We must prepare… - Free press

We must prepare… - Free press

We must prepare… - Free press

Perhaps the title of my article seems sensationalist, and yes ... the future is uncertain.We are waiting for what will happen in 2022 and from then on, as well as the negative repercussions that the pandemic can bring.The technological changes to which we must adapt, the restrictions that exist and will continue for coexistence.However, and although for some it is difficult for them to believe, it is more positive than the future, than the negative.Technological advances will allow more comfort for humanity, at all levels: communication, fun, health, work, etc., as has been vertiginously happening in recent years.

But, it is important, to receive the future, be prepared.January is a good month to plan.One of the best ways to prepare is "education."We must make plans to acquire knowledge and competences to face tomorrow.In Guatemala the formal initial educational process is made up of the following educational cycles: a) Preprimary, which serves the population of 5 to 6 years b) Primary: for the population from 7 to 12 years, c) the basic level for adolescents of 1315 years old and the diversified level for the population aged 16 to 18.Although the educational system suffers from serious deficiencies, completing it, allows you to certify a career that allows you to exercise tasks in a more qualified way.

To study university studies should be a goal of any newly graduated young man, but also for people who want to acquire competences to perform professionally.There is currently a varied range of opportunities to carry out this type of studies, especially now with the pandemic.The universities were forced to work “remote” and also opened the racing range at national and international level.

Debemos prepararnos… – Prensa Libre

It is important to know that for a title to be fully supported it is best to study at a university that is endorsed by the Private Higher Teaching Council of Guatemala –CEPS-in Guatemala in addition to the University of San Carlos that is the public university with budgetary allocationOn the part of the State, the following private universities are currently authorized: Rafael Landívar University, University of the Guatemalan ValleSan Pablo de Guatemala, Internaciones University, University of the West, Da Vinci University of Guatemala and Regional University.In total there are 15 universities.

As an example of the variety of possibilities for universities, I tell you that I have a link with the Faculty of Science, and Galileo University Industry and therefore I know the wide range of programs that are developed, which can be adapted for different needs and availability of Student time and resources, for example, engineering careers are offered that require full time of 30 hours of weekly dedication, as well as degrees with less demand for time, variety of postgraduate and masters, as well as doctorates. Today, it differs between “remote” courses that are virtual synchronously that when they return to normal will be face -to -face or hybrid and between completely virtual courses that are asynchronous. There are programs to study during weekends or night. Education allows us to be prepared to work or undertake, remember that we are in the era of knowledge, in which, those who have it will have a valuable amount amount, greater than material resources that many presume today.

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