Why it is important to have a website for your business

Why it is important to have a website for your business

Why it is important to have a website for your business

On October 4, a massive social networks were generated: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and WhatsApp stopped working.That day, when Cybermonday 2021 was also carried out in Chile, the Association of Entrepreneurs of Chile (ASECH) estimated that at least 30% of its partners, linked to minority trade, would reduce their sales considerably considerably.

Juan Pablo Oyarzún, an expert in digital strategies and co -founder and CEO of Dituci, startup that helps SMEs to develop a direct channel to the consumer, jumping to intermediaries, says it is essential to create a web page and emphasize: “An Instagram profile (or any other social network) cannot be the only channel by which they know me, because social networks fall little, but fall;What happens every month is that the rules of the game change: they change the algorithm for which they promote you or do not promote you and, therefore, you cannot depend on them only on them ”.

But a web alone does nothing, adds the specialist: you have to have a good place, well structured, measured and connected to all channels to work with social networks, but also work from the search engine and allow all to generateCommunications properly.

In addition, he comments, the fact of having a good website, the first thing he does is lower a barrier: to give confidence to the consumer or the user about the products or services offered.

Por qué es importante tener un sitio web para tu negocio

Here, Juan Pablo Oyarzún details some keys for your website to achieve its goal: reach your clients or potential customers.

Optimización para Google: “Tu página web no solamente tiene que existir”, dice.Consumers not only look on social networks, but also in Google and, according to the CEO of Dituci, so that customers appear your first company in searches, you must have a good SEO strategy (Search Engine Optimization).How is this achieved?"Among other things, having a good quality website, with relevant content, well written, well -placed images and loading when people click".

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Medir la audiencia: El experto recomienda utilizar Google Analytics, que es gratuito, para medir el tráfico del sitio web, saber desde dónde llegan las personas —si desde redes sociales, el buscador u otros links—, cuántas personas te visitan al día, conocer tu tasa de rebote —es decir, cuántas personas abandonan tu página sin hacer una una segunda interacción— y otros.In this way, he says, you can analyze the performance of your site and thus evaluate what happens to your website and improve, in case you have to do it.

Pagar publicidad: Google da la posibilidad de pagar publicidad y esta permite a las empresas aparecer primero en los resultados de las búsquedas a partir de ciertas palabras clave que hayas reservado.

Contenido de valor: Los sitios web no solamente tienen que tener un formulario de contacto o un carrito de compras.Today is very important.For example, it is very important to publish success cases that you have executed, photos of successful projects, photos of your products that are of very good quality, stories and evaluations of your customers who say that your products serve, hopefully with five stars.

Por otro lado, hay emprendedores que se preguntarán cuál es la mejor plataforma para crear su página web.About this, Oyarzún recommends WordPress "when you want a more professional place".In this content management system, despite being free, hosting and domain must be paid anyway.In addition to the above, the specialist recommends to SMEs that a person with digital knowledge or a small agency develops the page.This, he says, can have a cost that goes from 100 thousand pesos.

Meanwhile, for e-commerce, the expert in digital strategies comments that a lotConfigure and put your products and adjust a couple of things with very low expenses to be able to develop them.They are alternative to WordPress where you practically have nothing to know of programming ”.


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