Red Hat shows his cards in a scenario in which "each CIO is now a cloud manager"

Red Hat shows his cards in a scenario in which "each CIO is now a cloud manager"

Red Hat shows his cards in a scenario in which "each CIO is now a cloud manager"

The open source business model for which Red Hat has been betting since its inception for 1993 remains as valid as the first day, even after being subsidiary of IBM in 2019.This model had to compete with those of "Owner" and closed software that proliferated at that time, recalled Paul Cormier, current president and CEO of the company, who made a complete tour of the history of the 'Open Source' in the event (thisVirtual time) Red Hat Summit 2021.

"We were next to the open source from the beginning, when no one believed it was a viable model or a way to develop commercial software," he said.At the present time, the opposite happens: the open source is identified with innovation and have been left behind topics such as "the cheap is expensive" to favor the agility and versatility of this type of software.“Currently, everyone has embraced open source as the way of solving problems.Not only programmers, but also governments, banking, institutions, companies and scientific organizations.In fact, 90% of world leaders claim that they are using open source business software ”, in Cormier's words.

Red Hat, in fact, has stood out for detecting the most relevant technological trends of each moment and integrating them into their business products and solutions, either through in house developments or by acquiring those technologies necessary to complete the puzzle of their business solutions.Among its latest acquisitions, to give a recent example, before becoming a subsidiary of IBM, it is ANSIBLE, a company specialized in automation solutions, which is precisely one of the most notable trends in recent years and whose purchase was announcedIn 2015, becoming the Automation Platform Hat Red.

Open hybrid cloud and 'Edge Computing', Red Hat's bet

Red Hat managers showed in the opening sessions of the company "The photo" of the company at a time when cloud computing is consolidated after 10 years of adoption.As Cormier recalled, Cloud Computing is no longer an obstacle even for sectors as conservative as banking or even public administration, where public and private clouds coexist in a natural way."Despite what some companies have said, not everything will be in the public cloud ... some applications will continue to be in on-premise data centers and some will have to work on multiple clouds".

Red Hat muestra sus cartas en un escenario en el que

In fact, this year's event is focused precisely on the open and hybrid cloud and naturally raises the extension towards computing in the EDGE.Matt Hicks, Executive Vice President of Technologies and Products of Red Hat, described the three pillars on which the launches framed in the SUMMIT are supported: “The expansion to the EDGE, the acceleration of large -scale hybrid cloud operations andnew managed services ".

The company also announced that Onshift is integrated into the cloud proposals of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google, not forgetting that of IBM, when we take Red Hat this platform the cloud solutions of these companies.Red Hat Openshift is also present in more “small” cloud proposals, of course, as exemplified in a paper by Atos and its OpenShift -based masters solution.

Paul Cormier made it clear that "Red Hat would continue working together with systems integrators, independent software vendors, OEM, distributors, distribution channels and IT solution suppliers".

Onshift, on the other hand, maintains its container -based philosophy, orchestrated under the sponso.

Ashesh Badani, Senior Vice President Cloud Platforms of Red Hat.

In this event, proposals such as Red Hat Onshift Platform Plus were presented, which is added to Red Hat Onshift Kubernetes Engine and Red Hat Openhift Container Platform, adding the dimension of the “management ease” and consistency together with security with security.This is aligned with the slogan of Red Hat.Red Hat Insights is another piece of the puzzle of cloud operations.Without forgetting anxible and automation solutions.

For its part, Red Hat Openshift Api Management, Red Hat Openshift Streams for Apache Kafka or Red Hat Open Shift Data Science are news focused on facilitating the development of cloud applications.

Regarding security, Red Hat acquired the company specialized in safety for Kubernetes Stackrox in January of this year, which is already integrated into the company's solution of solutions. Ashesh Badani, Senior Vice President Cloud Platforms of Red Hat, dejó claro que al margen de esta adquisición la compañía seguirá trabajando con su "amplio ecosistema de partners en el campo de la seguridad.This commitment remains ".

'Edge Computing': The following challenge

Edge is the narural extension of Cloud Computing.Beyond being a word "catchy" or wild card to designate that too generic to land it, it is a real and tangible space that requires solutions to accelerate data processing where they are captured to enable services that would otherwise be impossible to deploy.

Paul Cormier spoke in his presentation of the EDGE solution that has been taken to the International Space Station: HPE Spaceborne Computing 2, to bring computing power where the data is collected instead of depending on the processing capacity on land.That is Edge Computing philosophy high to its maximum expression.

On more “earthly” scale the company presented Red Hat Edge within this clear bet for Edge Computing.In turn, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Integrates new features for computing in the EDGE and has also announced collaboration with companies such as Exida in the context of the development of solutions for the connected car, another clear example of EDGE technology.

The EDGE is the space between the data centers and servers Core and the "last mile" and the user or the company.And it is a space that will be populated by Edge Computing solutions tailored to each need for processing.

Another important agreement announced in the event was the formalized with the Boston University, which Red Hat has donated 570 million dollars in software subscriptions to enhance innovation in open source projects.

And what about IBM?

The Red Hat Summit 2021 event continues today.At the moment, the approach is clear: open hybrid cloud and Edge Computing maintaining the Open Source philosophy.Red Hat remains on a differentiated plane against IBM as we can see.The relationship with IBM is practically the same as it with other partners maintaining a strong commitment to neutrality.Arvind Krishna, CEO of IBM, explained it perfectly: "Red Hat works with IBM but that in no case gives an advantage to IBM against other companies".

Arvind Krishna also took advantage of his intervention in the event to give some figures on joint work with Red Hat in the field of the hybrid cloud: “We have taken more than 2.800 customers to the platform.When I talk about platform I mean Red Hat Openshift and Red Hat Openshift products ”.

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