Royal Decree 691/2021, of August 3, which regulates the

Royal Decree 691/2021, of August 3, which regulates the

Royal Decree 691/2021, of August 3, which regulates the


  • CAPÍTULO II. Criterios de concesión directa de subvenciones a las comunidades autónomas
  • CAPÍTULO III. Bases reguladoras de la concesión de ayudas por las comunidades autónomas a los destinatarios últimos
  • ANEXO I.Aid amount a destinatarios últimos
  • ANEXO II. Presupuesto por comunidades autónomas
  • ANEXO III. Documentación
  • ANEXO IV.Subsidable actions y costes elegibles
  • Typology of Action 3.Improvement of energy efficiency of lighting facilities
  • 2.Eligible costs
  • ANEXO V. Hitos y objetivos de aplicación a las comunidades autónomas
  • ANEXO VI. Información para la coordinación y seguimiento del Programa
  • The European Council of July 21, 2020 agreed a package of high-range measures that promote convergence, resilience and transformation in the European Union, which combine the future multiannual financial framework (MFP) for 2021-2027 reinforced and putUnder a European recovery instrument ("Next Generation EU") by 7fifty.000 million euros at constant prices of 2018.This European recovery instrument, which will imply about 140 for Spain.000 million euros in the form of transfers and loans for the period 2021-2026, will open an extraordinary opportunity for our country.In this context, the recovery, transformation and resilience plan of Spain (here, of all levels of government and the set of public administration resources.The projects that constitute the transformation and resilience recovery plan will allow the realization of structural reforms in the coming years, through regulatory changes and investments, and, therefore, will allow a change of the productive model for the recovery of the economy after the pandemic causedby COVID-19 and also a transformation towards a more resilient and inclusive structure, of special relevance, all this, for the public, social and economic interest.

    Among the investments approved by the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, and within its component 2, called: "Implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda: Housing and Urban Regeneration Rehabilitation Plan" are those developed by the Regeneration and Regeneration Program anddemographic challenge, as one of the investments (i4) of component 2 of the PRTR.It contemplates an energy rehabilitation program for existing buildings in municipalities and nuclei of less than fifty00 inhabitants (PREE fifty00), which aims to support energy rehabilitation in residential and non -residential buildings through improvements in energy efficiency and the incorporation of renewable energyIn addition, within the national demographic challenge strategy.To facilitate the identification of these municipalities, a list will be developed that will be available on the IDAE website (

    In compliance with the provisions of the recovery, transformation and resilience (PRTR) plan, in Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, which establishes the recovery mechanismand resilience, and its development regulations, in particular the communication of the Technical Guide Commission on the application of the principle of "not causing significant damage" by virtue of the regulation related to the recovery and resilience mechanism, as well as with what is required in theExecution decision of the Council regarding the approval of the evaluation of the recovery and resilience plan of Spain, all investment projects that must be carried out in compliance with this royal decree must respect the so -called principle of not causing significant damage to theEnvironment (DNSH principle) and the conditions of climate and digital labeling.This includes compliance with the specific conditions assigned in component 2, as well as in investment 4 in which these projects are framed, both in relation to the DNSH principle, and to the climate and digital labeling, and especially those collected in thesections 3, 6 and 8 of the plan of the plan component.

    This program, as part of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, meets the necessary requirements for computing with a "coefficient for calculating 100% climate objectives" in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/241, of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, which establishes the mechanism of recovery and resilience.For this, a reduction in non -renewable primary energy consumption of at least 30%, on average.The results obtained from the past editions of the Programs Energy Rehabilitation programs, such as Pareer-Crece and Pareer II, confirm that, for their whole, the primary energy saving exceeds said objective.

    The importance of acting in the building sector is highlighted by the fact that the existing building park consumes around 30 % of the final energy, so the energy rehabilitation of the same figure as a priority measure in the National PlanIntegrated energy and climate 2021-2030, in which it has been set as a objective to rehabilitate energy 1.200.000 homes in 2030.This objective has also been collected in the long -term strategy for energy rehabilitation in the building sector in Spain.

    Also, in our country there is still a housing park that is not equipped with heating facilities.According to studies carried out by IIDAE, this percentage amounts to 10%, which can potentially mean around 200.000 homes that could be provided with heating with renewable energy.In addition, the possible renovations of existing heating and cooling facilities with obsolete and/or fossil fuels should be considered.These considerations are not only applicable to the private -owned residential building park but also to administrative and endowment buildings of public ownership.

    This situation affects the so -called demographic challenge municipalities, where there are about 6.827 municipalities and nuclei with less than 5.000 inhabitants, which concentrate 5.7 million people, 12 % of the total population.In the last decade, eight out of ten have lost population, so that, together, these municipalities and nuclei are 410.000 people less than ten years ago.In municipalities and nuclei of less than 1.000 inhabitants, depopulation reaches 86 % of the almost 5.000 municipalities, which have lost more than 200.000 inhabitants in the last decade.In these municipalities and nuclei, secondary and empty homes represent 44 %, fifteen points more than in the national average, and 30 % of the houses are prior to 1960.Additionally, in the municipalities and nuclei of less than 5.000 inhabitants, 9.7 % of homes are in a ruinous, bad or poor state, almost three points more than in the national average;24.4 % of empty homes are in a ruinous, bad or poor state, which, in absolute values, is 410.225 homes.

    On the other hand, after the economic impact of the crisis generated by COVID-19, it is necessary the building.

    In this context, and as one of the measures aimed at reducing energy consumption and contributing to the fulfillment of the energy and climate objectives and the economic reactivation, it is proposed to carry out this aid program to perform energy rehabilitation actions in theexisting buildings.

    In this way, it helps to meet, on the one hand, with the objectives of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan in relation to the energy rehabilitation of buildings and, in particular, in those located in demographic challenge municipalities and, on the other, on the other,With the objective of energy savings set in article 7 of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, of October 25, 2012, reviewed by the 2018/2002 Directive of the European Parliament and the Council, of eleven of eleven ofDecember 2018, which modifies the Directive 2012/27/EU of October 25, 2012, related to energy efficiency, putting into practice a long -term strategy to mobilize investments in the exhaustive and profitable renewal of residential buildingsand commercial, in order to improve the energy performance of the real estate park and reduce its energy consumption, referred to in article 4 of the aforementioned directive.

    The Pree fifty00 program contains common elements with the following energy rehabilitation aid programs that took place in recent years:

    These programs have been in force from October 2013 to the present.000 homes;90 % promoted by communities of owners, energizing the activity, eminently local, of energy rehabilitation companies.It is expected, with this new edition, an incentive effect of the even greater activity, by increasing the aid percentages with respect to its previous editions;which gives the program a singular character and justifies its public, social and economic interest, given the great importance of its socio-economic impact.The PREE program with completion date on July 31, 2021 is endowed with 402.5 million euros.

    The aid regulated by this Royal Decree will be financed with the European recovery mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, to the extent that the Pree fifty00 program is locatedincluded in the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, as one of the investment typologies (C2.I4) Within component 2, implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda: Urban Housing and Regeneration Rehabilitation Plan.For this purpose, Law eleven/2020, of December 30, on General State Budgets by 2021 is provided for in Budget Application 23.fifty.420b.748 «Idae.For the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility.RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE MECHANISM »BUDGET CREDIT FOR THE LIBRATION OF THE CORRESPONDING FUNDS TO IDAE.The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has proceeded to execute the aforementioned budgetary credits in accordance with the provisions of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget and other regulatory regulations, having recognized the obligation and implemented thecorresponding payment proposal dated July 19, 2021.Therefore, IDAE has received these funds, integrating into the Net Equity of the agency, in accordance with its regulatory regulatory regulations.Thus, on July 19, 2021, the appropriate certificate of credit existence for the financing of the actions provided for in this Royal Decree has been issued by IDAE.

    In accordance with the provisions of the seventh rule of article 7 of the aforementioned Law eleven/2020, the income from transfers received with the budget application 23.fifty.420b.748 «Idae.For the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility.RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE MECHANISM », are legally affected to finance projects or lines of action integrated in the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.If the expense is not carried out, IDAE must proceed to reintegrate to the public treasure the funds received that are not to be used for the assigned purpose.Likewise, with the purpose of allowing its follow -up, in the formulation of the annual accounts, in the remaining treasury affected, Idae will distinguish the affected party destined to cover these actions.

    In this context, the good development of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan is evaluated through the milestones and objectives assigned to each investment and component, approved within the framework of the same, which constitutes an indispensable condition for the release of the corresponding funds to ourcountry. Por ello, a través de sus convocatorias de ayudas y/o realización de las inversiones directas correspondientes, las comunidades autónomas deberán contribuir al cumplimiento de los hitos y objetivos asignados a las tipologías de inversión del programa PREE fifty00 contemplado por la Componente 2 del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, en la parte proporcional a los fondos que le hayan sido asignados inicialmente, así como las posibles ampliaciones del mismo que puedan llevarse a cabo con arreglo a lo establecido en este real decreto.

    Likewise, the Autonomous Communities in the economic management of the funds received from this Royal Decree must guarantee the correct budgetary monitoring of the recognized commitments and obligations, establishing independent accounting management systems that allow the total traceability of the credits at all times.Also, they must commit to complying with as many provisions derived from national or European Union in the scope and management of the recovery and resilience mechanism established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241, of the European Parliament and the Council, of 12February 2021, as of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, and to provide how much information is required by the IDAE and/or the national or community authorities in this framework.

    Por otra parte, los criterios que sirven de base para la distribución de los correspondientes créditos son el número de municipios de reto demográfico y su población en cada comunidad autónoma, ponderados al fifty % cada uno.These criteria have been agreed with the Autonomous Communities at the Sectorial Energy Conference of May 12, 2021.In the same way, the autonomous communities have been informed of the indirect costs that may be financed from such credits, to the extent that they are not of a recurring nature and are within the temporary horizon of execution of the recovery and resilience mechanism, establishedby Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, and the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience, and have as its purpose the implementation and management of the Incentive Program approved by this Royal Decree.

    Particularly, to encourage actions in demographic challenge municipalities, the aid percentages with respect to previous editions are increased, thus attending to the public, social and economic interest of the same.This is expected, a major incentive effect on buildings located in the demographic challenge municipalities, than that achieved by the previous editions of the Pareer-Cree, Pareer II and Pree programs.

    The granting of the subsidies established by this Royal Decree allows the beneficiary autonomous communities not only to allocate the credits corresponding to the last recipients provided therein, according to what is determined in their respective calls, but also that these are those who execute the ownactivities subject to subsidies, through the direct investments that could be made with such credits, and in accordance with the prior reserve of budget that could establish.

    After the publication in "Official State Gazette" of this Royal Decree, each Autonomous Community must approve and publish its aid calls designating the competent body to instruct and resolve the procedure for granting them and, where appropriate, establish the reservationof corresponding budget for the realization of direct investments for the execution of subsidized activities.

    The coordination and monitoring of the program will be carried out by the IDAE.These tasks will be developed through the Energy Savings and Efficiency Advisory Commission, regulated in article 12 of the IDAE Statute, approved by Royal Decree 18/2014, of January 17, and in which all autonomous communities are represented.

    La tipología de actuaciones a las que van dirigidas las subvenciones no permiten su comparación entre sí, pero contribuyen a progresar en los objetivos perseguidos de mejora medioambiental, disminución de emisiones de CO2 y eficiencia energética, dado que se trata de incentivar la realización de actuaciones que cumplan con unos requisitos predeterminados en el ámbito de la mejora de la eficiencia energética y mejoras medioambientales, con un efecto significativo en la disminución de emisiones de CO2, resultando de capital importancia establecer un procedimiento de concesión directa en tanto es preciso agilizar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de ahorro y de las políticas de mejora medioambiental y de mejora de la eficiencia energética a las que está obligado el Estado español en el marco de la Directiva 2012/27/UE, revisada por la Directiva 2018/2002.

    Therefore, the procedure for granting subsidies will be through direct concession, since, in accordance with article 22.2.c) and 28 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Subsidies, concur reasons of social and economic interest that justify the difficulty of their public call in competitive concurrence, due to what was previously reasoned, granted to the Autonomous Communitiesfor being the most suitable administrations to comply with the above, in their territorial scope, and in accordance with their execution competences in energy policy, according to what they determine in their respective calls and, if applicable, according to direct investmentsthat could carry out.

    Likewise, the subsidies regulated by this Royal Decree are unique, as has already been pointed out, derived from the need to implement various instruments that encourage the mobilization of the necessary investments for the exhaustive and profitable renewal of buildings, in order to improve theEnergy performance of the real estate park and reduce its final energy consumption, actively contributing to environmental sustainability, by reducing the level of carbon dioxide emissions, social cohesion and the improvement of citizens' quality of life.

    In order to maintain the incentive nature of the subsidies, only actions carried out by the last recipients of them will be admitted after the registration of the corresponding request for aid and, in the case of the direct investments that couldcarry out the beneficiary autonomous communities, those that are carried out after the publication date of the bidding sheets of the same.

    Likewise, in accordance with the above, this Royal Decree, in accordance with the provisions of articles 22.2.c) and 28, sections 2 and 3, of Law 38/2003, of November 17, and in article 67.2 of its regulations, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, aims. Por otra parte, su finalidad no es otra que contribuir a alcanzar los objetivos medioambientales establecidos en la normativa europea, relativos a la reducción del consumo de energía final y del nivel de emisiones de CO2, mediante la promoción de la realización de actuaciones de renovación del parque inmobiliario existente, para mejorar su eficiencia energética y reducir su consumo de energía.

    The regulatory framework of these grants is in accordance with the constitutional jurisprudence consolidated in terms of aid and subsidies that began to articulate with the judgment of the Constitutional Court13/1992, of February 6, and that, recently, has been outlined with sentences 9/2017, of January 19, and 62 and 64/2018, of June 7.

    In compliance with said jurisprudence, this Royal Decree establishes a model for the granting of aids based on consubstantial cooperation and collaboration mechanisms to the structure of the state of the autonomies that articulates the Spanish Constitution.A model for the granting of aid based on the collaboration of the Autonomous Communities that can develop their processing and carry out the management of the funds, according to criteria adjusted to the constitutional principles and the order of distribution of competences, has been designed therefore.

    This Royal Decree has been prepared in accordance with the principles of good regulation established in article 129.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and has underwent consultation of the Autonomous Communities, through the Sectorial Energy Conference of May 12, 2021, in accordance withArticle 148.2.a) of Law 40/2015, of October 1, of the legal regime of the public sector, and the Advisory Commissions for Energy Savings and Efficiency of the IDAE of May13 and July 9, 2021.

    Therefore, it complies with the principles of necessity and effectiveThe existing buildings sector, in order to meet the objectives assigned to Spain in the corresponding directives.The dictation of this standard is the most appropriate instrument to guarantee the achievement of these objectives.

    It is also in accordance with the principle of proportionality since it does not contain rights restrictions or imposes obligations to its recipients, establishing the essential regulation to meet the need to be covered, without other less restrictive rights measures or that impose less obligations to the recipients on the recipients.

    It also adapts to the principle of legal certainty to the extent that the norm contributes to reinforce said principle because it is consistent with the plans and current regulations on energy efficiency and establishes economic stimuli that will facilitate their best compliance.

    The norm complies with the transparency principle since their potential recipients have participated in the elaboration of it.In addition, it clearly defines its objectives, reflected in its preamble and in the memory that accompanies it.

    Finally, the principle of efficiency is accredited because the normative initiative does not impose unnecessary or accessory administrative loads and rationalizes, in its application, the management of public resources.

    It also adjusts to the provisions of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30, which approves urgent measures for the modernization of public administration and for the execution of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, withThe purpose of undertaking a process of modernization of public administration that provides the necessary tools to undertake the execution of the plan and the best fund management, promoting public-private collaboration between public administrations and the private sector.

    Therefore, in the processing of this Royal Decree, adopted for the execution of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, the provisions of articles 47 and 60 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020 have been applied, of December 30, bywhich approves urgent measures for the modernization of public administration and for the execution of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, having formulated consultation with the delegated intervention in relation to the need for a mandatory and issued report report of the State Advocacy,In accordance with the provisions of article 61.2 of the same, having this Royal Decree the character of regulatory bases of the aids granted by the autonomous direct beneficiaries of the subsidies that it establishes, in accordance with the provisions of article 67.2 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21.

    This royal decree is issued under the provisions of article 149.1.13.ª, 23.ª and 25.ª of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State the exclusive competence on bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity, regarding basic legislation on environmental protection, without prejudice to the powers of the autonomous communities of establishing additional norms ofprotection and on the bases of the mining and energy regime, respectively.

    In its virtue, at the proposal of the third vice president of the Government and Minister for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge, and prior deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on August 3, 2021,

    I have:

    Chapter General Idispositions

    Article 1 Object and purpose

    1. This Royal Decree is to regulate the direct concession, with an extraordinary basis, and for reasons of public, social and economic interest, of subsidies to the Autonomous Communities, as well as their distribution and delivery, in the amounts and terms that appear in the AnnexII, in accordance with the provisions of article 22.2.c) of Law 38/2003, of November 17, in relation to article 28.2 and 3 of the same law.

    2. It also constitutes the object of this Royal Decree the approval of the regulatory bases of the subsidies regulated by the same, to which the beneficiary autonomous communities will be subject to the calls for aid and/or direct investments that carry out, in accordance with theestablished in this royal decree.

    3. Este real decreto tiene como finalidad ejecutar el Programa de rehabilitación energética para edificios existentes en municipios de reto demográfico (Programa PREE fifty00), incluido en el Programa de regeneración y reto demográfico del Plan de rehabilitación y regeneración urbana del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.

    The execution of this program will contribute to reaching the environmental and energy objectives established in the European Union regulations, by carrying out existing building reform actions, regardless of its use and the legal nature of its holders, which favor theReduction of final energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, as established by article 7 of Directive 2012/27/EU, of October 25, 2012, reviewed by the 2018/2002 Directive, through energy saving, the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies, in accordance with the conditions established in this Royal Decree and what is provided by the respective calls made by the Autonomous Communities, without prejudice to the direct investments that they could make.

    4. For the purposes of the provisions of this Royal Decree, the municipalities of up to 5 will be understood by demographic challenge municipalities.000 inhabitants and non -urban municipalities up to 20.000 inhabitants in which all its unique population entities are up to 5.000 inhabitants.

    The determination of the number of inhabitants of these municipalities will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree eleven47/2020, of December 15, by which the population figures resulting from the review of the municipal register referring to 1January 2020.The unique population entities will be those whose denomination and 9 -digit code appear in the INE nomenclator, and the determination of their population for the purposes of the provisions of the previous paragraph will be carried out in accordance with what was published by this.The characterization of "non -urban" municipality will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the publication "Statistical Atlas of Urban Areas" of the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda.

    Se podrán añadir, en su caso, los nuevos municipios que pudieran cumplir estos requisitos de reto demográfico tras las revisiones y actualizaciones que, con posterioridad puedan ser publicadas en ambas fuentes oficiales, mientras dure la vigencia del programa de ayudas PREE fifty00 cuya ejecución se realiza mediante este real decreto, en los términos establecidos por el artículo 4.

    For the above purposes, IDAE will publish at its electronic headquarters, with informative and subject to the official publications referred to above, list of the municipalities where the corresponding subsidable investments can be made.

    Article 2 Territorial scope of application

    The provisions of this Royal Decree will apply throughout the national territory.

    Article 3 applicable legal regime

    1. The legal regime, specific applicable regulations, requirements and obligations of the beneficiaries and concession procedure will be established by this Royal Decree, in accordance with the provisions of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Subsidies and in its RegulationsDevelopment, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21.In the absence of the provisions of these regulations, administrative law norms will be applied

    2. Law eleven/2020, of December 30, on General State Budgets by 2021 and Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30, in relation to the legal link at the purpose of the funds, is also applicableReceived by IDAE transfer from the mechanism for recovery and resilience, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, as well as, to the obligations of control, monitoring of theExecution and re -entry of said funds received.

    Likewise, Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30, is applied in those provisions that are basic in accordance with their first final provision and, in particular, the provisions of its articles 37 and 46 in relation,respectively, with the legal linking of income from the mechanism for recovery and resilience, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, and the obligations of information for the monitoringof the projects financed through the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.

    The foregoing, without prejudice to the application of any other provisions of both national law and the European Union that may be applicable, particularly those approved in the field of execution and management of funds from the recovery and resilience mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021, and the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience.

    3. This regulation will apply to direct calls and investments made by the Autonomous Communities, in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    Article 4 Program validity

    1. El programa PREE fifty00 estará en vigor desde el día siguiente al de la publicación de este real decreto en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado» y hasta la conclusión de su vigencia, que se producirá el 31 de diciembre de 2023, salvo que, con anterioridad, se hubiera agotado el presupuesto disponible del programa, conforme a las solicitudes de ayuda recibidas.

    2. At the end of the expressed term of validity, no more requests for help will be admitted, without prejudice to the financing of direct investments that could have previously communicated by the Autonomous Communities, in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    Article 5 Financing and Budget

    El programa de incentivos del PREE fifty00 está dotado con una cuantía inicial de fifty.000.000 euros, originating in the IDAE budget, in accordance with the prior transfer of funds carried out by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, in accordance with the provisions of the General State Budgets by 2021,in which endowment has been recorded in heading 23.fifty.420b.748 «Idae.For the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility.Recovery and Resilience Mechanism ».

    Este presupuesto será objeto de financiación con el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, establecido por el Reglamento (UE) 2021/241 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 12 de febrero de 2021, al estar el programa PREE fifty00 incluido en el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.

    Chapter Iicriteries of Direct Concession of Subsidies to the Autonomous Communities

    Article 6 Direct beneficiaries

    1. They will be direct beneficiaries of the aid provided for in this Royal Decree, the Autonomous Communities, which must allocate the amount of them to the subjects listed in article 15.These grants are subject, in any case, to compliance, execution and realization of the objectives, activities and conditions established by this Royal Decree.

    2. Likewise, the Autonomous Communities may carry out direct investments in one or several of the typologies of actions contemplated by Annex IV, in the terms and conditions established by this Royal Decree, which may be financed by a part of the budget with thethat each of them has in accordance with the provisions of Annex II, provided that such administrations communicate it at the time of formulating its acceptance of the aid granted, as provided in this Royal Decree.

    Article 7 Budget distribution

    Real Decreto 691/2021, de 3 de agosto, por el que se regulan las

    1. The available budget referred to in article 5 will be distributed among direct beneficiaries, autonomous communities as indicated in Annex II.

    The budget assigned to the Autonomous Communities must be maintained, to all purposes of management, budgetary execution, accounting and justification.

    2. In accordance with the provisions of article 31.9 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, as well as in article 83.3 of its regulations, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, a maximum of 3.6 percent of the available budget is foreseen, as indirect costs attributable to subsidized actions.

    In this context, in accordance with the provisions of the Sectorial Energy Conferences held on January eleven, 2021 and May 12, 2021, the Autonomous Communities, may, from January 1, 20, 2021 to the Budget of the Incentives ProgramApproved by this Royal Decree, as indirect costs attributable to the subsidable actions, in the part that corresponds to the generally admitted accounting principles and norms, and provided that they correspond or are related to the period in which they effectively have to be carried outthe subsidable actions, and with the limit established in the previous paragraph, the indirect costs detailed in the following sections.

    3. The Autonomous Communities must assign, through the calls they make, the budget that has corresponded to them in accordance with the distribution established in this regard by Annex II.

    4. The Autonomous Communities may carry out direct investments in any of the typologies of action contemplated by Annex IV, for which they can reserve a part of the budget provided they would have communicated it in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    5. The program budget may be extended, if there was a budgetary availability, and in any case the validity period established by article 4 would not have expired, provided that the necessary resources have been transferred to the IDAE and its management would have been entitled.

    6. In accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph, the extension of the corresponding budget will be made for those beneficiary autonomous communities that expressly request it, and must include in said application, where appropriate, the reservation of that part of this new budget that they intend to allocate to theFinancing of new direct investments.

    7. The IDAE Board of Directors will assign these autonomous communities, based on the above, the new budgets that could correspond to it, in accordance with the existing budget availability, and to the order of application made to the IDAE for this purpose, formalizing it by resolution that will bePublished in the "Official State Gazette".

    8. The head of the IDAE Presidency will issue the corresponding resolution by which the new subsidy corresponding to the budgets assigned to the requesting autonomous communities is granted and will order the payment of the same to the current and holding accounts that they had determined inYour extension application.All this without prejudice to the fact that, in relation to the corresponding Treasury Librances, compensation may occur between the different total treasury flows from the IDAE to the direct beneficiary.Likewise, the petition will necessarily lead to the update of the compromise and/or execution data by the Autonomous Community or Autonomous Applicant City.

    9. The balance not executed or compromised, at the end of the term of validity of the program provided for in article 4, must be reimbursed to IDAE. A la vista de las cuantías comprometidas y las obligaciones reconocidas, IDAE podrá antes del fin de plazo de vigencia referido, requerir a las comunidades autónomas reintegros parciales, según lo previsto en el artículo13, a fin de proceder a reasignaciones, siempre dentro del límite del presupuesto total del presupuesto destinado a este programa, con el objeto de que quede garantizada la plena ejecución del presupuesto previsto.

    Article 8 Indirect costs

    1. They will be considered indirect costs attributable to the program budget, the following management expenses, including the cost of previous preparatory actions that were necessary to establish and maintain the provision of services, supply of goods or the carrying out of the corresponding activities:

    2. They are also included as indirect costs attributable the contracting costs of new personnel, in accordance with the regulations that are applied, and without the existence of a labor relationship between the General State Administration and the attached personnel being deductedto the management of the incentive program.This contract may be formalized through contracts by specific work or service or through any other legal modality of incorporation of personnel with contracts of a certain duration to which the beneficiary autonomous communities could be accepted.

    Personnel hiring costs, both technical and administrative, incurred to provide the services specified in the previous section 1 will include the employer social security quota and other similar costs of contracts, provided that these personnel are dedicated exclusivelyto the temporal management of such a program.For this, the Team of Technicians and Administrative may work on any current calls of different programs provided that the number of work hours, for its justification, within the management costs provided for in this Royal Decree, and that the Supervisory Body can be charged, and that the Supervisory Bodycorresponding to each autonomous community can inform or certify said cost imputation.

    3. They will not be considered indirect costs attributable to the Program Budget The recurring management expenses, among others, those corresponding to expenses of constitution, operation or permanent or usual structure of the collaborating entities, agencies or other agencies of the autonomous communities that are commissionedof the management of the actions of the Incentive Program approved by this Royal Decree, nor those that are not within the temporary horizon of execution of the recovery and resilience mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament andof the Council of February 12, 2021, and the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.

    4. The beneficiary autonomous communities will have to contribute to the IDAE declaration of the indirect costs charged with the subsidized actions in their territorial scope of application, through a report of their respective intervention and control bodies, so that said declaration reflects all the data that allows verifyingthat the proportional part that is attributable to each of them of the total percentage of the available program of the program, as well as the imputed amount and its correspondence with both the costs considered and with the period in which thesubsidable actions, without prejudice to the other justification obligations established by this Royal Decree and by the applicable regulations.Likewise, IDAE may request how many clarifications or additional information required in relation to said indirect costs.

    Article 9 Procedures for the granting of subsidy to the Autonomous Communities

    1. After the publication of this Royal Decree in the "Official State Gazette", the IDAE will proceed to communicate to all the Autonomous Communities, also published on the website of the Institute, the availability of the budget corresponding to the total amount of the subsidy established in theAnnex II, without prejudice to the provisions for its extensions in article 7.

    2. The Autonomous Communities must request and accept expressly and unequivocally, by means.In the same way, they will proceed to request the amount that they will reserve for the realization for their part of the direct investments that will be carried out in any of the typologies of actions contemplated in Annex IV, and that they intend to finance charged to a part of a part ofThe subsidy they receive.

    3. The IDAE, through the resolution of the person holding its presidency, will grant the corresponding aid to the Autonomous Communities and order the payment of it in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree and the amounts of Annex II, to the current and holder accounts thatAutonomous communities determine.

    Article 10 Obligations of Autonomous Communities

    1. The amounts transferred by the IDAE must be intended by the autonomous communities to finance any of the action typologies defined in Annex IV, carried out directly by themselves or by the subjects who, as the last recipients of them, are subject to enumeration inArticle 15, with strict subject to the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    2. The calls of the Autonomous Communities must be made within a maximum period of three months from the entry into force of this Royal Decree, notwithstanding that later new calls can be made, and must be published in the National Database of Subsidies as well as its extractin the official newspaper, establishing its validity in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of this Royal Decree.

    3. In the case of direct investments, the administrations of the corresponding autonomous communities must comply with the obligations that are expressly established for them in this royal decree as well as, to the extent that they are compatible with their nature, with which they are expectedFor the last recipients of the aid, notwithstanding that by the IDAE the compliance with other obligations derived from the fulfillment of both national and European regulations that could be applied for the execution and management, both of the recovery mechanism, can be requiredand Resilience, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, as of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.

    4. The Autonomous Communities, through their respective calls, must ensure and guarantee compliance by the latest recipients of the aid not only of the requirements provided for in this royal decree but also of the obligations contemplated for the beneficiaries of subsidies in the law38/2003, of November 17, General of Subsidies, and in its Development Regulations, as well as both in the national and European regulations that could be applicable for the execution and management of both the recovery and resilience mechanism, established by theRegulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, as of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.They must also guarantee that the last recipients present the documentation required in Annex III of this Royal Decree or the one that appears in their respective calls complementarily or replacing it, in case of being appropriate.These calls will have to adjust, in any case, to the provisions of this Royal Decree and in the European regulations applicable in the field of state aid.

    Article eleven Other obligations of the beneficiary autonomous communities in relation to management of programs funded by the recovery and resilience mechanism

    1. Con objeto de que el IDAE, como responsable de la gestión de los fondos del PREE fifty00, que será financiado por el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, establecido por el Reglamento (UE) 2021/241 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 12 de febrero de 2021, en el contexto del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, pueda certificar o acreditar la debida ejecución del mismo ante las autoridades competentes, las comunidades autónomas beneficiarias deberán remitir cuanta información y documentos el IDAE pudiera requerirles, así como cumplir puntualmente con lo que pudiera disponerse por cualquier norma, reglamentación o instrucción aplicable.

    2. Likewise, the autonomous communities will be expressly compromised, with the acceptance of the corresponding budget, to complyThe execution or management of both the recovery and resilience mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021 and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, as well as any others that couldbe considered necessary for adequate compliance with the object and purpose of this royal decree.

    3. In this context, without prejudice to the fulfillment of the remaining obligations established in this Royal Decree, the bodies responsible for the management of the aid of each autonomous community must:

    4. In its case, for the electronic information transfer, IDAE will publish on its website the technical instructions that facilitate the exchange of data between the systems of the respective autonomous communities and the IDAE systems that must report to the competent authorities or any other systemsthat could establish the national competent bodies.For this purpose, the Autonomous Communities must provide the IDAE with the punctual information of each file that is indicated in Annex VI in the following phases:

    5. IDAE will publish on its website the instructions on formats and models adjusted to the requirements that, where appropriate, could receive for the execution and management of both the recovery, transformation and resilience plan and the mechanism of recovery and resilience, established by the regulations(EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021.The competent body of each Autonomous Community will send to the IDAE the supporting documentation that is requested.

    6. The IDAE may require the body responsible for the management of the aid of each autonomous community beneficiary the contribution of any additional documentation to that exposed to verify the effective adaptation of the action executed to which it was subject to help, being said body forced toits delivery within a maximum period of one month from the reception of communication by Idae.

    7. The bodies responsible for the management of the aid of each Autonomous Community must submit to any other information requirements and actions of economic-financial control and control that the IDAE, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the General Secretariat can be carried out, the Secretariatof European funds, the general intervention of the State Administration, the Court of Accounts, the control and control bodies of the European Commission and any other actions of verification and/or financial control that the competent bodies or authorities may carry out,Both national and the European Union, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations applicable to the management of co -financed aid with European funds, providing for it as much information required and fully cooperating in the protection of both national and both national andThe European Union, granting rights and accessnecessary to such bodies or authorities.

    8. Likewise, these bodies will apply appropriate internal control processes in the management levels, designed to offer reasonable guarantees of achieving the following objectives: efficiency, efficiency and economy of operations;reliability of reports;safeguarding assets and information;Proper management of risks related to the legality and regularity of underlying operations, and prevention, detection, correction and monitoring of fraud and irregularities.

    9. Failure to comply with the autonomous communities of the obligations established in the previous section may lead, in case of not being remedied, at the beginning of a reimbursement procedure for all the perceived amounts and the requirement of the interest of corresponding delayFrom the moment of payment of the subsidy, in accordance with the provisions of article 37 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.

    Article 12 Coordination and monitoring

    1. The competent agency to carry out the coordination and monitoring of this program is IDAE.

    2. The coordination of the program will be carried out by the IDAE with the Autonomous Communities through the Advisory Commission for Energy Savings and Efficiency, which will assume all those functions that are necessary to guarantee the correction and transparency of the process to be carried out, once occursthe closure of the different calls and the program, in order to ensure the verification of the effective application of the transferred funds.

    3. The Autonomous Communities will send the information that IDAE requests with the format and the conditions that are established in Annex VI to monitor the results of the program.This information will be made available to the IDAE and the Ministry of State for the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, as well as, where appropriate, of any other competent authority for the evaluation of the management and execution of both the mechanismof recovery and resilience, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, as of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.

    Artículo13 Seguimiento de hitos y objetivos y control económico-financiero

    1. Las comunidades autónomas, a efectos de garantizar la trazabilidad del gasto, deberán establecer un sistema de seguimiento contable diferenciado del programa PREE fifty00.This information will follow the criteria, guidelines and periodicity of report that IDAE can determine in order to guarantee the correct budgetary monitoring of the funds, in accordance with the guidelines issued by both the competent bodies of the General Administration of the State and the European Union,In relation to the management and execution of both the recovery and resilience mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, as of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

    2. However, in order to be able to assess the degree of commitment and execution of the funds subject to this Royal Decree and, where appropriate, an eventual extension of the budget received or the anticipated reimbursement of the not compromised or not executed, are established inAnnex V two milestones of control of the budget execution that the Autonomous Communities must reach, notwithstanding that additional control milestones can be established in order to verify compliance with objectives.

    3. In order to be able to determine the degree of budget and absorption of the corresponding funds, the autonomous communities must send a report of their respective management bodies on the dates determined by IDAE, with a periodicity, at least, semiannual tocount from the date of validity of this program.

    4. The budget management and payment procedure will be determined by the provisions of article 34 of Law 38/2003 in relation to aid to final beneficiaries.

    The budget will be considered to be compromised by the corresponding call and the subsequent registration of applications or, in the case of direct investments, by formalizing the corresponding contract.

    Likewise, the obligation will be considered recognized, with the consequent payment, through the different resolutions of granting aids that have been granted to the last recipients of them or, in the case of direct investments, by approval of the certifications ofwork or documents that prove the compliance with the provisions of the contract of the goods delivered or services provided.

    5. A los efectos de garantizar el cumplimiento de los hitos y objetivos establecidos por el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, el IDAE podrá exigir el reintegro anticipado de un porcentaje del fifty % del presupuesto no comprometido o no ejecutado por las comunidades autónomas, si a la vista de los informes intermedios de seguimiento se constatase un grado de compromiso o de ejecución del presupuesto asignado inferior a un porcentaje del 80 % del mismo.

    6. In the case of budget extensions initially granted, IDAE may establish a monitoring system for the expanded budget that seeks compliance with the corresponding milestones and objectives.

    7. The anticipated reimbursement must occur within a maximum period of one month from the date on which the IDAE makes the corresponding notification to the affected autonomous community.

    8. Likewise, the anticipated reimbursement of the budget may be required, in case of not being provided by the beneficiary autonomous communities the reports corresponding to the established control milestones, as well as in case of not being aware in the dump of the required information, prior express requirementof them by Idae.The anticipated refund will be due to the entire budget received by the beneficiary autonomous communities, of not facilitating any report or any information provided in this Royal Decree, regardless of its degree of execution and/or commitment.

    9. In order to determine the amount to be reimbursed at the end of the term of the incentive program object of this Royal Decree, established by article 4, the Autonomous Communities must send the provisional and definitive reports that are then established, in order to liquidate allthe obligations derived from the calls made, as well as, where appropriate, of the direct investments undertaken, in compliance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    10. In this context, before January 31, 2023, the beneficiary autonomous communities must send to the IDAE provisional final report issued by their respective budget control bodies in relation to the total total budget not executed.In view of this unwritten balance, IDAE will proceed to notify the Autonomous Communities the amount that must be reintegrated into the Idae budget.Such reimbursement must be made within a maximum period of three months from the corresponding notification date.

    eleven. On the other hand, within a maximum period of six months since the expiration of the term of validity provided for in article 4, the Autonomous Communities must send to the IDAE the definitive closing report of the program, issued by their respective intervention and control bodies, in thewhich will finally be certified the total budget executed.In view of such balance, IDAE, made the necessary verifications, will proceed to notify the autonomous communities, if there are remnant, the final amount to be reinstated to the Idae budget.Such reimbursement must be made within a maximum period of 3 months from the corresponding notification date.

    12. To agree on an eventual budget extension initially assigned to each beneficiary autonomous community, according to the distribution of Annex II, it will be an indispensable condition for the IDAE to have the corresponding execution reports, as well as the dump of information on the requests and concession resolutions in concession inThe computer application that IDAE will make available to the Autonomous Communities to carry out the coordination and monitoring of the program, in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    13. Determined balances derived from reimbursements as planned, IDAE may implement treasury operations in view of all reintegrates or outstanding extensions to each Autonomous Community.

    Article 14 Advances to final recipients

    The Autonomous Communities may establish in their calls the possibility of providing advances to the final recipients that request it, as long as the following conditions are met:

    CHAPTER IIIBASES Regulatory of the granting of aid by the autonomous communities to the last recipients

    Article 15 Last recipients of aid

    1. They may be the last recipients of the aids provided for in this Royal Decree, in accordance with the provisionsFor each typology of subsidable action, provided they have fiscal residence in Spain:

    2. Los ayuntamientos, las diputaciones provinciales o las entidades locales equivalentes y las mancomunidades o agrupaciones de municipios españoles, cabildos y consejos insulares, las administraciones de las comunidades autónomas, y cualesquiera organismos públicos y entidades de derecho público vinculados o dependientes de las referidas administraciones públicas, podrán acceder a la condición de destinatarios últimos de las ayudas, para promover y gestionar la realización de actuaciones de rehabilitación energética, como representantes de agrupaciones de personas físicas o jurídicas, públicas o privadas, propietarias de edificios que, aun careciendo de personalidad jurídica, puedan llevar a cabo la ejecución de las correspondientes actuaciones subvencionables previstas por este real decreto, debiendo cumplirse, en todo caso, lo previsto por el párrafo segundo del artículo eleven.3 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.

    ARTICLE 16 REQUIREMENTS TO OBTAIN THE LAST recipient status of aid

    1. When the latest recipients of the aid are natural persons, either individually, or, belonging to a community or group of owners of those provided for in letters b) or c) of section 1 of article 15, they must possess Spanish nationality or nationality orthat of any of the Member States of the European Union or the European or Swiss Economic Space.In the case of non -community foreigners, they must have legal residence in Spain.

    2. When the last recipients are legal persons, they must prove that they are duly constituted, in accordance with the regulations that are applied and attending to the procedure established, where appropriate, in the respective calls of the Autonomous Communities.

    3. Podrán acceder a la condición de destinatarias últimas de las ayudas, siempre que cumplan con lo establecido en el artículo eleven.3 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, las agrupaciones de personas físicas o jurídicas, públicas o privadas, las comunidades de bienes o cualquier otro tipo de unidad económica o patrimonio separado que, aun careciendo de personalidad jurídica, puedan llevar a cabo los proyectos, actividades o comportamientos o se encuentren en la situación que motiva la concesión de la subvención.

    4. They will not be able to obtain the status of last recipients of these aids:

    5. The last recipients will allocate the full amount of the aid they receive to pay the corresponding subsidable actions.This rule will also result in application, in the case of groups of natural or legal persons, public or private, communities of goods or any other type of economic unit or separate heritage that, even lacking legal personality, can carry out the projects,activities or behaviors or are in the situation that motivates the granting of the subsidy, regardless of whether both the amount of it and the cost of the works must have an impact among the members of the same. No obstante, cuando alguno de sus integrantes incurra en una o varias prohibiciones establecidas en el artículo13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, the proportional part that would correspond to the help received, which will be processed among the remaining, will not be attributed to said member, provided that compliance with the requirements required to access to accessthe condition of ultimate recipient by the entity in question.

    Article 17 Subsidable actions

    1. The subsidable actions provided for in this Royal Decree will necessarily have to be carried out, in buildings or homes that are located in any of the demographic challenge municipalities referred to in article 1.4.

    2. In all requests for aid, the actions for which help are requested, will have to obtain and justify a reduction in non -renewable energy consumption of 30% with respect to the starting situation, which will be justified by the efficiency certificateenergy of the existing building in its current state and the energy efficiency certificate of the building reached after the reform.In the event that the building is of those included in article 17.12.b), it will be demonstrated by providing a justification memory.

    3. The final energy saving achieved by the actions received from this program will be computed for the purpose of complying with the final energy saving objectives of article 7 of the Directive 2012/27/EU, of October 25, 2012, reviewed by the Directive2018/2002, in accordance with the provisions of Law 18/2014, of October 15.This energy saving may not be double computing, by the obligated subjects, for the purposes of complying with the objective of accumulated energy savings for the 2014-2020 period of article 7 of the aforementioned directive.For the calculation of final energy savings and the eligibility of the actions, the recommendation (EU) 2019/1658 of the commission of September 25, 2019, relative to the transposition of energy savings obligations under energy by virtue of theEnergy Efficiency Directive.

    4. The aid will be used for actions in existing complete buildings in Spain, called option A, of one or more of the following uses:

    5. Exceptionally, in attention to the building typology or climatic characteristics, the autonomous communities may allow in their calls to consider the actions on one or several homes or premises of the same building, considered individually or on parts of a building, which will be called option, which will be called optionB, and whenever the budget for this option, does not exceed fifty percent of that assigned to the Autonomous Community in Annex II.

    6. The following will not be subsidable actions:

    7. Subsidable actions must be framed in one or more of the following typologies and meet the specific requirements established for each of them in Annex IV:

    8. The autonomous communities may assign the budget that has corresponded to them, through the calls they make, to option and/or to option B, one or several of the uses and typologies of buildings, to one or several of those ofMeasures indicated in sections 4, 5 and 7 of this article and/or a part or the entire existing park of buildings.

    9. Given the incentive nature of the aid, only actions by the last recipients of the aids initiated after the date of registration of the aid request will be admitted, not being considered eligible any cost related to the execution of the action that there is abeen invoked previously, without prejudice to the costs corresponding to preparatory actions that are necessary to submit the application or carry out the corresponding investments, such as project, technical memories, certificates, etc.., that they may be considered subsidable, even if they had been invoked previous.

    10. In order to comply with this incentive nature of the aid, and for the direct investments that the Autonomous Communities would have communicated as provided in this Royal Decree, it will be taken as a reference date to determine the eligibility of the costs corresponding to them, theof the publication of the bidding sheets of the respective action, not being considered eligible previously invoiced, without prejudice to the costs corresponding to the preparatory actions specified in the previous section.

    eleven. Additionally, the following requirements for the granting of aids must be met:

    12. Adicionalmente a lo indicado en el apartado 2, las actuaciones objeto de ayuda deben mejorar la calificación energética total del edificio en, al menos, una letra medida en la escala de emisiones de dióxido de carbono (kg CO2 /m2 año), con respecto a la calificación energética inicial del edificio.

    This criterion will not apply in the following cases:

    This improvement in its energy rating can be obtained by carrying out a typology of action or a combination of several, as well as by making partial measures of one or several different actions.The energy certification of the building will be carried out in accordance with the regulations that regulate the basic procedure for the certification of the energy efficiency of the buildings, by using any of the official official computer programs.

    13. The actions subject to help must comply with the current regulations to apply, as well as have the mandatory licenses and administrative authorizations in the event that they require it.

    14. The Autonomous Communities may establish in their calls the maximum and minimum eligible cost of the actions that will be subject to help within the program.

    Article 18 Aid

    1. The amount of aid to the final recipients is established in Annex I and Annex IV of this Royal Decree for subsidable actions.

    2. The Autonomous Communities may add a budget to the one contemplated in Annex II, charged to their own budget, as long as the limits are fulfilled, in terms of accumulation, established by Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Subsidies, subsidies, subsidies, subsidies,and Regulation (EU) 651/2014, of June 17, 2014, or any other regulations that are applicable, particularly in the field of management and execution of the recovery and resilience mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, and the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.These additional budgets may be aimed at accessing financing, in order to cover or bonate points of interest, cost of guarantees, guarantees or study commissions, in the manner established in the aforementioned calls.

    Article 19 Aid compatibility

    The aid granted within the scope of this Royal Decree will be compatible with any other aid of other programs or instruments of any public administrations or public, national or international organizations or entities, particularly of the European Union, while such help does not cover the sameCosts and that, accumulated, the limits established by Regulation (EU) N are not exceeded.o 651/2014, de 17 de junio de 2014, para aquellos destinatarios finales que sean empresas o realicen alguna actividad económica, por la que ofrezcan bienes y/o servicios en el mercado.

    Article 20 Procedure for granting aid by the Autonomous Communities to the last recipients

    1. The Autonomous Communities will allocate the subsidy they receive as direct beneficiaries to grant aid to the subjects provided by article 15, through the corresponding calls they publish, where the corresponding requirements for their concession are contemplated, according to the territory in which they are applied,and without prejudice to the direct investments that those could make, all in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

    2. The actions subject to aid will be selected by rigorous order to submit the applications until the exhaustion of the planned funds, resolving them as determined by each autonomous community in their aid calls, without prejudice to the provisions of the direct investments that have been communicatedAs provided in this Royal Decree.

    3. The aid granted to those final recipients who are companies or carry out any economic activity, for which they offer goods and/or services in the market, and apply the regulations of state aid, for the realization of investments destined for measures of measuresenergy efficiency and for the promotion of energy from renewable sources, will be subject to the requirements and limits established in Regulation (EU) N.o 651/2014 de la Comisión, de 17 de junio de 2014, por el que se declaran determinadas categorías de ayudas compatibles con el mercado interior en aplicación de los artículos 107 y 108 del Tratado.

    4. In order to respect the maximum limits of the aid established by the regulations of the European Union, the last recipients of the aid must submit responsible declaration related to all aid granted to the project.Likewise, they must submit a statement responsible for the company is not in crisis in accordance with the definition of "company in crisis" established in section 18 of article 2 of Regulation (EU) N.o 651/2014, de 17 de junio de 2014.

    5. The final resolution of the aid concession procedure corresponds to the Autonomous Communities, once the full compliance of the established conditions and requirements and the documentation provided is proven.The maximum period to resolve and notify the resolution will be six months from the date of submission of the application.In the event of no resolution within said period, the request will be understood.The resolution adopted by the Autonomous Communities may be appealed in the manner established in the respective calls.

    In accordance with the provisions of article 62.1 of Royal Decree Law 36/2020, of December 30, and taking into account that the aid provided for by this Royal Decree is destined to finance concrete actions or situations that do not require comparative valuation with other proposals, the resolutions ofcorresponding concession in order to submit applications once the concurrence checks of the subsidable situation or action and compliance with the rest of requirements required, until the exhaustion of the budget credit assigned in the calls in the calls.

    6. The maximum period for the conclusion of the actions subject to help will be eighteen months from the date of notification of the resolution of the granting of aid or, in the case of direct investments, from the date of notification of the award resolutionof the corresponding contract.

    7. The justification by the latest recipients of the execution of the actions subject to help must be carried out before the competent body within a maximum period of three months from the end of the maximum period granted for the execution of the actions.For this, the ultimate recipient of the aid must provide the documentation required by the Autonomous Communities in their respective calls for each subsidable action, as well as that necessary to justify the provisions of Annex III and the financing of the recovery and resilience mechanism, establishedBy Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

    In accordance with the provisions of letter d) of article 63 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30, the commitments embodied in economic memories will be more flexible, in the sense that compensations are allowed between budgeted concepts,provided that they go to reach the end of the aid granted.

    8. Only an extension of the deadlines set for the execution of the actions may only be authorized when obeying the unpredictable circumstances, duly justified, that make them impossible to comply with them, despite having adopted, by the last recipients of the aid, the measures, the measuresminimal techniques and planning.In no case may extensions of deadlines be authorized for the execution of the action subject to help that exceed in their total calculation the twenty -four months counted from the date of notification of the resolution to grant the aid or from the date of notification of the resolution of the resolutionof awarding of the corresponding contract.

    9. The Autonomous Communities will carry out a control procedure that allows to verify and validate administratively one hundred percent of the cost declared by the last recipients of the aid, as well as verify on the terrain a representative set of the actions and operations carried out.

    10. Vated the execution of the action by the ultimate recipient of the aid, as well as the delivery of any documentation required in previous sections within the established period, the competent body of the respective autonomous communities will order the payment of the aid, with express reference toThe origin of the funds, mentioning the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demograph) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

    eleven. In the event that the ultimate recipient of the aid did not comply with the obligation of justification established in this Royal Decree, the subsidy will not be paid and the loss of the right to collection of the same shall be declared, in accordance with the provisions of article 89 of theRegulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, using, for this, the procedure provided for in article 42 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.Likewise, in this case, the amount of the advance that would have been perceived increased in the legal interest of application must be returned.

    12. The information on the aid concessions carried out under this Royal Decree will be communicated to the National Database of Subsidies by the Autonomous Communities, in the terms in which said obligation of communication is established by article 20 of Law 38/2003of November 17, and other development regulations of said obligation.

    Likewise, this information will also be communicated to IDAE by the Autonomous Communities as a competent body for the coordination and monitoring of the program, through the corresponding computer application arranged by the IDAE for the coordination and monitoring of the program.

    13. The provisions of the previous sections will be applicable to the direct investments that carry out the administrations of the Autonomous Communities, to the extent that it is compatible with the nature of such operations, and without prejudice that IDAE can establish the requirement of compliance with compliance withspecific conditions and/or an alternative applicable procedure in accordance with the regulations that are applied.

    Article 21 Presentation and formalization of applications

    1. Applications for help can be taken, alternately, in accordance with what is indicated in the respective calls made by the Autonomous Communities or, where appropriate, for the direct investments that they could carry out, as established in this Royal Decree.

    Within the scope of this program, the accreditation requests that the subsidable actions subject to them will be carried out in any of the demographic challenge municipalities provided by this Royal Decree Decree will constitute the admission of help requests for the admission of help for this Royal Decree.

    A la finalización del período de vigencia establecido en el artículo 4, no serán admitidas más solicitudes, debiendo las comunidades autónomas, en su caso, reintegrar el remanente presupuestario que pudiera existir a esa fecha de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo13, sin perjuicio de la financiación de las inversiones directas que hubieran podido comunicarse de conformidad con lo previsto en este real decreto.

    2. Applications will be addressed to the Autonomous Communities where the actions are located, in accordance with the procedure established in their respective calls.

    3. The applications will be accompanied by the documentation required in the corresponding calls made by the Autonomous Communities, collecting the documentation that appears in Annex III, unless the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities enable the electronic or other means necessary to carry out for themthemselves the verification of any or of all the ends referred.

    4. Applications will be attended by rigorous submission order until the program budget is exhausted.The budget will be considered exhausted when the registration of the last request for aid that totals the amount assigned to the respective Autonomous Communities will be made.In the event that the assigned budget is exhausted, and provided that the validity of the program would not have expired, applications may continue to register on the provisional reserve list that will be attended by rigorous order of entry, subject to that there are dismissals or revocations of the applicationsof previous help that could release budget or new budget is incorporated into the call.In no case will the submission of a request to the provisional reserve list generate any right for the applicant until the application is resolved.

    In this context, the remnants corresponding to the budget that could not have been used for the financing of direct investments that could have been communicated by the autonomous communities in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree, provided that inThe corresponding calls would have been provided for this possibility.

    Article 22 competent bodies to order and instruct the aid granting procedure

    1. The competent body to order and instruct the procedures for granting aid will be the one determined by the autonomous communities in their respective calls.The instructor will correspond to the verification that the applications duly meet the required requirements. Las comunidades autónomas podrán decidir si gestionan las ayudas directamente o a través de una entidad colaboradora, que deberá cumplir los requisitos establecidos en el artículo13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.The collaborating entity must comply with the obligations and perform the functions provided for in article 15 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, and will be selected with observance of the provisions of article 16 of this same rule.

    2. IDAE will facilitate the competent body of the Autonomous Community, how many instructions receive from the management or governance authorities of the European funds with which the subsidies subject to this royal decree will be financed, particularly those corresponding to the recovery and resilience mechanism, establishedby Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021, and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, to the extent that affect them.Likewise, the bodies responsible for the management of the aid of each autonomous community must retain the original, justification of the action carried out and the application of the funds received, as long as they may be subject to the verification and control actions.The availability of the documents will be adjusted to the provisions of the regulations that may apply to the corresponding European Union instruments.

    Article 23 competent bodies for the resolution of the aid granting procedure

    1. The competent body for the resolution of the aid concession procedure will be the one determined by each autonomous community in its respective call.

    2. The Autonomous Communities will monitor, control and, where appropriate, will resolve on the loss of the right to obtain aids granted under this royal decree, as well as require the corresponding reimbursement of the amount of aids in addition to the possible collection of interests of interests ofdelay.Likewise, the Autonomous Communities will be responsible for carrying out the verification work of the correct performance by the last recipients of the aid.

    Article 24 Reimbursement

    1. The reimbursement of the amounts received by the beneficiary, collaborating entity or the ultimate recipient of the aid and the requirement of delay interest, from the moment of the payment of the subsidy, in the cases established in article 37 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, applying the reimbursement procedure regulated in Chapter II of Title II of said Law.

    2. The competent body to demand the reimbursement of the beneficiary, collaborating entity or ultimate recipient of the grants or aid regulated by this royal decree will be the granting body of the same or corresponding enabled institution, in accordance with the provisions of article 41 of theLaw 38/2003, of November 17.

    Likewise, the Autonomous Communities will ensure the reimbursement of the amounts perceived by the beneficiary persons or entities in the case of breach of the DNSH principle and the climate and digital labeling.

    Article 25 Advertising

    1. Any reference to the action object of the aid regulated by these bases in publications, dissemination activities, web pages and in general in any means of dissemination must meet the requirements that appear in the image manual of which it will be available on the webof IDAE, within the framework of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan and the mechanism of recovery and resilience, all in accordance with what is established in this regard, and in the terms provided in article 18.4 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, and 31 of Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21.

    2. Likewise, both in the call of the Autonomous Communities, and in the resolution that the last recipients are notified, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience and the Mechanism of Recovery andResilience.

    3. In the context of the previous two sections, the financing receptors of the European Union must mention the origin of this financing and guarantee its visibility, in particular when they promote subsidable actions and their results, facilitating coherent, effective and proportionate information aimedmultiple recipients, including the media and the public.

    4. The ultimate recipient of the aid will inform the public of the support obtained from the European funds making a brief description of the operation on your website, in case you have one, in a manner proportionate to the level of support provided, with their objectives andresults, and highlighting the financial support of the Union.

    5. In addition, it must also comply with the provisions of Law 19/2013, of December 9, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, regarding the advertising obligations of the aid object of this Royal Decree.

    Additional additional disposal containment of personnel spending

    The provisions of this Royal Decree will not be increased by endowments, or remuneration, or other personnel expenses, without prejudice to the provisions of this royal decree with respect to the indirect costs recognized to the autonomous communities as direct beneficiaries of the aid.


    Final disposition First Competence Title

    This royal decree is issued under the provisions of article 149.1.13.ª, 23.ª and 25.ª of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State the exclusive competence on bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity, regarding basic legislation on environmental protection, without prejudice to the powers of the autonomous communities of establishing additional normsof protection, and on the bases of the mining and energy regime, respectively.

    Final provision Second entry into force

    This Royal Decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

    Annex amount of aid to last recipients

    1. The help modality is the form of grant to be lost in the lost background, having as its purpose, in any case, the fulfillment of the corresponding subsidable actions.

    2. The aid in the amount established in the corresponding concession resolution will be granted to the ultimate recipient of the aid that has justified in a timely manner compliance with the subsidable action, in accordance with the requirements and conditions established in this Royal Decree.

    3. The intensity of the aid will be the sum of the base aid and the additional aid that could correspond, in each case, depending on the fulfillment of the criteria indicated in section 5.

    4. The intensity of the base aid will be different if the actions are carried out under option A and/or option B, referred to in sections 4 and 5 of article 17.It will be determined by applying the percentages of the following table on the eligible cost of the action and its calculation will be carried out following the procedure that appears in Annex IV, for each of the typologies of action:

    Intensidad Ayuda Bases Opción A

    Typologies of action

    (% s/eligible cost)

    Ayuda BaseAyuda Adicional por criterio social, eficiencia energética o actuación integrada
    Tipo 1.Improvement of the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope.fifty %

    Depending on the use of the building and in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV, for the type of action.

    The sum of the base aid and the additional aid must not exceed, according to the cases, the limit that marks the Regulation (EU) 651/2014.

    Tipo 2. Mejora de la eficiencia energética de las instalaciones térmicas.40 %
    Tipo 3.Improvement of energy efficiency of lighting facilities.20 %
    Intensidad Ayuda Base para Opción B

    Typologies of action

    (% s/eligible cost)

    Ayuda BaseAyuda Adicional por criterio social/, eficiencia energética o actuación integrada
    Tipo 1.Improvement of the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope.40 %

    Depending on the use of the building and in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV, for the type of action.

    The sum of the base aid and the additional aid must not exceed, according to the cases, the limit that marks the Regulation (EU) 651/2014.

    Tipo 2. Mejora de la eficiencia energética de las instalaciones térmicas.30 %
    Tipo 3.Improvement of energy efficiency of lighting facilities.20 %

    5. The additional aid will graduate according to the criteria, social, energy efficiency and integrated action, as defined below:

    The previous actions must be conveniently justified through the energy rating of the current building and the rehabilitated future building, obtained by any of the programs recognized in accordance with Royal Decree 390/2021, of June 1.

    5. The amount of total aid will be, in any case, limited by the maximum amount resulting from the application of state aid regulations, which applied to the typology of action and the type of beneficiary.

    6. The provisions of the preceding sections will apply to direct investments that could carry out the administrations of the Autonomous Communities.

    Annexiipresueted by Autonomous Communities

    The budget referred to in article 5, destined for the actions carried out in the demographic challenge municipalities, is distributed among the autonomous communities in the manner indicated in the following table:

    Presupuesto €
    Principado de Asturias.840.000
    Illes Balears.532.fifty0
    Castilla y León.10.945.000
    Castilla - La Mancha.5.585.000
    Com. Valenciana.3.182.fifty0
    Comunidad de Madrid.1.052.fifty0
    Región de Murcia.157.fifty0
    Comunidad Foral Navarra.1.707.fifty0
    País Vasco.1.612.fifty0
    La Rioja.865.000


    The documentation that is related below may be replaced by another or by alternative procedures that could expressly establish the autonomous communities in this regard in their respective calls, in accordance with their own application regulations as long as they are accredited identical to those collected in such sections in such sections.

    The above will also be applicable to direct investments that could be carried out by the Autonomous Communities, to the extent that it is compatible with the nature of such operations and as long as IDAE would not have established the requirement of compliance with specific conditions and/or aapplicable alternative procedure in accordance with the regulations that are applied.

    For option a

    Autonomous communities must request in their calls, in accordance with article 10.4, the following documentation, unless the instructor bodies of the respective autonomous communities enable the electronic or other means necessary to carry out the verification of any or of all the referred extremes for themselves:

  • c) Copia del documento que acredite la propiedad del edificio por parte del propietario solicitante o propietarios solicitantes de la actuación, salvo que el solicitante de la actuación sea una comunidad o agrupación de comunidades de propietarios constituidas conforme a lo dispuesto por el artículo 5 de la Ley 49/1960, de 21 de julio, en cuyo caso se estará a lo dispuesto en el siguiente subapartado. A tal efecto podrá aportarse: certificado catastral electrónico que acredite la titularidad del edificio, certificado o nota simple del registro de la propiedad, o bien, aportar documento/s acreditativo/s del hecho, acto o negocio jurídico que demuestre la adquisición del inmueble. Dicho documento puede ser de naturaleza pública (escritura pública) o privada, siempre y cuando conste fehacientemente la realidad de su fecha, de los intervinientes y en su caso, de todos los requisitos que refiere el artículo 1261 del Código Civil. En el caso de que el solicitante de la actuación no sea el propietario, se deberá aportar adicionalmente la documentación o contrato que acredite la facultad expresa para poder ejecutar las obras correspondientes a la actuación objeto de ayuda (contrato de arrendamiento, de explotación, etc.).
  • d) Consulta descriptiva y gráfica de datos catastrales del inmueble en el que se van a llevar a cabo las actuaciones que acredite, el uso vivienda u otros usos a los efectos de determinar la cuantía de la ayuda en función del uso y su año de construcción, que debe ser anterior a 2007.
  • e) Informe justificativo firmado por el solicitante, que en el caso de una comunidad de propietarios será el Presidente, en el que se indicarán las tipologías de actuación en las que se encuadra la ayuda solicitada, descripción de las actuaciones subvencionables, justificación del coste elegible, cuantía máxima de la ayuda solicitada.
  • f) Certificado de eficiencia energética del edificio existente en su estado actual, con el contenido que establece el artículo 6 del Procedimiento básico para la certificación de la eficiencia energética de los edificios del Real Decreto 390/2021, de 1 de junio, firmado por técnico competente y registrado en el registro del órgano competente de la comunidad autónoma.
  • g) Certificado de eficiencia energética del edificio alcanzado tras la reforma propuesta para la que se solicita ayuda, según en el Real Decreto 390/2021, de 1 de junio, demostrando que el proyecto que solicita ayuda permite dar un salto en, al menos, (1) una letra medida en la escala de emisiones de dióxido de carbono (kg CO2/m2 año), y se consigue un ahorro mínimo de energía primaria no renovable del 30% con respecto a la calificación energética inicial del edificio, exclusivamente con las medidas para las que solicita ayuda. El certificado estará firmado por un técnico competente, no siendo necesario que este certificado de eficiencia energética esté registrado en el registro del órgano competente de la comunidad autónoma correspondiente.
  • h) Proyecto o memoria técnica, en el caso de que no se requiera proyecto, donde se describan adecuadamente las actuaciones a realizar y la situación de partida, suscrita por técnico competente o instalador, en su caso. En el proyecto o memoria técnica se justificará el cumplimiento de las exigencias básicas del Documento Básico de Ahorro de Energía DB-HE del Código Técnico de la Edificación que sea de aplicación a la tipología para la que se solicita ayuda.

    El proyecto o memoria técnica incluirá un Estudio de Gestión de Residuos donde se justifique el cumplimiento del apartado eleven letra c) del artículo 17 firmado por técnico competente, o en su defecto declaración responsable firmada por el representante del beneficiario en el que se compromete a cumplir y aportar toda la documentación necesaria para justificar el cumplimiento de lo indicado en el apartado eleven letra c) del artículo 17.

    It will be justified that the planned actions will not cause significant damage to the environment or, where appropriate, the corrective measures that will be adopted to comply with the criteria of the “Guide for the design and development of actions consistent with the principle of not causing asignificant damage to the environment », published by the Ministry for Transition and Demographic Challenge.

  • i) Presupuesto de la empresa o empresas que realizarán la ejecución de las actuaciones, suficientemente desglosado, de fecha posterior a la entrada en vigor del Programa.
  • j) Aquellos que se acojan a la ayuda adicional con criterio social por estar calificadas las viviendas como viviendas bajo algún régimen de protección pública, el ente gestor o las comunidades de propietarios, deberán aportar un certificado de la comunidad autónoma que acredite que obtuvieron dicha calificación las viviendas o equivalente.
  • k) Aquellos que se acojan a la ayuda adicional con criterio social por estar la vivienda dentro de un Área de Regeneración y Renovación Urbanas, la comunidad de propietarios o el ente gestor, deberán acreditar mediante un certificado de la comunidad autónoma que las viviendas objeto de la rehabilitación están incluidas en un Área de Regeneración y Renovación Urbana.
  • l) Cualquier otra documentación establecida por este real decreto o la convocatoria correspondiente.
  • m) La documentación que acompañe la presentación de la solicitud deberá incluir una evaluación favorable de adecuación o declaración responsable de cumplimiento del principio de «no causar un perjuicio significativo al medio ambiente» en el sentido establecido en el apartado 6) del artículo 2 del Reglamento (UE) 2021/241 del Parlamento europeo y del Consejo de 12 de febrero de 2021 por el que se establece el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia.
  • However, the accreditation of the ends referred to in letters c), d), e), i), j), k) and l) above, may be carried out through documentation or alternative procedures that the autonomous communities couldexpressly establish in this regard in their respective calls, in accordance with their own application regulations.

  • 2. Con carácter específico, en caso de que el solicitante de la actuación sea una comunidad o agrupación de comunidades de propietarios constituidas conforme a lo dispuesto por el artículo 5 de la Ley 49/1960, de 21 de julio:
  • c) Certificado, emitido y firmado por el secretario o administrador de la comunidad con el visto bueno del Presidente, del acuerdo de la junta de propietarios del inmueble donde se apruebe la designación del Presidente, del Administrador y/o secretario de la comunidad de propietarios.
  • d) Certificado, emitido y firmado por el secretario o administrador de la comunidad de propietarios con el visto bueno del Presidente, que incluya relación de personas comuneras, con indicación de sus correspondientes cuotas de participación y el número total de viviendas que integran el edificio.
  • 3. Con carácter específico, en caso de que los solicitantes de la actuación sean agrupaciones de personas físicas propietarias en su conjunto del edificio objeto de actuación, que reúnan los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 396 del Código Civil y no hubiesen otorgado el título de constitutivo de propiedad horizontal:
  • 4. Con carácter específico, en caso de que los solicitantes sean empresas o agrupaciones de personas jurídicas propietarias en conjunto, del edificio objeto de actuación, que reúnan los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 396 del Código Civil y no hubiesen otorgado el título constitutivo de propiedad horizontal:
  • 5. Con carácter específico, en caso de que los solicitantes sean agrupaciones tanto de personas físicas como jurídicas propietarias en su conjunto del edificio objeto de actuación, que reúnan los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 396 del Código Civil y no hubiesen otorgado el título constitutivo de propiedad horizontal, aportarán la documentación prevista para cada uno de ellos en los apartados anteriores.
  • 6. Con carácter específico, en caso de que el solicitante sea una administración o entidad pública, propietaria o usuaria de un edificio adscrito, se aportará además certificación acreditativa de resolución o acuerdo adoptado por el órgano competente de la administración o entidad pública beneficiaria, por la que se apruebe la participación en este programa de ayudas asumiendo los compromisos contenidos en el mismo.
  • 7. Con carácter específico, en caso de que el solicitante sea una empresa de servicios energéticos, una empresa arrendataria o explotadora del edificio:
  • 8. Con carácter específico, en caso de que el solicitante sea un ayuntamiento, diputación provincial o entidad local equivalente, o una mancomunidad o agrupación de municipios españoles, Cabildos y consejos Insulares que realicen un convenio con comunidades de propietarios de edificios residenciales de uso vivienda u otros propietarios de edificios de distinto uso para promover y gestionar la realización de actuaciones de rehabilitación energética, se aportará además copia del convenio donde se recoge la designación de la entidad local como representante y beneficiario del derecho de cobro de la ayuda por parte de la comunidad de propietarios a la entidad, así como la forma en que se recuperará la inversión mediante un sistema de cuotas a los vecinos, una vez descontadas las ayudas públicas.
  • 9. Con carácter específico, en caso de que el solicitante sea una comunidad de energías renovables o una comunidad ciudadana de energía la documentación a solicitar se corresponderá con la solicitada según el tipo de destinatario en que pueda encuadrarse de los considerados en el artículo 15.
  • 10. No obstante, la documentación a que se refieren los anteriores apartados 2 al 9 podrá ser sustituida o complementada por aquella otra que establezcan las comunidades autónomas en sus respectivas convocatorias, conforme a su normativa propia de aplicación, siempre y cuando queden acreditados idénticos extremos a los recogidos en tales apartados y la misma se corresponda específicamente con las actuaciones para las que se solicita ayuda. Los diferentes documentos técnicos que se aporten (proyecto, informe justificativo, certificado de eficiencia energética del edificio, presupuesto, etc.) deberán corresponderse con las mismas actuaciones para las que se solicita ayuda, de forma que sean coherentes entre sí y los datos técnicos que aporten sean coincidentes o razonablemente similares. En particular, el salto de letra obtenido en la calificación energética deberá obtenerse y justificarse exclusivamente con las medidas para las que se solicita ayuda y ser coherente con el proyecto o memoria técnica y el presupuesto de ejecución de la actuación.
  • B. Documentación requerida para justificar las actuaciones realizadas. La justificación por parte de los destinatarios últimos de las ayudas de la ejecución de las actuaciones objeto de ayuda deberá realizarse ante el órgano instructor a través de la presentación de la documentación que, con carácter general, figura a continuación salvo que los órganos instructores de las comunidades autónomas habiliten los medios electrónicos o de otro tipo necesarios para realizar por ellos mismos la comprobación de alguno o todos los extremos referidos (y sin perjuicio de la documentación complementaria que pudieran requerir en sus respectivas convocatorias):
  • l) Certificados emitidos por Hacienda y por la Seguridad Social justificativos de que el destinatario último de las ayudas cumple con sus obligaciones tributarias y con la Seguridad Social, conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 22 del Reglamento de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, aprobado por Real Decreto 887/2006, de 21 de julio, o bien declaración responsable de estar al corriente en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y frente a la Seguridad Social, cuando la cuantía de la ayuda no supere los 10.000 euros por beneficiario o destinatario último, conforme a lo previsto por la letra c) del artículo 63 del Real Decreto-ley 36/2020, de 30 de diciembre de 2020, salvo que los órganos instructores de las comunidades autónomas habiliten los medios electrónicos o de otro tipo necesarios para realizar por ellos mismos tal comprobación, dejando constancia en el expediente y, en su caso, previa conformidad del interesado.
  • m) Declaración responsable que acredite la existencia de otras subvenciones o ayudas cobradas para la misma actuación o finalidad que la solicitada en el contexto de este Programa de ayudas, de cualquier administración, organismo o entidad pública, nacional o internacional.
  • n) Reportaje fotográfico de las actuaciones realizadas, que incluya fotografías de la situación del edificio después de las actuaciones, y en su caso, de los equipos e instalaciones principales finales objeto de la ayuda, y donde se muestre el cartel publicitario o señalización de la actuación. Información y enlace al sitio de Internet del destinatario último de las ayudas, en caso de que disponga de uno, donde dicho destinatario último de las ayudas informará al público del posible apoyo obtenido de los Fondos Next Generation o Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y/o, en su caso, del instrumento de la Unión Europea que corresponda, haciendo una breve descripción de la operación, de manera proporcionada al nivel de apoyo prestado, con sus objetivos y resultados, y destacando el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea.
  • o) Documentación justificativa sobre el proceso de contratación de las actuaciones por parte del destinatario último de las ayudas. Las comunidades autónomas podrán establecer en la convocatoria la exención de esta obligación para el caso de que el alcance de la cuenta justificativa incluya la justificación de este proceso.
  • p) Documentación justificativa de la existencia de una contabilidad separada o diferenciada para todas las transacciones relacionadas (ingresos y pagos, incluido, en su caso, el ingreso de ayudas, pagos a proveedores, etc.)
  • q) Declaración responsable, previa a la justificación por parte de los destinatarios últimos de las ayudas, garantizando el proceso de contratación de las actuaciones, la existencia de una contabilidad separada o diferenciada para todas las transacciones relacionadas, el cumplimiento de las normas nacionales y comunitarias sobre requisitos de igualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación aplicables a este tipo de actuaciones, el cumplimiento de las normas medioambientales nacionales y comunitarias, y sobre desarrollo sostenible y la aplicación de medidas antifraude eficaces y proporcionadas en el ámbito de gestión del proyecto objeto de ayuda (según modelo que estará disponible en web del IDAE o bien en la de la comunidad autónoma correspondiente). Las comunidades autónomas podrán establecer en la convocatoria la exención de la totalidad o una parte de esta obligación para el caso de que el alcance de la cuenta justificativa incluya las garantías requeridas en este apartado.
  • r) Documentación justificativa del cumplimiento de lo indicado en el apartado eleven, letra c), del artículo 17, mediante la aportación del proyecto o memoria técnica donde se incluya un estudio de gestión de residuos de construcción y demolición, así como del correspondiente plan de gestión de los residuos de construcción y demolición en el que se concrete cómo se aplicará, según lo regulado por el Real Decreto 105/2008, por el que se regula la producción y gestión de los residuos de construcción y demolición. La justificación de lo anterior se realizará de la forma siguiente:
  • In any case, if the activity has been carried out and the deadline to justify, only part of the expenses in which it had been incurred, for the purpose of loss of the right to the perception of the corresponding aid, the principle of proportionality would have been paid.

    Regardless of the foregoing, the instructor body may prepare complementary accreditation and justification instructions for cases in which the complexity of the action or the high amount of aid so required it.

    For option b

    The necessary documentation for this option will be the one determined by the Autonomous Community in its respective call.

    Subsidable Annexivacies and Eligible Costs

    1.Subsidable actions

    Typology of action 1.Improvement of the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope

    1. Aim.Reduce energy demand in heating and air conditioning of existing buildings, by improving the energy efficiency of its thermal envelope as a whole or in any of the elements that compose it.

    2. Subsidable actions.It will be subsidable actions that are carried out in the thermal envelope of the building that consists of the enclosures of the building that separate the habitable enclosures from the outer environment (air, land or other building) and the interior partitions that separate the habitable enclosures of the non -habitable ones, which in turn are in contact with the outer environment.The energy actions considered within this measure will be those that achieve a reduction in the energy demand for heating and air conditioning of the building, through actions on its thermal envelope.Energy actions on the thermal envelope may contemplate conventional and unconventional constructive solutions.

    They are understood by conventional constructive solutions, usually used in buildings to reduce their energy demand such as those that affect the facades, covers, exterior carpentry, glass and sun protections.

    Non -conventional constructive solutions are understood as "bioclimatic architecture" measures, such as: thrombe walls, parietodynamic walls, attached greenhouses, shadowing systems, natural ventilation, etc..

    The eligible costs will also be considered, the auxiliary facilities necessary to carry out this action, such as scaffolding or cranes.

    For option A, integral actions on one or more of the enclosures (facade, cover, hollows, etc. will be considered subsidable..) of the thermal envelope of the building, but not on one or several homes or premises of the same building, considered individually.

    For option B only actions on one or more of the enclosures (facades, cover, holes, etc..) of the thermal envelope, on one or several homes or premises of the same building, considered individually.

    For both option A and option B, the actions must meet the following requirements:

    3. Aid amount.The aid to grant within the program for this type of action will be monetary deliveries without consideration, as indicated below.

    The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional aid that could correspond in each case, as established in the following sections, and in any case, said amount will be subject to the limits established in theState aid regulations:

    Typology of Action 2.Improvement of energy efficiency and renewable energies in the thermal heating, air conditioning, ventilation and sanitary water facilities

    Subtypology 2.1 Conventional energy replacement with solar thermal energy

    1. Aim.Reduce conventional energy consumption in existing buildings through the use of solar thermal energy for the production of sanitary hot water, heating, cooling and/or pool air conditioning.

    2. Subsidable actions.Subsidable actions will be replaced conventional energy for production of sanitary hot water, heating, cooling and/or air conditioning of pools in existing buildings with solar thermal energy.

    New solar facilities and rehabilitations and/or extensions of existing facilities will be subsidable provided that they suppose the substitution and/or increase in the power of solar generation and that are carried out in existing buildings.Thermal solar facilities that serve an urban air conditioning network are also considered subsidable.

    Thermal solar facilities must meet the following requirements:

    3. Aid amount.The aid to grant within the program for this type of action will be monetary deliveries without consideration as indicated below.

    The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional aid that could correspond in each case, as established in the following sections and, in any case, this amount will be subject to the limits established in theState aid regulations:

    For the purposes of calculating the aid that corresponds to this action, it will be considered an eligible maximum cost, which will be the one that results from the following expressions depending on the case, where PS (KW) is the power of the new thermal solar installation.Three different types of action are established depending on the supplied application:

    Subtypology 2.2 Conventional energy replacement with geothermal energy

    1. Aim.

    Reduce conventional energy consumption in existing buildings through the use of geothermal energy for one or more of the following uses: heating, air conditioning, production of sanitary hot water and pool air conditioning.

    2. Subsidable actions.

    They will be subsidable actions carried out in the heating, air conditioning, production of sanitary hot water and/or air conditioning of swimming pools, whether the generation system is located in the user building itself and external to it by supplying one or more existing buildings,provided that they replace conventional energy facilities, including the modification of heating/ air conditioning networks, using facilities that use geothermal energy.

    Geothermal facilities must meet the following requirements:

    In the case of geothermal facilities, eligible costs will be considered, in addition to those already indicated in point 2 of Annex IV, the following concepts: the investment in equipment carried out, the execution costs of the installation, associated civil work and facilitiesnecessary auxiliaries, as well as the cost of conducting studies, essays, polls and preliminary simulations prior to the design of the installation, polls, excavations, foundations, ditches, urbanization and other elements necessary for exploitation, as well asheat/cold networks and exchange stations.

    3. Aid amount.

    The aid to grant within the program for this type of action will be monetary deliveries without consideration as indicated below.

    The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional help that may correspond in each case, as established in the following sections and, in any case, said amount of help will be submitted to the limits establishedIn state aid regulations:

    The additional aid values that correspond to this type of action are indicated in the following table, in which the percentages are referred to the sum of eligible costs corresponding to this type of action:

    Uso del edificio% adicional: Criterios sociales% adicional: Eficiencia energética% adicional: Actuación integrada
    Calificación final ACalificación final BIncremento de 2 o más letras
    Vivienda.10 %0 %0 %0 %20 %
    Resto de usos.0 %10 %5 %0 %20%

    For the purposes of calculating the aid that corresponds to this action, it will be considered an eligible maximum cost, which will be the one that results from the following expressions depending on the case, where P (kW) is the thermal power of the generator. Se tomará como potencia de la instalación, la potencia en calefacción B0W35 extraída de la ficha técnica o especificaciones del fabricante de acuerdo con los ensayos de la norma UNE-EN 145eleven.

    Subtypology 2.3 Conventional energy replacement for biomass in thermal facilities

    1. Aim.

    Reduce conventional energy consumption in existing buildings through the use of biomass such as fuel for heating, air conditioning and production of sanitary hot water and pool air conditioning.

    2. Subsidable actions.

    They will be subsidable actions carried out in heating, air conditioning, production of sanitary hot water and air conditioning of swimming pools that include smoke /water exchange system and replace existing conventional energy facilities in buildings, including investments in heat networks and /orcold or its extension.An installation is considered to belong to the action of heat networks when, using one or several renewable technologies, it supplies energy at least two consuming centers through the corresponding exchange stations.Local heating devices are also considered subsidable, that is, space heating devices emitting heat by direct transfer alone or in combination with heat transfer to a fluid, in order to reach and maintain a pleasant temperature for humans in humans inThe closed space in which the product is located, eventually combined with heat production for other spaces, and equipped with one or more generators that directly convert solid heat fuels, with the front closed part.

    Biomass facilities must meet the following requirements:

  • d) Las instalaciones mayores o iguales a 1 MW deberán aportar, junto con la documentación técnica incluida en la solicitud, información sobre el combustible a utilizar según la norma UNE-EN-ISO 17225, la norma UNE 164003 o la norma UNE 164004 o describirse en el caso de no ser un combustible incluido en dichas normas.
  • Las emisiones procedentes de las instalaciones de más de 1 MW o superior y menores de fifty MW deberán cumplir con los requisitos de emisiones establecidos en el Real Decreto 1042/2017, de 22 de diciembre, sobre la limitación de las emisiones a la atmósfera de determinados agentes contaminantes procedentes de las instalaciones de combustión medianas y por el que se actualiza el anexo IV de la Ley 34/2007, de 15 de noviembre, de calidad del aire y protección de la atmósfera, así como con cualquier otra legislación nacional que les sea de aplicación.

    The biomass will comply with the sustainability criteria established in articles 29 A31 of the 2018/2001 Directive, of renewable energy, as well as the corresponding delegated and execution acts, by virtue of what results from the application of the Royal Decree of Transposition of said Directiveand in the provisions that could be established to develop the requirement of compliance with sustainability requirements in the field of thermal uses.

    3. Aid amount.

    The aid to grant within the program for this type of action will be monetary deliveries without consideration, as indicated below.

    Financial aid without consideration.The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional help that may correspond in each case, as established in the following sections, and in any case, said amount of help will be submitted to the limits establishedIn state aid regulations:

    For the purposes of calculating the aid that corresponds to this action, it will be considered an eligible maximum cost, which will be the one that results from the following expressions depending on the case, where P (kW) is the thermal power of the generator:

    Maximum eligible costs for heat and/or cold networks are not included.In case of heat networks, those projects that entail an eligible investment exceeding 100 will be subsidable.€ 000 and less than 5.000.000 000.

    Subtypology 2.4 Improvement of the energy efficiency of generation systems not included in subtypologies 2.1 to 2.3

    1. Aim.

    Reduce the energy consumption of the thermal heating, air conditioning, ventilation, production of sanitary water production and air conditioning of existing buildings, through actions in the generation subsystem not included in sections 2.1 to 2.3.

    2. Subsidable actions

    Subsidable actions carried out in thermal facilities of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and production of sanitary hot water as well as the air conditioning of pools

    The minimum energy efficiency requirements that the thermal installation must.

    The subsidable energy actions will be, among others, the following:

    The replacement of thermal generators will not be considered eligible cost with others that use fossil origin fuel.

    3. Aid amount.

    The aid to be granted within the program for this type of action will be in the form of financial aid without consideration as indicated below.

    Financial aid without consideration.The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional help that may correspond in each case, as established in the following sections and, in any case, said amount of help will be submitted to the limits establishedIn state aid regulations.

    Subtypology 2.5 Improvement of the energy efficiency of the distribution, regulation, control and emission subsystems of thermal facilities

    1. Aim.

    Reduce the energy consumption of the thermal heating, air conditioning, ventilation, production of sanitary hot water and air conditioning of existing buildings, through actions in the distribution, regulation, control and emission subsystems.

    2. Subsidable actions.

    Subsidable actions carried out in thermal heating, air conditioning, ventilation and production of sanitary water production, as well as the air conditioning of pools.

    The minimum energy efficiency requirements that the thermal installation must.

    The subsidable energy actions will be, among others, the following:

    In particular, this considerations will have the actions that have the AENOR EA0026: 2006 facilities of home automation systems in homes, among others.

  • b) Caso D2: serán considerados también subvencionables los sistemas de monitorización del consumo de energía, en tiempo real o de forma diferida, que permitan la transmisión de su información hacia sus usuarios a través de dispositivos digitales. Entre las prestaciones que podrá incluir esta el desglose de los consumos de energía más importantes (iluminación, climatización, agua caliente sanitaria, electrodomésticos, etc.); el almacenamiento de los datos de consumo o generación de energía para su posterior consulta por el usuario o quien este autorice, y comunicación con los dispositivos compatibles, consulta de estadísticas, etc. Los datos de consumo podrán aparecer tanto en valor energético, como en valor económico y en emisiones de dióxido de carbono.
  • 3. Aid amount.

    The aid to be granted within the program for this type of action will be in the form of financial aid without consideration as indicated below.

    Financial aid without consideration. The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional help that may correspond in each case, as established in the following sections and, in any case, said amount of help will be submitted to the limits establishedIn state aid regulations:

    Typology of Action 3.Improvement of energy efficiency of lighting facilities

    1. Aim.

    Reduce energy consumption of existing buildings lighting facilities.

    2. Subsidable actions.

    All those that allow to improve energy efficiency in the interior lighting facilities of the common areas of existing collective residential types of housing and buildings of any other use, including in sections b) and c) of the article17.4 of this royal decree, including those that with a orientative and non -limiting character are related:

    In particular, this considerations will have the actions that have the AENOR EA0026: 2006 facilities of home automation systems in homes, among others.

  • e) Implantación de sistemas de monitorización que permitan conocer en todo momento las condiciones de confort y la idoneidad de las actuaciones realizadas a favor de la mejora de la eficiencia energética.
  • The minimum energy efficiency requirements that the lighting installation must.

    3. Aid amount.

    The aid to be granted within the program for this type of action will be in the form of financial aid without consideration as indicated below.

    Financial aid without consideration. The amount of the aid to be granted will be the sum of the base aid and the additional help that may correspond in each case, as established in the following sections and, in any case, said amount of help will be submitted to the limits establishedIn state aid regulations:

    2.Eligible costs

    Those that are necessary to achieve the energy objectives of this program, which have been indicated for each of the previous action typologies and those that are related below are considered eligible costs:

    No eligible costs are considered licenses, fees, taxes or taxes.However, VAT and IGIC may be considered eligible as long as they cannot be susceptible to total or partial compensation or compensation.

    For these purposes, those expenses that the final applicant or recipient of the aid could satisfy a company or professional for carrying out the administrative and documentary management of their application before the Autonomous Community will be considered as cost management costs, those expenses could satisfy the autonomous community before the Autonomous Community , so such expenses, to be admitted as an eligible cost, must be properly contemplated and detailed in a document or binding offer formalized with the corresponding businessman or professional, whose copy will be accompanied together with the rest of the documentation that must accompany the Application for help in accordance with Annex III, justifying the reality of said expenses, as established in Annex III, by means your payment.In no case will it be admitted that such management expenses exceed 4 % of the amount of the requested aid, with a limit of 3.000 euros per file.

    Likewise, and for these purposes, those expenses subject to help that the ultimate recipient of the aid could satisfy companies or professionals for carrying out the technical, administrative and documentary management will be considered as management costs.of the justification before the instructive body of the realization of the actions that make up the project.

    The total eligible cost admitted in the program to cover expenses:

    You cannot exceed seven percent of the amount of the requested aid, with a limit of 7.000 euros per file.The realization and billing of these services may be carried out during the period granted to present the supporting documentation.

    No different cost will be considered eligible to the previous.

    The cost of management expenses incurred by the entities referred toThe demographic challenge municipalities will be considered 100 % eligible.

    Annexovhitos and application objectives to the Autonomous Communities

    In order to assess the degree of commitment and execution of the funds subject to this Royal Decree, the Autonomous Communities must achieve the following objectives, referring to the number of energy rehabilitated housing, referred to below:

    Annexovovformation for the coordination and monitoring of the program

    In order to carry out adequate monitoring and coordination of the program, and at the request of the IDAE, they may be required periodically monitoring of the program to the autonomous communities in Excel or CSV sheet format for the appropriate treatment of their records.

    Next, the minimum fields that may be required in order to take into account in the design of the calls carried out by the Autonomous Communities are detailed:

  • e) Domicilio:
  • 2. Datos de la solicitud:
  • 3. Descripción de las actuaciones.
  • 4. Consumo de energía final y primaria no renovable antes y después de la actuación (kWh/año).
  • 5. Emisiones de CO2 evitadas (t/año).
  • 6. Calificación energética del edificio antes y después de la actuación.
  • 7. Datos de la Resolución:
  • 8. Situación de la solicitud:
  • 9. Fecha pago de la ayuda e importe.
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