TECH, distinguished by Forbes as "the best digital university in the world"

TECH, distinguished by Forbes as "the best digital university in the world"

TECH, distinguished by Forbes as "the best digital university in the world"

TECH Universidad Tecnológica is “the best digital university in the world in Spanish”, according to Forbes. The quintessential magazine in the business world highlights the trajectory of this educational institution, one hundred percent digital and with an international presence, noting that "with more than six years in the field of virtual education, TECH has managed to position itself as the online university the most outstanding in its sector, through state-of-the-art technologies that strengthen online learning”.

Virtual education, recalls Forbes, played a fundamental role in the educational field worldwide in 2020, forcing educational institutions to reinvent themselves. In this new context, the magazine points out, distance universities took advantage in the sector, highlighting the "success case" of TECH Universidad Tecnológica, which "has managed to position itself as the reference institution within its sector, thanks to its presence in the 24 Spanish-speaking countries.

“Currently, there is no other operator of influence at a global level in the language area, all thanks to the academic offer it offers, the selection of its teaching staff, and an innovative learning method aimed at training language professionals. future”, highlights the publication.

Students of

TECH, distinguished by Forbes as “the best digital university in the world”

112 countries

Forbes focuses on the "success story" of this educational institution, thanks to an international trajectory that has allowed it to become a "benchmark for distance learning in the Spanish language", with students from 112 countries, more than 100,000 students currently studying one of its programs and a total of more than 500,000 international graduates.

One of the reasons that explain its ability to attract students, they point out, lies in the extensive academic offer that makes up its catalogue. They are the largest digital university in the world in Spanish by number of training programs, leading the ranking with more than 8,100 options between their own programs and official undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs.

Although the main key, they say from TECH in statements to Forbes, lies in the quality of the training. “The digital transition should not change the commitment to quality education that has characterized the University throughout the centuries. Investment must be made in the necessary technology to put students at the center of the learning process, but the quality of teaching continues to be essential”, explains Dr. Pedro Navarro, executive vice president of TECH.



With this premise, TECH offers its students the most avant-garde methodology on the current market: Re-Learning, an innovative digital learning system based on directed repetition, being the pioneer and accredited institution to put it into practice. A method aimed at serving as a bridge between the student and the world of work that has been reinforced with the 'business cases' of Harvard University, thanks to a strategic agreement that allows TECH students to access real case studies and prepare to face challenges adapted to the professional reality.

TECH Universidad Tecnológica belongs to the educational group TECH, a multinational company with Spanish capital that in 2018 installed its headquarters in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where it already employs more than 230 workers. The company was recognized for two consecutive years by the Financial Times among the 200 fastest growing companies in Europe and is also the Spanish technology company with the highest valuation in the last 15 years, according to estimates by the three largest North American investment banks.

This is the Spanish company with the most background doing what is known as e-learning or online training, with extensive experience of international success and presence in 24 Spanish-speaking countries. The educational group has managed to compose an extensive academic offer, one hundred percent online, which allows students to choose between their own programs, programs with official recognition of validity from their main university today, TECH México, as well as experts and master's degrees in collaboration with Reference university institutions in Spain and Latin America.

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