Virtual and distance teaching include in new higher education law

Virtual and distance teaching include in new higher education law

Virtual and distance teaching include in new higher education law

Projectomodification to Law 139 on Higher Education, Science and Encorporates distance education, Virtual and a hybrid that current legislation does not contemplate, for higher education institutions.

Virtual and distance education was adopted following the Covid-19 pandemic and universities have not yet returned to the face-to-face classes, despite the fact that all public and private sector institutions returned to normal.

Article 60 of the proposal establishes that higher education institutions, according to their nature, may teaching in person in a specific space and time, with full coincidence of teachers and students and can rely on the use ofTechnological means available.

Distance education that will be the educational model characterized by synchronous and asynchronous or deferred interaction between the actors of the educational process that do not share the same space and time, facilitated by various means and technological resources, tools and applications that propitiate significant learning,Autonomous, responsible and flexible.

Distance education may be virtual to allow the development of learning through the use of digital technologies, which generate, through a digital academic platform and virtual interaction spaces and networks between students and teachers, and incorporate higher education into higher education, the higher educationBenefits of information and communication technologies.

Semipresencial or hybrid education that will combine face -to -face with the use of communication technologies and allows synchronous or asynchronous virtuality.It favors autonomous, critical and responsible learning.It relies on the use of academic and multimedia platforms.

Incluyen en nueva ley de Educación Superior la enseñanza virtual y a distancia

It is also sought to establish in the law open education that would be flexible, mediated by information and communication technologies, which includes different forms of opening, place, time, curricular content, forms and learning styles, learning,of students' entry, rhythm to learn.

According to the proposal prepared by a special commission, in open education there is also flexibility regarding the types of evaluation to be used to assess the development of knowledge, skills and abilities and there is some student participation in the course of their trainingprofessional.

If approved, it would have that for a higher education institution to offer academic training programs in a different modality than the approved, you must manage the MESCYT documentation, for evaluation and approval purposes, following the established procedure.

Modalities will be evaluated

MESCYT will establish, by regulation, the indicators to evaluate the different modalities indicated above, in accordance with applicable national and international parameters.

The modification proposal was delivered to Minister Franklin García Fermín who explained that he is able to adapt that legislation to the new times within the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges of the country, in the face of the advance of the technological world and social changes.

"This project for the modification of the Organic Law of Higher Education, Science YES an update of a legal instrument of capital importance for national development," said García Fermín.

He added that the reform project was developed after a validity of twenty years in a world in which there have been transcendent changes in higher education, science, technology and innovation.

He was agreed with IES

It was reported that the project for reforming legislation, approved in a consensual manner by the Special Commission formed by José Alejandro Aybar, president of the Dominican Association of Universities (ADOU) and Rector of the Unicaribe University;Ricardo Winter, rector of the Dominican Industrial Psychology University (UPID); Ángel Hernández, advisor to the Executive Power in Education and Rector of the Open University for Adults (UAPA.

Brigade General Francisco Ovalle Pichardo, director of the Higher Institute for Defense (INSUDE);Baltazar González, Secretary of Adou;Lorenzo Cuevas, representative of the Dominican Association of University Rectors (ADRU), and Dr. Alejandro Solano, Communications Advisor of the Mescyt Office.

Another aspect that would be established in the new legislation is the sanctioning role of Mescyt and the value of the internationalization of higher education.

The project to reform Law 139 on Higher Education will be sent in the next few days to President Luis Abinader, with the purpose that the president deposits him in the National Congress for approval purposes.

TEMAS - Socorro Arias

Journalist with extensive experience in research.

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