This is what I do so that the battery of my iPhone XR lasts more than 24 hours

This is what I do so that the battery of my iPhone XR lasts more than 24 hours

This is what I do so that the battery of my iPhone XR lasts more than 24 hours

Sergio J. OrtizTutorialsShare

We tell you a series of tricks to improve the battery life of your device through our personal experience.

Suppose you are watching your favorite Netflix series and a scene of vital importance to the plot begins, when suddenly... the screen of your iPhone turns off. Whoops!

Yes, the battery has run out and you have no choice but to look for the power adapter to start charging the battery, in case you are at home, of course, because otherwise you will have to resort to wireless charging bases , to batteries compatible with MagSafe technology or pull external batteries.

It is true that with the arrival on the market of the new iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max models, the battery of the devices has been extended to 28 hours of video playback but, as you will see for yourself, little by little the Battery life will decrease over time – something completely logical and understandable due to the natural wear of its useful life due to charging cycles. Also, there are many iOS users who are using previous generation iPhone models. That is why today, from iPadízate, we are going to tell you a series of tips and tricks that will help you make your iPhone's battery last more than 24 hours.

The advantages of a great battery in your mobile phone

My personal experience extending iPhone battery life

iPhone battery

Batteries are a real bummer – not to mention swear words – throughout my life I've had a lot of negative feelings about the batteries in all of my devices. Not simply because there comes a point where the battery life ends, which is understandable, but rather because I have to constantly charge the battery of all my terminals: iPhone, iPad, MacBook, accessories, smartwatches, speakers, game console controls and a (practically infinite) etcetera.

And it is that when you are charging the battery of 4 or 5 devices at the same time – in addition to running out of almost no available plugs – through multiple cables, the thing ends up becoming a real mess, never better said. So, over the years, I've learned how to improve and maximize the energy use of my devices, especially in the case of the iPhone XR and iPad Pro. Here are my best tips!

1. Battery charge cycles

Esto es lo que yo hago para que la batería de mi iPhone XR dure más de 24 horas

iPhone battery

One of the points to keep in mind when it comes to improving the autonomy and battery life of our devices is to respect the range of charge cycles. As we have mentioned on more than one occasion, if you do not want to have problems with your iPhone's battery, it is best to charge the battery from 20% or 30% and stop charging it at 80%.

This will extend the life of your battery and make its energy efficiency much higher. But be careful! It is also not a matter of charging your device's battery 5 times a day.

And you will ask yourself, how is it possible that the battery lasts more than 24 hours with only a percentage of 80%? The answer is simple, with proper use of your iPhone. And this brings us to the next point...

2. Proper use of the iPhone

iPhone 13 Pro Max in hand

It may seem like a real bullshit, but no matter how many configuration tweaks you make on your iPhone, this will be the most influential factor when it comes to saving battery on your terminal and the most important point on our list of tips.

What exactly is the proper use of an iPhone? Plain and simple we are talking about using your iPhone when necessary. Which is NOT strictly necessary. That is, if you have to answer a message, do it. If you want to listen to music or watch your favorite series, do it. But if you have an alternative within reach, take advantage of it.

For example, if you have the iPhone at hand and the iPad on the table, wouldn't it be better to take advantage of all your devices even if you have to get up from the sofa? In this way you will distribute the energy use among all your devices and equipment.

There are other aspects related to the proper use of my iPhone that have come in handy for me in order to reduce battery consumption. Aspects that, on the other hand, have also benefited me on a personal level. One of them is to turn off the mobile phone completely – or, alternatively, to silence notifications – when I'm busy doing something.

If you're working and have your iPhone turned off for a couple of hours, you'll be giving your smartphone's battery a much-needed break. Plus, you can always turn it on whenever you need. And if you have a Mac, an iPad, or an Apple Watch at hand, you can continue sending messages, receiving notifications, etc.

3. Screen brightness control

User with iPhone 13.

There is no doubt, at least in my case, that one of the features of my iPhone that uses the most battery is the brightness of the screen. Although I am a person who tends to increase the brightness of the screen considerably, it is a hobby. Except for nights, when I don't turn the brightness up to more than 30% and I usually turn on dark mode. This causes the battery to drop a lot.

If you are not like me, I would recommend you to keep the automatic aspect activated between light mode and dark mode, as well as the True Tone function and the automatic lock (30 seconds or 1 minute) from Settings> Display and brightness. If it happens to you like me, try to enable Control Center frequently in order to lower or raise the screen brightness manually.

Another setting to keep in mind to prevent the brightness of the screen from consuming so much energy is to access Settings> Accessibility and activate the "Automatic brightness" function.

4. Low power mode

Low power mode.

How could we not include low power mode in an article on tips to reduce the energy consumption of an iPhone? Of course yes. I don't use it much though!

I don't like that low power mode disables depending on what functions. And it is that this functionality disables email notifications, updates in the background (careful, they use up a lot of battery!), automatic downloads and some animations of the user interface of the iPhone's operating system software.

Personally, I prefer to manually disable all those functions that I am not going to use and combine this premise with running the low power mode when I really need to save battery. Something that I highly recommend to all users.

Note that you can use the Shortcuts app to automate this process and create your own super battery saving mode. These are the features I usually disable on my iPhone:

These are the 5 iPhones with the longest battery life

I hope that my personal experience has helped you to reduce the energy consumption that you give to your iPhone and take advantage of "every last drop" of battery. If you would like to know more about it, I invite you to discover these fabulous settings to save battery in iOS 15.

These tips work perfectly for me and make my iPhone XR last more than a whole day! I hope my experience allows you to do the same with your smartphone.

Related: Tutorials

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