What do I do if the European Health Card has not arrived and I am moving to an EU country in a few days?

What do I do if the European Health Card has not arrived and I am moving to an EU country in a few days?

What do I do if the European Health Card has not arrived and I am moving to an EU country in a few days?

Monica Millan Valera

An important document that cannot be missing from your suitcase if you plan to travel to another city in the European Union and stay for a while is the European Health Card (TSE). This totally free Social Security accreditation will allow you to receive health care in the member countries of the European Union.

The European Health Card is a document for individual use that covers basic medical services, but you must bear in mind that each country follows different legislation and may require an additional cost. The states in which the TSE is valid are Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

How to apply for the Provisional Substitute Certificate

To apply for the European Health Card, it must be done through the Electronic Office of Social Security and you will have it in 5 days. However, in case it has not arrived yet and there are less than 5 days left for you to move to that European country, Social Security clarifies that while we can use the Substitute Provisional Certificate (CPS).

¿Qué hago si no me ha llegado la Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea y me traslado en unos días a un país de la UE?

The CPS offers the same coverage as the European Health Card, but it is a temporary .pdf file, from which you can download a printed copy. To do this, it is necessary to enter the Social Security Electronic Headquarters and click on the 'Citizens' > 'Health care' section. From here you must access the option 'Request European Health Card (TSE) and Provisional Substitute Certificate (CPS)'. You can enter through the 'electronic certificate', the 'username + password' or the 'Cl@ve'. Once the application for the European Health Card is in process, the option of requesting the Substitute Provisional Certificate is offered to use it for a maximum of 90 days. In addition, for this you must have the necessary software to download and print the PDF file.

This substitute document is "personal and non-transferable that certifies the right to receive the health benefits that are necessary, from a medical point of view, during a temporary stay in the territory of one of the States indicated, taking into account the nature of the benefits and the duration of the planned stay, in accordance with the legislation of the country of stay, regardless of whether it is for tourism, professional activity or for studies.

Likewise, they warn that neither of the two documents are valid in case of expressly moving to receive medical treatment. Only the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) or the Social Institute of the Navy (ISM) can accredit the corresponding form with a previous report from the Health Service.

European Union (EU), Social Security, Erasmus+ scholarships, ErasmusTrends

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