/RSC/Audio/two0two010/two0two010-RSC-mlTyC8BqSq-AUDYoO3_Reporte.M4A

6.Audio 4.Sexuality course.

Da clic al siguiente enlace: https: // learning.sep.Gob.mx/multimedia/RSC//two0two010/two0two010-RSC-rH7Gegvrph-AUDYoO4_Cursosexualidad.AYoF

7.Audio 5.Capricorn.

Escucha aquí: https: // learning.sep.Gob.mx/multimedia/RSC/Audio/two0two010/two0two010-RSC-aNxsgka5y3-AUDYoO5_Capricornio.M4A

8.Audio 6.State Yonstitute.

Entra en este link: https: // learning.sep.Gob.mx/multimedia/RSC//two0two010/two0two010-RSC-FLTQtwoEqkZd-AUDYoO6_YonstitutoEstatal.3GP

Did you distinguish the information that is true and that which is not?

To support your ideas, perform the following activity.

-There is a picture with key questions regarding how to select reliable information sources.

-Yon a sheet draw a picture with three columns and two rows.As heading of the first column, write down the question: is it possible to find the same information in different sources?Why?

-Yon the second: What characteristics should a source gather to be considered reliable?

-And, in the third: What sources of information can Yo consult?

-Yon the second row, it writes short ideas or answers depending on each question.

Look at the following example.

As you can see in the picture, some answers were noted;You write down what you consider important, and, above all, what allows you to decide regarding the type of information and the sources you must consult.

To give you ideas on how to identify reliable sources, watch the following video.

-Busha of reliable sources.

As you could appreciate, to critically analyze and compare the information, it is first essential to choose and discriminate that which is reliable from which it is not, fixing that you meet these criteria minimally:

-Verify who or which institution wrote the information.Avoid pages that end in.com

-Verify that the information is ordered and written correctly, with informative style and without spelling errors.

-Yodentifies if the information is based on referring other reliable sources.

-Revies that the date is updated and that preferably is of recent years.

Do you know other criteria that allow you to select reliable information?

Anotal them and use those criteria when looking for information on the topics that worry you and, specifically, regarding the exercise of sexuality.

Have reliable information and analyze it critically, significantly influences decisions and exercising sexuality in a full and without prejudice.

Como sabes, existe la Cartilla de Derechos Sexuales deAdolescentes y Jóvenes. La impresión de esta cartilla estuvo a cargo de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, atendiendo a lo establecido en la LeyGeneral de los Derechos de Niñas, Niños yAdolescentes, la LeyGeneral de Salud y la LeyGeneral de Educación.


Por ello, es relevante que las y los adolescentes mexicanos conozcan y ejerzan los 14 derechos de los que habla la Cartilla de Derechos Sexuales deAdolescentes y Jóvenes en México, que son los siguientes:

Right to:

-Decide free, autonomous and informed about your body and sexuality.

-Ejerr and fully enjoy your sex life.

-Make publicly their affections.

-Decide who or who to relate affective, erotic and sexually.

-That your privacy is respected and to protect your personal information.

-The life, to physical, psychological and sexual integrity.

-Decide free and informed about your reproductive life.



-The updated, truthful, complete, scientific and secular information about sexuality.

-The integral education in sexuality.

-The sexual and reproductive health services.

-The sexual identity.

-The participation in public policies on sexuality and reproduction.

Yon relation to the subject, it is important to highlight, especially the number ten right that indicates the following:

"We have the right to updated, truthful, complete, scientific and secular information about sexuality to make free decisions about our life.The issues related to sexuality should include all components of it: gender, eroticism, emotional ties, reproduction, pleasure and diversity.This information should be free from stereotypes, prejudices, myths or guilt [...].

The State must guarantee access to information continuously and with intercultural relevance through competent sectors and institutions, especially in health and educational services.Such information should be given according to our particular needs and in response to the evolution of our faculties ".

The right to have reliable information is a condition of human dignity, autonomy, responsibility and freedom to exercise sexuality.

That is why it is important that you develop the ability to select and choose that information that is reliable, in order to analyze it and compare it critically.

You can also rely on these six questions to analyze the information of your interest before making decisions.

-What information do you have?

-What does that information say?

-Where does it come from?

-Who emits it?

-What information sources can give you other points of view?

-Yos there anyone else involved in your decision?

The rest of the process involves making decisions with responsibility, which means fully committing and assuming the consequences.

Keep in mind:

-Realize situations based on respect for human dignity.

-To the decision for their own reasons and be able to argue them.

-Well always the appropriate means to carry it out.

-And with that you can already execute the decision taken.


Yot was explained what sexuality is, which is not only limited to the erotic component, but has different manifestations and is part of our life at all stages.

The importance of selecting and choosing information was highlighted according to your concerns or doubts that have to do with the exercise of sexuality, for this reason some criteria that can be useful for obtaining quality information and, above all, that allow youmake decisions that contribute to your well -being and sexual health care.

Remember to consult your textbook to complement the explanations that have been shared in this session.

Exercise your right to access information to have the one that interests you and respond to your concerns, always considering respect for you and other people.

You can access various electronic pages that provide truthful and quality information from various institutions and organisms:

http: // families andsexualities.Yommujeres.Gob.mx/

https: // www.UNFPA.org/es/health-sexual-and-reproductive

ElReto de Hoy:

Make a brief summary, as well as synoptic pictures and write down the recommendations and criteria that were treated in this session.

Yof you are in your possibilities, access the electronic pages of institutions and organisms to consult truthful and quality information.

Third of high school


Topic: Common factor.Real problems.

Aprendizaje esperado:Resuelve problemas que implican el uso de ecuaciones de segundo grado.

Énfasis:Resolver problemas cuadráticos usando factorización.

What are we going to learn?

One of the reasons why quadratic equations are so fascinating is that many materials are not required;For example, to solve the problems you will see, you will only need: pencil, pen, marcatexts of any color;This is optional, since, if you do not have one at hand, you can use a color to underline or highlight the main ideas and a place to write, it can be on a white sheet, in a piece of paper or in some notebook.

Remember what is factorizing.Yot is called factoring an expression to the process in which the factors that, as a product between them, this initial expression is obtained.Look at an example about a numerical factorization.

Si quieres obtener la factorización del número 1two0:

And what about algebraic expressions?

For algebraic expressions, for example, if you have a polynomial, at least two factors must be found that, by multiplying them, give you the original algebraic expression.And, to find these factors, remember what was considered in the previous session.

The factorization of an algebraic expression by common factor, the MCD is extracted from coefficients in expression and literal, or common literals, as well as the minimum exponent that exists in those literals.

Leaving the expression: 5x, which is the common factor, multiplied by (x - 5), which is the second factor.

Continue with another example about this method to factor.

Yof you have the expression:

(4x)^4+ (1twox)^3+(two0x) ^two

4 x cuarta más 1two x al cubo más two0 x al cuadrado.

Where we have "x" squared plus 3 "x" plus 5.

The expression obtained is polynomial factorization or given expression.4 "x" square by "x" squared plus 3 "x" plus 5.

This procedure used is what is known as a common factorization.

And it is the procedure that you will use to solve the second degree equations.

What do we do?

We propose the following activity that is related to guessing age.

Hello, Yo'm amber.

And Yo am Jade.

And they always ask us that if we are twins.

We do not know why.

Although, really, that's not a problem.

And we really do not seem, we have very different tastes, Yo like to work with metal structures, and Yo prefer the construction of construction.

And we have devised a problem for everyone to know our ages once and for all.

We hope you can find our true age so that they no longer think we are twins.

To solve it you must start with the simplest, and that is to pass the problem to algebraic language.Recuerda que cualquier problema puede ser planteado de forma algebraica y, en este caso, es lo primero que hay que hacer.

Check the data you give you, or, rather, check the data that does not give you;Yon this case, you do not know the age of amber, so you will simply represent it with the letter "X".

Jade's age is not revealed to us either, however, we know that it is a year greater than his sister, so the expression will be "x+1".

Now the girls commented that the sum of the squares of their ages is equal to 365, so you will represent this in the form of the following equation, hearing the value "x" and square the value "x+1".

Yon the case of X, raising it square does not generate any problem, however, to cut the square "x+1" requires raising a square binomial.

Acabas de ver la expresión ya elevada al cuadrado, la edad de Ámbar era "x", solamente agregas la potencia two y se entiende que está al cuadrado.

Yon the case of expression x+1, raise it square requires a little more work, observe:

Square the first term that is x.

Posteriormente obtienes el doble producto del primer término por el segundo, esto sería dos veces x por 1, lo que da como resultado twox.

And finally you get the square of the second term that, in this case, is 1, and the result of raising 1 squared is 1.

Finally, add similar terms, such as the two terms of X squared, and the positive 365 that was on the other side of equality moves it with its negative sign towards the other side, and when subtracting it with the positive 1, it gives as364 negative result.

Para simplificar la ecuación aún más, la dividirás entre two.And the final result is:

Now, as you can see, you reach an expression that must already be known to this point, a quadratic equation.

The first step in this factorization is to place two parentheses, each with the letter X, which is the common factor you expect to obtain.

Lo que necesitas son two números que multiplicados te den como producto 18two.

Here is a list with all the couples of numbers that meet that criterion.

Pero adicionalmente los números que cumplen la condición de que al multiplicarse obtienes como producto 18two, también deben dar como resultado de su suma o resta 1, y puedes ver que los números que cumplen esa condición son 14 y 13.

Back to the equation, you can see now within the parentheses the numbers 13 and 14, respectively, which are the ones that meet the given condition.

You can see that the result of the multiplication, that is, the number 184, is negative, so you know that one of the numbers you find will have this sign, and as when performing the subtraction what you did was 14 to remove 13, becauseYou can say that these are the signs they should carry.

The next step is to move on the other side of equality the values you just found, obviously the values you are looking for are 13 and 14, however, this procedure is carried out in the factorization and therefore you do not want to ignore it.

So you have resolved the challenge of the students' ages, they are 13 and 14 years old, respectively.

We propose another activity and do it in your notebook:

Continue with one more:

Analyzing it, you realize that it is an equation that is not simplified.

Now what you will do is simplify the equation.


Retakes the equation, 3x square plus x is equal to x square plus 7x.

(3x) ^two+x = x^two+7x)

Square and 7x is subtracted from both members.

(3x) ^two-x^two- 7x+x=x^two-x^two+7x-7x

And adding the similar terms is the expression as:

twox cuadrada menos 6x igual a cero. (twox)^two-6x=0

And you have a second degree equation that is resolved by common factor.

With this, you have located what type of equation is that of Tania and Kenia.

Now observe the solution.

Taking the equation:

twox cuadrada – 6x igual a cero.

(twox) ^two-6x=0

Si observas en la ecuación los coeficientes two y 6, son pares, y la x aparece en los dos términos.

Eso quiere decir que el factor común es twox dividiendo la ecuación.

twox cuadrada – 6 igual a cero, entre este factor común twox.


The result of this division remains:

x minus 3 equal to zero

x - 3 = 0

Therefore, the factorization of the equation is:

twox por x minus 3 equal to zero.

twox(x-3) = 0

The roots or solutions of the Kenya and Tania equation are:

x1 = 0


Checking, solutions must satisfy the equation. Observe:

The two roots or solutions satisfy the original equation.

Concluding the problem of Kenya and Tania.

Solve a problem where you will link your equation and everyday life, together with the manipulation of different materials.

The cardboard that will use the four is 45 x 65 and are two cards per couple of children.

Can you help your partners and colleagues answer the following questions?

Look at the data they give you:

Lupita and Helen = 16 Measured Cards x By x

Alonso y Dilan = two4 tarjetas de medidas 10 por x


The previous one is the equation that represents the problem.

What do you think if you solve the equation raised?

Se resta two40x a los dos miembros, 16x cuadrada menos two40x es igual a two40 x menos two40x.


Now equals both expressions:

The two solutions or roots of the equation are:

x1 = 0y xtwo=15

The positive solution is taken: equis different from zero: x ≠ 0


Concluding the solution and answering the questions raised at the beginning:

The square card measures 15 cm per side.Your area is:


Now with the rectangular card that measures 10 centimeters high by 15 centimeters of base.Yots area is 10 by 15 equal to 150 cm square.


Y son two4 tarjetas rectangulares, entonces la cantidad total de cartulina que necesitaran para las tarjetas rectangulares es de two4 por 150, que será igual a 3 600 cm cuadrados.


With this, the original equation is checked, in which it is proposed that they must use the same amount of cardboard per couple of girls and boys:




With this we can conclude that:

-How much measures every side of the square cards?They measure 15 cm per side.

-How much measures every side of rectangular cards?They measure 10 cm x 15 cm.

-The cards that the teacher gave them to make the cards reach them?Yes and there are plenty of.

-Yof there are plenty, how many extra cards can they do?They can make 10 extra square cards and 15 extractangular cards.

You realize that many situations in everyday life can be solved with this type of equations.

Finally, another activity.

To be 0, one or the two factors must be zero.Así, se separan los dos factores, igualándolos a cero.

This tells us that the solutions are:

x1 = 0xtwo=50

The X1 solution is taken:

We calculate the area of the orchards.

With this you check that the area they must occupy is 15,000 square meters for each.

Si Pepe tiene 1two 000 metros cuadrados y necesita 15 000, no le alcanza su parcela y le faltan 3 000 metros cuadrados.

Dividiendo 3 000 entre two 500, le falta 6/5 veces al área de una huerta cuadrada para su proyecto.

Yof Leandro is 10,000 square meters, he does not reach 5,000 square meters either.

Dividing 5,000 between 3 750, he lacks 4/3 rectangular garden for his project.

This concludes the solution of the projects of the compadres Pepe and Leandro.

ElReto de Hoy:

Write in your notebook and solve.

Yon the following image you have four non -defined equations, and the challenge is that simplify.

You know that, with the knowledge of simplification of polynomials that you already have of the previous courses, you can reduce the similar terms and establish what type of equations it is.

Search for your textbooks more problems related to this topic.


Topic: Atoms or molecules?

Expected Learning: Yodentify the analysis and systematization of results as characteristics of scientific work carried out by Cannizzaro by establishing the distinction between molecular mass and atomic mass.

Énfasis:Reconocer la importancia de la metodología científica (el análisis y la sistematización de resultados) aplicada por Cannizzaro al identificar la diferencia entre masa atómica y masa molecular.

What are we going to learn?

Yon your daily activities you use a wide variety of materials, but on very few occasions you think: what are they made? How are they formed?, And why do they have different properties?

These questions are not new in science.A lo largo de la historia, los científicos se han encargado de contestarlas, especialmente los químicos.One of the most important issues for them, and of course, also for us, is the classification of the different materials according to their properties, not only physical but also chemical.

One of the fundamental tasks of scientists and scientists of that time was to propose a classification system that allowed, in a simple and adequate way, to manage the information until then known.

Before we start, we share the famous phrase of Stanislao Cannizzaro: "Often it happens that the mind of a person who is learning a new science has to go through all the phases that science itself has exhibited in its historical evolution".You, in what phase are you?

Yon this session it will treat the work developed by the Yotalian chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro, highlighting his contribution to the debate on atoms, molecules and atomic masses, which allowed us a new compression of chemistry.

You will reflect on the importance of systematic work in science.You will identify the contributions of different chemicals during the nineteenth century, which laid the foundations of modern chemistry.

You will also observe in detail how the work developed by the Yotalian chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro contributed to the consolidation of the second chemistry revolution: the construction of the periodic table.

Record your doubts, concerns or difficulties that arise in solving the approaches in this session, as well as those key ideas that you identify.

The questions regarding the issue of molecules formation can be solved when reviewing the examples that appear in your textbook, reflecting on the problems that will be presented and when solving the activity that will be proposed later..

Did you know?Neutron stars are so dense that a single teaspoon would be heavier than the entire land population.

¿Cuál crees que sea la masa de un grano de arroz?Anótalo en tu libreta.

To verify it you will need a grain of rice, you will use granratary and digital balance to know its mass.

You place it in the Granataria balance and observe.Did not record it, there is no registration of your mass.

That means that the balance capacity is not enough to record such a small value.

Now try it with the digital balance, place it again and observe if any value is recorded.

Nor does it record the value of the mass of a single grain of rice.

What can you do to know your dough if you do not have a scale sensitive enough to record such a small value?

A possible solution is as follows:

Tienes two00 granos de arroz, los colocas en la balanza digital para obtener su masa de manera más rápida.

Como puedes observar, se registra el valor de la masa de los two00 granos, ¿cómo puedes obtener la masa de uno solo?

Divide el valor total de la magnitud de la masa entre los two00 granos.

A grain of rice is made up of atoms.

Atoms are the units of matter, they are microscopic and have properties that identify which chemical element belong.

How can you know the mass of something so small?

Yon the same way as in the example with rice, you cannot obtain the value of the magnitude of the mass of a single atom, as it is extremely small, but you can obtain the value of the magnitude of the mass of a much greater amount,as well as the individual value, if you know the total amount of atoms between which you would divide it.

This was one of the many problems that chemicals faced to know the structure of matter.

What do we do?

Observe carefully the following video of minute 4:54 to 6:38, it will help you understand the importance of work developed by Stanislao Cannizzaro and the theories on which it was based.

1.Ordering chemical elements

The first chemistry revolution occurred at the end of the 18th century, which meant the reformulation of chemistry.Yot was based on oxygen combustion theory and the law of conservation of matter.

Yos there a second revolution in chemistry?

Look at the following video and conclude what results you obtained from this important event for science and chemistry:

How many planets and celestial bodies can you find in the periodic table?

Among the 118 chemical elements, you can find 10 elements related to the celestial bodies, although it can also be the name that refers to the mythological character with which said planet or star is related.

You found them?The development of the periodic table would not have been possible without Cannizzaro's work on the masses of atoms.

-How to measure the mass of the atoms?

-What is the atomic mass and atomic number?

These two concepts include what are the atomic magnitudes that define the atom.Canizzaro solved this problem, as it proposed to determine the different atomic masses using the hydrogen atom as a reference, for being the lightest element, and developing systematic methods to measure the relative mass of atoms.

Cabe señalar que la masa atómica se representa con la letraA mayúscula.

The relative atomic mass is the number of times that the mass of an atom of a given element is larger than the mass of the hydrogen atom;For example, the relative atomic mass of an oxygen atom is 16 units of atomic mass.

This means that the mass of an oxygen element atom is approximately 16 times greater than the mass of a hydrogen atom.

The electrons are not taken into account, since their dough is practically negligible.

The atoms of an element can occur in nature as isotopes.

What is an isotope?

An isotope, or atoms of a chemical element has the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons, hence its atomic mass is different.

The atomic masses are calculated with the average of the masses of the different isotopes of each element, according to the relative abundance of each of them;that is, the percentage in which each isotope of an element is found in nature.

To this is due that the value of the atomic masses of the elements is expressed with whole and decimal numbers, such is the case of chlorine atoms, whose atomic mass has a value of 35.45 u.

The mass number of an isotope is equal to the sum of the number of neutrons and protons that are in the nucleus of the atoms of the chemical elements.That is why unlike the atomic mass it is represented with an integer.

The atomic number is represented with the capital letter Z, this value is equal to the number of protons present in the nucleus.

The atomic number was fundamental in the study of the properties of the chemical elements.

The Atomic Mass Unit (U) was established until 1961.The atomic mass measurement pattern is symbolized with the letter u.

Como ya se mencionó anteriormente, las masas de los átomos son relativas, actualmente se toma como unidad la doceava parte del átomo de carbono con una masa atómica de 1two u. El número atómico del carbono es 6, lo que significa que tiene 6 protones, en este caso, el número 1two indica que los átomos de carbono tienen 6 protones y 6 neutrones en el núcleo.

The molecular mass is calculated by adding the atomic masses of the atoms that form the corresponding molecule.

Look at these examples so that it is much clearer.

What will be the molecular mass of water?

Check your periodic table and locate hydrogen.

What atomic number does it have?Yos number 1.

What atomic number does oxygen have?The atomic number of oxygen is 8.

This means that hydrogen has a proton and oxygen 8 protons, both are in the nucleus of the atom along with the neutrons.

Locate the atomic mass of both hydrogen and oxygen.Generalmente las tablas periódicas toman un elemento y colocan las especificaciones para que puedas encontrar con mayor facilidad las propiedades de los átomos de cada elemento, como en este caso el número atómico y la masa atómica, entre otros datos.

Now, to know the mass of the water molecule you will occupy its chemical formula and its atomic mass.

Therefore, the chemical formula indicates that this molecule has an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

The atomic mass of hydrogen is one zero point, zero.

For practical issues, you will round up one.

And oxygen is fifteen points ninety -nine, also round it, it remains in 16.

Now do the following:

Hydrogen is equal to two atoms by one of its atomic mass and you find two.Oxygen is 1 atom for 16 which is its atomic mass, it results in 16.

Adds both results and gives you eighteen atomic mass units.So the molecular mass of water is 18 u.

Another molecule of biological importance is carbon dioxide.Why is carbon dioxide important?Because it is part of primary processes for life on our planet, and can analyze it from the carbon cycle.

What will be your molecular mass?

Nuevamente, necesitas la fórmula química, que es COtwo, y la masa atómica de cada uno de los elementos.

Oxygen is sixteen and carbon is twelve zero points one, to which also rounds, being in twelve.

The proportion in this molecule is of a carbon atom for two oxygen.

Perform the following calculations:

You will start with carbon.

Carbon is equal to the atomic mass that is twelve for an atom that is present in this molecule and we find twelve.

Oxygen is equal to its atomic mass that is sixteen, by two it is equal to thirty -two units of atomic mass.

So the molecular mass of carbon dioxide is 44 U.These calculations that you just performed in chemistry are called stoichiometric calculations: it is the branch of chemistry that is responsible for measuring quantitative proportions is called stoichiometry.

Yot also studies the proportion of the different elements in a chemical compound and the composition of the mixtures.

Performing stoichiometric calculations allows you.

Cannizzaro utilizó las investigaciones deAvogadro para determinar masas atómicas y moleculares.

Si consideras que la masa atómica del hidrógeno es 1 u y sabes que la molécula del hidrógeno gaseoso está compuesta por two átomos, entonces la masa molecular del hidrógeno es two u.

Se mide un volumen de hidrógeno que pese exactamente twog (hoy se sabe que éste es igual a twotwo.4L measured at 760 mm from mercury to zero degrees Celsius). La masa de un volumen igual de oxígeno gaseoso, medido en condiciones iguales, es de 3twog y que tiene el mismo número de moléculas que los twog de hidrógeno, por lo que la relación entre las masas del hidrógeno y el oxígeno es la misma que existe entre las masas de las moléculas de hidrógeno y las de oxígeno, es decir, 16 u, por lo que la masa atómica del oxígeno es 16 u y 8 es su número atómico.

Thus, when comparing the masses of equal volumes of any gas and hydrogen, as they have the same number of molecules and the relationship between the masses of the molecules is preserved, you can know the mass of the molecules of any gas.

Yof you knew the molecular mass of the compounds, the atomic mass of the elements that integrate it and their mass composition (by the Proust Law), it is easy to find the formula of the compounds.That is, knowing how many atoms of each element form the compound molecule.

Para proponer el cálculo indirecto de las masas atómicas de los elementos, Cannizzaro debió tener muy clara la diferencia entre átomo y molécula a partir de los estudios de varios químicos que le habían precedido: Berzeluis, Dumas,Avogadro y Laurat, entre otros.

Performs the following activity builds a timeline where you highlight the discoveries that gave rise to the current periodic table.Yoncludes all scientists who were mentioned.Al mismo tiempo, investiga los acontecimientos históricos del mundo y de México que se suscitaron en esos mismos años.You can check the history books Yo and YoYo to complement the information.

There is no doubt that scientific communication, understood as scientific presentation, distribution and reception, is important for the development of science and therefore it is essential that it be carried out adequately and understandably for the scientific community.Asimismo, es necesario que el conocimiento científico se socialice.

Yof you consider that the phone was invented in 1871, cell telephony began to develop in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

On the other hand, the written press (newspapers and magazines) became popular from 1884 and the Yonternet since 1969. La pregunta es: ¿cómo se enteraron Cannizzaro y Mendeleiev, que vivían en Yotalia yRusia respectivamente, de los avances científicos que se generaban en otros países? ¿Cómo sabes qué tan viejo es?

Paleontology and other sciences use the fourteen carbon test.

What is carbon test 14?Carbon 14, also known as radiocarbon, is a weak radioactive isotope of carbon.

This isotope is constantly produced in the atmosphere due to the continuous bombardment of nitrogen atoms by cosmic rays.

How does fourteen carbon get inside organisms?For photosynthesis.

Through this, plants incorporate carbon 14 into their organisms and transfer it to other organisms when they feed on plants.

Yon this way, when an organism dies stops eating fourteen carbon so the amount of this isotope will decrease exponentially.

Radiocarbon dating is only applicable for organic matter and in some inorganic, but it does not work in metals.

On several occasions you will have heard how archaeologists and paleontologists determine the age of fossils and is thanks to the technique.Carbon test 14.

So, if one day you find your fossil remains, they will determine in what time of time you inhabited.

ElReto de Hoy:

What would happen if one of the atoms that integrate us would speak and could realize your life?

Through calcium you will know the genesis and expansion of the universe, the formation of the earth, the emergence of life and the avatars of the human race.

Where can you find this adventure?

Yon the book: Calcium: Biography of an atom.

By José Emilio Salgado.

Es parte de la colección de los libros delRincón.


Topic: Design the questionnaire for your survey!

Aprendizaje esperado:Analiza, interpreta y organiza los resultados de una encuesta en un informe.

Emphasis: Prepare questions for a survey based on the topic and recipient.

What are we going to learn?

Sometimes people need to collect opinions or information from a large number of people.And surveys facilitate the collection and understanding of so many data.That is why they can become an invaluable tool.

You will analyze what are the criteria that allow you to prepare more effectively the questions that you will integrate into a survey that we decide to use.

This can help you in various research throughout your studies, since it is a method used by many branches of knowledge.

Remember that all you review is to strengthen your knowledge, so Yo recommend keeping a record of the doubts, concerns or difficulties that arise during the development of this session.

We also recommend you take note of the most important ideas, write down keywords, as well as the main ideas of the information that arises.

You will start reading a text that shows the results of a survey applied to teachers, who consider reading as an important tool in their professional activity.

About reading

The frequency with which it reads is an important indicator of the habit of reading.Taking into account that the group to which this study is carried out has reading as a basic and fundamental tool of its professional activity, it will not be surprised that the highest values are concentrated in the group of those who read "all/almost all thedays".

This is also true in all types of reading, with the exception of non -professional magazines.Yon any case, there is a curious fact and that is that the greatest proportion of teachers (58%) that reads "all/almost every day", what the general press reads most (not sports).

Then, professional books, followed by non -professional books, professional magazines and non -professional magazines.

La media de libros leídos en los últimos 1two meses ha sido de 9 libros no profesionales, y de 11 para libros profesionales.

Sobre el tiempo de lectura, los mayores porcentajes se encuentran en los intervalos de "entre 30 minutos y 1 hora" (two6%) y de "más de two horas" (otro two6%); este patrón se mantiene en los días laborales y en los fines de semana.

Seeing differences by gender, it is observed that these are very small, both in professional books and in non -professional books.

The text you just read handles data that have percentages or statistical information.This is because it is a survey report.

How could you define survey?

A survey is an instrument that serves to collect data or opinions on some topic, event, product or service.

Focus on the development of surveys on products or services.This, so that you have tools that allow you to measure the impact that advertisements have on consumers.

Whenever you do an investigation you must ask questions on the subject.

There is a series questions that you should not forget to start designing your survey.

What do we do?

Look at the following video to know those questions:

How to ask questions to develop an investigation

What do you think of the way you compare an investigation with doing a salad?

Pepe Papas and his kitchen assistant, Cayetana, said that the basic questions for any investigation are:




-Who or who?


-And for what?

Before undertaking the design of a survey, you have to define the topic on which you want to do your research.

Yon this case, if your analysis object is a specific product, you need to delimit it.

Finding a "for what" or "why" are you looking for these results, is fundamental.Yon this way you can find an axis from which to ask the questions.

As you observed in the video, it is important to define the purpose, justification and product of the investigation, in order to generate the questions that will guide you in your research.

The purpose or justification that arises is: "knowing the impact of advertisements on consumers".

Yon addition to the purpose, the recipient of your survey must also be considered, that is, the population to which their questions will apply.

What aspects should you consider to select who are going to survey?

To define the population or recipients of your survey, you must keep in mind that the interviewees are a group of people who share certain characteristics.

Look at some.

Common characteristics can be:

Of geographical nature;Yon other words, they share the same area where they develop.Yot can be the country, its state, its city or locality.

Also demographic, such as age, sex, its monetary income or the characteristics of your family.

There are also those of psychographic nature.They are those that correspond to characteristics such as social class, lifestyle or personality, and their impact on social coexistence.

Finally, the behavioral cut characteristics, which are those that correspond to specific occasions or events, which the respondents share, such as a soccer match or a concert.Yon these cases, there are times when, in exchange for conducting the survey, certain benefits related to the event in question can be granted.

Do not lose sight of these characteristics when designing the survey and formulating the questions.

Yon addition, we must try to take into account aspects in consumer behavior.For example, the frequency with which they acquire certain products or the benefits they have obtained from them.Also the amount of uses that give them.

All these considerations will allow us to properly design the survey and, in this way, you can obtain the necessary information to measure the effect of advertising in a given population.

Another suggestion can be to choose a product or service that is frequently announced, that is easily recognizable for the population you are going to study.This can be through ads on television, radio or posters.

From these different observations, and taking into account the aforementioned, you can start asking your questions.

Yon addition to choosing the theme and the recipient of the survey, you should know that there are three different ways of asking the questions.

These are: the questions closed, open questions and multiple choice questions.

Each one throws answers of different nature and we have to know how and at what time use them according to the results we are interested in knowing.They are classified according to the type of response you get from the interviewee.

Closed questions hope to obtain a "yes" or a "no".

You can see that the answers are concrete and require less work for their analysis, since their review is done from the frequency with which the interviewees respond to some of the options.

There are variants of these, in which the "true" or "false" options are used.Yon both cases these responses facilitate the interpretation of information, since it does not lend to ambiguity.

Observe the examples carefully.

Do you have a cell phone?

The expected answer is "yes" or "no".

Also, in the question: "Do you take refreshment?", The only possibilities are those: "yes" or "no".

Yon the case of open questions, what is expected is the opinion of the respondent or a brief explanation that justifies your answer.

For example, in the question: "Which cell phone brand prefers?", The respondent is expected to mention at least one.However, there are many available to the population studied.Yof we wish, in addition to responding, the respondent can give a more complex assessment.

Yof this is what we want, we must simply add to the previous question a "Why?".

Another example of an open question would be: "What do you think about the habit of making soda every day?".Aquí la respuesta esperada no es simplemente "sí" o "no", sino que el encuestado tendrá que pensar y desarrollar un poco más su respuesta.

This type of questions represents a work more dedicated to the moment of collecting data, since the answers are needed to be read more than once.

Yon this way, the researcher can identify aspects that are most frequently presented in them.

This implies classifying them in topics, categories or aspects that allow the systematization, analysis and interpretation of the information obtained.

We must also bear in mind that the answers to these questions imply knowledge about the subject to investigate, since respondents have the freedom to express themselves, which implies a risk.

The writing of the questions must be accurate, in order to obtain the information with the lower subjectivity that is possible.

Another way in which you can design questions in a survey, are those of multiple choice.

These are used when we want.

For example:

What is the reason you chose your phone?

a.Yot was fashionable.

b.The announcement convinced me.

c.The brand is very prestigious.

d.Has all the functions Yo need.

Yon these questions, the answers provided are specific and go according to what the pollster has planned that the interviewees answer.

The advantages of these types of questions are the systematization and analysis they facilitate, as it is done more quickly and practically.

Although the other/another option can also be added when the answer is not considered among the initial options.This in order to include cases not foreseen in the initial design.

Summarizing what you have seen so far, you can say that once the issue of the survey has been decided, we must define the population to which it will be directed.

Yot must be taken into account that in the instruments to collect the information, they must:

-Contar with fields to add the respondent data.

-Yonclude filling instructions.

-Contener answer options if the questions are closed.

-Contar with subtitled sections to facilitate the identification of the issues.

-Nume each question.

-Revist that language is adequate for the recipients to understand.

Yot is important to make a first draft of the questionnaire that will be applied.For this, a suggestion is that you define the number of questions, analyze the relevance of personal data to request, write the instructions and organize the questions according to the defined sections.

What should you take into account to write the questions?

You can write a first list of questions, and of them, choose the ones you consider most significant, clear and complete.

The questions are the main component of a survey, since they are the vehicle by which you get information from the selected community.

For this reason, we must ensure that the writing is clear and precise, as well as asking short questions with adequate language.

Each one elaborate a questionnaire, considers that one with many questions can be difficult, tired and even boring to answer for the public that gives us the information.

This could be unavailable for the results of the investigation you are doing.

The presentation and distribution with which you organize the questionnaire is also important.This is important, since this will lead to an easy response from the respondent and save the time of both.Look at this example:

Look at the distribution that the questions have and the way in which they are asked according to the information they expect to receive from the respondent.

The questions are organized by sections.

The first, "general data", gives us demographic information about the respondent;Yot tells us the characteristics of the population to which we direct the survey.You can see that, because of the type of information that requires, it is an open question.

The instructions are immediately.These should always be very clear for the respondent to understand them easily and do not make mistakes when responding, because this would affect the systematization and analysis of the results, and could have a bias of truthfulness.

When the instructions are not accurate, it is necessary that the pollster explain the operation of the format verbally.

Yon this case, you could explain to the respondent that the format is formed of three sections.That in the first place you must mention only one product, and then point out the subsections according to the answers you consider to adhere better to your experience.

Thus, in the blank space of the "Marca product" section, the respondent must place the name of the one who remembers.Subsequently, the in the middle must respond, entitled: "Why do you buy it?".

Suppose that the response of the respondent is "because Yo like it", then it must mark the subsection "e", which is the one that corresponds to your response according to the options given in the instructions at the beginning of the survey.

Yon the right column you will repeat the same procedure to answer the question: "How did you know the product?".

Yon these two sections, the interviewee faces a multiple choice question.

Finally, the respondent must answer a closed question that is asked if you remember any phrase related to the brand.Question which can only answer "yes" or "no".

However, the person who designed the survey decided to open that question by adding the question: "Which?", So that, if you wish, the person who responds can share that information.

There are different ways to design a survey.One of the most intuitive is to present it as a list as if it were an exam and clearly placing the possibilities of answer for each question.

After selecting the basic considerations to delimit the subject, and the population to whom the survey goes, as well as the type of questions to be asked, you can proceed to prepare your questionnaire.

As a advice, to raise the data of your survey, it is recommended that they be cautious when including open questions, since they can represent an obstacle when making the analysis of results.

Remember that people who answer this type of questions have the freedom to express their opinion beyond what the pollster requires.

This implies a risk at the time of systematizing and interpreting the information, because if there is no experience and knowledge about the subject, the results can be unreliable.

And if you are going to use open questions, it is preferable to verify if it is possible to replace them with multiple choice questions, since these are easier to graph and, therefore, to analyze.

Now we propose the following activity.

Answer the following questions honestly.Yot is not necessary for you to write.

Satisfaction survey

1.Do you consider the aspects that were provided during the session useful?


two.Do you consider the exhibition to be clear?


3.Did the videos help them to better understand what was treated in the session?


4.Were the examples enough and clear?


5.Do surveys for society consider important?


Thank you very much for answering the questions of this survey.

ElReto de Hoy:

We propose the following challenge:

Think about the products and brands you know or have consumed.

Classify them as in the previous example: "food and drinks", "personal or home hygiene" and "entertainment".You can include or replace these sections with others.

Write three questions related to each of those products and place them in the corresponding section.

Verify that the questions are not repeated.

Apply your survey with your relatives, observe the results and share them.


Theme: my well -being is also my responsibility.

Aprendizaje esperado:Argumenta sobre las acciones y las condiciones que favorecen u obstaculizan el derecho al desarrollo integral de los adolescentes.

Emphasis: know what instances, initiatives and conditions favor and hinder their integral development.

What are we going to learn?

You have reviewed the legal rights and documents that protect and guarantee your integral development as adolescents.

Reflect on the instances, initiatives and conditions that favor or hinder your integral development.

Ser responsables con tu desarrollo implica que conozcas y exijas tus derechos a las instancias de Gobierno correspondientes; además, que realices acciones individuales que favorezcan tu desarrollo integral, una de ellas es buscar la información pertinente.

Have white leaves or your notebook, pencil or pen, as well as your civic and ethical training textbook, to write down all the ideas and questions that arise.

Yontegral development implies generating certain conditions for human beings to have a dignified life, therefore involves several aspects: the physical, mental, social, economic and political.

You may think about the importance of strengthening your basic needs in the different aspects of your daily life, such as: feed, rest, study, protect and interact with others.

Belong to one or more groups, such as family, friends, colleagues and neighbors covers your social and cultural needs and provides them with a sense of well -being when relationships are harmonious, respectful and allow them to express their ideas, feelings, emotions and concerns.

These needs are met in different ways, among them there are actions that can be carried out in a personal capacity, but others have to do with social conditions.For example, to stay healthy, there are habits and care that they can have;But if they have any condition, in many cases a professional is required.They have already studied that people cannot meet all their needs alone.On this occasion it is important that you keep it in mind.

Basic needs are also related to each other.For example, a person must solve expenses that go beyond food and body care;Some of them have to do with leisure and recreation, communication with other people, among other things.The examples mentioned have to do with cultural and social needs, but also economic.

The integral development of people in aspects: physical, mental, social, economic and political, is a world of world interest.

Therefore, the United Nations Organization had the initiative to present the United Nations Development Program, which seeks to promote the change, experience and resources necessary to help peoples forge a better life.

What do we do?

To know what are the development needs of the countries, the UNDP evaluates its level of development through the human development index that you will see below in the video.You can learn more about the dimensions and indicators with which the achievements of human development in our country and the world are measured.

Human Development Yondex in the world

You can know the human development index of those who live a country.This index measures the well -being of people, for which it establishes four categories: very high, high, medium and low.

Yot places countries or populations in one of them, taking the average of three indicators, the closer to zero it is low and closer to one is high.

Do you remember the indicators?

-Salud, considering life expectancy at birth;

-Education, considering the average schooling and years that people are expected to study;

-Yongreso, calculating the average money that an inhabitant of the country could have in a year.

The average of these three indicators yields values that go from 1 to 0, when approaching to 0 indicates that the population has a low level of human development, if it approaches 1 human development is greater.

The United Nations Development Program establishes that human development includes the creation of an environment in which people can develop their maximum potential and carry out a productive and creative life according to their needs and interests.

Before this index, the well -being of populations was considered according to the wealth produced in a country, but incorporating health and education we seek to have a broader panorama.For example, the video is also mentioned that some of the factors that can cause a low human development index are:

-The lack of distribution of natural resources, such as when in some colonies or populated part of the inhabitants do not have access to water;

-The lack of access to health, education and technological services, such as when to attend the university people have to move far or change residence;Y

-The lack of gender equity, that is, the rights of men and women are not respected equally.

Yontegral development is related to the Human Development Yondex, when it seeks to generate the conditions that guarantee the well -being of people in all aspects that contemplate their development from: having quality health and education services;have a food and a place to live;have a job and income that covers the basic needs;access culture and recreation and develop in an environment that provides security and trust.

Pero, ¿cuáles son estas condiciones que favorecen el desarrollo integral?Analiza un caso con detalle.

We all have the right to education.Suppon that you are 13 years old and live in a municipality of San Luis Potosí, in the Huasteca region, Telgas Tenek and in your community there are only five teenagers to study high school.How close to my house should school be?, Yon what language should classes be given so that Yo understand better? Yon what language should my books be written?

These are conditions that can favor my right to education and also my integral development.On a personal level, conditions that disadvantage my development would be that Yo do not attend school or neglect my physical health intentionally.To be clearer..

Make a list of 5 conditions that a person needs to have to develop in an integral way.To rely, you can think of the indicators and aspects that were mentioned in the video, also in the example you just saw.What are the indicators? What are some factors that affect a low development index?

For example, you can put education, healthy environment, health services, respect for the rights of all people and sufficient income.

The way in which these aspects are presented in your life can favor or limit integral development.

These are just some, but you can put many others.Go one by one to know why you are considering them on this list.You must do the same with the answers you have given.

From education all people are allowed to access knowledge of various types that help them deepen their areas and specialize, so that they can achieve better jobs or develop skills that benefit them in their day to day to day.

A healthy environment is related to the place where you live. Los servicios que debe brindar el Gobierno, y específicamente los servicios de salud, deben considerarse como prevención, cuidado.

As long as human rights, these must be respected.They guarantee that we all have access to the same opportunities for our development.

Finally, sufficient income is an aspect that provides opportunities for access to services, education and recreational activities, among many other things.

Only some of the reasons why these conditions were chosen were mentioned, but you can be even more specific.

Now make another small list of 5 conditions that you have in your family and social environment that favor your integral development.

You can think about the same indicators and factors, how do you favor your integral development?

Look at the example of a student:

Jaime commented that one of the conditions that favor their integral development is that he has the support of his parents to continue studying, and he already identified the baccalaureate in which his studies will continue to be able to develop his abilities.Además, en su familia se preocupan por mantener una cultura de la prevención y por eso su mamá los lleva a la clínica para asegurarse de mantener su salud.

Another aspect that he considers important is that at home everyone has the same rights and obligations, which generates a healthy family environment.Finally, he mentioned the fact that there is a park near his home, where in the afternoon he can meet with his friends and friends to develop physical activities, although what he enjoys most is that he has many trees.


How do these aspects affect integral development?When any of the conditions for your development is limited, either in health, access to education, decent income, work, leisure or any other, it is possible that some of your abilities are also limited, as in the case of thecountries in which freedom of expression is restricted, the political life is limited and, therefore, the social and political aspect of development.Something similar happens with other needs, for example, health or safety.The way in which these aspects are presented in their life can favor or limit their integral development, remember that in this case the integral word refers to the set of people's abilities.

Now you can complement the list indicating 5 conditions of your family and social environment that does not favor your integral development.

El desarrollo integral requiere generar ciertas condiciones, tanto individuales como sociales, que deben ser construidas con el apoyo y colaboración de muchas personas y de las organizaciones e instituciones de Gobierno.

Think what are the conditions that have so far generated to favor their integral development in the personal dimension?What are the obstacles that have been presented to you?How did you solve it?

En las dimensiones social y política, las instancias de Gobierno se han planteado iniciativas enfocadas a favorecer el desarrollo integral.A nivel mundial, ya revisaron algunas de las acciones que emprende la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), la cual desde 1986 adoptó la Declaración sobre el Derecho al Desarrollo, en la cual se dice que el ser humano debe ser el centro del desarrollo.

For years, various groups, people, organizations and institutions have carried out international actions to recognize the rights of girls, boys and adolescents to have comprehensive development.

Yon Mexico, initiatives aimed at development through public policies that protect the population of girls, boys and adolescents have been proposed. Es así que en two014 entró en vigor la LeyGeneral de los Derechos de Niñas, Niños yAdolescentes.

With this law it is recognized that they are subjects of rights and it is established that family, the State and society are responsible for guaranteeing these rights progressively and comprehensively. Comprende 154 artículos enfocados a la atención, cuidado y desarrollo integral de Niñas, Niños yAdolescentes.

En elArtículo two se establece que:

"... to guarantee the protection of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents, the authorities will carry out the actions and take measures, in accordance with the principles established in this Law".

For this purpose, they must:

Yo.Garantizar un enfoque integral, transversal y con perspectiva de derechos humanos en el diseño y la instrumentación de políticas y programas de Gobierno;

YoYo.Promote participation, take into account opinion and consider the cultural, ethical, emotional, educational and health aspects of girls, boys and adolescents, in all those matters of their incumbency, according to their age, evolutionary, cognitive development and maturity , Y

YoYoYo.Establish transparent mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of policies, government programs, legislation and commitments derived from international treaties on the matter.

As you can see, an integral approach is mentioned, that is, seeing the person in all its aspects, physiological, social and mental. Transversal significa que debe "atravesar" todos los campos de la política pública; la perspectiva de derechos humanos implica que éstos se deben tomar en cuenta para favorecerlos al diseñar cualquier programa o acción de Gobierno.

It is also mentioned that the participation and opinion of girls, boys, youth and adolescents in the affairs of their incumbency should be taken into account, about what topics of your development would it be good if they asked you? What do you need to give an opinion?You may think that they can be taken into account on those issues that are related to their rights, but it would be good if they have an informed opinion for when that happens.

There are other laws that directly affect their rights, it is:

-LeyGeneral de Educación

-LeyGeneral de Cultura Physical y Deporte

-LeyGeneral de Salud

-LeyGeneral para la Yonclusión de las Personas con Discapacidad

-Teray Law to prevent and eliminate discrimination

Now, it is important to think about the way in which what is established in these legal laws and instruments is specified, in the way in which it is carried out. Para el cumplimiento de las leyes, los Gobiernos se valen de instituciones, éstas desarrollan programas o acciones con la intención de lograr sus propósitos.

Una instancia es el Yonstituto Mexicano de la Juventud, YoMJUVE, que realiza políticas públicas para otorgar a los jóvenes las herramientas necesarias para la educación, salud, empleo y participación social. ¿Cómo te podrías acercar a esta instancia para saber más sobre sus acciones y la manera en que les benefician? Visita el siguiente sitio web: https: // www.Gob.mx/imjuve

También está el Sistema Nacional de Protección Yontegral de los Derechos de Niñas, Niños yAdolescentes; este instrumento responde al mandato de la LeyGeneral de los Derechos de Niñas, Niños yAdolescentes. Este sistema busca coordinar y articular las políticas públicas de los tres órdenes de Gobierno dirigidas a las niñas, niños, jóvenes y adolescentes.

Una instancia más es el Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Yontegral de la Familia; éste promueve la protección integral de los derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes, con el fundamento constitucional del interés superior de la niñez, en busca del desarrollo integral de las personas, de la familia y de la comunidad.Aunque toma como centro de su atención a quienes enfrentan una situación de vulnerabilidad.

What other dependencies do you know that they can favor their integral development? It was already mentioned about education and health, what dependencies are in your locality that favors your integral development?Think of more examples, because you will retake them immediately.

You have seen that, in your community or locality, there are several elements that influence your development.First you identified the conditions that favor or hinder it, then you identified some laws that have as its purpose its integral development;as well as some institutions that aim to guarantee their rights.

You can also investigate whether there are civil society organizations or organized groups of people seeking the well -being of adolescents;It would be good if you know their purposes, actions and how they carry them out.

Think about the factors that allow integral development in your locality.To recover what you have addressed so far I suggest you draw.You can resume the lists of conditions that worked at the beginning of the session.The indications are very simple:

Make a list of places where adolescents can go, in normal situations, such as sports or courts, a river, park, etc..Then describe the actions that are carried out there.

Write down whether or not these actions favor integral development.

Take a cardboard, if you don't have, you can paste four notebook sheets.

Make a plan of your locality, you do not need all the streets or houses in detail, but indicate the places listed.

Add the institutions related to your integral development and if they exist in your community, civil society organizations that also contribute to it.

You may think about what was mentioned in the video: if all people have access to natural resources, if the rights of men and women are exercised equally, access to services, all that can be taken into account.

At the end of your plan, you can explain it to your family, and if you have the means to make you reach your teacher or classmates and classmates.

Throughout the session, the conditions that favor or not favor the integral development have been emphasized.But when it comes to development, it is also important.

Therefore, I suggest you think about the degree of personal responsibility to achieve not only the integral development itself, but also that of the people around you.

Responsibility implies accepting the consequences of our actions, which can be positive or negative, depending on the type of actions you perform.It is also to fulfill our obligations and not affect their own well -being and that of others.

ElReto de Hoy:

Perform the following exercise:


Write 3 examples to each statement to preserve the integral development and own well -being and others.

First, write what corresponds to you and what are the consequences of not fulfilling it.

You must do this to mention what corresponds to your family, the institutions of your community and the country's authorities.Do not forget to mention what would happen if this is not carried out.

Now you have more knowledge about the indicators that are taken into account to assess human development, some factors and conditions that can pay for your integral development, review some instances that have as commission to favor your development and perform an exercise to identify how this is presentedIn your locality.

It is also important to underline that you have a leading role in your development.

To strengthen your knowledge on the subject, you can also review your civic and ethical training textbook.Además, podrás notar que en Yonternet hay bastante información sobre el índice de desarrollo humano en México y el mundo.There is information from the United Nations Development Program that can be useful.

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