Seven questions and answers from the new Pro-Digi rate: Do you need 10 Gbps in your fiber?

Seven questions and answers from the new Pro-Digi rate: Do you need 10 Gbps in your fiber?

Seven questions and answers from the new Pro-Digi rate: Do you need 10 Gbps in your fiber?


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DIGI is leading a revolution in the field of domestic fiber: the operator launches its PRO-DIGI connection in Spain, an Internet access that reaches symmetrical 10 Gbps. But are the current teams prepared to take advantage of so much transfer load? We solve this and other questions.

Internet access from homes has improved remarkably over the years, and not just in connection speeds. From the early phone modems to today's modem/router/access point combos there's a huge gap, but there's also a gap in the cable that's been bringing the Internet home for decades. Fiber provides speeds that seemed impossible years ago, the DIGI novelty is a clear example.

10 Gbps, a transfer speed that is difficult to take advantage of

ZYXEL AX751-B0 Router

Having super high-speed Internet access seems like a huge advantage at first, and it really is. However, it must be borne in mind that, even if the connection offers 10 gigabytes per second, that does not mean that our mobile or computer ends up reaching that figure.

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We have been talking with those responsible for DIGI during the PRO-DIGI presentation event, its 10 Gbps fiber. The operator has confirmed that the rate can be contracted from September 9, so it is not for the future: 10 Gbps connectivity has finally reached the domestic sphere, with all that this implies.

To clarify as much as possible all the doubts that may arise regarding the new rate and technology that DIGI has implemented in Spain, we have divided the questions and answers into the following sections. From the price of the future connection to what it will take to make the most of it.

How much does PRO-DIGI fiber cost?

Seven questions and answers on the new tariff PRO-DIGI: do you need 10 Gbps in your fiber?

The price is set before its commercialization: DIGI will offer its new fiber to new and current customers for 30 euros per month (fiber only). The operator has confirmed that it will not carry out promotions, that will be the final price. In addition, the PRO-DIGI will also be available in fiber + mobile mode (it depends on the mobile rate chosen, it must be added to the base 30 euros).

Who can hire it?

Comparison with G-PON networks and DIGI's new XGS-PON network

DIGI offers the new fiber connection over its own network and whenever future customers are in a "SMART" zone. Initially, the deployment will begin in the Community of Madrid and on the aforementioned coverage areas. Later it will be extended to other areas where DIGI has its own network, such as Barcelona, ​​Seville, Valencia, Zaragoza, Castellón or Almería. DIGI confirmed to us that it will further expand the "SMART" coverage in the future, but it has not detailed us in what terms.

Does it have permanence?

Like the rest of DIGI products, the PRO-DIGI 10 Gbps rate offers free registration and installation in exchange for three months of permanence.

Where can you contract the new PRO-DIGI fiber?

The operator has a web page ready where it offers information on the new rate as well as the possibility for anyone to contract it. The future client must have SMART coverage, this requirement is essential. It can be contracted on the aforementioned website, in DIGI physical stores and on your phone: 91 912 01 20 (if the call is made within the DIGI network, the 1200 number can be used).

Which router does DIGI deliver with the 10 Gps rate?

The operator installs the PRO-DIGI connection and offers the customer a ZYXEL AX7501 router with WiFi 6 connectivity. Said router has a built-in ONT, offers 10 Gbps LAN port, four 1 Gbps LAN ports, one USB A port, two phone ports and has WiFi 6 connectivity. DIGI ensures that technicians who access the equipment installation will offer customers technical help to take advantage of the characteristics of the connection.

What speeds does DIGI guarantee?

Internet access is via SMART fiber coverage (XGS-PON) with transfer speeds of up to 10 Gbps, both upload and download .

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The router installed by the operator offers WiFi 6 connectivity with up to 6 Gbps of maximum speed guaranteed by DIGI and up to 8 Gbps using a cable connection through the 10Gbps LAN port. For this wired connection you need a CAT 6A cable (included with the router) and a network card that supports the transfer rates, something very rare in current home devices.

Can a 10 Gbps connection really be used?

Due to the usual use of the Internet, a rate of 300 Mbps is enough even to play streaming content in 4K. For this reason, having 10 Gbps seems excessive, especially since customers probably do not have devices that make 100% use of the network's capacity.

The router that DIGI delivers does not exceed 8 Gbps through the 10 Gbps LAN port (the rest of the bandwidth is used for connectivity between equipment, always according to DIGI). In addition, the necessary network cards to take full advantage of the transfer rates are scarce and aimed almost exclusively at professionals.

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Although it is impossible to get all the juice out of a connection of the size of PRO-DIGI, that does not mean that so much capacity loses its appeal. As the operator itself remarked to us, the router increases the number of connected devices, so a greater number of them will have high speeds simultaneously.

Another important point is that the latency of these connections is significantly reduced, which makes them perfect for online games (DIGI talks about a latency of 1 ms). And it is a rate prepared for the future at a price of the present: 30 euros per month seems like a very good price for all the benefits offered by PRO-DIGI, especially considering that it is 10 euros more than SMART 1 Gbps Fiber .

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