Retailers |Mercadona will premiere its 'hive' of Seville at the end of 2022 know more infotaller newsletter

Retailers |Mercadona will premiere its 'hive' of Seville at the end of 2022 know more infotaller newsletter

Retailers |Mercadona will premiere its 'hive' of Seville at the end of 2022 know more infotaller newsletter

Mercadona will premiere in Seville a new 'hive' (as the Valencian teaching calls its specific warehouse for online sale) at the end of 2022, reports the chain.The Urban Planning Management of the Hispanic City Council has already granted the works license for the project.

The company chaired by Juan Roig foresees an investment of 14 million euros in this warehouse that will begin to lift from this January and will serve the Andalusian capital and bordering populations.

This 'hive' will be built on a plot of 30,220 m2 in the South Higuerón area, which was awarded to the company in the process of public tender by the Urban Planning Management of the City of Seville for 10.8 million euros.

 Retailers | Mercadona estrenará su 'colmena' de Sevilla a finales de 2022 Saber más Newsletter de Infotaller

Currently, the Teach has a workforce 4,473 people in the province of Seville, has 72 supermarkets and a logistics block located in the municipality of Huévar del Aljarafe, where it has built a new 7,000 -square -meter fish ship that began its activity in November.The company's investment has exceeded 50 million euros in 2021.

Mercadona's 'hives'

Currently, the Valencian chain has three 'hives' in Spain located in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid.Last July, Mercadona reported the start of the works of a new warehouse of these characteristics in Alicante dedicated to making online purchase commands with an investment of 14 million euros.

The company plans to put this new infrastructure into operation in the middle of this year with a workforce of more than 340 people, including distributors and pickers.

The 'Hive' of Valencia opened in May 2018. He was followed by Barcelona, in June 2019, and that of Madrid did so in 2020, in full Covid Pandemia.The chain forecasts go to install these warehouses in the main Spanish cities.

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