Terms and conditions |DNA Cuba

Terms and conditions |DNA Cuba

Terms and conditions |DNA Cuba

Terms and conditions of use of the adncuba site.com

The following terms and conditions (the "terms and conditions") govern the use you give to this website and any of the contents available by or through this website, including any content derived from it (the "adncuba.com").Ulloo Media Inc.("Ulloo Media Inc."Or" us ") has made the website available to you.We can change the terms and conditions from time to time, at any time without any notification, just publishing changes on the website.When using the website, you accept and agree with these terms and conditions in regard to its use of the website.If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you cannot have access to it or use the website in any other way.

1.Property rights. Entre usted yUlloo Media Inc.Ulloo Media Inc.He owns the unique and exclusive, of all rights, title and interests in and of the website, of the entire content (including, for example, audio, photographs, illustrations, graphics, other visual media, videos, copies, texts, software,titles, shock wave files, etc..), codes, data and materials of the same, the aspect and the environment, the design and organization of the website and the compilation of the contents, codes, data and the materials on the website, including but not limited to, any rightsauthor, brand rights, patent rights, database, moral rights, sui generis rights and other intellectual properties and heritage rights of the same.Its use of the website does not give it the property of any of the contents, codes, data or materials that it can access in or through the website.

2.Limited License.You can access and see the contents of the website from your computer or from any other device and, unless otherwise indicated in these terms and conditions or on the website, remove copies or individual impressions from the website of the websiteFor personal use, internal only.The use of the website and the services offered in or through the website are only for personal, non -commercial use.

3.Prohibited use. Cualquier distribución, publicación o explotación comercial o promocional del Sitio Web, o de cualquiera de los contenidos, códigos, datos o materiales en el Sitio Web, está estrictamente prohibida, a menos de que usted haya recibido el previo permiso expreso por escrito del personal autorizado deUlloo Media Inc.or from some other applicable rights holder.Unless it is expressly allowed in this contract, you cannot download, inform, expose, publish, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, execute, disseminate, transfer, create work derived from, sell or in any other wayExploit any of the contents, codes, data or materials in or available through the website.You also oblige not to alter, edit, erase, remove, or otherwise change the meaning or appearance of, or change the purpose of, any of the contents, codes, data or materials in or available through the website, including, without limitation, the alteration or withdrawal of any commercial trademark, registered trademark, logo, service brand or any other property content or notification of property rights.You acknowledge that you do not acquire any property right by downloading any material with copyright or through the website.If you make another use of the website, or the contents, codes, data or materials that are found or that are available through the website, not to be as stipulated above, you can violate the rights of rights of rights ofAuthor and other laws of the United States and other countries, as well as applicable state laws, and can be subject to legal responsibility for said unauthorized use.

4.Commercial brands. Las marcas comerciales, logos, marcas de servicios, marcas registradas (conjuntamente las "Commercial brands") expuestas en el Sitio Web o en los contenidos disponibles a través del Sitio Web son Commercial brands deUlloo Media Inc.registered and not registered and others, and cannot be used with respect to products and/or services that are not related, associated or sponsored by their rights holders and that may cause confusion to customers, or in some way that denigrates or discreditsto your rights holders. Todas las Commercial brands que no sean deUlloo Media Inc.That they appear on the website or in or through the website services, if any, they are owned by their respective owners. Nada que esté contenido en el Sitio Web deberá ser interpretado como otorgando, por implicación, desestimación, o de otra manera, alguna licencia o derecho para usar alguna Marca Comercial expuesta en el Sitio Web sin el permiso escrito deUlloo Media Inc.or third parties that may own said commercial brand. El mal uso de las Commercial brands expuestas en el Sitio Web o en o a través de cualquiera de los servicios del Sitio Web está estrictamente prohibido.

5.User information. En el curso del uso que usted haga del Sitio Web y/o de los servicios puestos a su disposición en o a través del Sitio Web, se le puede pedir que nos proporcione cierta información personalizada (dicha información en lo sucesivo "User information"). Las políticas de uso y recopilación de información deUlloo Media Inc. con respecto a la privacidad de dicha User information se establecen en la Política de Privacidad del Sitio Web, la cual está incorporada al mismo como referencia para todos los propósitos. Usted reconoce y acepta ser el único responsable de la exactitud del contenido de la User information.

6.Materials presented.Unless it is requested specifically, we do not ask or want to receive any confidential, secret or patrimonial information, or other material from you through the website, by email or in any other way. Cualquier información, trabajos creativos, demostración, ideas, sugerencias, conceptos, métodos, sistemas, diseños, planes, técnicas u otros materiales que nos haya mandado o presentado (incluyendo, por ejemplo y sin limitación, aquello que usted presenta o envía a nuestros grupos de chateo, tablas de mensajes y/o a nuestros ‘blogs’, o que nos manda vía correo electrónico) ("Materials presented") se considerará como no confidencial o secreto y que puede ser usado por nosotros de cualquier manera consistente con la Política de Privacidad del Sitio Web. Al presentarnos o mandarnos Materials presented, usted: (i) representa y garantiza que los Materials presented son originales suyos, que ninguna otra persona tiene ningún derecho sobre ellos, y que cualquier "derecho moral" sobre los Materials presented ha sido renunciado, y (ii) usted nos concede, a nosotros y a nuestros afiliados, derecho y licencia libres de regalías, sin restricciones, mundiales, perpetuos, irrevocables, no exclusivos y totalmente transferibles, que pueden ser cedidos y sub-licenciados, para usar, copiar, reproducir, modificar, adaptar, publicar, traducir, crear trabajos derivados de, distribuir, ejecutar, exponer e incorporar en otros trabajos cualquiera de los Materials presented (todos o en parte) en cualquier forma, medio o tecnología no conocida o por desarrollar, incluyendo propósitos promocionales y/o comerciales.We cannot be responsible for keeping any material presented by you and we can delete or destroy said material presented at any time.

7.Prohibited user behavior. Usted garantiza y está de acuerdo en que, mientras use el Sitio Web y los diversos servicios y artículos que se ofrecen en o a través del Sitio Web, usted no: (a) personalizará a ninguna persona o entidad ni desvirtuará su afiliación con alguna otra persona o entidad; (b)insertará su propio anuncio, posicionamiento de marca o algún otro contenido promocional o el de un terceroen cualquiera de los contenidos, materiales o servicios o materiales del Sitio Web (por ejemplo, sin limitación, en una actualización RSS o en un programa de radio grabado (podcast) recibido deUlloo Media Inc.or in some other way through the website), nor will use, redistribute, republic or exploit these contents or services with any other commercial or promotional additional purpose;nor (c) will try to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems through the website. Usted no: (i) participará en navegar por la red, en "raspar (scraping) la pantalla", "raspar (scraping) la base da datos", en recolectar direcciones de correo electrónico, direcciones inalámbricas u otra información personal o de contactos, o cualquier otro medio automático de obtener listas de usuarios u otra información de o a través del sitio Web o de los servicios ofrecidos en o a través del Sitio Web, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier información que se encuentre en algún servidor o base de datos relacionada con el Sitio Web o los servicios ofrecidos en o a través del Sitio Web; (ii) obtendrá o intentará obtener acceso no autorizado a los sistemas de cómputo, materiales o información por cualquier medio; (iii) usará el Sitio Web o los servicios puestos a su disposición en o a través del Sitio Web de alguna manera con la intención de interrumpir, dañar, deshabilitar, sobrecargar o deteriorar el Sitio Web o dichos servicios, incluyendo, sin limitación, mandar mensajes masivos no solicitados o "inundar" servidores con solicitudes; (iv) usará el Sitio Web o los servicios o artículos del Sitio Web en violación de la propiedad intelectual o de otros derechos legales o patrimoniales deUlloo Media Inc o de algún tercero; ni (v) usará el Sitio Web o los servicios del Sitio Web en violación de cualquier ley aplicable.You also oblige, not to try (or encourage or support another attempt) to mour, or make any unauthorized use of the same.You force not to use the website in some way that could damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the website or interfere with any other person can use or enjoy the website or any of their services.You will not obtain or try to obtain any material or information through any means that has not been stipulated or made available to the public intentionally through the website.

8.Public Forums.Ulloo Media Inc.You can, from time to time, have messaging services, chatter services, news boards, blogs, other forums and other services available in or through the website.In addition to any other regulations and regulation that we can publish with respect to a particular service, you are obliged notIn or through the website, any material that (i) restricts or inhibits any other user to use and enjoy the website or the website services, (ii) be fraudulent, illegal, threatening, abusive, harassing, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, offensive, pornographic, profane, sexually explicit or indecent, (iii) constitutes or encouraging behaviors that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any local, state, national or national lawInternational, (iv) viole, privacy or advertising rights or any other property right, (v) contains a virus, espionage element or other harmful component, (vi) contains fixed links, advertising, chain cards or pyramid schemes of any kind, or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (VII) constitute or contain indications of origin, endorsements or statements of false or deceitful facts. Usted además se obliga a no personificar a cualquier otra persona o entidad, ya sea real o ficticia, incluyendo cualquier persona deUlloo Media Inc.You cannot offer to buy or sell any product or service in or through your comments presented in our forums.Only you are responsible for the content and consequences of any of your activities.

Terms y condiciones | ADN Cuba

9.Editorial monitoring and control rights.Ulloo Media Inc. se reserva el derecho, pero no tiene la obligación, de monitorear y/o revisar todos los materiales enviados al Sitio Web o a través de los servicios o artículos del Sitio Web por los usuarios, yUlloo Media Inc.He is not responsible for these materials sent by users. Sin embargo,Ulloo Media Inc. se reserva el derecho en todo momento de divulgar cualquier información que sea necesaria para satisfacer cualquier ley, reglamento o solicitud gubernamental, o de editar, rehusarse a colocar o a quitar cualquier información o materiales, todos o en parte, que a discreción únicamente deUlloo Media Inc. sean censurables o en violación de estos Terms de Uso, de las políticas deUlloo Media Inc o de la ley aplicable.We can also impose limits on certain articles of the forums or restrict their access to part or all the forums without notification or sanction, if we believe that you are in breach of the guidelines established in this paragraph, our terms and conditions or the applicable law, orFor any other reason without notification or responsibility.

10.Información Privada o Delicada en Public Forums.It is important to remember that the comments presented in a forum can be registered and stored in multiple places, both on our website and elsewhere on the Internet, which can be accessible for a long time and there is no control over who will eventually read them.It is therefore important that you are careful and selective about the personal information you disclose about you and others, and especially, you should not disseminate delicate, patrimonial or confidential information in your comments in our public forums.

eleven.Links to the website.You agree that if you include a link (link) from any other website to the website, this link will open in a new navigator window and will be linked to the full version of an HTML formatted page of this website.You are not allowed to be linked directly to any image stored on the website or in our services, such as using a "en-line" link method to cause the image stored by us to be exposed on another website.You are obliged not to download or use images stored on this website on another website, with any purpose, including, without limitation, publish these images on another website.You are obliged not to linked any other website to this website in such a way that the website, or any website page, is "framed", surrounded or obfuscated by the content, materials or brand positions of any third party.We reserve all our rights under the law to insist that any link to the website be discontinued and revoke their right to link to the website of any other website, at any time when we send notification in writing in writing.

12.Compensation. Usted se obliga a defender, indemnizar y a sacar aUlloo Media Inc. y a los directores, funcionarios, empleados y agentes deUlloo Media Inc y sus afiliados en paz y a salvo de cualquier demanda, responsabilidad, costos y gastos, de cualquier naturaleza, incluyendo honorarios de abogados, en que incurriera como resultado del uso del Sitio Web, su colocación o transmisión de cualquier mensaje, contenido, información, software u otros materiales a través del Sitio Web, o su incumplimiento o violación de la ley o de estos Terms y Condiciones.Ulloo Media Inc. se reserva el derecho, a su propio costo, de asumir la defensa y control exclusivos de cualquier asunto de otra manera sujeto a indemnización por parte suya, y en dicho caso, usted se obliga a cooperar conUlloo Media Inc.In the defense of said demand.

13.Product and Services Orders.We can put certain products at the disposal of visitors and registered of the website.If you order any product, for this document you represent and guarantee that you are 18 years old or more. Se obliga a pagar la totalidad de los precios de cualquier compra que haga, ya sea con tarjeta de crédito/débito concurrente con su orden en línea o por otro medio de pago aceptable paraUlloo Media Inc.You force you to pay all applicable taxes.If the payment is not received by us from the issuer of your credit or debit card or of your agents, you are forced to pay all the amounts due to the time of the claim by our.Some products that you buy and/or download in or through the website may be subject to additional terms and conditions that will be presented at the time of said purchase or download.

14.Third -party websites.You can link (link) of the website to third -party websites of third parties can be linked to the website ("Linked sites").You recognize and agree that we do not have responsibility for information, content, products, services, ads, codes or other materials that may or cannot be provided by or through linked sites, even if they are owned by or aredirected by affiliates our.Links (links) to linked sites do not constitute an endorsement or sponsors. La inclusión de cualquier enlace a dichos sitios en nuestro Sitio no implica el aval, patrocinio o recomendación de ese sitio deUlloo Media Inc.Ulloo Media Inc.Reject any responsibility for the links (1) from another website to this website and (2) to another website of this website.Ulloo Media Inc. no puede garantizar los estándares de cualquier sitio web al cual se le proporcionen enlaces en este Sitio Web, ni seráUlloo Media Inc.responsible for the contents of said sites, or of any subsequent link.Ulloo Media Inc.It does not represent or guarantee that the contents of the website of a third party are exact, that comply with state or federal law, or that comply with the copyright laws or other intellectual property laws.Ulloo Media Inc.Nor is it responsible for any form of transmission received from any linked website.Any trust placed in the contents of a third -party website is done by your own risk and you assume all the responsibilities and consequences that result from such trust.


We respect the intellectual property rights of others and require that people who use the website, or services or items made available to or through the website, do the same. Si usted cree que su trabajo ha sido copiado de un modo que constituya una infracción a los derechos de autor, por favor mande la siguiente información a Copyright deUlloo Media Inc.designated as such in accordance with the digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C.§ 512 (c) (2), appointed below:

•Your address, telephone number and email address;

• A description of the copyright that you claim has been violated;

• A description of where the alleged infringed material is located;

• A statement that you believe in good faith that the use in dispute is not authorized by the owner of the copyright, your agent or the law;

• An electronic or physical signature of the authorized person to act in the name of the owner of the copyright;and

• A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the information mentioned above in your notification is exact and that you are the owner of copyright or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of copyright.


Ulloo Media Inc.

e-mail: [email protects]

16.Resignation of guarantees.The website, including, without limitation, all services, contents, functions and materials provided through the website, are provided "as they are", "as they are made available", without guarantee of any kind, eitherExpress or implicit, including, without limitation, any guarantee of information, data, data processing services, unlimited or uninterrupted access, any guarantee with respect to availability, interpretability, not interpretability, accuracy, precision, rectitude, perfection, conclusion, conclusion,Utility, or content of the information, and any guarantee of title, non-infraction, trade or aptitude for a particular purpose, and in the present we renounce anyone and all such guarantees, express and implicit.We do not guarantee that the website or services, content, functions or materials provided through the website will be appropriate, safe, uninterrupted or error -free, or that defects will be corrected.We do not give guarantee that the website or that the services provided comply with the users' requirements.No advice, results or information, whether oral or written, that you obtain from us through the website I will create any guarantee that has not been expressly established in the present.Ulloo Media Inc.Nor does it assume any responsibility, and I will not be responsible for any damage A, or any virus that could infect your equipment because of your access to, use of, navigation on the website or to download any of the materials, data, texts, texts, Images, video contents or website audio contents.If you are not satisfied with the website, your only solution is to discontinue using the website.

We try to ensure that the information published on the website is correct and updated.We reserve the right to change or make corrections to any information provided on the website at any time and without any prior notice.Ulloo Media Inc. NI AVALA NI ES RESPONSABLE DE LA EXACTITUD O VERACIDAD DE CUALQUIER OPINIÓN, CONSEJO O DECLARACIÓN EN EL SITIO WEB, NI DE CUALQUIER PUBLICACIÓN OFENSIVA, DIFAMATORIA, OBSCENA, INDECENTE, ILEGAL O VIOLATORIA HECHA EN EL MISMO POR CUALQUIER PERSONA A NO SER UN EMPLEADO PORTAVOZ AUTORIZADO DEUlloo Media Inc.In its official file (including, without limitation, other users of the website).It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, conclusion or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content available through the website.Please look for the Council of Professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any information, opinion, advice or other specific content, including but not limited to, information, opinion, advice or other financial, health or style content OF LIFE.

Prior to the realization of a purchase or sale of any value or investment, we advise you to consult with your corridor or with another financial advisor to verify prices and other information.We will not have any responsibility for investment decisions based on, or results obtained from, the content provided in this.Nothing contained on the website I will be played as an investment council.Ulloo Media Inc.It is not a registered stockbroker or an investment consultant and does not give investment advice or recommend a product on another.


17.Responsibility limit. EN NINGÚN CASO, INCLUYENDO PERO NO LIMITADO A NEGLIGENCIA, SERÉ RESPONSABLEUlloo Media Inc., Or any of its directors, officials, employees, agents or suppliers, the content or services (together, the "protected entities") of any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consistent, consequent or punitive damage as a result of,Or directly or indirectly related to, the use of, or the inability to use the website or the contents, materials and functions related to it, its provision of information via the website, lost businesses or lost sales, even when said entityProtected has been advised on the possibility of such damages.Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of responsibility for incidental or indirect damage so some of the limitations mentioned above do not apply to some users.In no case are entities protected by or in relation to any published content, transmitted, exchanged or received by or on behalf of any user or other person in or through the website. EN NINGÚN CASO LA SUMA TOTAL DE LAS RESPONSABILIDADES DE LAS ENTIDADES PROTEGIDAS HACIA USTED, POR TODOS LOS DAÑOS, PÉRDIDAS Y CAUSAS DE ACCIÓN PENAL (YA SEA POR CONTRATO O POR AGRAVIO, INCLUYENDO PERO NO LIMITADO A, NEGLIGENCIA O DE ALGUNA OTRA MANERA) QUE RESULTEN DE LOS TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES O DEL USO QUE USTED HAGA DEL SITIO WEB, DEBERÉ EXCEDER EN LA SUMA TOTAL, LA CANTIDAD, SI LA HUBIERA, PAGADA POR USTED AUlloo Media Inc.For the use of the website or for the purchase of products via the website.

18.Photosensitive attacks.A very small percentage of people can experience an attack by being exposed to certain visual images, such as flashing lights or drawings that may appear in video games or other electronic or online content.Even people who have no history of attacks or epilepsy can have a non -diagnosed condition that can cause these "photosensitive epileptic attacks" being watching video games or other electronic content.These attacks have a variety of symptoms, including dizziness, disorientation, confusion, momentary loss of consciousness, eye or face tension, altered vision or pulls or shocks of arms or legs.If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, or if you or your family have history of attacks or epilepsy, you must immediately use the website and consult a doctor.

19.Applicable laws.We control and operate the website from our offices in the United States of America.We do not represent the materials on the website as appropriate or available for use in other places.People who choose access to the website from other places will do so for their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the degree to which local laws are applicable.All parties subject to these terms and conditions renounce their respective rights to a jury trial.

twenty.Term.Ulloo Media Inc.You can finish, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the website or website services at any time.Ulloo Media Inc.You can restrict, suspend or finish your access to the website and/or your services if we believe that you are in breach of our terms and conditions or applicable law, or for any other reason without notification or responsibility.Ulloo Media Inc.It maintains a policy that stipulates the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of the privileges of use of the website for users who are repetitive violators of intellectual property rights.

twenty-one.Cambios de Terms de Uso.Ulloo Media Inc. se reserva el derecho, a su sola discreción, de cambiar, modificar, añadir o quitar cualquier porción de los Terms y Condiciones, toda o en parte, en cualquier momento. Los cambios en los Terms y Condiciones serán efectivos cuando se publiquen.The continuation of the use of the website and/or services made available in or through the website after any change will have been published, it will be considered as acceptance of these changes.

22.Miscellaneous. Los Terms y Condiciones y la relación entre usted y nosotros, serán regidos por las leyes del Estado de Florida, Estados Unidos de América, sin consideración a conflictos de disposiciones de ley. Usted se obliga a que cualquier causa de acción legal que resulte bajo los Terms y Condiciones será iniciada y oída en la corte apropiada en el Estado de Florida, Condado de Florida, Estados Unidos de América.You are obliged to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located inside Broward County in the state of Florida. Nuestra falla al ejercer y hacer valer cualquier derecho o disposición de los Terms y Condiciones no constituirá una renuncia a dicho derecho o disposición. Si cualquier disposición de los Terms y Condiciones es encontrada inválida por una corte de jurisdicción competente, las partes, sin embargo, están de acuerdo en que la corte deberá esforzarse en aplicar las intenciones de las partes como están reflejadas en la disposición, y las otras disposiciones de los Terms y Condiciones permanecen vigentes.

23.Terms Suplementarios.

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Estos Terms y Condiciones fueron corregidos 01/30/twenty19.

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