Wednesday, January 19, 2022 (04:00 GMT) - Infobae

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 (04:00 GMT) - Infobae

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 (04:00 GMT) - Infobae

USA RUSSIAUSA believes that Russia can launch an attack against Ukraine "at any time"Washington (EFE).- The White House considered on Tuesday that Russia is in a position to launch an attack against Ukraine "at any time" and warned that the current situation it is "extremely dangerous". The US government spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said in her daily press conference that in this scenario "no option is off the table" for her country, if Russia decides to invade Ukrainian territory .Psaki assured that the US government has information indicating that Moscow is preparing to evacuate families from its embassy in Ukraine and has been doing so since the end of December. The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, travels this Tuesday to Europe, where he will visit kyiv and Berlin on a tour that will culminate on Friday in Geneva with a meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, to reduce tension and continue with the diplomatic path. ABlinken begins a European tour that will culminate in a meeting in Geneva with LavrovWashington (EFE).- The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, begins a European tour on Tuesday, which will take him to kyiv and Berlin, and will culminate on Friday in Geneva with a meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in an attempt to lower the tension over Ukraine. Blinken and Lavrov agreed to meet on Friday in the Swiss city during the telephone conversation they had on Tuesday, taking advantage of the trip that the American had scheduled this week to Ukraine and Germany.RUSSIA UKRAINE Ukraine defends international diplomatic campaign to contain Russian aggression Moscow (EFE).- Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Dmitro Kuleba, advocated on Tuesday an international diplomatic campaign to contain Russian aggression coinciding with the Arrival in kyiv of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. "We are facing great diplomacy, different visits, many telephone conversations and contacts, whose objective is to contain Russia and its aggressive plans," Kuleba said at a joint press conference after meeting with his Canadian colleague, Melanie Joly. Kuleba stressed that the meeting with Joly, which took place a day after receiving the German minister, Annalena Baerbock, confirmed the creation of a "unified diplomatic front" that aims to mobilize "international support" for Ukraine "in this difficult situation". YEMEN CONFLICT Five civilians die in bombing against a strategic province of YemenSana (EFE).- At least five civilians, including a child, died this Tuesday in a bombing by the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia against the strategic province of Marib , in the center of Yemen, where fierce clashes are taking place between government troops and Houthi rebels for control of the area. The official Yemeni news agency Saba, spokesman for the insurgents, reported that the five civilians died when a projectile hit against the car in which they were driving through the Harib district of the strategic oil province of Marib. YEMEN CONFLICT Emirate The United Arab Emirates (UAE) called on the UN Security Council to meet on Tuesday to respond to the attacks launched Monday by Yemen's Houthi rebels against Abu Dhabi. "The United Arab Emirates calls on the Security Council to speak with one voice and unite to firmly and unequivocally condemn these terrorist attacks," Lana Nusseibeh, the country's representative to the United Nations, said in a statement. officially a meeting of the highest decision-making body of the UN through a letter delivered to Norway, which this month holds the rotating presidency of the Council. According to the Emirati ambassador, the Houthi attack is an "illegal and alarming escalation" and supposes " one more step" in the efforts of the Yemeni group to "spread terrorism and chaos" in the region.YEMEN CONFLICTGuterres calls for containment in Yemen after bombing with fourteen dead in SanaNa United Nations (EFE) .- The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, called on Tuesday for the containment of the parties to the conflict in Yemen to avoid an intensification of the war that is eating away at the country, after the bombing on Tuesday of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia against Sana'a in response to rebel attacks on Abu Dhabi international airport. "The Secretary-General once again calls on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and prevent further escalation and intensification of the conflict," he said. Guterres spokesman Stephane Dujarric. Likewise, the highest representative of the UN "regretted" and expressed his "concern" about the recent air attack on the capital, the largest since 2017, in which at least fourteen people died, of which at least five are civilians. YEMEN CONFLICT Deadly attack by the Arab coalition in Sanaa in response to the Houthis Sanaa/Riyadh (EFE).- The military coalition led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen has committed the deadliest action in Sanaa since 2017 with the launch, on Monday night , of bombings that have left fourteen dead and eleven wounded, in response to the attacks by the Houthi rebels against the United Arab Emirates (UAE), official sources and witnesses reported on Tuesday. Aircraft from the alliance that has been operating in Yemen since 2015 bombed the Houthi-controlled capital, targeting the home of a rebel-affiliated officer, Brigadier General Abdullah Qassim al-Junaid, a former director of the Academy of Defense. Air Force, according to the official Yemeni news agency Saba, spokesman for the insurgent movement from Sana. operation to evacuate some 150 residents of the Mango and Fonoifua islands, two of the most affected by the eruption and tsunami that hit the archipelago on Saturday. The New Zealand Foreign Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, confirmed at a press conference that the operation of the Tongan Navy is underway and will relocate people to other islands less affected by the natural disaster.“We are aware that there is significant damage to the islands ext eriors. Two of those islands, Mango and Fonoifua, will be evacuated," the foreign minister said. , destroyed all the houses on Mango Island, while only two remained standing on Fonoifua.TONGA TSUNAMITonga, mired in an "unprecedented disaster" after the tsunami Sydney (Australia) (EFE).- After days of uncertainty, the of Tonga described this Tuesday as "an unprecedented disaster" the tsunami and the volcanic eruption suffered by this South Pacific archipelago where the death of three people has been confirmed.In its first official statement since the natural disaster that occurred on Saturday, the Government describes how the eruption of Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai caused a tsunami with waves up to 15 meters high that hit several islands of the 169 of this archipelago. TONGA TSUNAMI PERU The environmental impact is growing on the Peruvian coast RepsolLima Oil Spill Ental (EFE) the local authorities are demanding greater commitment from the Spanish Repsol with the cleanup. Despite the fact that the La Pampilla Refinery, operated by Repsol, initially told the Peruvian Prosecutor's Office that the spill had been about seven gallons of crude oil, it has already affected several beaches and protected natural areas in the municipality of Ventanilla, in the constitutional province of Callao, which is close to Lima.EU PARLIAMENTRoberta Metsola, elected president of the European Parliament until 2024Strasbourg (France) (EFE).- The Maltese popular MEP Roberta Metsola became this Tuesday as president of the European Parliament for the second half of the community legislature, until 2024, and will be the third woman to occupy and This position in the history of the European Parliament, as well as the youngest and the first to come from the smallest country in the European Union. With a bouquet of flowers and a "happy birthday" from his colleagues -he turns 43 this Tuesday-, Metsola solemnly thanked the support of a large majority of the European Parliament to boost him to the presidency of an institution in which he has been working since 2013, after a few years in the diplomatic career and a youth of support for the European cause. The new president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, assured this Tuesday that the European Parliament must support "the countries that have to continue investing to ensure that are not left behind"". SPAIN FIRE EVENTS Five dead in the fire of a nursing home in MoncadaValencia (EFE).- Five people have died and eight have been injured, three of them seriously, in the fire of a nursing home elders of Moncada (Valencia), as reported by Emergencies of the Generalitat.The fire occurred around 11:21 p.m. on Tuesday in the center, located on Calle Mayor in the Valencian municipality, and has obl linked to the preventive eviction of 70 residents. R. UNITED GOVERNMENT Johnson denies having lied to Parliament about the party in Downing Street London (EFE).- The British Prime Minister, the conservative Boris Johnson, denied this Tuesday that he had lied to Parliament about the controversial social gathering in Downing Street garden in May 2020 and assured that no one warned him that he was going against the restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic. In his first public statement in nearly a week, Johnson refuted revelations made by Dominic Cummings, his former right-hand man in government, that he and at least one other official alerted the prime minister that the event was not up to standard. And I had to cancel it. "Categorically, nobody told me that this was against the rules or that it violated the rules of the coronavirus," Johnson told Sky News, after he declared in the House of Commons last week that he attended the meeting in the garden from his official residence because he thought it was a "work event". HUMAN RIGHTS SPAIN The ECHR condemns Spain for preventing an ETA detainee from choosing a lawyer Strasbourg (France) (EFE).- The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned Spain on Tuesday for not allowing a detainee in 2010 to incommunicado regime, who was later sentenced for belonging to ETA, choose a lawyer for his defense. According to the ruling of the European Court, Spain must compensate Javier Atristain Gorosabel with 12,000 euros for moral damages and 8,000 for expenses and fees. The Third Chamber of the Court of Strasbourg concludes that Spain violated article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights regarding the rights to a fair trial and legal assistance chosen by the detainee.CORONAVIRUS ============ WHO The WHO warns that the endemic is not the solution for covid-19 Geneva (EFE).- The transformation of the pandemic into an endemic will not necessarily be good news nor will it mean seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, said a senior official of the World Health Organization (WHO), who recalled that the goal is "that no one has to die" of covid-19. "People talk about pandemic versus endemic, but malaria is endemic, just like HIV, and they kill hundreds of thousands of people, so endemic is not a good thing, it just means it's here forever. What we need to get to it is at low levels of incidence of the disease, with a maximum of people vaccinated and that no one has to die from this (covid-19), "said the director of WHO Health Emergencies, Mike Ryan. ITALY Italy adds 434 deaths in a day, the worst data in nine months Rome (EFE).- Italy confirmed 434 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the last twenty-four hours, the largest increase in the last nine months, and exceeded nine million infections, according to data from this Tuesday from the Ministry of Health. The country has not registered such a high number of fatalities since April 14, 2021, when there were 469.R.UNIDOUnited Kingdom reports 438 deaths from covid, the highest number in almost a yearLondon (EFE).- The United Kingdom notified this Tuesday 438 new deaths from coronavirus, the highest daily number of deaths reported since February last year, and 94,432 cases detected in 24 hours. In the last seven days, 1,904 deaths from coronavirus have been reported in the country as a whole, an increase of 14.7% compared to the previous seven days, while infections and hospitalizations have decreased in that period. FRANCE New record of infections in France: 464,769 positives in 24 hoursParis (EFE).- France registered a new record of positives reported in the last 24 hours, 464,769 infections, a figure that reflects the drag of the unreported figures during the end of week, authorities said. The new maximum number of reported infections occurs one day after barely exceeding 100,000 positives, almost a third of those registered, on average, in the last week. SPAIN Covid infections fall below 100,000 and the incidence falls by 91 points Madrid ( EFE).- The incidence of coronavirus in Spain falls for the first time in three months and does so by 91 points, up to 3,306 cases, with a decrease in cases in the last day (94,472 positives), although the pressure in the plant (15 .1%) and in the intensive care units of hospitals (23.6%) it barely manages to let off steam as almost the same discharges as admissions are registered daily. The update from the Ministry of Health on the evolution of the pandemic, published today and which collects data Monday, indicates that the number of infections decreases compared to the same day last week (almost 135,000) and that the 14-day incidence decreases for the first time since October 19, when it stood at 43 cases.--- --ART JUSTICE Arranc to the battle in the US Supreme Court over the Pissarro stolen by Nazis Washington (EFE).- The Cassier family and the Spanish Thyssen-Bornemiza art gallery clashed this Tuesday in the United States Supreme Court in a first oral hearing on the case of a painting by the French painter Camille Pissarro that was looted by the Nazis and that is part of the Madrid museum. The Supreme Court judges heard the technical arguments of both parties after a federal court in California ruled that the Spanish art gallery is the rightful owner of the painting, a matter in legal dispute for more than 15 years. But the US high court should not rule on the ownership of the painting, but study whether the California court was right to issue its ruling based on Spanish law or should have done so with California law in hand. The painting in question, "Rue Saint-Honoré in the afternoon. Effect of rain", belonged to the Jewish Cassier family until 1939, when Lily Cassier was forced to hand it over to the Nazis in exchange for being able to flee Germany and settle in the United States. Joined. USA ESPACIOSpaceX launches another group of 49 Starlink satellites into space from FloridaMiami (EFE).- A Falcon 9 rocket from the private firm SpaceX took off on Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA), with 49 broadband Starlink satellites internet on board after finding favorable atmospheric conditions for the mission. According to SpaceX, a company created by the South African-born entrepreneur and tycoon Elon Musk, the mission will aim to place the Starlink satellites in a "low Earth orbit." This orbit , expands the specialized website, varies in altitude between 130 and 210 miles (between 210 and 339 kilometers). The mission, called Starlink 4-6, is the third launch in 2022 of SpaceX's Falcon 9. EFEint -mmg/ga/ics



Miércoles, 19 de enero de 2022 (04.00 GMT) - Infobae

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