Council of Ministers reference

Council of Ministers reference

Council of Ministers reference


Work and Social Economy

For ecological transition and demographic challenge



Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda

Agriculture, Fishing and Food

Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory

Culture and sport


Social Rights and Agenda 2030


Personnel agreements

Government Presidency

Work and Social Economy

Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

Agriculture, Fishing and Food

Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory

Culture and sport

Content extension


Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital

Culture and sport



The Council of Ministers has approved a Royal Decree-Law Omnibus that includes, among others, the transposition of European Guaranteed Bonds Directives and Cross-Bridal Distribution of Funds, Copyright and Related Rights in the Single Digital Market, and for improvementand modernization of the rules of protection of consumers of the European Union and the sanctioning regime in matters of consumption.

Directives on guaranteed bonds and cross -border distribution of funds

The Guaranteed Bonds Directive completes the regulation on this financial instrument, which corresponds in Spain with the mortgage, territorial and internationalization bonds.The standard, in line with the recommendation of the European Systemic Risk Board, establishes which entities can issue guaranteed bonds (credit entities), harmonizes the criteria and emission conditions, the coverage set that serves as a guarantee, the applicable rulesIn case of insolvency and resolution, the control set of the coverage set and the obligation to have a liquidity mattress.In this way the protection of investors and the attractiveness of these instruments are improved and progress is made in the creation of a true single market.

Specifically, the directive defines the types of assets that can be part of the guaranteed bond coverage set.In this area, the standard allows the intragroup structures of guaranteed bonds, made by several entities that are part of the same group, as well as the use of coverage assets acquired from other entities.Its role is decisive to facilitate the granting of mortgage loans, loans to regional and local administrations and to support the internationalization of companies.

The minimum asset composition that each bonate issued must incorporate is required, guaranteeing the investor that the value of all the liabilities is covered by the credit rights corresponding to the integrated assets, plus a liquidity mattress, formed by assetsof high liquidity that can cover the net exits of the guaranteed bond program during the next 180 days.

Likewise, the elements for the assessment of the assets that are part of the coverage set are defined, the assessment of each asset must be made at the time it is incorporated into the coverage set, and periodically updating its value.

The standard also establishes the characteristics of the different types of guaranteed bonds.In the case of mortgage cards, the value of mortgage loans incorporated into coverage may not exceed 60% of the value of the property that guarantees it, or 80% if it is a residential property.

It should also be noted that assets must be perfectly identified by means of a special registry that the entity must carry and that will supervise the control set control body.This registry will allow the entity to maintain these segregated assets of the rest and that the effective constitution of the separate heritage can be made in case of contest or resolution.Thus, legal certainty is reinforced while the product credit quality.

In order to increase the protection of investors, a reinforced supervision regime is established, on the basis of two axes: on the one hand the issuing entity must designate an independent body of permanent control of the coverage set, which may be internal orexternal and must be authorized by the Bank of Spain for each broadcast program;And on the other hand, the Bank of Spain is designated as a supervisor agency, in charge of carrying out continuous control, from the authorization of the control body to the authorization of each issuance program.

Additionally, the action is regulated in case of contest or resolution of the issuing entity, establishing the segregation of the set of the heritage of the entity and forming a separate assets from which the bonds will be paid.It is also designated to a special administrator responsible for managing this separate heritage.The objective is to ensure that bonds are not affected by the contest or resolution.

Finally, a sanctioning regime is established, to provide the supervisor with the reaction capacity against possible breaches.The established regime and the typification of violations and sanctions are similar to the regime provided for in the regulations applied to credit entities and will be the responsibility of the Bank of Spain.

The transposition of the Guaranteed Bonds Directive makes the financing of the Spanish financial sector more efficient, since it allows you to better take advantage of your balance to provide financing to the real economy, without sparing to the credit quality of the product.

Cross -border distribution of funds

El Real Decreto-ley Omnibus transpone al ordenamiento jurídico español la Directiva de Cross -border distribution of funds, que se enmarca en la Unión para el Mercado de Capitales. Está dirigida a mejorar las condiciones para la inversión colectiva transfronteriza, avanzando en el proceso de desintermediación de la economía europea y de impulso a la financiación a través del mercado y facilitando el acceso a la inversión de los clientes minoristas entre distintos los Estados miembros, garantizando su adecuada protección.

The transposition of the directive is carried out by introducing modifications to national legislation on collective investment institutions.Specifically, measures are introduced to facilitate and expedite the conditions of fund managers operating in the internal market.

Measures are developed to facilitate the commercialization of collective investment agencies to investors from other Member States, eliminating the requirement of local physical presence in the Destination Member State.

The conditions for the cessation of the commercialization of funds collective investment and alternative funds are clarified in the Destination Member State.Specifically, it seeks to ensure the level of guarantees and protection of investors together with the flexibility of managers to interrupt the commercialization of a fund.

Finally, a regulation of the precommerialization of alternative funds is introduced in order to harmonize their conditions in all member states.

The transposition of this directive enhances the capital market union opens alternative roads to the financing of the Spanish economy without reducing investor protection.

Directives on copyright and digital rights in the single digital market

The Royal Decree-Law also transposes the Directive (EU) 2019/789 that establishes norms on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of the broadcasting bodies and to the broadcasts of radio programsand television;and the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on the copyright and related rights in the single digital market.

The norm is intended to adapt the copyright to the digital environment taking into account the new user behaviors and introducing measures to correct the imbalances that the appearance of new intermediaries in the digital environment has caused in the market with serious damage to the holdersof rights.The criteria followed in the Royal Transposition Decree have been based on fidelity to the text of the directives.

Measures to correct the value gap

1. Regarding the protection of press publications regarding online uses (article 15 of the European Directive), Royal Decree-Law recognizes a new related right for editors and press authors created in the European Directive.This is a right with its own entity, which is the holders of the publishers of press publications and news agencies regarding the online uses of their press publications, in front of the service providers of the Information Society.

With the transposition of the European Directive, the activity consisting of the reproduction of a fragment of the publication (SNIPPET) by content/news aggregators, for subsequent provision on its own pages or platforms, is regulated in our country.

With respect to the form of management of this right, the Royal Decree-Law is not pronounced in this regard, thus giving the option and freedom to each editor and holder of rights to manage it, well individually, by direct negotiation with the aggregatorscontent digital, or through a collective management entity with a voluntary, not mandatory character.

The negotiation of the authorizations to the content aggregators for the use of these materials will be carried out in accordance with the principles of good contractual faith, due diligence, transparency and respect for the rules of free competition, excluding the abuse of domain position in the negotiation.

2. Regarding the service providers of the Information Society, whose main purpose is to allow userswith an authorization from the rights holder.In this sense, Royal Decree-Law determines that if these providers do not obtain this authorization, they will be subject to a specific responsibility regime (article 17 of the European Directive).

In addition, the Royal Decree-Law establishes in an imperative character a series of norms that seek to ensure that the authors and artists interpreters or performers obtain adequate remuneration and provided by the transfer of their rights.

New limits or exceptions to intellectual property rights

Intellectual property laws can foresee the so -called limits or exceptions to exclusive patrimonial rights, in order to achieve a balance between the interests of the authors and other rights holders and the interests of content users.

The RDL incorporates, within the margins of the MUD directive, the following new limits or exceptions:

a) An exception is contemplated for the benefit of research organizations and institutions responsible for cultural heritage, so that they can carry out, for scientific research purposes, text mining and works data or other benefits to which they have lawful access.For those cases in which the organization that pretendsThat the head of the rights of the affected work establishes a reservation of rights.In this case, a license will be required.Neither of the two previous limits has a remuneration in favor of the rights holders.

b) allows the digital use of works and benefits for the purposes of illustration for educational purposes, in the teaching center recognized by a Member State, regardless of the educational level, to the extent that the uses are justified by the non -commercial purpose of the teaching activity.

c) It enables the institutions responsible for cultural heritage reproduction for the purposes of conservation of works that are permanently in their collections.

d) Other measures: Use of trade out of commerce by cultural heritage institutions.It is expected that collective management entities can grant non -exclusive copyright licenses, for non -commercial purposes, for reproduction, distribution, public communication, when they are permanently in the collection of a cultural heritage institution.

Spain thus adds to several member states of the European Union that have already transposed this new regulation to its internal systems, so that its digital content gain opportunities to compete in the European digital single market.

The Government responds to the demands of the Spanish cultural sector and, especially, referring to the specific regulation of the responsibility of those online platforms that allow the storage and exchange of content protected by intellectual property rights uploaded by users.

Directives for the improvement and modernization of the rules of protection of consumers of the European Union and the sanctioning regime in terms of consumption

With this Royal Decree-Law, the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users (TRLGDCU) is also modified to adapt it to the new forms of electronic commerce and regular business behaviors harmful to the rights of consumer peoplethat, until now, lack specific regulation.With this reform, the Directive (EU) 2019/216 is transposed to the Spanish system for the improvement and modernization of the consumer protection norms of the European Union and the sanctioning regime in matters of consumption.

From its entry into force, the Ministry of Consumer will have sanctioning competence in cases of mass fraud that affect several countries or the market unit.Thus, the Ministry of Consumption may act as a sanctioning authority against those infractions that may affect the unit of the market and competition, when they happen in several EU states or when the offender is not located in Spain in infractions in relation to the tradeelectronic.

On the other hand, the reform is an advance in rights for consumers and will pursue the unfair practice of resale of inputs to shows through bots when they prevent all consumers from accessing the market normally.Along the same lines, it includes for the first time the prohibition of advertising covered in social networks, so far not expressly regulated, and the publication of false reviews and valuations or paid by the manufacturer in the products for sale on the Internet.In this sense, the employer will have to ensure that the reviews that appear come from consumers or users who have really acquired the good or used the service.It will be considered, in the reform of the law, as unfair practice to include reviews from consumers without verifying that they have really acquired the good or inclusion of false reviews.

Likewise, the new regulations include controls to online search engines when they grant scores and valuations higher than goods or services with respect to those of their competitors and do not inform consumers that their position responds to paid advertising.With the modification, the search engines will have to show a description of the parameters used to establish the classification of the results.In the event that a price has been customized for the consumer, based on automated decision making, this fact must be informed.

The reform of the law also involves regulating for the first time the dual quality of the products and considers as unfair to trade a good as identical when the products are different, to prevent certain brands from varying the quality of the same product depending on the Member State where they market.

The Royal Decree-Law updates the concept of online market, which is provided with neutrality from the technological point of view to refer to a service that uses programs included on its website, part of a website or an application, operated by or toAccount of the entrepreneur that allows consumers to enter into distance contracts with other entrepreneurs or consumers.It also includes the obligation to inform about whether the third party that offers the good or service holds the status of entrepreneur or is an individual.In the case of individuals, the express mention of non -application of the regulations for the defense of consumers or users to the contract must be recorded.On the other hand, these websites will have to inform the distribution of contractual responsibilities between the third that offers the good or service and the online market supplier.

Sanctions regime

The Royal Decree-Law collects a new sanctioning regime competence of the State, taking into account that commercial actions are increasingly cross-border.The intention of the Ministry of Consumption is that fines derived from fraud to consumers are effective, proportionate and deterrence, as required by European Union regulations, protecting citizens and preventing companies from having incentives to commit abuse.With this, the maximum sanctions, which from now on can also impose the State, will rise to one million euros or eight times the illicit benefit obtained, in the case of infractions committed only in Spain, and up to 4% of the volume ofBilling of companies, when these infractions take place in several Member States.It also sets aspects such as the qualification of infractions for their gravity, who are responsible subjects or aspects such as prescription and expiration.

For the quantification of the fine, the economic capacity of the person responsible, the degree of guilt or the existence of intentionality, the continuous nature of the infraction, the number of affected consumers or the level of the damages they have suffered will be taken into account.Likewise, additionally to the fine, there will be accessory sanctions such as the merchandise, the closure of the establishments for a period of up to five years and the advertising of the sanctions imposed, in order to influence their deterrent.

Among other issues, the breaches or transgressions of the requirements to avoid contamination or harmful behaviors that may be severely harmful to public health, as well as to alteration and adulteration of the composition and quality of goods and services, will be sanctioned by the State.

Likewise, the introduction or maintenance of abusive clauses in the contracts will be subject to the new sanctioning regime, the hinder of the right to end a contract or cause low in a service, the breaches in the labeling or billing of products and services not hired.

For ecological transition and demographic challenge


The Council of Ministers has approved the granting of one million euros in aid to the Autonomous Community of Aragon for the control and surveillance work of soil pollution derived from the old production of Lindano in Sabinanigo (Huesca).

In this way, the Miteco continues to collaborate with the Aragonese government in the decontamination work carried out during the last 20 years that have allowed, among others, to determine the scope and extension of the affected land, implement a system of surveillance of pollution and the contamination andCommissioning of works to mitigate the risks that this substance can lead to people's health and economic development in the area.

Between 1975 and 1994 the Inquinosa factory manufactured different commercial formulations of Lindano, a substance prohibited since 2008 in the European Union and currently classified as a dangerous priority substance in the Marco de Agua directive.This company produced a large amount of solid and contaminated liquids that were managed through its deposit in the landfills of Bailín and Sardas, in the municipality of Sabiñánigo.

It is estimated that the amount of waste contaminated by Lindano deposited in both landfills and in the old production facilities amounts to 550,000 cubic meters and that the surface of contaminated soils is around 10 hectares, with different depths and levels of condition.

In addition, and given the composition of this substance, a part of the waste percolated to the base of the landfills, impregnating the geological formations and contaminating the circulating groundwater in contact with the Gállego River.This has forced to deploy an active containment system based on the pumping and treatment of contaminated groundwater, as well as an exhaustive analytical control of treated waters.

Performances for pollution control

The aid approved today are intended to finance, fundamentally, the purification tasks of the runoff waters and leachate contaminated in the site of Bailín and Sardas, prior to its incorporation into the channel of the Gállego River.In this way, the quality of the river water is guaranteed and human and environmental health protects.

Environmental surveillance work will also be carried out in the Gállego River and the Sabiñánigo environment through the monitoring of contamination by Lindano and other waste derived in Bailín, Sardas and Inquinosa, so that the protection of the population and the medium is guaranteedambient.This action includes the daily control of the river water, the annual ecological monitoring of the channel, as well as the periodic control of air quality, groundwater and environment soils.

Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation


Referencia del Consejo de Ministros

The Council of Ministers has approved the agreement approved by the instructions that determine the procedure of entry and permanence of nationals from third countries that exercise activity in the audiovisual sector.(MPCM)

These instructions have been developed in order to regulate the procedure of entry and permanence in Spain of foreigners, nationals of third countries that exercise some activity in the audiovisual sector.

For its part, article 41 of Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, after their reform by Organic Law 2/2009, regulates as assumption of exceptions to the work permit the activity the activitythat artists develop to Spain to perform concrete actions that do not pose a continuous activity.

These instructions articulate three ways depending on the period of permanence of the professional in Spain:

In addition, it is expected that those foreigners who initially have come to Spain for a period of 90 days of stay in any period of 180 days can, exceptionally, request a stay authorization for the audiovisual sector for a maximum period of 180 days.

In these assumptions it is necessary to enable the possibility that artists or professionals can remain in Spain with their spouses or couples with analogous relationship of affectivity, minor children, as well as children of legal age or ascendants in charge of dependents.

Also, it should be taken into account that, if the artist or professional is a minor, he can enter and remain in Spain with his parents or who exercise guardianship in order to preserve the interest of the child.



The Council of Ministers has approved the Royal Decree with which it regulates the direct granting of subsidies aimed at covering operating expenses of foundations and associations linked to political parties represented in the General Courts.

In addition, in order to benefit from aid, these organizations must have among their statutory purposes of general interest the development of cultural activities, including the study and development of political and social thinking and must carry out training activities, research programs, courses, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, congresses or publications editions in any support, among others.

The aid, which amount to 500,000 euros, are intended to cover the operating expenses through which the foundations and associations have made some of these activities in 2021.

The Spanish Constitution includes in its article 6 the role of political parties as the vertebrate elements of the democratic state as they "express political pluralism, concur to the formation and manifestation of the popular will and are a fundamental instrument for political participation."

The distribution of aid will be carried out by means of the direct concession, since it is done according to the representation obtained by the political parties in the General Courts in the general elections of November 10, 2019.

The procedure for granting subsidies will begin at the request of the beneficiaries, who must submit an application as indicated in the Royal Decree, once it is published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).The resolution of their granting will be published in the National Subsidies Database.

The Royal Decree also specifies the subsidable expenses, such as premises of premises, personnel expenses contracted to execute work related to these activities, technical services, interpreter services.In addition, it determines those expenses that cannot be covered with aid.



The Council of Ministers has approved the referral to the Court of Accounts of the General State account related to exercise 2020.

The General State account has been formed by the general intervention of the State Administration as a unique consolidated account, presenting the following financial statements:

The general account is configured as the appropriate instrument to report the economic, financial and patrimonial situation, of the economic-patrimonial result and the execution of the budget of the entire state public sector, as defined in the General Budget Law.

It has integrated 384 entities of the state public sector and 191 multigupo and associated entities that have resulted in the treatment of around 25,200 operations.


Financing of the Consortium Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands' (Plocan)

The Council of Ministers has authorized the modification of the limits and the number of annuities established in article 47 of the General Budget Law, to acquire expense commitments with charge to future exercises, in order to enable the Ministry of Science and Innovation to approvalof an addendum to the agreement concluded with the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, dated December 10, 2007, for the financing of the Consortium 'Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (Plocan)'.

This platform is a unique scientific and technical infrastructure (ICTS) that is part of the current ICTS map.The PLOCAN will provide a set of experimental facilities and laboratories, located on the edge of the continental platform, with which to initiate the occupation and stable oceanic operation and from which to access the deep ocean, using and operating connected or remotely all kinds of all kinds ofVehicles, underwater work machinery and instruments to observe, produce, take advantage of resources or install services in depths.

In order to collaborate in the construction and financing of Plocan, in 2007 the General State Administration, through the Ministry of Education and Science (current Ministry of Science and Innovation), and the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands signed an agreement for creationof the consortium for its design, construction, equipment and exploitation, being funded by said entities at 50%.

On December 28, 2012, a modification agreement of the agreement signed in 2007 was signed, establishing a new financing framework and modifying the contributions initially provided by the parties, as well as the subsequent exploitation phase.

Subsequently, on December 29, 2015, a new agreement was signed between the signed entities to modify the aforementioned agreement again.In particular, the statutes were modified so that the Plocan consortium was attached to the General State Administration.

Finally, on July 9, 2021, a new agreement was signed to modify the statutes of the consortium and adapt its drafting to the Law of Legal Regime of the Public Sector, as well as to the Law of Science, and innovation.Specifically, its duration was modified, which is indefinite.

The parties want to continue with the financing of the consortium and want to sign an addendum to the agreement, to continue with the equipment and exploitation of the Plocan, which covers the 2022-2028 period.

According to the draft of the aforementioned addendum, the signatory entities will contribute a total of 21 million euros for the aforementioned period, maintaining the participation of the parties consortered in 50%, according to the following distribution:

AGE-MCI C.A. Canarias Total
Total 10.500.000,00 10.500.000,00 21.000.000,00

When the limits referred to in article 47 of the General Budget Law are exceeded, authorization of the Council of Ministers is required to raise the maximum expense commitments charged to future exercises for exercises 2022 to 2025, and increase the number of annuities of2026 to 2028.


Water management and infrastructure financing

The Council of Ministers has approved an agreement authorized by the modification of spending limits, charged to future exercises, as established in the General Budget Law, to enable the General Directorate of Water, of the Ministry for TransitionEcological and the demographic challenge, the financing of expenses corresponding to contracts and investment orders in the program "Water management and infrastructure" program.

Among the priority lines of water in terms of water for the coming years, those oriented to the prioritization of actions and investments are included, with special attention to sanitation and purification, to comply with European regulations and guarantee the conservation of an environmentmore sustainable water, as well as measures to implement flood risk management plans and those related to the conservation and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructure.

Specifically, these actions respond to the fulfillment of the Community Directive Marco del Agua 2000/60/EC, whose non -execution carries with it sanctions, and to the realization of the large priority lines in water matters for the next four years, which implies theNeed to tender investment contracts.

In addition, the tender or commission of actions whose commitment of execution comes from the approval of hydrological plans, as well as the processing of assignments to their own means that correspond to important areas of action of the General Directorate of Water.

Among them, it is worth mentioning the risk management of flooding, conservation and administrative management of the public hydraulic domain, the National Strategy for Restoration of Rivers and Environmental Works, the safety of infrastructure, and the exploitation, maintenance, auscultation, conservation and conservationImprovement of them.

On the other hand, we must consider the bidding casualties that have been produced in the last period, as well as the price review files of the works in execution and the need to adjust the committed credits of the contracts in force to reality to the realityof the execution of the actions and the annuity that is to be really executed.

Año Compromisos adquiridos (€) Nuevos compromisos (€) Límite de compromiso máximo a adquirir (€)


INJUVE financing for Erasmus+ programs and European solidarity body

The Council of Ministers has authorized a new acquisition of spending commitments charged to subsequent exercises, in accordance with the provisions of article 47.3 of the General Budget Law, so that the Youth Institute, O.A.(INJUVE) can convene aid to carry out 100% financed activities by the European Commission of the Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps Program, from which spending commitments are derived for exercises 2021 to 2024.

This agreement complements the authorization approved in the Council of Ministers last October 26, when the acquisition of spending commitments with future exercises for these programs was approved, corresponding to 70% of the subsidy financed by European funds.With the new authorization, coverage reaches 100% of European financing.

Erasmus+ programs and European solidarity body (CES) are European Union programs in the field of education, training, youth and sports, offering opportunities for mobility, as well as for European and international educational cooperation.

These new programs will be applied during the period between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2027.

For its implementation, the regulatory bases of both subsidies have been approved: Order DSA/1029/2021, of September 20, which are established for the 2021-2027 period the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies within the framework of the programEuropean "Erasmus+", Youth Chapter;and Order DSA/1028/2021, of September 20, which are established for the 2021-2027 period the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies within the framework of the European program "European body of solidarity".

Therefore, the Council of Ministers of October 26, 2021 approved the acquisition of spending commitments charged to future exercises in several budget applications, for a total amount of 12,650,837.50 euros for the Eramus+ and 5,412,894, 90 euros for the CES program, corresponding to 70% of the subsidy financed by European funds.

In order for the INJUVE to proceed to the call for subsidies, request the following annuities for the programs for 100% of European financing:

Erasmus program

ANUALIDADES 2021 2022 2023 2024 TOTAL
ANUALIDADES 2021 2022 2023 2024 TOTAL

CES program


Financing for increased personnel in concerted educational centers of Ceuta and Melilla

The Council of Ministers has approved an agreement by which the limits established in article 47 of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget, to acquire expense commitments from future years, in order to enable enablingto the Ministry of Education and Professional Training the increase in the payments made to the concerted secondary education centers of Ceuta and Melilla to cover the necessary personnel reinforcements.

On June 29, 2021, they were approved by the Public Health Commission, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Profession2021-2022.Within this document, among others, measures that allow the reduction of students by classroom to the legal maximum allowed are foreseen.

To cover the necessary personnel reinforcements for the extraordinary groups that must be created in the centers of Ceuta and Melilla in order to comply with the fixed ratios, an increase in the payments that the Ministry of Education and Professional Training makes to the centers is requiredEducation concerts of these two autonomous cities.

Specifically, to deal with the expenses corresponding to the necessary troops in the first and second four -month period of the 2022 year, it has been calculated that it is necessaryThe first and second four -month periods of 2022 An amount of 228,291.07 euros.

At present, spending commitments for a volume of 4,941,654.74 euros have already been authorized for 2022 and, in addition, an amount of 189,415.26 euros of the total of the total of 228,291.07 euros of spending commitments has been held by 2022which should be authorized to meet the expenses corresponding to the reinforcement troops indicated.To deal with the rest of the needs, the Council of Ministers has approved on Tuesday to expand the limits to acquire expense commitments in the budget application 'to make the free teaching in educational centers effective.

Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda

Contract tender for the provision of the "Adif about" service

El Consejo de Ministros ha autorizado al Ministerio de Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) a licitar, a través de Adif, el contrato para la prestación de 'adif acerca', el servicio de asistencia a viajeros con discapacidad o movilidad reducida en su tránsito por las estaciones.

The contract has an estimated value of 61,640,833.6 euros (VAT not included) and is tendered for a period of two years, with the possibility of extending it two others.

By virtue of this new contract, Adif will optimize and strengthen the service with the introduction of new performance for travelers, which are added to those currently offered.Among these new services, the expansion of the points of the station in which mobility attendees can collect or deliver to the traveler.

De esta forma, un pasajero con discapacidad o movilidad reducida podrá encontrarse con el agente que le acompañará y asistirá en su tránsito por la estación y hasta que embarque en su tren, en la entrada de la estación, pero también en el aparcamiento, en la zona de kiss & ride (el área de parada puntual de vehículos para dejar o recoger pasajeros) o incluso en las paradas de transporte público de la ciudad con que cuente la estación.

Likewise, 'Adif about' will pay attention to travelers' guidance dogs, facilitating feeders and drinking fountains in the facilities with which this service counts at the stations.In addition, the number of stations in which there will be a video-interpretation system in signing language will multiply almost seven, so that it will be available in a total of 69.

A special service will also be offered, for which a railway company may request an 'Adif Assistant' in case of incidence.

The new contract will also mean optimizing the management and organization of the service through the digitalization of its processes, providing smartphone to all mobility assistants.

With the ultimate goal of continuing to improve, an 'Adif' assessment system will be implemented by carrying out travelers satisfaction, once their assistance is over.

The 'Adif approaches' service is provided in a total of 141 stations with high -speed traffic traffic, long distance and medium distance distributed throughout the country, and has about half a thousand mobility assistants.

In 69 of these stations, the service can be requested almost immediately, in advance of up to thirty minutes with respect to the train departure schedule.In the remaining 72 stations a minimum in advance of twelve hours is required.

Accessibility, Assistance and Information

Travelers with disabilities or reduced mobility that need it can request the 'ADIF about' service through the channels established for it by the railway companies.

The service thus guarantees its access to rail transport, providing assistance, information and help in their transit through the stations, and in the up and down of trains, either by personal accompaniment or with mechanical means.

Adif assumed this service in December 2020 in the framework of the liberalization of travelers rail transport and launched the 'Adif' brand to channel its management.Now, before the next expiration of the currently in force, tend to the contract for its benefit in order to continue having personnel and means with the proper specialization to attend it.

The 'Adif about' service is part of one of the pillars of the 2030 Strategic Plan of Adif, the focused of service to citizens.

In addition, it contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as number 11, which has among its goals to provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems, and the number 10 that seeks to guarantee the inclusionsocial and equal opportunities.

Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda

Bidding of the Comprehensive Vía Renewal works between Colloto and Infiesto (Asturias)

El Consejo de Ministros ha autorizado al Ministerio de Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) a licitar, a través de Adif, el contrato para la renovación integral de vía en el tramo Colloto-Infiesto de la Red de Ancho Métrico de Asturias.

This action is part of the Asturias Cercanías Plan and has an estimated value of 28,948,821.05 (without VAT), which includes the materials provided by ADIF for its execution.

The Colloto-Infiesto section, included in the Oviedo-Santander metric width line, has a length of 40.6 kilometers (30.2 km of unique road and 10.4 km of double track), with mixed traffic of merchandise and travelersand maximum speed of 100 km/h.In recent years, this section has been subject to specific renovations, but Adif promised to carry out a renewal, adaptation and integral modernization of the line, which included correction and improvement, both of the infrastructure and of the superstructure, ofThe 40.6 kilometers of section of the section.

In general, the project includes lane replacement and mischievous in poor condition;unscathed and balance of ballast throughout the line;alignment, leveling and profiling of track and deviations;Solution to leaks in the section tunnels;adaptation and improvement of the firm in several level steps;consolidation of slopes;improvement of the road platform;drainage works;Renewal of 29 new deviations along the renewed line and channeling for signaling and communications facilities.

All this will enable the improvement in the rolling quality and will result in a more modern and stable infrastructure, which will require less maintenance and allow to increase the reliability of the section, with the consequent benefit for rail traffic.

All these works contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Objective (SDGs) number 9, which has among its goals develop reliable, sustainable and quality infrastructure.

Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda


El Consejo de Ministros ha autorizado al Ministerio de Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) a licitar, a través de Adif, el contrato para la obtención de una solución integral corporativa para la gestión de activos físicos de dicha entidad pública, lo que permitirá la modernización de esta actividad y la optimización del ciclo de vida de los activos.

In this sense, Adif is working on the improvement of asset management and the modernization and digitalization of maintenance.Asset and maintenance management must align the way to plan, design, build, exploit, maintain, renew, improve and withdraw the ADIF assets so that, complying with and reinforcing the organization's security management system, they are reachedThe purposes and expected performance of the assets, which will be aligned with the objectives of the organization in their search for maximum value.

This vision establishes an integral process that allows to link all assets under the same management context, which optimizes the efficacy and efficiency of services provided, which makes it a strategic and systematic process for optimization of decision makingThroughout its life cycle.

In addition, asset management and initiatives undertaken for maintenance are integrated into the Digital Transformation strategy of ADIF management and has among its objectives the introduction of advanced information treatment models, data analysis and supportto decision making that allow increasingly intelligent control of infrastructure and its operational risks.

The authorized contract, with an execution period of 48 months and an estimated value of 14,845,987.58 euros (VAT not included), including possible extensions, provides for the provision of a corporate comprehensive solution based on commercial applications specialized in managementof assets, as well as the provision of a complementary support and maintenance service.

In this sense, the contracted solution will be responsible for the management of physical assets that are the elements that maketo the conventional network operation, high speed or stations network, among others.

The commercial platform, together with its associated database, must have the necessary capacity and benefits for the treatment of all concepts related to asset management, such as different types of maintenance (predictive, preventive, corrective), planning of planning ofOperations, programming and execution, monitoring of activities, documentation, etc.In addition, it must be integrated with other ADIF business systems that provide necessary information to the process.

Agriculture, Fishing and Food


The Council of Ministers has approved two reais decrees by which the regulatory bases for the granting of aid for investments lines destined for the environmental and digital transformation of the agricultural and livestock sector that total a total of 345 million euros between the2021 and 2023. These subsidies will finance actions contemplated within the recovery, transformation and resilience (PRTR) plan, so they will be financed with funds from the European Recovery Instrument Next Generation EU.

This is the "impulse plan for the sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture and livestock", II and III, investments C3.I3 and C3.I4, contemplated in component 3 of the PRT that manages the map and which aims to adopt theStructural reforms necessary to promote a change in the agricultural and livestock production model that improves its sustainability in environmental, economic and social terms.

With the approval of these real decrees, the deadlines planned to implement in the agricultural and livestock sector the application of the funds financed by the European Union (EU) are met for the modernization of the agricultural sector.In the design of the actions have been, since its inception, participants, both the autonomous communities and the sector itself.

With this legal basis, it is also contemplated the distribution of the budget that will be allocated to each of these measures between the autonomous communities that, in turn, will be the competent to convene these grants once these two reais decrees with the bases with the bases are approvedregulators and grant them last destination.

To do this, the corresponding amounts will be transferred to the autonomous communities.In the Sectorial Conference of Agriculture and Rural Development held on October 21, the distribution of the first annuity was agreed for the exercise of 2021, equipped with a total of 115,358,752.72 euros.Previously, the Council of Ministers authorized the territorialization of these funds in its session of October 19.

The mobilization of such an important volume of resources opens an extraordinary opportunity for the agricultural and livestock sector, which will not only overcome the crisis and the recovery of employment, but will facilitate the modernization of the primary sector, with the objective that said saidRecovery is green, digital, inclusive and social.

Investments in Biosafety in Animal and Plant Health (C3.I)

One of the two approved aid lines will be destined to subsidize investments in biosecurity in animal and plant health with a total budget for the three annuities of 38 million euros, of which 12.6 million euros correspond to 2021.

Two investment lines are contemplated.In terms of animal health, for the improvement of cleaning and disinfection of cattle transport vehicles, through technological improvements such as automation, robotization, the installation of new systems for cleaning and disinfection, or constructionof new centers.

In terms of plant health, the investments made by the producers of plant materials of reproduction are encouraged to nursery protection facilities in front of insects of most important quarantine pests for their economic incidence in agricultural production (Xylella annoying, Bursaphelenchus xilophilus,HLB or Citrus Greening and Gold Flavescence of the VID).The installation of or in treatments through thermotherapy in vine nurseries will also be encouraged.

Each of these lines corresponds to half of the total aid budget, 19 million euros in each case.The annuity of 2021 is also distributed in equal parts, 6.3 million for the animal biosafety line and 6.3 million for the vegetable.

Comunidad autónoma/ForalViverosCentros de Limpieza y DesinfecciónTotal CA
Andalucía980.448,00 €376.755,82 €1.357.203,82 €
Aragón233.083,20 €938.205,35 €1.171.288,55 €
Asturias179.978,40 €211.026,75 €391.005,15 €
Balears, Illes119.565,60 €160.293,36 €279.858,96 €
Cantabria84.974,40 €170.440,03 €255.414,43 €
Castilla-La Mancha266.700,00 €542.484,90 €809.184,90 €
Castilla y León229.672,80 €897.618,64 €1.127.291,44 €
Cataluña471.324,00 €468.075,93 €939.399,93 €
Comunidad Valenciana1.768.250,40 €434.253,67 €2.202.504,07 €
Extremadura243.314,40 €457.929,25 €701.243,65 €
Galicia490.324,80 €410.578,08 €900.902,88 €
Madrid125.412,00 €194.115,62 €319.527,62 €
Murcia391.423,20 €261.760,14 €653.183,34 €
Navarra167.311,20 €261.760,14 €429.071,34 €
País Vasco188.748,00 €204.262,30 €393.010,30 €
Rioja, La122.976,00 €170.440,02 €293.416,02 €
Canarias236.493,60 €140.000,00 €376.493,60 €
Total general 6.300.000,00 € 6.300.000,00 € 12.600.000,00 €

Investments in precision agriculture, energy efficiency and circular economy (C3.I4)

As for the second line of approved aid, in terms of sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture and livestock, the total budget allocation for the three -year set is 307 million euros.

This package of stimuli intended to promote private investment will contribute to improving the resilience of the sector and its competitiveness, while favoring the achievement of the objectives of the climate, the conservation of the environment and the decarbonization of the agricultural and livestock sector.

The planned actions have as a central element four support programs for the execution of investment projects, whose objective is to accelerate the transformation of the agricultural sector facilitating the adoption of the necessary structural reforms and reaching a level of investment that promotes the change in the model ofAgricultural and livestock production with beneficial results for society, economy and environment.

Thus, in the support program for investments in manageradaptation or covering of them or those of treatment or valorization of these by -products with or without energy use in the exploitation itself.The provision of this program for the annuity of 2021 is 27.7 million euros.

In the program to support the integral transformation and modernization of horticultural greenhouses, cut flower and ornamental plant 120 million euros will be allocated to the realization of both productive investments, for the structural improvement and energy efficiency of this type of facilities or the incorporationof drip and fertirrigation irrigation systems, such as non -productive, to subsidize actions that include the installation of sensors and air conditioning systems, the use of rainwater or the installation of composting plants.The amount for 2021 is 40.2 million euros.

The third program to support investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy (biogas and agricultural biomass), equipped with 25 million euros, will subsidize the conditioning and isolation of buildings and auxiliary ships of farms that optimize energy consumption and investments in plants in plantsof small capacity biogas, as well as the acquisition of machinery for the collection and conditioning of agricultural biomass and the construction of storage logistics centers.The budget of this program for 2021 is 8.3 million euros.

Through the fourth support program for the application of precision and technology agriculture 4.0 in the agricultural and livestock sector, equipped with 79 million euros,, among others, aids to the acquisition of new machinery and equipment that allow theImprovement of livestock management, reduction in the use of phytosanitary and chemical fertilizers, traceability control and crop quality or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.By 2021 this program is budgeted at 26.4 million euros).

The actions that are carried out and meet the requirements established until the end of December 31, 2023, of the validity of the programs will be subsidable.

The beneficiaries of these aid may be holders of agricultural or livestock farms, as well as agronomic service companies.In the case of collective investments, groups of natural or legal persons, of a private or public nature, or without their own personality in accordance with the terms provided in article 67.2 of the Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30 that integrate aminimum of five exploitation holders;and any organization or association of producers recognized by the competent authority whose members are holders of an agricultural exploitation.

Likewise, support for investments made by consortiums or other form of public-private collaboration is expected, provided that the actions are used in common use and result in the benefit of concrete agricultural and livestock farms, whose holders will have given their consent so thatThese entities request help.

The regulatory bases allow the Autonomous Communities to execute the actions subject to aid, through the direct investments that could be carried out by territorialized credits by the map, and in accordance with the prior reserve of budget they could establish.

In the granting of aid, the joint investment plans that will integrate a minimum of fifty requests for investment projects and the collective investments promoted by associative and business entities of the agricultural scope of the agricultural scope recognized will be prioritized.In addition to those applicants who have the status of a young farmer or belong to a priority associative entity, and farms in shared ownership in accordance with Law 35/2011, of October 4.

To these general criteria, other specific ones are added based on each of the four support programs that seek to prioritize issues such as the granting of aid to investment projects that promote common use by resulting in a greater impact of the actions or favoringEnvironmental sustainability and promote the competitiveness of the agricultural sector.

Comunidad autónoma/ForalPrograma 1: inversiones en sistemas de gestión de estiércoles en ganaderíaPrograma 2: transformación integral y modernización de invernaderosPrograma 3: inversiones en eficiencia energéticas y energías renovables (biogás y biomasa agrícola)Programa 4: aplicación de agricultura de precisión y tecnologías 4.0 en el sector agrícola y ganaderoTotal CA
Andalucía2.612.56131.639.3902.116.7735.078.76541.447.489 €
Aragón2.362.16366.718672.0422.525.8565.626.779 €
Asturias1.827.58067.728108.063385.7372.389.108 €
Balears, Illes233.30173.79469.013302.911679.019 €
Canarias219.9382.306.81799.318118.1522.744.225 €
Cantabria848.04426.28358.898177.5901.110.815 €
Castilla- La Mancha2.406.431402.3291.282.0023.529.8277.620.589 €
Castilla y León3.837.443302.252648.3324.530.4479.318.474 €
Cataluña3.025.920276.980922.0592.372.7556.597.714 €
Comunidad Valenciana659.059900.690478.770874.4792.912.998 €
Extremadura2.493.27431.337598.7781.406.4044.529.793 €
Galicia4.679.312136.468724.6731.871.5367.411.989 €
Madrid231.64145.48946.524281.103604.757 €
Murcia693.3473.303.541249.2901.119.7725.365.950 €
Navarra591.663502.405118.579954.7412.167.388 €
País Vasco896.128105.13172.772464.8861.538.917 €
Rioja, La133.09131.338,7279.492448.827692.748,72 €
Total general 27.750.896 € 40.218.690,72 € 8.345.378 € 26.443.788 € 102.758.752,72€

Agriculture, Fishing and Food


The Council of Ministers has approved the granting of a direct subsidy of 18.8 million euros to the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands charged to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Map), in order to instruct the aid for repairof the damages caused by volcanic eruptions on the island of La Palma in agricultural and fishing matters, provided for in Royal Decree-Law 20/2021, of October 5, of urgent measures and for economic and social reconstruction.This decree contemplates that map aids will be managed by the Canarian autonomous administration.

In the agrarian field, the aid will be used to compensate for the damages produced to the holders of agricultural or livestock farms due to damage to the areas of use that lack coverage due to extraordinary risks of the insurance compensation consortium.The aid will also allow the investments to restore, if possible, the rural infrastructure of collective use to the situation prior to the catastrophe.

In the fishing field, the aid will be allocated to the shipowners and crew of ships with a base port in Tazacorte, expandable when appropriate to those of other ports, which have suffered damages or that have been unableThe owners of ships, fish markets and aquaculture facilities in sea and land that have suffered damage.The investments of the competent authorities to apply measures aimed at mitigating the possible loss of marine biodiversity that may have an impact on fishing activity will also be financed.

The granting of these grants are not exclusive with other measures promoted by the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.

Social Rights and Agenda 2030

Agreements with eleven to guarantee the stability of its social action

The Council of Ministers has approved the agreement approved by the General Agreement between the Government of the Nation and the National Organization of Spanish Blind (Once) in matters of cooperation, solidarity and competitiveness for the stability of the future of the ONCE for theperiod 2022-2031.

The new general agreement may guarantee the achievement of the primary objective of institutional and financial stability of the ONCE that allows it to continue developing its important social work and continue to cooperate with public administrations in the development of social policies and in the vertebration of the third sector andThe social economy and above all, improving the efficiency of the conditions in which the eleven had been marketing the lottery modalities of which it is the title.

In reciprocity to the set of instruments that the Government makes available to the social group eleven, through this general agreement, this group will assume a series of social commitments in relation to the provision of social services of general interest for their affiliates (blind or deficiency peopleserious visual) and for people with other types of disability, in the field of eleven, Fundación Once and Ilunion.

As for the social field content, this new agreement maintains the commitments of the ONCE with respect to its social purposes, and increases the amount of resources for social services for the affiliated persons of the ONCE, including attention to blind people or withSevere foreign visual deficiency in Spain.It establishes a new employment and training plan for people with disabilities to be developed in the 10 years of the new general agreement, with objectives as important as the creation of 25,000 new jobs and occupational places for people with disabilities, 67% morethat the current agreement and of which 5,000 will be generated in areas related to science, sustainability and technology.Also, training actions will be developed in favor of 100,000 people with disabilities (3.3 greater than the previous objective), including 3,000 scholarships for young people with disabilities.

The Once obligation to contribute 3% of its Lottery products to the Once Foundation, which will allocate at least 60% to employment and training programs and will face new commitments, such as serving people with disabilitiespsychosocial and improve the labor skills of 1,300 women with disabilities victims of gender violence.

Regarding the sale of lottery products, the application of responsible play principles is improved in the commercialization of the products of the three lottery modalities (coupon, active game and instant lottery) and the measures are reinforced to avoid access toThese games of minors and registered in self -reprohibited records.The application of responsible play principles to the points of sale of the complementary physical channel is also reinforced and the authorization to the eleven to market products is extension for another 10 years to market instant lottery products.

Finally, in order to improve the control of the advertising of the Lottery products of the ONCE, the competences of the ELEVO Protectorate Council in this matter are regulated and a new more reinforced disciplinary commission is constituted, framed within the Council,which will be in charge of the exercise of the sanctioning power for possible infractions in the game provided for in Law 13/2011, of May 27, on the regulation of the game that could commit the eleven.

El contenido de este Acuerdo General ha tenido en cuenta las consideraciones jurídicas de la Abogacía del Estado del Ministerio de Social Rights and Agenda 2030 y ha contado, por unanimidad con el informe favorable del Pleno del Consejo de Protectorado de la ONCE, y con la conformidad de la propia ONCE y de los departamentos del Interior, de Consumo y de FINANCE AND PUBLIC FUNCTION, como es preceptivo.

The approval in the Council of Ministers of this General Agreement also entails the essential modification of Royof protectorate and also, the inescapable and accompanied reform of Royal Decree 1336/2005, of November 11, which authorizes the eleven to exploit an instant or presorted lottery to collect the extension of the new period of validity of this modalityof lottery.

In short, this strengthening of the ONCE will result in better policies for solidarity, training and employment for people with disabilities, and will enhance the role of eleven as a Spanish organization of social reference and will contribute to greater consolidation and cohesion of social movements in thePeople with disabilities, the third sector of social action and social economy.

Culture and sports


The Council of Ministers has approved the agreement authorized by the proposal for territorial distribution and the criteria for distribution of credits managed by the autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla with the objective of developing reforms and investments oriented to revitalization,Restructuring and modernization of the sports sector for an amount of 49 million euros for 2021.

This item is part of the ecological transition line of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan and will be allocated to renew facilities of the high -performance and sports technification centers distributed throughout the Spanish geography.It is about promoting their adaptation to the new socioeconomic reality through the processes of digital transformation and ecological transition that are necessary for their modernization.

Specifically, the actions that will be carried out are framed within the project 'Modernization of High Performance Centers: Sports Plan 2.0'.It contemplates various actions aimed at the replacement of the current energies that they use in their operation with other pollutant emissions, as well as the renewal of equipment to obtain the maximum energy performance of each of the systems they have.

At least 54 technification and/or sports facilities will benefit from these 49 million which will allow them to renew their equipment, improve their energy efficiency and update their infrastructure.

After the authorization of the distribution criteria by the Council of Ministers, it will be the Sectorial Sports Conference that soon approves them definitively.Thus, the resources that will manage the autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla will have the following distribution from the data obtained from the network of technification centers

Annualness 2021

01 Andalucía4.240.917,70
02 Aragón974.852,55
03 Asturias, Principado de1.547.334,51
04 Balears, Illes5.529.634,64
05 Canarias729.140,46
06 Cantabria830.674,89
07 Castilla y León5.308.382,42
08 Castilla la Mancha253.170,40
09 Cataluña8.522.150,63
10 Comunitat Valenciana5.508.686,08
11 Extremadura3.050.916,74
12 Galicia1.795.836,46
13 Madrid, Comunidad de5.097.035,65
14 Murcia, Región de1.905.842,54
15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral464.874,40
16 País Vasco658.855,84
17 La Rioja1.513.696,07
18 Ceuta603.123,62
19 Melilla464.874,40
TOTAL 49.000.000,00

Social Rights and Agenda 2030

National Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of the Gypsy People (2021-2030)

The Council of Ministers has approved the National Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of the Gypsy People (2021-2030).

The approval of this strategy responds to the commitment of the Government of Spain with cohesion and social progress, paying special attention to people in poverty or social exclusion, as in this case a very high percentage of the gypsy population.

The strategy follows the guidelines of the European framework for equality, inclusion and participation of the gypsy people until 2030 and is aligned with the European Union Anti-RacKS Action Plan (2020-2025), in addition to the strategy of the strategy of the strategy of theEuropean Union on the rights of victims 2020-2025 and the strategy of the European Union for gender equality.This strategy also contributes to the achievement of the objectives set on the 2030 Agenda.

It also consolidates the actions that were being carried out in the fields of education, employment, health and housing, but also affects the areas of social inclusion, equality and participation.It has a transverse approach to the gender perspective and considers diversity within the gypsy population, in addition to expanding the scope, including the fight against discrimination and antigitanism.

Following the guidelines of the European framework, the strategy is structured in 3 axes, 9 strategic lines and 27 specific objectives:

It is expected that the implementation of this strategy will materialize in two operational plans, the first operational plan for the 2021-2026 period, and the second operational plan that will be in force from 2027 to 2030. At the end of the first operational plan, aIntermediate evaluation of the strategy to see the impact it has on the gypsy population, as well as a final evaluation in 2030.



The Council of Ministers has approved an agreement authorized by the Call for Advance Processing of Aid for University Teachers corresponding to 20201 (FPU2021), integrated into the State Training Subprogram and in the State Mobility Subprogram of the State ProgramTo develop, attract and retain talent, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, for an amount of 98,462,251.28 euros per amount of 98,462,251.28 euros.

This action of the General Secretariat of Universities will allow the hiring of 885 researchers and researchers for four years.These grants can be complemented with additional financing charged to the budgets of the Contracting Assignment Centers.The call for aid of the Secretary General of Universities is part of the State Talent Promotion Program and its employability and aims at the research training in doctoral programs for the achievement of the title of Doctor or Doctor and the acquisition of university teaching skillsIn any area of scientific knowledge, thus facilitating the future incorporation of the beneficiaries of the Spanish System of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The aid, which will be convened in a competitive concurrence regime, will last 4 years, except in the case of disability of the beneficiary, in which case they will have a maximum duration of 6 years.

If obtaining the Doctor title takes place in advance of the start of the last annuity of the aid, the continuity of the FPU aid for hiring will be authorized during the post -direct orientation period of one year duration, of the newly doctorate researchers.


Government Presidency

Director of the Office of Coordination for the Spanish Presidency of the European Union Ms.María Aurora Mejía Errasquín

María Aurora Mejía Errasquín was born in Madrid on July 4, 1960. She has a law degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and entered the diplomatic race in 1987.

He has been destined in the Embassies of Spain in Romania, Denmark and Brazil, as well as in the permanent representation of Spain before NATO.

Ha sido Vocal Asesora del Departamento Internacional del Gabinete de la Government Presidency, en dos ocasiones, (de 1995 a 1996 y de 2005 a 2007) y Embajadora en misión especial para el Fomento de las Políticas de Igualdad de Género (de 2007 a 2008).

She was the General Director of International Legal Cooperation (2008-2010) and General Director of International Legal Cooperation and Relations with Confessions (2010-2012), in the Ministry of Justice, and Ambassador of Spain in Bosnia and Herzegovina (from 2012 to 2015).

Fue designada Embajadora en Misión Especial para Afganistán y Pakistán en 2015; y ha sido Subdirectora General de Seguridad en la Dirección General de Política Exterior y de Seguridad (2016-2018) y Directora General de Europa Occidental, Central y Sudeste de Europa en el Ministerio de Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (2018-2020).

Desde 2020, era la Directora del Departamento de Unión Europea del Gabinete de la Government Presidency.

Work and Social Economy

Minister of the Economic and Social Council on behalf of trade union organizations

Mrs. Cristina Estévez Navarro.

He was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1974. Diploma in English, German and French for the General Study Lul·lià;She has also completed law studies.

Department worker since 1992 and affiliated with UGT since 1998, he is elected union delegate by UGT in El Corte Inglés, in 2002, and, in 2005, he became a member of the Company Committee.

In the 4th Congress of the Federation of Commerce, Hospitality, Tourism and Game (CHTJ-UGT), in 2009, it is elected Federal Secretary of Commerce (Department area).In the Constituent Congress of the Federation of Services, Mobility and Consumption (SMC-UGT), in 2014, it is elected federal secretary of department stores and in the Constituent Congress of the new Federation of Services, Mobility and Consumption (FESMC-UGT),And, in 2016, he is elected Federal Secretary of Commerce.

In addition, he is a member of the Uni Global Executive Committee since the 5th World Congress of the Organization, held in 2018.

The 43rd Confederal Congress of the General Union of Workers of Spain, held in Valencia from May 18 to 20, 2021, the Secretary of Institutional Policy and Territorial Policy is elected.

Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

General Director of Spanish in the World

Mr. Guillermo Escribano Manzano

He was born in Madrid in 1974 and has a law degree, becoming part of the diplomatic career in 2002.

He has been Head of Service at the General Sub-Directorate of the Middle East (2003-2004), and Secretary at the Embassy of Spain in Berlin (Germany), responsible for consular and administrative matters (2004-2008).

He has also held the positions of Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Spain in Rabat (Morocco) (2008-2012) and head of the Department of Cooperation and Cultural Promotion (MAEC-AECID) (2012-2015), as well as secretary at the embassy ofSpain in Manila (Philippines), taking care of cultural and administrative affairs (2015-2018)

He occupied the second headquarters at the Embassy of Spain in Warsaw (Poland) (2018-2021) and then became a general deputy director of coherence of external action.

Since October 2021 he was an advisor at the Cabinet of the Minister of Territorial Policy.

Spanish ambassador to the Republic of Colombia

Mr. Joaquín María de Arístegui Laborde

Born in Madrid in 1966, he studied at Nuestra Señora del Pilar school and has a law degree from the Autonomous University (UAM).He entered the diplomatic career in 1992.

A lo largo de sus más de 29 años de servicio ha ocupado diversos puestos técnicos y directivos en el Ministerio de Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, en el Comité Organizador de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona (COOB 92), en las Direcciones Generales de Europa, Asia-Pacífico y Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, así como en la Oficina del Alto Comisionado del Gobierno para la Marca España. En 2018 fue nombrado director general de la Oficina de España Global, en la Secretaria de Estado para la España Global.

Abroad has been destined in the embassies in Bucharest, San Salvador, Bangkok, Hague and Geneva (United Nations and OO. II);He has also been consul general in Beijing (RP China) and Lyon (France).He was ambassador to the United Nations and Oo. II,), from 2007 to 2009, and in Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Santa Lucía, Granada, Surinam, Guayana, San Vicente and Las Grenadinas and before the Caribbean community (Caricom), from 2010 to 2014.

Until June 2021 he was general director of Sports, in the Secretary of State for Sports (Superior Sports Council, Ministry of Culture and Sports).

Agriculture, Fishing and Food


Ernesto Abati García-Manso

Bachelor of Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and official of the Superior Corps of Civil Administrators of the State.

He worked at the Ministry of Public Administration as Deputy Chief of the Cabinet of the Undersecretary, Deputy Director of Procedures and Rationalization of the Management and Deputy Director General of Administrative Simplification and Citizen Attention Programs, participating in the drafting and processing of various standards such as the preliminary drafts ofThe Organic Law 5/1992 of Automated Treatment of Personal Data, Law 30/1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure and Law 11/2007, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services,as well as its regulatory developments.He was a member of the Group of high level experts of the EU for the improvement of regulation.

He coordinated modernization programs such as the Institutional Image Program of the General State Administration, Simplification Plans, Single Window, Unique Business and Network 060.

He has been Secretary General of the General Directorate of Traffic, Director of Administration and Media of National Heritage, Deputy Director General of Financial Administration and Senior OfficialGovernment Secretariat.

Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory

Technical-Director Secretary of the Government Secretariat.-

Mr. Alberto García González

Bachelor of Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1998-2003).

He is an official of the State Lawyers since 2006 and has served as Technical General Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sports since January 2020.

He has also been a lawyer at the National Court (2019-2020) and Director of Legal Relations with Participated Entities and Vice Secretary of the Rector Commission of Frob (2018-2019);State Attorney at the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (2013-2018), in the Central Courts of Contentious-Administrative (2012-2013) and Alicante (2007-2012).

Likewise, he has exercised the coordination of the Legal Assistance Agreements signed by the General Law of the State-Directorate of the State Legal Service with the National University of Distance Education (UNED), Hulleras del Norte S. A. (Hunosa), S.M.E., Radio Radio RadioTelevisión Española, S.M.E., State Hipódromo de la Zarzuela, S.A.Aena Airports, General CSIC Foundation and Lázaro Galdiano Foundation.

He was a member of the Accounts Audit Committee of the Accounting Accounting Institute (ICAC) from 2016 to 2018 and Secretary of the Regional Economic-Administrative Court of the Valencian Community (Alicante Deconcentrated Chamber) from 2009 to 2011.

He is also co -author of different publications in the field of administrative law and rapporteur in seminars and courses.

Culture and sport

Technical General Secretary.-

Ms. Laura Cadenas Lázaro

Law degree from the Carlos III University of Madrid and Master in International Criminal Law from the University of Sussex

He has been head of the Technical Cabinet of the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Universities since February 2020.

He has previously exercised as an economic-administrative deputy director of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music and Vocal Advisor of the General Secretariat of that same body, belonging to the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

También ha ejercido de jefa de área de Contratación en la Subdirección General de Contratación Centralizada de s, del Ministerio de FINANCE AND PUBLIC FUNCTION.

He has also held positions in the general secretaries of the Foundation of the Real Theater, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

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AVM FRITZ!Box 4060: Tri-band WIFi 6 router and 2.5G port review
Where to place and how to correctly configure a WiFi repeater
Where to place and how to correctly configure a WiFi repeater
Maduro's "judicial revolution" - El Carabobeño
Maduro's "judicial revolution" - El Carabobeño