Quickly switch between wired and Wi-Fi in Windows with NetConnectChoose

Quickly switch between wired and Wi-Fi in Windows with NetConnectChoose

Quickly switch between wired and Wi-Fi in Windows with NetConnectChoose

It is available in different languages, including Spanish. If we click on any of them, it will download another ZIP file that contains the translation file of the program into that language. The one we download as standard is in English.

Once we have downloaded it, we will simply have to unzip that file and run the program icon. It should be noted that it does not need installation, but that it is portable. We just have to open it and it will automatically start working.

When we open it, an image like the one we see above will appear. There it will show us the different network cards that we have available on that computer. Normally, it shows us two: the Ethernet network card and the Wi-Fi network card. Details such as the name, the MAC address, the connection time or the IP address also appear. One of the data that we see is the one that shows “Default”, which indicates which of them is the default network card.

Now, how do we switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet or the other way around? It is very simple. We just have to click on the network card that interests us and then click on the green circular icon with a white tick that we will see at the top left. Instantly our equipment will be connected through that network card.

Switch quickly between wired and Wi-Fi in Windows with NetConnectChoose

We'll also see another icon right next to it that allows us to switch between networks by default. In this way, what we mark will be saved and our team will connect in this way. It is also a simple option to change this value.

NetConnectChoose Features

Although the main purpose of this article is to explain how to switch between Wi-Fi and Ethernet quickly with NetConnectChoose, there are other features of NetConnectChoose as well. All of them are simple and it is about basic information that we can see quickly with this application.

MAC Address

One of the interesting facts that NetConnectChoose offers us is knowing the MAC address of each of the network adapters that we have installed on our computer.

On many occasions it is useful and necessary to know this information to carry out certain configurations on our equipment and make the most of the network possibilities. Therefore, to know at a glance what the corresponding MAC is, we can make use of this program.

Adapter Name

It also shows us the name of the network adapter. In this way we will know exactly which one we have installed on our equipment and be able to search for information in case there are problems or also to simply find if there is a firmware update that we can apply to improve performance.

Interface speed

On the other hand, another piece of information that also appears in NetConnectChoose is the interface speed. We can know what is the maximum speed at which our network card can work, be it Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

In short, with NetConnectChoose we will be able to go from Wi-Fi to Ethernet or vice versa quickly and easily. It also shows us a series of data that may be of interest to users.

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