Connection error Wi-Fi 0x00028002: What is and how to avoid it

Connection error Wi-Fi 0x00028002: What is and how to avoid it

Connection error Wi-Fi 0x00028002: What is and how to avoid it

Why does the ruling appear 0x00028002

Normally the 0x00028002 failure appears for a problem with the network controller.For example, the adapter drivers are outdated, that in some previous update there has been some error and has not finished correctly or even at the operating system level there is any problem with the version we use.

Another reason is a conflict with the controllers and the system caused by some change in the configuration, for example.This will cause that it does not work properly, that the equipment does not detect the adapter as it should and translates into a connection.Maybe some mistake when saving the network, for example.

Error de conexión Wi-Fi 0x00028002: qué es y cómo evitarlo

But it can also happen that it is a physical failure of both the router and the adapter itself.It is the least frequent, but in case it is damaged it could also lead to this problem and prevent us from connecting normally to the network.

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